The following lengthly
article from the Strawberry Point Mail-Press,
August 22, 1901 is a transcript of of the speeches and
activities at the Old Settler's Reunion of 1901. It gives
a wonderful overview of the pioneer life and the earliest
settlers in Cass and adjoining townships in Clayton
county; as well as the adjoining townships of Fairfield
& Putnam in Fayette county and northern Delaware
county. This little map shows the areas these old
settlers pioneered.

The microfilm of the old newspaper was in
poor condition, and several columns had letter or words
cut off, there were tears and wrinkles ..... anything
contained in [brackets] was added by the transcriber.
What remains of this story, as best as I can transcribe
it, is as follows .......... Sharyl Ferrall, Clayton co.
IAGenWeb, August 2009.
Murder won out and they might as well own
up to it, a management of the Old Settlers' picnic bribed
the [illegible] man. It was a beautiful day and the old
settlers of Cass and adjoining townships began coming in
with the early morning. Newberry park with all its beauty
and manifold attractions was alive with these friends and
neighbors along before the hour set for the program's
After music by the Glee club and prayer by Rev. S.N.
Bixby, President [of the Old Settler's Association]
Cooley welcomed his friends in an exceeding pretty speech
of welcome. We are glad to give it to our readers
PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. Three score years ago, the advance
hoard of civilization began their energetic push to the
west of the Mississippi river and organized for the
coming hosts that were to make [illegible] the central
figure in the constellation of states. The brave men and
women that constituted that guard are fast passing to
their reward.
We gather here today to pay tribute to their grand
accomplishments and offer them a meed of praise for the
hard work they performed and to [illegible] a bounteous
and heart felt welcome. That they wrought well is given
by the development of our virgin soil to the
productiveness of all that goes to supply the needs of
her beautiful homes and by their loyalty to their country
in her hour of danger and by her advanced position in
educational works and by the grand [illegible] that have
heretofore and now present here in the Nation's councils,
[illegible], legislative and diplomatic. To my venerable
Fathers and cohorts, again and again we extend our
welcome to this Old Settlers re-union. I'll leave it to
others the pleasant task portraying more specifically the
[illegible] of this portion of the [illegible] Nation yet
born to bless [illegible] kind.
[illegible] the name of the proprietor of this beautiful
park I welcome you. [illegible] of the young men and
women and children I welcome [illegible] the name of the
advance guard [illegible] 20th century I extend welcome
[illegible] glorious old rear guard of the last century.
May your remaining sojourn among us be peaceful and
happy. And may [illegible] Father welcome you when you
[illegible] to your rest from your [illegible] labors.
Amen and amen.
President Cooley was followed by B.W.
Newberry, the orator of the day. To [illegible] meager
words that Mr. Newberry's speech was interesting and
instructive we would not do it justice. The facts were
pleasantly chronicled amid a store of anecdotes that left
the history one long to be remembered with pleasure. Mr.
Newberry said concerning the history and traditions of
Cass Township:
Cass Township was organized as a separate township in
1850. The following is the official order of the County
January 8th, 1850: Ordered that the petition of William
Alloway and others praying to be set off into a township
of the following dimensions, to wit: - including Township
91 North, Range 6 west 5th P.M. be and is hereby allowed,
and that the first election be held at the house of James
Alloway in said township, and that [illegible] that James
Alloway, Joshua Betts and Wm. Alloway are appointed
judges of the first election and that the township shall
be called Cass, and the Clerk is hereby instructed to
notify the citizens of said township of the proceedings
of this Board."
A.S. Cooley, J.W. Potts
Robt. R. Reed, Clerk.
According to the code of 1843 the annual election was
held the first Tuesday in October. We have no record at
our command of the first election but it is said that the
ballot box was the hat of one of the judges, and that the
election was held as ordered at the house of James
Alloway which was on the farm now occupied by Miles
Alderson about a half mile northeast of Strawberry Point.
This house is also notable as being where the first
marriage in Cass Township occurred. James Dickinson, a
widower who lived on the place now owned by Alex Henry in
Sperry Township was married to Malissa, daughter of James
Alloway, the Reverend N.W. Bixby officiating. The date of
this marriage was May [8th or 18th], 1850. The bride was
the only marriageable woman in the township. A goodly
number of relatives and friends were present. The table
was a [illegible] log with legs inserted and the
[illegible] of the household furniture corresponded with
the table. The repast consisted of vegetables, chicken
and pastries, the best the township afforded. The very
best was none too good for this first marriage in the
township. Mr. Dickinson and his wife moved from the
county in May, 1851, with Joseph Hewitt to Clear Lake for
the purpose of engaging in trade with the Indians and
founding a new home and here on the south east shore of
the banks of that beautiful lake in Cerro Gordo County,
Mr. Dickinson and Mr. Hewitt laid out a town site, but
the railroad came along and was located on the north side
of the lake and the present town of Clear Lake staked out
to the great detriment of Mr. Dickinson's and Mr.
Hewitt's old town site, which never amounted to much.
Mrs. Dickinson died at Clear Lake in December, 1858, but
Mr. Dickinson is the survivor of several wives and made
his home until recently at Clear Lake but is now living
in Britt, Hancock County. Under date of August 18th,
1901, he writes "I would like very much to meet the
Old Settlers but have creeping paralysis so I cannot walk
only a little about the house but I send greeting and
best wishes to all,"
It is said that at this first election in the township
for the office of Justice of the Peace there was a tie,
and lots were cast which was decided in favor of William
Alloway. Just who Mr. Alloway's opponent was, I have been
unable to ascertain, but presume that it was Joseph C.
Tremain, as being the best man fitted for the position in
the township. Wm. Alloway was a man of considerable
ability. Had acquired something of an education, and
moved in the fifties to Council Bluffs where he held the
position of Police Justice for many years. He died in
Council Bluffs in 1865.
In 1847 the board of County Commissioners made the
following order: "April 22nd, 1847. Board met
pursuant to adjournment, present John Downie and Joe B.
Quigley, and ordered that, Whereas, the Board of County
Commissioners, knowing the situation of the county as
regards to the schools not being organized into townships
is not entitled to any share of the school funds,
therefor under that consideration the commissioners have
organized the county into township, boundaries and
numbers as follows:
Milville No. 1, Mallory No. 2, Lodomillo No. 3
(Boundary). The west 1/2 of Twp 91
North Range 4 west, and Twp 91 Range 5 and 6 (Lodomillo
included, not only its present boundaries but also the
west half of Elk and all of Cass), Hewitt No. 4
(Boundary) Twp. 92 North, Range 5 and 6 with Fayette
County attached, east half of Township 92 North, Range ?
west attached to Volga Twp. (so that the boundaries of
the so called Hewitt township included the west half of
Cox Creek, all of Sperry and all of Fayette County -
quite a sizeable township), Volga No. 5, Twp, 92 North,
Range 4 west and NE 1/4 Twp 91 North, Rg. 4 west and
south west quarter of Twp 92, Rg 3 west and E 1/4 of Twp
92, Rg 5 west. Jefferson No. 6, Garnavillo No. 7,
Boardman No. 8, Mendon No. 9, Monona No. 10, Lodomillo
and Hewitt were placed in County Commissioners District
No. 1 including Milville and Mallory. District No. 2 was
composed of Volga, Jefferson and Garnavillo and District
No 3, Boardman, Mendon and Monona, which constituted the
list of townships of the county at this date.
Joseph Hewitt, an Indian trader, settled on the township
line between Cass and Sperry in 1840. His home was just
across the line in Sperry. HIs son Moses Hewitt lived
about a mile and a half west of his father's on line
between Cass and Sperry near the residence of David
Mitchell. He died about 1852 and his widow some years
afterwards married Stephen Young. They moved to McGregor
where Mr. Young died not long after.
The first actual resident of the township was James
Tracy, who located in Section 6 in 1846 on the farm now
owned and occupied by his son James W. Tracy. Mr. Tracy
lived on this farm from the time he settled in the
township till his death which occurred in 1875. Mr. Tracy
was born in Ireland, came to this country and located in
Illinois. He was a typical son of Erin, honest, open
hearted, generous and quick witted. He had his failings
and was his own worst enemy. He always took pride in
being the first actual settler in the township and called
himself the father of Cass township. His son Joseph H.
Tracy now living at Fayette was born in 1848 and was the
first white child born in the township. Mrs. Clarissa
Tracy, his widow died a few years ago. Mrs. Tracy was an
active intelligent woman, greatly respected by all who
knew her and bore with bravery and fortitude the trials
and privations of frontier life.
While a small boy I remember witnessing an instance of
Mr. Tracy's quick wit on an occasion when Mr. Alex Blake
jocularly remarked in the presence of Mr. Tracy and Mr.
Giles Ward, that Ward and Tracy were the first land
owners in Cass township and had the whole township to
select from and had chosen the two poorest farms, as he
said, in the township. Mr. Tracy quickly turned to Mr.
Ward and inquired, "How much is your land assessed
Giles?" Mr. Blake happened at that time to be
township assessor.
The next actual residents in the township came in 1847.
They were Samuel Hines and family. His mother, Mrs. Jane
Hines, William Alloway Sr. and sons James, Wiliam and
Azariah, and Moses German, son-in-law of William Alloway
Sr., old Mr. Betts, known as Pap Betts, and his son
Joshua Betts and Ebenezer Betts, Joel Harrow and his four
sons Elmore Harrow, Asa Harrow, Anson Harrow and Joel
Harrow and his son-in-law a preacher by the name of
Brown. These with the Tracys were the only residents of
the township in 1847 as far as we are able to ascertain.
The Harrow family located on the Maquoketa near Joy
spring. They built a double log house about 50 rods west
of Joy spring, a magnificent spring known then as Harrow
spring. Their house was on a public road running from
Delhi to West Union and in its day was used as a hotel.
Elmore Harrow was a son-in-law of Mr. Betts Sr. Ebenezer
Betts took the early California fever and in 1849 went to
California by team. Joel Harrow built a house on the Joy
place which he owned but sold the farm to Mr. Joy in 1853
and in 1854 moved west, probably to California. Two of
the Harrow boys moved in 1852 with the Betts families to
California. The father and other sons moved to California
in 1854.
Tradition says that an Indian in an early day, took,
stole, appropriated and rode away a horse without the
owner's knowledge or consent, near Guttenburg. The Indian
was pursued and ovetaken near Mr. A.R. Carrier's place
and taken to the South Ford timber near the Harrow spring
and then and there by sentence of Judge Lynch, hung.
Horse stealing in a new country is oft times considered a
capital offense.
Wm. Alloway St. located in Section 1, just south of J.R.
Alderson's residence on the east side of the public road,
afterwards occupied by Dr. Tyson, Wm. Alloway Jr., the
first justice, located about 40 rods from his father's on
the west side of present road. Moses German,
brother-in-law to William Alloway Jr. and the first
constable in the township, located about 20 rods north of
his place. Mr. German moved about 1855 to Harrison
County, Iowa, where he died in 1899.
Samuel Hines, who preceded the Alloways a short time,
located near a spring about 80 rods west of the present
residence of J.R. Alderson's in Sec. 1. His mother
accompanied him and he built her a house near his place.
Mr. Hines cultivated several acres and raised the first
corn in this vicinity. The corn field is now grown up to
timber and now has thirty trees on that cleared corn
field sixty feet tall. Timber will grow in this country
if you will protect it from stock and fire.
The Alloway and Hines families were Virginia people. The
Betts families were Ohio people. Joshua Betts located on
the A.R. Carrier farm, and his father, generally called
Pap Betts, settled on the A.E. Axtell farm, his house
being about 20 rods north of A.E. Axtell's present
residence. Here in 1847 he built and operated a
blacksmith shop, the first blacksmith shop in the
township. He sold out in 1852 to Charles Blanchard and
with his son Joshua moved to California that year.
Azariah Alloway, son of William Alloway, located on the
?0 acres in Sec. 13, known as the Hestwood farm. He
afterward disposed of this claim and moved to Lodomillo
Township locating on a place in Chipman Hollow now
occupied by C.H. Donahue where Mr. Alloway died a few
years since.
William Alloway Sr about 1850 disposed of his claim near
Mr. Alderson's and moved to Delaware County in Honey
Creek Township known as Dutchtown where he engaged in the
milling business. In June 1851 a great flood came and
washed away the mill and his wife was drowned. He
returned and lived with his son James on what is known as
the Protenguire farm in Sperry Township. On a cold
winters day in 1853 he exposed himself and his feet and
hands were frozen from the effects of which exposure he
died and is buried in Cox Creek Cemetery. James Alloway
moved to Nebraska where he died a number of years ago.
On Mr. Alloway's removal to Delaware County about 1850,
Dr. Tyson moved into his house near Mr. Alderson. Dr.
Tyson prior to this had lived in what was known as Wild
Cat Hollow in Sperry Township near Blanchards Mill. The
Doctor had no team and Thomas Hines, son of Hiram Hines,
although only a lad of 13, took his father's team and
moved the Doctor and his family and effects to the
Alloway house. Dr. Tyson had a step-son, Levi Perkins,
who soon afterward married a daughter of Mr. Alloway and
resided with his step-father. His wife died soon after
and is buried in the Cox Creek cemetery. Levi Perkins
moved to Little Sioux, Harrison county, where he now
resides. Dr. Tyson, as near as can be ascertained, was
not a graduate physician but was a sort of botanical
doctor, preparing his own medicines from roots and herbs.
He planted certain kinds of herbs and one kind to this
day cannot be found in any other locality. Dr. Tyson
moved away about 1853 [or 1858].
About 1840 [or 1849] a family named Watkins lived above
David Mann's mill near where Ball creamery was located.
Mr. Watkins had quite a family and was a great hunter and
had an excellent rifle. One of his sons accidently shot
his sister, a girl eleven or twelve years of age, killing
her. Mr. Watkins disposed of his gun to the Hines family
in whose possession it still is, and Mr. Watkins soon
after the accident moved from the country.
In 1848 John Mitchell and Washington Maxwell with their
families moved from Bowens prairie in Jones county and
erected cabins for their families on the Brell place in
sec. 2, now owned by Patsey Lane. The Mitchell cabin was
near a spring a little southeast of the present Lane
house and the Maxwell cabin a little to the northwest
near another spring. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Maxwell were
brothers-in-law and had selected claims on Cox Creek near
Maxham creamery, but on account of fear of Indians they
built their first cabins on the Brell place so as to be
in the neighborhood of Samuel Hines and the Alloways, who
lived from one half to a mile on the east. The claim
selected by Mr. Maxwell is the Barney Olinger farm on Cox
Creek and Mr. Mitchell selected the adjoining claim now
constituting the O'Brien farm, both in Sperry Township.
Here both families lived for many years. Mr. John
Mitchell first came to Iowa in 1839 from Illinois and
settled at Riverside in Johnson county about 12 miles
south of Iowa City, and afterwards took up a claim near
Marshalltown in Marshall county. From there he moved to
Bowen's prairie in Jones county near Cascade. Mr.
Mitchell while in Johnson county, worked on the first
Territorial Capital at Iowa City. He moved from Jones
county to Clayton county and lived in this vicinity until
his death, which occurred a few years ago. Mr. Mitchell
was acquainted with the Hines family in Illiniois, and
drifted to Johnson county and then to Clayton county in
the same localities. Mr. Maxwell sold his farm in Sperry
township and died in 1897. His widow is still living.
Both Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Mitchell were strong, honest,
reliable men.
About 1848 or '49 Hiram Hines, Sr., moved to this
vicinity from Jones County near Cascade and located a
claim on what constitutes the Byrnes farm in the
southeastern corner of Sperry township. He lived for a
short time on the Alex Henry farm and the same season
moved on his selected claim, the Byrnes farm, where he
resided till 1860 when he sold out and moved with his
family to Missouri; but war being declared, Missouri was
too hot a place for an Iowa man and the same season he
returned. He purchased the McCrea place, shortly selling
and buying of J.C. Tremain what was known as the Barney
Morris farm in Sperry township, afterwards the C.H.
Sauerbry farm, finally settling in Lodomillo township.
His first wife died in 1849 leaving a family of three
boys. He remarried Elizabeth Maxon and after her death
married the widow of his brother, Reason. He died in 1900
leaving numerous children, among whom are his sons
Thomas, Cyrus and Hiram. Reason Hines, brother of Samuel
and Hiram Sr., came to Cass township about 1848 but soon
after moved to Lodomillo, settling on Honey Creek on the
Joseph Randall farm where he resided till 1860 when he
moved to Missouri, where he died.
Mrs. Jane (Alloway) Hines was the mother of Samuel, Hiram
and Reason Hines. She was fairly well educated and was a
remarkable woman. She was born in Virginia in 1761 and
died on the farm now owned by McCrea in Cass township in
1860 at the advanced age of 99 years 5 months. She was
about 13 years of age when the Declaration of
Independence was written. She was a Quaker. Her family
were slave holders. Her husband, Thomas Hines was in the
war of 1812. He died in Virginia leaving her with quite a
large family. She never remarried. She with her family
moved to Illinois on the Sangummon in the same locality
where Abraham Lincoln lived and the family were well
acquainted with the martyred President while a very young
man and before his attaining any renown except as a
wrestler and rail-splitter - a distinction that many of
us would like to possess on knowing the great president
in the trying days of his early manhood.
In 1840 Mrs. Hines with her three sons, Samuel, Reason
and Hiram and her son-in-law Henry Powelson moved from
Illinois to Johnson County, Iowa, and located on the Iowa
River at Riverside near Iowa City. On leaving Virginia
Mrs. Hines brought with her two slaves, a man and a
woman. On removing from Johnson County to Jones county,
about 1845, these slaves or servants were left with the
son-in-law, Powelson and were cared for in his family
till their death and were buried in the family lot in the
Riverside cemetery. Her three sons moved with her to
Bowen's prairie where she resided till 1847 being
accompanied by her son Samuel and his family to Cass
township, Clayton County. During certain periods of her
life she had considerable in her own right and at this
time had quite a number of cattle. A separate house was
built for her near that of her son Samuel. On the death
of her son Hiram's wife in 1849 she made her home with
him till her death. As a Quaker she believed in the plain
Yea and Nay and had precise ideas of right and justice.
As an instance of her adherence of what she thought to be
the right, T.B. Hallock who located on the Tucker farm in
1853 in Lodomillo Township soon after his arrival went to
Hiram Hines' place to purchase a cow. Mr. Hines informed
him that he had none to sell of his own but that his
mother might possibly sell one. Mr. Hallock looked the
herd over and selected a fine black one as one that would
suit him and asked Mrs. Hines if she would part with that
one. She asked hom how much he would give. He said he
would pay $30.00. "No you won't" says she,
"You give me $25.00 and you can have her."
Which would be considered a rather strange business
proposition to make in these commercial days.
In 1850 she made a trip to Missouri and returned
traveling nearly 2,000 miles by team in an emigrant
wagon, camping out on the way when she was 81 years old.
She died suddenly without any apparent sickness in
December, 1860 in her one hundredth year. What events had
occurred in these 100 years and what trials and hardships
she passed through and what powers of enduance this poor,
plain unassuming Quaker woman possessed!!
MISSION ROAD. By act of the Territorial legislature in
1841 a commission was named to survey and locate a road
from Dubuque to Fort Atkinson by the most direct and
feasible route and named as commissioners Joseph Hewitt,
T.G. Roberts and Samuel Chilton. At that time Joseph
Hewitt resided in Clayton County, T.G. Roberts in
Rockdale and Samuel Chilton in Dubuque, both in Dubuque
County. The commissioners selected Alfred Brown as
surveyor and in 1841 did locate said road known as
Mission road. The road ran diagonally from Dubuque
through Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton and Fayette counties
to Fort Atkinson in the southwest part of Winnishiek
county. The commissioners selected the highest and best
natural location for the road regardless of sectional or
division lines. The road runs through Greeley, York,
Strawberry Point, Arlington and Fayette. There was
considerable opposition by the residents of Dubuque to
the road as located, and by act of territorial
legislature in 1848 the road in Dubuque County was
vacated, but was left as located in other counties. The
road through Delaware and Clayton and a portion of
Fayette county remains today substantially as located by
the commissioners. The road intersects the township line
of Cass township in Section 24 at the railroad crossing
near Mr. Knight's place, and the road as first located
ran diagonally to Mr. Ward's place and from there
diagonally across the township as now traveled along the
divide between the Maquoketa and Volga rivers
intersecting the township line on the west near B.S.
Cole's premises in Section 7, and the road constitutes
the main street of the town of Strawberry Point and that
of Arlington. The road on the east part of Cass township
was changed so as to run where the road intersects the
township line north about 60 rods to where Mallory road
intersects near A.R. Carrier's residence. At such
intersections at an early day a guide board was fastened
to a large oak tree which read "York 4 miles"
"Dubuque 54 miles."
York then a little village of immense possibilities in
the minds of its founders is now a corn field and a guide
board would be necessary to be placed on its site to
locate it at the present time. "A monument of things
hoped for" while the other name on the guide board
"Dubuque" is a wealthy, prosperous city of more
than 40,000 people. The old Mission road has been a
highway of vast traffic in its day and is one of the most
noted roads in the state.
Joseph Hewitt, one of the commissioners setttled in New
Vine four miles south east of the present township in
Dubuque County in 1836, town of New Vienna. In 1838 he
sold his claim to James Crawford who became the first
District Attorney. He was the father of Col. P. W.
Crawford now residing in Dubuque and was a brother of
Honorable Theopholis Crawford for many years a member of
the legislature from Dubuque County.
In 1840 Mr. Hewitt removed to Clayton County and located
on the line between Cass and Sperry. Hewitt's reason for
leaving Dubuque County was that he must push out further
on the frontier so as to not be crowded and his desire to
trade with the Indians. He is said to have had a number
of wives. While in Dubuque County he is said to have
experienced religion during a revival conducted by Rev.
Simeon Clark, a Methodist preacher. Hewitt was a quick
impulsive man and it is related of him that after
experiencing religion Leroy Jackson, who founded the town
of Hopkinton, made a trip northward and purchased a
number of sheep. Night overtook him at Hewitt's and he
staid over night. Hewitt conducted evening prayer and he
prayed so ardently and so long that Mr. Jackson who was
kneeling and who had been out all day in the cold became
so tired that he was overcome by sleep and fell over
backwards on the floor near the fire place. Hewitt
thought that Jackson was trilling and making fun of him
and springing to his feet seized Jackson with the
intention of thrusting him out doors, forgetting his
profession, exclaiming in his rage that no blankety
blankety blank man could come into his house and disturb
and make fun of him while conducting family devotion.
Mr. Hewitt maintained his residence at the head of Hewitt
Creek in Clayton County till May 20th 1851 when with
James Dickinson he removed for the west. The county
became too crowded for him and the Indians were fast
disappearing from this part of the state, so he located
as heretofore stated on the south east shore of Clear
Lake in Cerro Gordo County. He returned in 1857 and
married Miss Hattie Morley, daughter of Mathew Morley and
sister of Samuel and William Morley, contrary to the
wishes of her father, who was a widower and considerably
advanced in years. Miss Morley was a bright vivacious
young school teacher and the young single men of the
community unitedly severely criticized her judgment and
discretion in favoring the suit of Joseph Hewitt an old
frontiersman 62 years of age and a widower of varied
experience when she could, as the young men claimed, have
driven her ducks to several much better markets. Mr.
Hewitt remained at Clear Lake till his death in 1861. He
was a typical frontierman and Indian trader. His wife
Mrs. Hattie Morley Hewitt died in 1868. Matthew Morley
bought out Joseph Hewitt's claim in 1851 when Hewitt
moved away. Mr. Morley resided on the farm several years.
He died about 1859.
Lodomillo Township was settled several years before Cass.
The first house built in Lodomillo township was erected
by Mr. Lyon on part of the premises north east of
Edgewood now owned by J. M. Robinson, and known as the
Conrad place in 1839. Lyon sold his claim to Mr. Bemis
who resided there and who disposed of his claim to F.C.
Madison in 1843 and who afterward sold out to S. R .Peet
who came to this country in 1845, with his brother-in-law
G. L. Wheeler who was afterwards Postmaster at Yankee
Daniel Noble and Mr. Mulliken came to the vicinity of
Edgewood in 1842 and the Steele families about the same
time. F. C. and Wm Madison came in 1843, C. T. Poet came
in 1844, Jonathan Noble and family in 1846 and settled in
Lodomillo. Rev. N. W. Bixby came to Yankee Settlement
from Vermont in 1847, took up a claim in Lodomillo and
has lived there ever since, a period of 54 years, longer
than that of any other person in the community on the
same farm.
L.R. Noble and L. L. .Noble, sons of Jonathan Noble,
reside in Strawberry Point and the other son F. G. Noble
resides on the old homestead. The Noble brothers L. L.
and L. R. operated a threshing machine in 1848 and
continued to do so for many years. Their field of
operation would be appalling to the average thresher
today for Iowa at that time was a land of magnificent
distances. The first year the Noble Brothers operated a
thresher they started from their place, threshed along
the route to Scotch Grove, thence westerly to the Wapsie
and nearly to Marion, thence northward to Quasqueton,
Collins Grove and homeward. Quite a jaunt with a
primative threshing outfit. Another season they started
from home with their outfit, went via Tracey's and Volga
City to Fort Atkinson, thence southward to Fayette,
Buffalo Grove, Quasqueton, Collins Grove and home.
Another pleasant jaunt over trackless prairies, deep
sloughs and almost impassible roads. There was no
retracting, if the job was ready when the thresher
arrived the grain was threshed, if not the flail or the
tramping of cattle had to be relied upon. L.R. Noble on
this trip when he arrived at Fort Atkinson had
accumulated a little money on the way and it was
necessary for him to return and make a payment on some
land the family had purchased. So he took one of his
horses off from the machine, saddled him and rode home
the same day, transacted his business and the day after
returned back to Fort Atkinson and immediately put the
horse back onto the machine. We wonder how our favorite
Norman, Clydesdale, German Coach or standard bred
trotters of to-day would stand such treatment. Perhaps no
better then our favorite boys would operate a pioneer
threshing machine.
We have heretofore named nearly all the pioneer settlers
residing in Cass Township prior to 1850. Giles Ward made
the first entry of land in section 24 and 26 In 1848 but
he did not improve the land or come to the township to
live till 1853. The first tax receipt issued in Cass
Township was issued to Mr. Ward bearing the date of 1850
and signed by Robt. R. Reed the treasurer, and none of
the receipt is printed but all written out. Mr. Ward
resided upon the land continuously till about 1895 when
he moved to Strawberry Point where he died in 1900. He
was an honest, upright, man, peculiar but thoroughly
reliable. He had the best memory for dates of any person
we ever met. It was always a source of just pride to him
that lie was the first actual freeholder in the township.
In 1850 J. C. Tremain and family located in the township,
their first claim being the Quick farm on the Delaware
county line in Section 35 now owned by Dr. F. J.
Newberry. The Tremain family consisted of himself wife
and son George L. Tremain, now banker at Humboldt and his
son Clyde Tremain. J. C. Tremain had poor eye-sight but
was a well read man and frequently appeared as an
attorney In justice court and for a number of years was a
justice of the peace. In 1855 he located In Sperry
township on the farm known as the Barney Morris farm
where he resided till 1860 when he sold the farm to Hiram
Hines Sr.
In August 1840 Stephen Gaylord carne from Galena Illinois
and settled on what is known as the Japeth Ball place in
section 14 now owned by Lawrence Glass. Norman Hawley had
a squatter's claim of 240 acres on which he built a small
house. Mr. Gaylord purchased Mr. Hawley's squatter's
right, built a more commodious house and entered the
land. He sold his land in 1854 leaving a widow, five sons
and three daughters. His father and his wife's father
were both in the War of 1812 and were at battle of New
Orleans. He and his only brother were both in the Black
Hawk war and four of his sons James, William, Benjamin
and Alex were in the civil war , which gives a loyal
military cast to the family. William and Alex died in the
service and James died soon after the war in Nebraska.
The remaining son Marion was a splendid violinist and
died while a young man. Benjaman lives in Strawberry
Point. Stephen Gaylord was the first assessor in the
township serving in 1853. The work previous to that time
had been done by a county assessor. He received the
munificent sum of $14.00 salary as assessor. Mr. Gaylord
was a staunch church member. The first Sunday School in
the township was held in his house in 1850 and continued
to be held there and occasionally preaching by a United
Brethren Circuit Rider by name of Brown was held at his
house. His widow died at the home of her son in
Strawberry Point in 1880 aged 84 years.
Caleb Lane came to this township in 1850 and located on
the Hanson farm in Section 2. He was a good violinist and
quite a hunter. Mr. Lane and Hiram Hines Sr, another
nimrod in 1850 tracked a bear to Chipman Hollow in
Lodomillo Township. The bear ran into a den apd they
endeavored to smoke and drive it out but did not succeed.
Finally they purchased torches and entered the den and in
the language of old "did slew the bear." They
found two young cubs which Mr. Hines took home and
adopted them into bis family to the gratification of his
small boys, but the young bears grew and grew and
exhibited such tenacities for embracing small boys that
Mr. Hines sold them to H. B. Carter of Elkader to the
gratification and relief of the boys' grandmother. Mr.
Lane moved away about 1852 to the southern part of the
Tillman Duncan now residing on his farm in Section 1 came
to this county in 1850 and entered the land in Sperry
township known as the Kramer farm and his brother-in-law
William Isaac located on a portion of the McLaughlin farm
in the south west corner of Cox Creek township adjoining
Mr. Tarbox's place. Another brother-in-law Jolin Ashley
located on the Herring farm in the same year in Sperry
township and here Mr. Duncan's father also resided.
Every community has one or more unique characters
entirely different from the rest of the people and the
early settlers had such a character in the person of one
David Mann, a Virginian who settled in the township about
1850 and erected a mill in what is still known as David
Manns Hollow in Section 12, on the premises now owned by
Mr. Childers. There are a number of excellent springs
near here, which supplied the water for motive power. It
was a sort of corn cracker. As some one said, you took a
kernal of corn there and had it made into three pieces
instead of one. The burrs were fashioned by Mr. Mann
himself who was an inventive genius from two small
boulders or hard heads about a foot in diameter. The mill
was built in 1850 and while a small affair, was quite a
convenience to the near by settlers who otherwise were
compelled to go many miles to have their own corn ground.
When asked as to the capacity of the mill he replied,
"Wall by keeping her lamin' through all day long I
reckon l can grind nigh onto two bushels." He ran a
turning lath in connection with his mill and made splint
bottom chair, in a substantial manner as wore made in an
early day. He never washed his face or hands. Was tall,
lean cadaverous looking individual and his wife was not
as good looking as he, and it never was necessary to give
him a second invitation to eat when at a neighbor's
house. He assisted the Blakes to thresh one day and
supper was called. The other men properly washed and
combed their hair before going to supper, but Mann did
not have tho time or inclination to waste any time on
such formalities and proceeded to enter the house. He was
stopped by the oldest Blake boy James a strong young
fellow who said "look here Davy, go and wash
yourself," Davy said "I never wash" Well
James said "You will wash or you don't go into this
house for supper." Finally Davy did reluctantly wash
himself after a fashion and James procured a comb and
made him take out some of the tangles and other things in
his hair, so that for once Davy did wash himself while in
the township, reliable reports to the contrary
notwithstanding. After running his mill for a time he
rebuilt the same and purchased a new set of burrs thereby
greatly increasing its capacity. He built a rather
commodious log house with an upstairs to it, the size of
his family demanding additional room. About 1854 or 1855
a severe flood came one evening and Mann and his whole
family crowded into the upper room for safety. When
morning came he found that his dam, mill and machinery
had been entirely destroyed. In relating his misfortunes
he said "Gentlemen, when I looked out of the window
in the morning and saw that rny entire mill had been
swept away, I really felt that I was about broke."
Soon after Mann sold out and removed to Jones county and
all trace of him has been lost.
POST OFFICE. There have been three post offices located
in Cass Township. The first settlers procured their mail
at Elkader, Yankee Settlement and Forestville. The post
office was established at Strawberry Point in 1851.
Efforts were made to have the post office called Franklin
but there was a rural post office established before this
time in Lee county and the government does not allow two
post offices of the same name in the same state so the
name Franklin was abandoned and the name of Strawberry
Point agreed upon. There was a tract of timber about a
mile west of the town of Strawberry Point that ran to a
point along where the road from Dubuque to Fort Atkinson
ran and tradition says that a party of soldiers were
going from Dubuque to the Fort and camped at this point
of timber in the month of June and there found an
abundance of wild strawberries. The wife of a lieutenant
accompanying the party gave the place the name of
Strawberry Point and it was ever after known to the
travellers to and from Fort Atkinson to Dubuque by that
Very naturally the post office established a mile east
was given the name of Strawberry Point. When the railroad
was built to the place in 1872 the station was named
Enfield but the old settlers did not take kindly to the
name of the station and by order of the state rail road
commissioners the name of the station was changed to
Strawberry Point a name that is really too long
and meaningless for a town, but a name dear to all old
settlers. It is a little embarassing for a resident of
the town to go away from home and be introduced as Mr. or
Mrs. or Miss so and so from Strawberry Point, to have the
old chestnut sprung ''Strawberry Point, what a queer
name; there must be plenty of Strawberries there".
The time will probably come when the name will be changed
to a shorter and more concise name. The town of
Strawberry Point was platted by W. H. Sterns and E. B.
Gardner in 1854 as Franklin and is still known on the
record, as Franklin. The place was incorporated in 1888
under the name of Strawberry Point.
In 1854 a post office was established in the east part of
the township under the name of "Sylvan" with
Alvah Bush as post master on promise now owned by C.
Weig. The post office was discontinued about six months
after it vvas established.
A post offlce was established at Browns mill on the
Maquoketa about 1855 under the name of Cass with David
Brown as post master; John Martin living near the covered
bridge followed him. G. Cooley purchased the mill in 1857
and succeeded Mr. Martin as postmaster. Mr. Cooley held
the office till it was discontinued. Mr. Cooley's
quarterly salary is said to have been about 12 cents. The
post office was established in 1848 at Yankee Settlement,
the post office at Forestville in 1851, and the post
office at Elkader in 1848.
MILLS. The early settlers were greatly interested in
having saw and grist mills located in their neighborhood.
It was saving of much travel to Elkader, Hartwick or
other distant points to mill. The first mill in this
township was the one built by David Mann in Sec. 12 in
David Mann's Hollow.
In 1852 a man by the name of Woods commenced the erection
of a small feed mill in Sec. 10 about a half mile above
the present Kleinlein mill. Mr. Wood was unable to finish
the mill on account of poor health and Alex. Blake, Sr.,
purchased his claim and finished the mill in 1852. Mr.
Wood and one of his children died soon after and were
buried in the first cemetery in the township located just
west of Strawberry Point on P.J. Clough premises near Mr.
Pebler's house. The present Strawberry Point cemetery was
established in 1853 and some of the bodies in the Clough
cemetery were moved to the new cemetery but those of Mr.
Wood and his child were not moved. John A. Cooley and W.
W. Putney moved the bodies to the new cemetery in 1853.
About 1850 the mill was enlarged and converted by Mr.
Blake into a flour mill and soon after sold to Mr.
Templeton of Fayette and transferred a number of times
thereafter. The mill was burned in 1858 and the property
passed to the control of John Kleinlein who erected a
substantial stone flour mill about a half a mile north of
the site of the first mill and is now owned and operated
by his son Gottlob Kleinlein who is an active reliable
miller. Mr. Kleinlein about 1865 erected a brewery near
the mill which was operated many years.
About 1852, Mr. Gilbriath then occupying the Barney
Morris farm in Sperry Township, erected a small feed mill
about a mile and a half below Davle Mann's mill near C.H.
Sauerbry's place about twenty rods north of the township
line. It was a small affair but competition was active
between Mann and Gilbraith in the milling business.
In 1853 David Brown laid out a town on the Maquoketa on
Sec. 30 and named it Mississega. Either the name or the
location killed it for it never grew beyond a saw mill
and a blacksmith shop. The place was afterwards known as
Wards or Bogues Mill. G. Cooley bought the property and
not only did he buy a town site but he did buy a dam site
as well as the mill, but the darn would persist in going
out on every opportunity so that he was unable to make a
sight of money from his investment. He owned the property
when he went in the army and while he was gone his wife
effected a sale on the entire property, town site, mill,
all for four hundred pounds of flour to Isaac Martin to
the great satisfaction of Mr. Cooley who commended his
wife in effecting such a good sale of the property.
In 1855 W.H. Sterns built a steam mill in Strawberry
Point just east of the depot which was run for a number
of years. E.B. Gardner, ?. A. and G. Cooley were among
the owners.
In 1858 a man by the name of [--ner] erected a
substantial saw mill at Rankin's corners just over the
line in Lodomillo township. the property afterwards
passed to the ownership of Horace Knight who had a town
site surveyed and platted under the name Empire City, we
believe the plat [illegible] filed for record. The town
looked [illegible] on paper. The mill was operated a
number of years and finally passed to ownership of J.W.
Windsor who about 1864 moved the machinery east of
Edgewood to what is known as [--lters] Mill and the frame
work was [illegible] to B. Bushee and part of the timbers
constitute the frame of the [illegible] Joy barn in
Strawberry Point. There were quite a number of buildings
about this mill at one time and for several years it was
a busy place, but like York, corn grows well on this town
SCHOOLS. The first school in the township was taught by
Alex Blake in the small house built by Azariah Alloway on
what is now called the Hestwood place in Sec 13 in the
winter of 1851-'52. Mr. Blake received the sum of
[illegible] per month and boarded himself by teaching,
and he actually claims he [illegible] earned such a large
salary. David Meritt at that time was [illegible] out
material for his house to be erected on the claim known
as [illegible] Culbertson place now owned by [illegible]
Dunning. The logs were hauled to Forestville to be sawed.
Mr. Marritt at this time was unmarried and he occupied
the school room when school was not in session. He would
be out in the woods during school hours and after school
would come in, cook his supper, go to bed and early in
the morning prepare his breakfast, put away his cooking
utensils and household effects with his provinder in the
loft of the school house, so that the room was in good
condition and well warmed by school time. The next winter
in 1852 and 3, Mr. Blake taught school in a log dwelling
house at [--own] Mill on the Maquoketa.
The next school house in the township was erected
opposite the Strawberry Point Cemetery where Mr. Bowers'
barn now stands. It was a one story log building and
served the purpose of school room and church building for
a number of yeras. The first teacher was Hattie Bush who
taught the school in winter of 1853 -4. The next winter,
1854 and 5, [---ert] Cooley taught the school. His term
of school closed with a [illegible] school exhibition
held in the 2nd story of the old Blake House in
Strawberry Point which constituted the town hall. There
were exercises by all the pupils among whom Perry Clough
who had a [--mation], well committed but during its
delivery he came to a [--tting] place which lasted
several minutes, but he pluckily recovered himself and
delivered the piece all [illegible] and with credit.
Besides the [illegible] by the school a number of young
men rendered a drama titled, "The rise and Downfall
of [?]" written by Hon. Alpheus Scott, [illegible] a
student in Oberlin college, a [illegible] of much merit
taking about an hour to render. Among those taking part
were Mr. Stone, living on the Bill farm who was a school
teacher, John A. Cooley, Alex Blake, George Tremain,
Henry Warner, [--es] Howard and others. There was also a
laughable farce, "The [?] Dentist" by Alonzo
and [?] Thompson and others from the County Corners
neighborhood. the room was so crowded that the floor
began to settle but by being a little [illegible] about
giving boisterous applause the exercises were fully
completed. This exhibition was long [illegible] of as the
best one ever held or could be held in this locality.
A frame school house in Strawberry Point was built in
1853 and is part of [illegible] Gardner's shop on
Commerical [illegible] and located on the same site as
this building was used some years for church purposes
also. The early settler always took an active interest in
schools. While a neighborhood was in need of a school a
building was rented or built and a school established.
A school house was built about 1840 [or 1846] on the
present site of Grange Hall in Lodomillo township and all
of Cass township was attached to this district for school
purposes. N.W. Bixby was secretary of the Lodomillo
District and made an enumeration of the pupils of age
residing in Cass. In 1854 a school house was erected on
town line near A.R. Carriers residence and the first
school was taught by Miss Jane Weeks who afterward
married to Hon. R.W. Merrill and now resides in
In 1856 there was a change of boundaries of the districts
and this school house was sold to Charles Blanchard then
owning the Axtell farm and the house was moved and now
constitutes part of Mr. Axtell's barn. The old red school
house was located on township line on south west corner
of Sec 30 in 1856 and remained there until about 1880
when the boundaries of the district were changed and the
house moved to south [---t] corner of Sec 36 in Cass
township at Mr. Stamp residence.
A school house was established about 1857 on county line
near the Sherwood farm, and about 1857 a school house was
located near the covered bridge on the Maquoketa. A
school was maintained in a log house about 1856 on
premises now owned by G.W. Clough north of his present
residence and in '55 a school was taught by Mrs. [-ehiel]
Rowley in a log house on the Maquoketa just across the
county line in Putman township near the S. Joy place. A
school house built in an early day near the J.A. Jewell
farm about a mile north of Strawberry Point.
While the school houses, school apparatus were of the
most primative kind, the schools of those early days, in
the acquiring of a good education, in the rudiments of
knowledge of reading, writing, arithmetic, and geography,
equalled - if they did not excel - the results attained
in the rural schools of to-day. There were many excellent
school teachers in those days. Among the successful
teachers in early days. W.W. Hutney [or Rutney], G.
Cooley, James Newberry, Adolphus Huene, Charles Huene,
Alvah Bush, Miss Hattie Bush, who married N.G. Platt,
Norman Platt, Seymore Platt, Miss Maggie Platt, who
married Thomas Updegraff, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Terrill,
Lizzie Ratcliff Haskell, Norman Scofield, Oscar Sherwood,
Mrs. Addie Lowell McKinley, Mrs. Wm. Sheldon, formerly
Julia Smith, J.M. Pearse, D.G. Eldrigdge, Rev. N.W.
Bixby, Mrs. Sarah Westfall Pollard, Mrs. Jennie Graham
Westfall, Mrs. Carrie Breumell Rawson, Mrs. Flora Bush
Williams, H.B. Taylor, W.A. Preston, Mrs. Sarah Prestod
Waterby and many other good and worthy teachers of the
early times.
CHURCHES. The early settlers gave considerable
consideration to church services and Sunday Schools. As
heretofore stated the first Sunday School and first
preaching services were held in the house of Stephen
Gaylord in 1850 and '51. Afterwards in 1852 Mr. Bleven
moving on the Bemis place had Sunday School and preaching
in his house and when the first log school house was bult
opposite the cemetery in 1853 regular preaching services
were held there and also in the first frame school house
in Strawberry Point built in 1853.
In 1856 the Baptist church was built in Strawberry Point
by popular subscripton and was a most excellent church
edifice. While built as a Baptist church all
denominations from time to time held services there. The
first Baptist minister was Rev. Root of Delhi, who lived
in Delhi and came up and held preaching services at
stated times. The first resident pastor was Rev. George
Scott who acceptably filled the position for several
years. Mr. Scott is still living in Nebraska. The first
Methodist minister was Rev. D.M. Sterns who came here in
1853 and was a man greatly respected by all. The first
minister in this part of the country was Rev. N.W. Bixby
our beloved venerable chaplain now in his ninety second
year who came in 1847 and who belongs to the Freewill
Baptist denomination. He has done much good during his
long services as a minister of the gospel and is greatly
endeared to all who know him. He has resided continuously
on the same farm he settled on in 1847, in Lodomillo
Township - 54 years on the same farm. What old settler
can equal that?
Rev. J.N. Baker a preacher of the Disciple church came
here in 1851 and always took an active interest in
religious affairs and frequently preached. Rev. Wm. Lease
was among the early ministers located here. He is still
in active work. Rev. Alvah Bush and Rev. James
Sunderland, both noted ministers in the Baptist
denominaton have frequently preached here and Mr.
Sunderland for several years was the settled pastor. Rev.
J.E. Clough, who came when a young man with his parents
in 1851, and settled in the township, is one of the most
successful missionaries in India, going there from here
in 1863. His wife, formerly Miss Hattie Sunderland, met a
tragic death in Chicago in 1892 by the collapse of a
folding bed.
Rev. J.T. Sunderland who came here about 1852 is one of
the most noted ministers in the Unitarian church. Rev.
P.S.W. Deyo and his [illegible] Deyo came [illegible] and
were Adventists. Rev. A.G. Emery of Sperry who moved to
Kansas about 1878 was among the early Baptist ministers.
Rev. Avery Clark, who entered the Luce or Carpenter farm
in Cox Creek in 1848 and afterwards lived in Sperry was
one of the pioneer preachers. He enlisted in the 6th Iowa
cavalry and was killed in battle with the Indians in
Dakota in 1863. Rev. J.G. Whifford of Volga City who died
at his home there in 1900, was one of the pioneer
Methodist ministers.
Among the early preachers of the state is Rev. J.F.
Hestwood, now residing in Strawberry Point. He helped
organize the Upper Iowa Conference fifty years ago and is
one of the very few survivors of that first session.
Rev. H.N. Gates and Rev. A. Graves were among the early
Congregational ministers. Rev. Ruby Bixby, wife of Rev.
N.W. Bixby, assisted her husband in preaching and was an
eloquent and successful preacher. She died in 1877
greatly respected by all who knew her.
In 1851 the Grannis brothers, William, John, Erastus,
Harvey and Newton, with their families came here. They
took up land west of Strawberry Point including the
Arnold and Feuiner farms. They were fine musicians and
before coming to the state had travelled as a concert
company and after coming here occasionally gave concerts
in neighboring towns. John, Erastus and Newton Grannis
died a few years after coming here. John at the time of
his death lived on the Walker farm south-east of
Strawberry Point. William Grannis entered the army and
was 1st Lieutenant of Co. D 21st Iowa Regt. After his
return he was a commercial traveller for a number of
years and died at Earlville, Iowa, several years ago
where he ran a hotel. Harvey Grannis about 1865 moved
with his family to California where he died. There are
none of the descendants of the Grannises here now. Myron
M. Grannis, son of William, married the oldest daughter
of Judge Murdock who died soon after her marriage. The
Grannis family was a large one and they added much to the
musical and social circles of the early days.
Job Dalton came in 1851 and located on a farm south-east
of Strawberry Point where he resided many years. He moved
to Taylor county, Iowa, where he now lives. His son, Whit
Dalton, is living in Strawberry Point.
Ambrose Carney and Alonzo Carney came to the township in
1851. Ambrose Carney purchased the claim of Samuel Hines
known as the Alderson farm. He sold out in 1860 to Tho
Alderson and moved west. Alonzo Carney lived near the
C.H. Sauerbry place. He was married to a daughter of
Samuel Hines in 1858. He died in 1896. His widow survives
him and now living in Cox Creek township with her son.
In 1851 a man by the name of Wood entered the land on
which is located the pubic portion of Strawberry Point.
He erected a log building on the land now occupied by the
Bank and opened up a store. His stock consisted of
several barrels of moderately [illegible] whiskey and
about a wheel barrow load of dry goods and notions and
groceries. Our friend Stub Toney, claims that in 1852
when he first visited Strawberry Point, he counted
twenty-four emigrant wagons along Mission street by Woods
store, his being the only business place in town. And
fifteen men having the wagons in charge came out of Woods
store each with a jug in his hand. Mr. Toney says he does
not positively know but thinks the contents of the jugs
must have been a sort of lotion for the oxens' feet that
had become sore. For a year or two Woods did a thriving
business and in 1853 he sold out his claim and store to
W.H. Sterns. Mr. Woods had a son who had a claim to forty
acres of land just west of his father's and erected a log
house where George Roe's house now stands. He sold out to
Rev. D.M. Sterns in 1853, who afterwards platted the
In 1851 Rev. J.N. Baker and family and John N. Bliven and
family came from Illinois. Mr. Baker first lived in a
small house on the Sloan place the first year and the
house burned up. The next season, in 1852, he built a log
house in Strawberry Point on the place now occupied by
G.N. Steele, where he resided some years. In 1852 he
built and conducted a blacksmith shop on the lot across
the street where George Alderson now lives. His son
Palmer Baker assisted him in running the shop.
John M. Bliven purchased the Bemis farm of two young men
named Brownson and he moved on this farm in 1851. Here
Mr. Bliven's wife died and he afterwards married a widow
named Hysham, mother of Jacob and Hiram Hysham, two well
known men in the county in early days. Mr. Bliven sold
out to Chancy Bemis in 1856. He was somewhat of an
exhorter and took a great interest in Sunday school and
church affairs.
David Merritt took up a claim east of Blivens, now owned
by T. Dunning. There were no buildings on the place and
he proceeded to improve the same. At this time he was a
single man. His sister was the wife of Rev. J.N. Baker.
Mr. Merritt built the first frame house in the township.
J.C. Tremain was head workman in its construction,
assisted by J.H. Deyo and Stephen Gaylord. The house was
in late years occupied as a granary on the farm and was
burned last fall. Mr. Merritt, after completing his house
was married in 1852 to Miss Jane Clough at the log cabin
of her father just west of Strawberry Point. Among the
invited guests was B.F. Gaylord, still living here. At
this time Mr. Merritt was a mail carrier from Strawberry
Point to Forestville once per week at the munificent
salary of twenty-five cents per trip. He made the trip on
foot. Mr. Merritt lived in the township many years and by
hard work and frugality accumulated quite a fortune. He
moved to New Hampton and afterwards to West Union where
he died last year, leaving his widow and two sons Frank
Merritt of New Hampton, and Prof. F.D. Merritt of Iowa
City, surviving him.
In the same year, 1851, Alex Blake Sr. and family
consisting of his sons Alex., Tylar and James and his
daughters Sarah Blake who married James Massey and Minnie
Blake who married George L. Tremain, came from Indiana
and purchased the claim of James Alloway adjoining
Strawberry Point and now occupied by Miles Alderson. Mr.
Alex. Blake Sr. engaged in the milling business in 1852.
He died in 1863. His son Alex. Blake resides in
Strawberry Point where for more than thirty years he
conducted the Blake House. Another son, Tyler Blake,
lives in Hamilton county, Iowa, and James Blake, another
son, lives in Missouri. His daughter Mrs. Jarvis Baker,
died in Strawberry Point and his daughter Mrs. G.L.
Tremain died at her home in Humboldt, Iowa, in 1899. The
Blake family added much to the social and business realms
of Cass township in early days.
Cyrus Clough and his five sons and two daughters came to
Cass township in 1851 and settled on a claim west of
Strawberry Point. Here a log house was erected on the
north side of the railroad where the family lived many
years. One of the sons, G.W. Clough, settled on the
Thomas Alderson farm and still resides in Cass township.
Cyrus and David Clough reside in Kansas. P.J. Clough
resides in Strawberry Point and the remaining son, Rev.
J.E. Clough is a missionary in India. One of the
daughters, Mrs. David Merritt, resides in West Union and
the other daughter, Vina, married a missionary in India,
named Williams, where she died in 1876.
Norman Hawley came to Cass township in 1849 and located
on the Japh. Balk place, and disposed of his right to Mr.
Gaylord in 1850. He lived afterwards on the Brotherhood
farm now owned by Ray Wheeler in Sec. 26 where he
resided, and again moved a place on Bear Creek in
Lodomillo Township where he resided many years. He died a
few years since. Two of his sons reside in Edgewood.
E.L. Gardner and family and A.D. White and family came
here in 1850. Mr. Gardner was justice of the peace
[illegible] Strawberry Point's first post-master he moved
about 1860 to Denver where he remained till his death
which occurred about 1890. He was night policeman in that
city for many years. A.D. White first settled in
Lodomillo township adjoining the Cass line on the E.K.
Axtell farm. He removed to Kossuth county in 1865 and
afterwards to Britt, Hancock county, where he built the
first hotel. He and his wife now reside in Arlington,
In 1850 two brothers named Bronson settled on the Bemis
farm. In 1851 they sold to Mr. Bliven and soon after
moved from the county.
John Hardman, now residing in Strawberry Point, came to
Clayton county with his father, Wiliam Hardman in 1851.
His father located on the premises north of Edgewood
owned by J.M. Robinson. William Hardman died in Burtler
county some years since. Mr. Griffin located on the
Buckley farm in Lodomillo township about 1850. He bult a
blacksmith shop which is now used as a hog house on the
farm. Mr. Griffin sold out in 1853 to F.R. Buckley [or
E.R. Buckley] and in the spring of 1854 he moved from the
Frank Ruff located on the premises where L.R. Noble's
house now stands, about 1850. He sold out in 1852 to J.P.
Gager who came to Lodomillo that year. Mr. Gager sold a
portion of his farm to L.R. Noble and then built a house
at Grange Hall corners now owned by A. Treadwell, where
he resided till his death in 1894. Mrs. Gager died in
1888. His son, Edgar Gager, and his daughter, Mrs. Abram
Treadwell, reside in Strawberry Point.
G.N. Steele, living in Strawberry Point, came with his
parents and settled on a farm east of Edgewood, on
Steele's branch in 1845. Mr. Steele has been a Veterinary
Surgeon for many years.
The tide of immigration to this locality continued to
increase and in '52, '53, '54, '55 and '56 were the great
years [illegible] settlement of Cass and adjoining
In 1852 Bailey Wolcott came and located on the Fred Glass
place and his son-in-law Henry Vanalstine bought the
Hestwood place of Azariah Alloway. Mr. Wolcott afterwards
moved to Richland township, Delaware county where he
died. His step-daughter Mrs. Carrie Rawson and his
daughter Mrs. M.A. Hoag now lives in Strawberry Point.
Mr. Vanalstine lived on the Alloway place a number of
years and moved to Kansas. His daughters Mrs. S.A. Smith,
Mrs. Mrs. Bartholomew and Mrs. Clements reside in
Strawberry Point.
In 1852 six families moved from Ogle county, Illinois,
together to this township. J.H. Deyo, Mr. Farrand, J.H.
Stockwell, Mrs. Dexter, Eliphalet Allen and Joseph Baker.
J.H. Deyo first purchased the D.P. Gardner place north of
Strawberry Point and soon after exchanged it for the
William Fowler's three forties which included the place
on which he now resides, the Cooper and the Walker lands
to the south, Eliphalet Allen having erected a log house
on the hill just north of Mr. Deyo's present residence
and here Mr. Deyo conducted hotel for some time and he
afterwards operated a cabinet shop. Later he erected a
frame house in which he still resides. Mr. Ferrand died
many years ago, and his widow a few years since. J.H.
Stockwell took up a claim which now constitutes the
Wheeler farm where Mr. Foote resides, Mr. Stockwell now
resides in O'Brien county, Iowa. Joseph Baker after
residing here many years moved west where he died.
Eliphalet Alen entered part of the Deyo place. He lived
there for several years and moved to Oregon, and returned
to Strawberry Point where he and his wife died a number
of years ago. Their son, J.M. Allen resides in Strawberry
One Bradford came to the township in 1852 took up the
claim near the Cole school house known as the Knowles
place where he built and conducted a blacksmith shop. He
afterwards sold his claim to Thomas Knowles.
[illegible] Blanchard came to the township in 1852 and
purchased of Mr. Betts [illegible] A.E. Axtell farm where
he resided till 1868 when he sold the farm to A.E.
Axtell. Mr. Blanchard died [illegible] afterwards. [two
illegible lines] Edgewood coming there about 1850. His
wife died there. Mr. Blanchard has the distinction of
having the first top buggy ever owned in Cass or
Lodomillo townships and it was long the admiration of all
the young men in the community. While residing at
Edgewood a relative of his first wife came and staid
there about a year. His name was Silas Uriah Phinney.
Although only a young man of nineteen, O.T. Peet informs
us he was the best posted young man on all subjects he
ever met. He was extremely well versed in English
literature and could quote Shakespeare and Byron by the
hour. He was well read in Blackstone. He taught school
near Yankee Settlement for a term or two. While here he
made the acquaintance of Miss Mary Milliken, a school
teacher whose father was one of the pioneers of Delaware
county and some years afterward married her. Mr. Phinney
on leaving the Yankee Settlement entered a law office in
eastern Wisconsin and was soon admitted to the bar. He
became one of the most successful lawyers of the state
and for several years was one of the judges of the
supreme court of Wisconsin. While holding such position
he was compelled to resign owing to ill health. He died
at his home in Madison about two years ago; honored and
respected by the whole state, and was a fitting example
of a young man who made the best of his opportunities.
John Cooley came to Strawberry Point in 1853 and built a
house on a lot that B. Hanson now owns. Mr. Cooley moved
in 1863 to Savannah, Illinois where he still resides. Mr.
Cooley bought the Hanson property of E.B. Gardner in 1853
paying the high price of $45.00 therefor.
E.B. Gardner and W.W. Putney and their families came from
Chatauqua county, New York in 1853. Mr. Gardner purchased
80 acres immediately north of the depot in Strawberry
Point. He and W.H. Sterns in 1854 platted a portion of
Strawberry Point under the name of Franklin. Mr. Gardner
resided on his farm till his death. For many years he was
justice of the peace and township trustee and made a good
and conscientious public officer. His daughter Mrs. A.J.
Peuse and his son L.C. Gardner reside in Strawberry
W.W. Putney taught school and engaged in the insurance
business. About 1872 he moved to Antelope county Nebraska
where he still lives. The same year Peter Blake purchased
the farm from Mr. Grannis now occupied by M.G. Arnold.
Mr. Blake was married in 1854 to Miss Elizabeth Cook who
came to the county the year before and is present with us
today. Mr. Blake died in 1888. He filled the position of
assessor and justice of the peace for a number of terms.
W.H. Sterns and D.M. Sterns, brothers, settled in
Strawberry Point in 1853. W.H. Sterns bought out Mr.
Woods store and stock of goods and his claim to forty
acres on which the business portion of Strawberry Point
is located. In 1854 he built a portion of the old Blake
House in which he conducted a store. In 1856 he was a
member of the state legislature. He continued in business
till 1867 when he moved to Humboldt, Nebraska and where
he died several years ago. He was an active, progressive
business man and did much to build up the new town of
Strawberry Point.
Rev. D.M. Sterns in 1853 purchased of Mr. Woods, son of
the store keeper, forty acres in west part of Strawberry
Point on which there was a small log house. Mr. Sterns
afterwards had the land platted. He was an able Methodist
minister, kind, genial, quick witted and was greatly
respected by all. He died in 1883 and his widow in 1887.
His daughters, Mrs. G. Cooley and Miss Ella Sterns and
his grand-daughter Miss Onie Lovell reside in Strawberry
Alvah Bush and Albert Bush came to Cass township in 1853.
Alvah Bush settled on the Adams place now owned by C.
Weig. He had a post office established a short time at
his place name of Sylvan. He was a Baptist minister and
taught school several terms. He finally located at Osage,
Iowa and was the principal of the Cedar Valley Seminary
at that place for many years. He was a successful
educator and an [illegible] and a most worthy man. He
died several years ago. Albert Bush sold out and located
in Putman township on the Westfall farm. He moved to
Osage, Iowa where he died not long since.
Lyman Howard and his sons William, Warren, James and
Henry came to Cass township in 1858. They built and
conducted a hotel in what was afterwards called the
Tarbox house in Strawberry Point. William Howard about
1856 conducted with Alpheus Scott, a newspaper at
Guttenburg. Henry Howard died in the army.
Giles Ward who entered his farm in 1848, settled on the
land in 1853. David Brown came the same year and built
his mill on the Maquoketa. Thomas Haskell, T.R. Hallock,
Chauncy Bailey, Alpheus Scott, Merrill Kellogg, Simeon
Merrill, Ross Merrill and Robert Fairweather settled in
the west part of Lodomillo.
Alpheus Scott was an able attorney who came from Ohio. He
took up a claim now owned by A.C. Ludy. Soon afterwards
he moved to Strawberry Point, then to Guttenberg,
Garnavillo and Elkader. He was a member of the state
constitutional convention from this county in 1856
defeating Maturin L. Fisher, afterwards state
superintendent. Mr. Scott in 1857 was elected prosecuting
attorney and resided at Guttenberg. He was connected with
the county treasurers office for some time. He returned
to Strawberry Point in 1862 where he entered upon the
practice of law. He was in the army for a while. About
1870 he moved with his family to Nebraska where he died
many years ago. Mr. Scott was a good natured genial man,
possessed of many talents but was his own worst enemy.
But for his habits he might have been among the foremost
men of our state and nation.
In 1853 John Massey built and conducted a small hotel in
the east part of Strawberry Point on premises now
occupied by Mr. Clements. James Massey came from Eads
Grove in 1855. He purchased of his father-in-law Alex
Blake, Sr., the James Alloway farm where he died in 1857.
His widow afterwards married Jarvis Baker. Mr. Baker was
killed while walking on the railroad track near Mr.
Axtell's place by a passing train in 1876.
In 1854 the tide of immigration increased. Moses Thompson
and his three sons Clark, James and Horace settled in
Strawberry Point and bult the first brick building in the
township, the house now occupied by Fred Schmidt. The
brick was burned on the Hestwood place. Jacob Nace and
Simeon Arnett came from West Virginia here. Mr. Nace
settled on a farm in Section 21 and Simeon entered 800
acres afterwards sold to A. Sloan and also entered the
farm owned by Mrs. Beavers north west of Strawberry Point
where he built a log house and kept a small store. He
moved away about 1858.
Thomas Dunsmoor, Wiliam Dunsmoor and Joseph Dunsmoor,
three brothers, settled near the County corners. Mr.
Carnahan settled near the covered bridge. William Nelson
and Calvin Fenner settled in the south east part of the
township. Nelson and Calvin Fenner on the Bartlett place
and William Fenner on the Denny Culbertson place. Wm.
Steward now living in Strawberry Point settled on the
Sanford place and John Smith where Iowa Union creamery
stood. Curtis Folsom and Alonzo Thompson located near the
County corners. The Millet family located near there in
S. Joy now residing in Strawberry Point purchased of Mr.
Harrow his farm just across the line in Putman township.
A part of Mr. Joy's farm was in Cass township. In 1854
Joseph Hollowell settled on the Hertzmann place, Mr.
McNary on the Stroud farm, Mr. Arnold on the S.A. Smith
place, all across the line in Putnam.
A.M. Renwick settled on the Howes farm in west portion of
the township where the same season his wife died. He
afterwards moved to Strawberry Point where he engaged in
the blacksmith business for many years. He died in 1872.
His daughter, Mrs. [illegible] resides in Strawberry
Stephen Bailey came from Michigan in 1854. His father
Asuael Bailey made a visit the year previous and
purchased the south three fourths of Section 36 of
Lodomillo and Stephen proceeded to improve same. A house
was built on the Newberry farm which place he sold to
James Newberry in 1854. Mr. Bailey then built a house on
the land in Section 36 Cass, which he sold to Chas. and
Henry Roberts in 1855. Jackson Freeman built a house on
the north east part of Section 36 which place he sold in
fall of 1855 to H.N. Wood. Stephen Bailey engaged in the
mercantile business in Strawberry Point for some time and
about 1866 moved to Michigan. He now resides in Kipling,
A Huene entered the farm on the county line in Section 6
Honey Creek township now owned by John Wolf. Mr. Huene
lived here many years. He was an excellent school teacher
and good farmer. He moved back to Lorain county Ohio in
1873 where he now resides. F.R. Buckley purchased of Mr.
Griffin the farm which he still owns in Lodomillo and
moved on the farm in the spring of 1854, coming from
Illinois with an ox team. The farm is now occupied by his
son Parke Buckley.
W.B. Field settled on the Thurber farm in Lodomillo where
he resided a year or two and then sold out to Mortimer
Strunck and moved to Floyd county where he resided for
one year and then returned to Clayton County and settled
on a farm in the southeast part of Section 26. He
afterwards engaged in the hardware business in Strawberry
Point and about [?1892] he moved to the state of
Washington and engaged in farming. He served a term as
state senator there and took an active part in public
affairs. He was present at the old settlers meeting last
October and made an interesting and instructive address,
and no one seemed to enjoy the occasion better than he
did. He soon after returned to Spokane, Washington where
he died within a few weeks to the regret of his many
friends in this vicinity.
Ozias Clark came in 1854 and settled on the original
Strawberry Point about one mile west of the town. G.
Cooley, the present post master at Strawberry Point and
our worthy president came in 1854 and always took an
active interest in public, business and social affairs.
Fowler Tarbox came the same year but returned in 1855 to
Wisconsin where he remained six years. He now lives in
the northwest corner of Lodomillo. Seldon Gotham settled
at County corners this year in Putnam township.
Putnam township received its name in this wise ... J.L.
Bruce and Soloman Joy, both among the first settlers in
the township and others in 1854, before the township was
organized, met to see about taking steps toward
organizing the same, and it was arranged that Mr. Bruce
should go to West Union and take the initiatory steps.
Mr. Bruce asked Mr. Joy what name should be given the new
township. Mr. Joy said he would like to have it called
after his old home in Vermont, Putney. To this Mr. Bruce
and others agreed, but on arriving at West Union he got
the name Putnam confused with Putney, and by which name
it has been known ever since.
In 1854 Robert McKinnis came to the county and purchased
the Howes place of A.W. Rebuwick. He afterwards moved to
the north part of Lodomillo where he remained some years.
He then moved to York, Nebraska where he died a few years
ago. His son John McKinnis lives near Littleport. His
daughter, Mrs. J.E. Stalnaker, in Lodomillo, while his
son Charles McKinnis died near Meaderville about two
years ago.
Orsemus Gibson and Delos Gibson located in Lodomillo
township in 1854 and both moved back to Ohio many years
ago. William P. Pollard and Capt. R.A. Hale came to
Lodomillo township in 1854. Mr. Pollard settled on the
Morris Pugh place and resided there for a number of
years. His family purchased the Weeks place on the county
line where he died in 1886. He was an active, energetic
man and took a deep interest in public affairs. He was
justice of the peace for many years. His widow and
daughter live in Strawberry Point and his son Lyle
occupies the old homestead.
Capt. R.A. Hale settled on the place which continued to
be his home for many years. He sold out and moved to
Strawberry Point where he died, his widow and daughter
now residing in Strawberry Point and his son E.L. Hale on
the Beardsley farm in Lodomillo. Captain Hale was a sea
captain before coming to Iowa which occupation he
followed for several years previously. He enlisted in the
civil war and won signal distinction for his bravery.
Chester N. Carrier came here in 1864 with Nelson and
Calvin Fenner. He located on the James Smith place in
Putman Township and in a few years moved to Strawberry
Point where he conducted a blacksmith shop. He moved to
Nebraska and died at Central City, that state, a number
of years ago.
Wallis Little settled in Dubuque county in 1846 on
Mission road south of New Vienna on a large farm owned by
his uncle General Wilson, surveyor general of Iowa. Here
he conducted a country hotel in connection with his
farming business. He did a large business and many of the
old settlers of Cass and adjoining townships stopped with
him in going to and from Dubuque. He was perfectly deaf
but could carry on a conversation simply by watching the
motion of the lips of the person with whom he was
conversing. He entered some land west of Strawberry Point
in the fifties but did not settle on the land till 1861.
He died in 1888. His sons William E., Henry and Albert,
reside in Strawberry Point.
J.A. Jewett came in 1854 and located on a farm one mile
north of Strawberry Point now owned by Mrs. Kirkpatrick.
He lived on the farm till his death which occurred in
1892. His son Morris Jewett and his daughter, Mrs. J.M.
Allen reside in Strawberry Point.
Braton Bushee came to Strawberry Point in 1855 and
engaged in the stock business. He afterwards conducted a
general merchandise store and for years was an active,
energetic business man, a vertiable "hustler."
His business methods were not the best and about 1872 he
went into bankruptcy. He moved to Chicago to a part know
as [En--] where he engaged in the real estate business
and where he has made and lost several fortunes.
Nathan Scofield came here from Chatuauqur County, New
York in 1855. He engaged as carpenter and builder for
many years. He then moved to Edgewood and engaged in the
mercantile business and in 1870 moved his stock of goods
to Strawberry Point where he conducted a store,
succeeding L.F. Carrier in business which he continued
till his store burned in 1887. He was married in 1858 to
Miss Harriet Noble who came to Delaware county in 1853.
Mr. and Mrs. Scofield still live in Strawberry Point and
have always taken a great interest in business and social
affairs. Mr. Scofield is justice of the peace, an office
he has filled with credit for a number of years.
G.W. Waite in 1855 settled on the farm occupied by him at
County Corners. Hutchins Knight purchased the farm of
Merrill Kellogg on the town line of Lodomillo now
occupied by his son Myron E. Knight.
Charles Roberts, Henry Roberts and Norman Roberts
purchased the Coolidge, Conner and Davis and N. Roberts
farms in Section 36 in Cass of Stephen Bailey. Charles
Roberts moved to Strawberry Point in 1861 where he
conducted a cabinet shop and furniture business till his
death in 1877, his son Chas. Roberts still continuing the
business. Henry Roberts returned to Massachusetts in 1858
and was cashier of a National Bank of North Hampton for
many years and where he died. Norman Roberts also
returned to Massachusetts about the same time. Nelson
Roberts came the same year, a small boy. He owns and
occupies 120 acres in west part of Section 36, long
occupied by himself and mother. His mother died about
Lewis Thompson came in 1854 and located on the Hackett
place. He moved to Nebraska in 1867.
Japheth Ball purchased the Gaylord farm of the Stowe
brothers in 1855 and resided there till about 1890 when
he sold out to Mr. Glass. He died in 1891. His son,
Albert Ball lives in Strawberry Point and his sons Frank
and Stephen and his daughter, Mrs. Bailey Childers reside
in Cass.
Chancy Bemis came from Ohio in 1855 purchasing the farm
of Mr. Blivin on which he resided for many years. He now
resides in Strawberry Point. For many years he owned the
land on which this park is situated.
Robt. Carrier bought the farm in the east part of the
township in 1855. Mr. Carrier died in 1884. His son L.F.
Carrier resides in Strawberry Point and his son A.R.
Carrier owns and occupies the old homestead.
G.M. Eder purchased a portion of his farm in north part
of the township in 1855. He now resides in Strawberry
Point, his two sons John and Michael occupying the farm.
C.B. Roe [or O.B. Roe] settled on the farm now owned by
L. Wehrang north west of Strawberry Point in 1855, coming
here from Eads Grove where he resided two years
previously. He sold his farm in 1898 and now resides in
James Newberry, W.H. Bartlett and John M. Westfall and
his sons Elijah and John came from Ohio in 1855. Mr.
Newberry settled on the farm purchased the previous year
from Mr. Bailey on the township line in Section 31 in
Lodomillo where he resided until 1876 when he moved to
Strawberry Point where he now lives. He still owns the
farm first purchased. Mr. Bartlett settled on the
northwest part of Section 36 Cass now owned by Mr. Stamp.
He purchased the Nelson Fenner place about 1864 in Cass
where he resided till his death in 1899. Mr. Bartlett's
first wife died in 1870 and the following year he married
Miss Sarah F. Conner of Delhi who came with her parents
to Delaware county and settled near Delhi in 1845. Mrs.
Bartlett now resides in Strawberry Point. Mr. Bartlett's
son Elmer occupies the old homestead and his son Emery, a
painter and business man of Cedar Rapids, died the past
Mr. J.M. Westfall and his two sons, Elijah and John,
located in 1855 near County Corners in Buchanan county.
Mr. Westfall in 18?6 moved to Strawberry Point where he
resided till his death in 1885. His daughters, Mrs. James
Newberry and Mrs. Walker Pollard reside in Strawberry
Point. His wife died in 1887 and his son, Elijah
Westfall, died in 1886. His widow and two daughters
reside in Strawberry Point.
John C. Westfall engaged in the railroad business as
locomotive engineer which he followed many years. He
afterwards engaged in business and died at his home in
Waterloo in [?1900]
E.H. Sargent came to Cass township and settled on a farm
now owned by his son, E.H. Sargent, Jr. in Sec. 20. He
lives in Strawberry Point.
M.O. and Erastus Barnes and their father Uncle Jimmie
Barnes came in 1855 and settled on claims on Garden
Prairie and afterwards removed to Strawberry Point where
they engaged in business for many years. When the
railroad through Strawberry Point was first agitated a
company was organized at Davenort and for many years Mr.
Barnes was its first vice president. Erastus Barnes
engaged in live stock business which he followed for a
long time. Both died anumber of years ago. Uncle Jimmie
Barnes was a genial quick witted man, strong in his
convictions but well liked by all. He died a few years
since. His son J.C. Barnes lives in Strawberry Point.
Alonzo Haskins settled on the county line south of
Strawberry Point in 1855, where he lived till his death
some years ago. His brother, Asa Haskins, entered a claim
just over the line in Delaware county in 1853. Asa
Haskins now resides on his farm in Cass township
adjoining his brother's old farm.
Erastus Grannis came to Cass township in 1855 and settled
on the Hennessy place adjoining the cemetery. He died
many years ago. Edward Dunton, an excellent carpenter,
came to Strawberry Point in 1855. He resided here till
1877 when he moved to Nebraska. George Deindorfer and
John Huebner settled in the north part of Cass about
1855. Mr. Deindorfer in 1880 moved to Jerrould county,
Dakota, and Mr. Huebner has followed the business of shoe
making in connection with his farming since he first
located. David Strunck settled on a portion of the
Buckley farm in Lodomillo. He sold about 1869 and moved
to Adair county. Frederick Adams came in 1855. He was a
carpet-weaver and lived on the place owned by C. Weig,
near Mr. Carrier's place. He and his wife died a number
of years ago.
We have heretofore spoken of Garden Prairie. The honor of
giving that name to the beautiful prairie extending from
the Maquoketa westward in Fayette county belongs to Mr.
Nelson Fenner. In June, 1854, he traveled that prairie,
beautiful with the flowers of that season of the year and
covered with luxuriant vegetation of the virgin soil. To
his companion he exclaimed, "This is magnificent and
this locality ought to be called Garden Prairie."
And that name has been applied to that section ever
since. Mr. Fenner moved from Cass to Lodomillo about 1865
and for a number of years was postmaster at Edgewood.
From there he moved to Oelwein and acquired quite a tract
of land. The south part of Oelwein including the machine
shops, are on land formerly owned by hiim. He died of
cancer a few years ago.
The early settlements were all made near the timber near
some stream or spring. Abundance of wood and water were
the first requisites in the selection of a claim by the
early pioneer and near plenty of game. Quality of soil
and a ready access to the claim were secondary
conditions. The early pioneers were nearly all good
marksmen and had a passionate fondness for hunting and
trapping. The Alloway boys, James, William and Azariah,
were exceptionally good hunters and they kept their few
neighbors well supplied with venison and other game
"without money and without price." Many of the
old settlers and their descendants have moved to other
parts of our country and to distant lands. As far as we
know, through their training and associations in Cass and
adjoining townships all have escaped the jail and the
poor house. And some have attained success and even
eminence in their chosen calling. Pre-eminently first we
[illegible] should name Rev. J.E. Clough who has been
missionary to India since 1868, has accomplished the
greatest success in his chosen field and has attained a
world wide reputation for the work he has accomplished.
The two Sunderland brothers, Rev. James Sunderland of the
Baptist denomination and Rev. Jabez T. Sunderland of the
Unitarian denomination have attained national renown.
In the realm of education two names stand forth in bold
relief, Rev. Alvah Bush for many years the head of the
Cedar Valley Seminary, now deceased, and Edward G.
Cooley, son of our president G. Cooley, who as the
present superintendent of the Chicago schools has 6,000
teachers and more than 240,000 pupils under his
supervision, one of the most responsible educational
positions in this country.
Among the successful attorneys we might mention W.A.
Preston of Elkader and F.J. Blake of Ft. Dodge and J.J.
McCarthy of Dubuque. Among the physicians who are meeting
with success we might name D.A. Foote of Omaha, Dr. F.J.
Newberry of the State University at Iowa City, and Dr.
James Alderson of Dubuque.
In insurance circles Major D.W. Crook and his brother,
George Crook, both now deceased, occupied commanding
positions in Chicago for many years.
In journalism, E.C. Gardner of Valisca, M.E. Gardner of
Lansing, Mich. and H.L. Sill, night editor of the Chicago
Tribune, are doing creditable work.
In business circles George L. Tremain of Humboldt, Iowa,
Dexter L. Wood, of Waterloo, Iowa and Irva M. [illegible]
of Dubuque and Herman J. [?French] of Davenport are
fitting examples of persons attaining success in business
through their own efforts.
But after all read eminence and success in this life is
not measured by lofty position or dollars and cents. An
unsullied character and a contented, unselfish spirit are
the true measures of success whether in the lowly cabin
or in the costly mansion, and without these life is not a
success. May we one and all strive to possess these
priceless treasures - an unsullied character and a
contented and unselfish spirit. The final epitaph of the
old settler is a brief one, "He came, He died."
It is the epitaph of the most eminent and the most lowly.
The old settler of Cass and adjoining townships has the
proud satisfaction "he came" to a goodly land,
and to him who by honest endeavor in making the best of
his opportunities, it is a veritable land of milk and
honey. A land where a total failure of crops is unknown.
The rising ground or eminence just south of the Bemis
school house in the east part of Cass was early known as
Mount Pisgah, one of the highest points in the township.
From this eminence the early settler was not only
permitted to view the promised land, the borders of which
so many of our old settlers are so rapidly crossing these
latter days, but may we one and all be permitted to enter
and sojourn and possess.
The noon hour was passed ere the speech
was finished so with the word of "dinner"
everyone promptly rose to the occasion and the baskets of
toothsome victuals were speedily unladen of their dainty
stores, which were spread on the long tables provided
down on the flat or on the plats of grass near the
water's edge. At two o'clock, the program was again
resumed, Mrs. Helen M. Buckley reading a short sketch,
which we produce as read.
It would be vain and untrue to say that after nearly
fifty years of staying, living, working right here, there
was no reminiscences - nothing worth telling; coming here
in life's spring-time - spring by the calendar as well -
and living till one's hair is white. What has filled all
these years? How is life's book that is written full to
the last pages filled?
It was in April 1854 we came, just we two, with all our
earthly possessions packed in a wagon drawn by oxen. How
well I remember the day we arrived at our new home
perfectly inexperienced in the ways of a new country; no
one here we ever saw before, here we were: a log house
scarcely habitable, a log stable, a little ground broken
- that was all. But the land around lay in all its primal
beauty ready to produce for our comfort whatever we asked
of it. Such delightful air and sunshine! The very elixir
of life was in it. Such health and vigor and hope was an
abundant capital to begin with and work on. No antagonism
between that and labor. Indeed there was the greatest
harmony between them. If capital was exacting, labor was
willing and faithful. It was all within ourselves.
Nothing gained without struggle.
We soon found that there was much in life that was
neither poetry or romance. These would neither built the
houses or barns nor break the prairie nor educate the
children. The children, bless them, how they helped,
taking in their happy child-like way, a share of
everything. After all, those were happy days and looking
back from this vantage point of years I would like to go
back for one day and live it again.
The neighbors too; some of you are here today but most of
them are gone never to be with us again on an occasion
like this. We were all young together then.
As a family we were quite isolated. Most of the neighbors
had come with their relatives and could have their
pleasant family gatherings, which I used to envy them.
Our mail came once a week on Saturday afternoon. Mr.
White brought it from Colesburg and we eagerly watched
for his coming. I well remember just how he looked in his
little old wagon and bay horses. Happy were we is a
letter or two came from the dear old home. We also took
the Clayton County Journal and the New York
Tribune, and pretty soon the New York
Independent. The last two we take yet. The home
letter made us a little homesick for awhile; we lived on
its contents till the next Saturday. But we were here to
stay, and stay we did, till the years have piled up like
mountains. After all, like Phoebe Cary, I would not
change them if I could.
Always busy - we had no sewing machines, every stitch in
every garment had to be put in by hand; no creameries, we
made our own butter and the work was double for want of
conveniences. We made our own candles or used our own
lard lamp, for it was before the days of kerosene. We
sent no linen to the laundry and if we wanted a carpet
for our living room we cut and sewed the rags colored
them, and went through all the tedious process of making
After all, life is not much more mixed up in a new
country than an old. It is a sort of mosaic everywhere;
light days and dark ones, shadow and sunshine. One day
this and one day that. I have no thrilling tale to tell
of how the flour gave out and we were obliged to pound
corn, neither can I boast of abundant luxuries. In the
middle ground our road lay - always wishing, hoping and
working for better things.
I have thought it would be delightful to travel in
foreign lands, cross the sea and look upon the splendid
works of arts and antiquity, but better still I love to
be at home here in Iowa, and from this loved spot bid you
all Goodbye.
Mrs. Eve Minkler of Edgewood read a very interesting
paper from we extract:
In as much as [illegible] this County in the year 18??,
as did [illegible words] B.W. Newberry, I am entirely
capable of relating from experience [several illegible
words] had a better start in life when he landed than I
did, for I am told that I was then only an Eight Pound
Bunch of Humanity. But, Dear Old Settlers, I stand before
you today a living evidence of the truth of that old
adage, "Large oaks from little acorns grow."
Dear Friends, we meet together today in this "Old
settlers" meeting to listen to the stories of the
early days of this Section of the country and to the
papers that have been prepared on various subjuects,
while it affords me pleasure, it has, as all human
affairs have, mingled with it saddness for my mind goes
irresistibly back to those days, and to the fathers and
mothers who are forever gone; and we can hardly realize
or appreciate now when our various organizations meet in
Reunons, Institutes, &c, and we with our maturer
years behold the solid basis of organized effort in all
the avenues of life, the patient efforts and labors of
the Pioneers of these counties who planted, watered and
labored with [illegible] to make [illegible words] which
we now call "home". Men who by the very force
of their high character, wisdom, lofty and unselfish
purposes, [illegible], directed and fostered the tender
plans and they left us as a heritage this full grown tree
of today, from whose noble trunk generous branches are
spread all over our [illegible], and men and women meet
together to profit from the knowledge and experience of
neighbors far and near and we say we indeed living in an
advanced age, and so are. But when we pause to eneumerate
the many qualities which count to make them real citizen,
one of which is hospitality, wonder if we really are
advancing, if we [illegible] the stranger as welcome
within our gates did our parents, of our doors are swung
wide open to the poor for shelter that they may get
nearer to the Public School for a [illegible] education.
I ask, Do we cultivate the [illegible] of hospitality
sown by our Pioneer Parents? If we want to advance the
arts that constitute a model man or woman we must look to
their example along this particular line, Oliver
Goldsmith said:
"Blest be the spot where cheerful guests retire
To pause from toil and [illegible]
Blest that abode where want and pain repair
And every stranger [illegible] ready chair,
Blest be those [illegible] simple plenty crowned
Where all the ruddy faces round,
Laugh at the gests [illegible]
[illegible] with pity [illegible] mournful tale,
Or press the bashful [illegible] to his food
And learn the luxury of [illegible] good."
As I pause to think of many noble qualities which our
dear [illegible] were rich in, I feel and know that I am
positively incapable of representing [illegible] any way.
While I consider it an honor to be called an Old Settler
of Delaware county I am aware of the fact that
[illegible] is only a legacy handed down to me by my
Pioneer Parents who came from the state of New York [55
or 65] years ago and [illegible] Lodomillo Township on
the Clayton side of the County Line. It was then the
rough [illegible] wood of the west, and they set about to
prepare the logs for a house in which to live. So when I
landed nine years later to [illegible] their numbers, I
found them building a new and commodious frame home which
they moved into before I was [illegible] I remember them
only at that large house with its roomy rooms [illegible]
floors, the orchard and its plentiful [illegible] of
apples, the well-filled barn and the [illegible] welcomes
which greeted not a few visitors when I became old enough
to listen with interest to the new Country Stories. The
log house was seen only from the picture that hung on
memory's walls, but it seems that I could remember it too
for I hurd so much about that first log house, the double
log house, and had I [illegible words] I have heard them
tell of meeting and conversing with the "Red
man" and of the wild game that [illegible]
abundantly, among which were deer of several species.
I have heard my parents relate the story of how Peter
Blake found and captured the dear prize of his life at
their house, and I am told that some of that same species
of deer are to be found along the Ridge Road running from
Strawberry Point to Edgewood and two young men of
Strawberry Point are still found along the trail as if in
pursuit of the same.
"History repeats itself." To some the trail is
long, to others it may be short. But remember this when
Cupid takes aim beware, for his persistency knows no
bound. HIs snare is woven from the most tender longings
of th ehuman heart, his darts carry the virtue that make
the citizen. It was Longfellow who said, "Cupid is
ever busy with his shuttle weaving into lifes dull warp
gorgeous flowers and scenes Arcadian." Dear Old
Settlers, may he ever be [illegible] floating with us
down the tide of ..... [paper torn - remainder of column
missing] ..... down to us by them as we are for time and
talent. They are and given and it is our duty to make use
of them, for we will have to turn them to account. There
is opportunity for us to work in all the fields of
Here Mrs. Minkler made a very strong plea for more
forceful work along the temporance line, this cause, she
said, being one of the greatest problems of the day. She
eulogized in beautiful language the efficient labors of
Frances Willard and the White Ribbon army of the world.
"All the progress that hareves been made in
civilization has been due to principals of truth and
right that have been put into action by the minority at
And in speaking of the progress we will make in the next
fifty years, she said that in all probability the last
century with its glorious advancement seems to the old
settler but
"Yesterday out on the prairies greed
With the oxen yoked and the chain between
Drawing the sturdy oak beam plow
They turned the furrow 'twist then and now
Never again on the virgin sod
Shall the wild rose answer the daisy's nod.
Never again like billows east
Shall blue joint answer the summer blast.
Never again shall we see at the dawn
The red deer leading her speckled fawn
Alas! for the grey wolf's mighty howl.
And the tragic voice of the mournful owl!
They shall meet them perhaps not ever again
For furrows are cast twixt now and then,
At the other side of the virgin sod
They look to-day and wisely nod.
At the splendid fields of growing grain
Orchards and vineyards in endless train
Houses and barns the very best
Churches and schools and all the rest.
Instead of the little country store
The city with all our wants and more,
Instead of the cart and the old ox team
The lightning express train run by steam,
Surreys, phaetons carts if you like
Everything down to a chainless bike.
Sometimes I wonder if youth at its best
Sips the joys of life with livlier zest
In those days of lighting Compressed air and steam
Then in the good days of the old ox team.
They are glad that our sons and daughters too
Are born in this age of inventions new,
Glad that our boys can ride today
When they plow the field and rake the hay
Glad that our daughters take rank and place
In schools of learning and works of grace
They know just why both orchard and vine,
Herd of cattle and sheep and swine
And all these splendid fields of grain
Completely cover this vast domain.
They know why all the cabins are gone
And the splendid homes with well kept lawn
Have sprung like magic from vale and hill
They know for they planned and worked with a will,
They know why our boys are in college now
They may if they will still follow the plow,
But the school and college give finish, you know.
And this the desired, they had planned it so
It is not mere [illegible] that our girls can play
Piano and organ so well today.
It is all a part of the common plan,
The perfect woman, the finished man.
If they have been led by the hand of God
To do this work, they can smile and [illegible]
At all the changes that come their way
For they know very well it will surely pay.
The Glee club rendered the frist of three very enjoyable
selections given during the afternoon and were followed
by Mrs. Elizabeth Blake who gave an account of her first
three months experiences in Iowa in the following:
It is rather laughable to think of me at my time in life
appearing on the platform as one of the speakers of the
day. But as I think very little of apologies on such
occasions, I will offer none. I was requested to give at
this meeting some of my experiences in my early life in
Iowa. I have been called upon many times to give my
experience on the spiritual side of life but never before
on the temporal side; therefore hardly know where to
begin. And I doubt not it will be the same old story with
the variations.
I was born in Galena, Jo Daviess county, Illinois, near
the home of General Grant. In the year 1853, while yet in
my teens, I came with my elder sister and her husband to
Iowa. We started the first day of May. I walked part of
each day and helped drive the cattle. The first day I
walked too much, it made me sick, and at night we stopped
at a house, supposed to be a hotel, called the
"Traveler's Rest" and I was glad of the rest.
The bed they assigned to me was so damp, it gave me the
croup. I was subject to croup in my early days when I
caught cold. The people where we put up for the night,
had a large washing spread upon the bushes, clothes lines
being scarce, and perhaps bed linen being scarce, too,
they took the sheets off the bushes and put them on the
bed without ironing. That accounted for the dampness and
my croup. But it didn't prove fatal as you can all
The town we had in view was called Yankee Settlement, but
we settled a number of times before we found the Yankee
part. We settled so deep and solid sometimes we had to
get help to unsettle. I remember one time we had to go a
long way over the prairie to get help to pull us out of
one settlement - the country being sparsely settled but
sloughs and mud holes were in abundance.
But after many days we arrived weary and worn at a little
town with one small store kept by Joseph Belknap, called
Yankee Settlement. We stopped at this little town for a
while to rest our teams and see the sights. Sister and I
thought we would go into the store and see how it looked
inside. I can remember just as well as if it was
yesterday what I saw. The store was not much larger than
some of our pantries and at the place you entered there
was along the was a few shelves, on which was one piece
of bed ticking, one of bleached muslin, three pieces of
print, one roll of crash towelling, some candles, tea,
soda, and starch. There might have been more but I do not
remember seeing anything more. While we were in the
store, Mr. Jariah Alloway came in - my brother-in-law had
met him in the winter when he was building his log cabin
- and as we were going his way, he acted as guide through
the timber. By the time we reached Bear Creek it was dark
and I bacame sorely afraid to walk with the cattle for
fear bears or Indians might spring out of the bushes and
devour me and the cattle, for there was a dense growth of
under brush as well as heavy timber. I climbed into the
wagon and felt more at ease. About 9 o'clock we arrived
at Mr. Alloway's home and he took us in for the night,
and a right hearty welcome they gave us. In a very short
time Mrs. Alloway had supper ready, which consisted of
cornbread, stewed venison, maple syrup and coffee, and we
relished it amazingly. The next thing was to find
sleeping room for so many, the house being so small -
just one room and ten to sleep. But we shoved the tables
and chairs to one side and made beds on the floor. That
was the way we slept the first night. In the morning we
had to clear the room before we could get breakfast.
And when I took in the surroundings in the morning light
it made me home sick. I would have gladly gone back with
the teamsters had it not been for my sister, for about
all I could see was great tall trees and a patch of blue
over head. But I made up my mind to stay a few weeks and
then go home. I found going home was a difficult thing to
do as there were no railroads and no stage nearer than
Dubuque, so I kept on staying and after a year or so,
made up my mind that Iowa was a pretty good place to live
after all, and I still think so.
After we had been here a few weeks my sister and I came
to the Point to make a few purchases; she drove the oxen,
that being all the team we had, and when we arrived at
the store, there being but one we found about the same
display that we saw at Mr. Belknap's. Only Mr. Sterns,
who kept the store, had a few boots and shoes and two
pieces of print, the color of one dark brown with black
polkadots, the other light brown with black polkadots.
Mr. Sterns' store was situated on the corner where Mr.
Cameron now keeps drug-store. It was a log building with
two rooms; one was the living room, the other the store.
Where Strawberry Point is now situated, at that time was
mostly wild prairie, with only three or four houses. If I
remember correctly there was one black smith shop kept by
Elder Baker. That and the one little store were all the
business houses Strawberry Point could boast of at that
The first time I attended church in Iowa I rode three or
four miles in an ox wagon.
The first celebration I attended in Iowa was in '53 held
at Delhi. I was invited to go with a party of young
people from Chipman Hollow. We got everything in
readiness and the night previous, and all met at one
place and sat up al night so as to get an early start. We
started about three o'clock in the morning, eight of us
in one lumber wagon, with poles as springs. Some of you
know what they are. But we had rather a poor team. And we
had to walk up the Chipman hill because the team could
not pull us up. Well I thought to myself, this is one way
to celebrate, walking up the hills. It was a little
different than the way I had been used to going to such
places. Well, of course we got to the top and reloaded.
It was yet quite dark, but we got along very well until
about half a mile south of what is known as the Fisher
farm, where we broke down. One of the wheels smashed down
and we went down too. It was hardly day light out but the
boys had to go and find [illegible] to stand in the wet
grass, which was nearly waist high. The roads being new
there were only wheel tracks. After a long delay we
started on our journey and about one o'clock we arrived
at Delhi. The celebration ground was on the banks of
Silver Lake, where perhaps 75 or 100 people had
assembled. While there the Chipman part of our company
found some cousins who lived near Colesburg. They thought
the best and nearest way for us to get home would be for
us to go home with them stay all night and take an early
start in the morning, some of our party thought so too,
so we went. After traveling over miles and miles of
prairie, all looking the same to me, we arrived at these
cousins' home. The next morning one of our horses was so
lame he could not travel so we had to lay over all that
dday, but of the third day we reached home to find my
sister wild with anxiety at my long absence. She met me
at the door and said "Where in the world have you
been?" I said I didn't know only that I had been to
the celebration at Delhi and had traveled over a vast
deal of Iowa prairie, but did not know where to.
These are just a few incidents which occurred during my
first year in Iowa. Since that time it has been settled
up with a grand and good people. Railroads have been
built, runing nearly all over the state which makes
traveling very easy.
We have great advantages in the educational line, in fact
we have nearly everything heart could wish.
Therefore my friends, let us remember the source from
whence they came. And to the old pioneers and old
settlers, we may never all meet again on such an occasion
as this, but let us live that the coming generations can
say that Iowa has been made at least a little better by
us having lived here.
S. Joy spoke briefly and our reporter because of being
without hearing distance, was unable to take notes - the
speech being an impromptu one - but from the nods and
smiles from those nearer Mr. Joy we know his remarks were
well made.
R.J. Bixby of Lodomillo township very cunningly attempted
to escape the portion of entertaining assigned to him but
was urged into the line of duty to the pleasure of all
who heard him. He began by complimenting the speeches
already delivered, he directed compliments humourous and
hearty to that favorite son of both the old and new
settler, B.W. Newberry, and then continuing said that
although this gathering was in the nature of a gala day,
a festive occasion, yet it reminded him of the story of
the mother who, upon boarding a city street car with her
little family of twelve children, was asked by the
inquisitive conductor "Madam, are all these your
children or is this a picnic?" and to which the
response came with some asperity, "Sir, these are
all my children and I'd have you to understand it's no
picnic either." So with this day, while it was a day
of celebration still when the old settler was passing
through the hardships over which they gained the victory,
then it was no picnic. "The old settler was very
careful in all his bargain-making; the neighbors of that
time were very accommodating", said Mr. Bixby and in
corroboraton of both statements he told some well turned
tales that we all are laughing ever yet. The day, too,
had its social features and most important in this was
the public school, a pleasant sociability being
maintained through the teachers who "boarded
around". We have given but little idea of Mr.
Bixby's speech, the anecdotes and many interesting
sentences being minus in our note book.
Music by the glee club prepared the way for the speech of
Hon. G.L. Tremain:
I had thought to make some notes of the topics on which I
would speak at this time and not read a paper, but others
have requested me to write out what I would say, and I
here warn you that I may, in my exuberance of feeling,
for a time lay the notes aside. Some of the rich
experience of my early life in this Township may prove
too much for my pen.
I can assure you young people that not all the fun of
living came with the advent of the railroad or more
modern civilization. I can assure you, my
fellow-citizens, that it affords me much satisfaction to
meet with you here. I cheerfully lay aside my business
and its cares to be here with you and to try, as we may,
to live over again some incidents of our early life in
We miss many who would have been active participants in
our proceedings and as the years roll on more will drop
out to join the great majority. The more need, the, my
old neighbors, that we support this movement, that we get
together annually and look into each other faces, shake
each others hands and recount some of the experiences in
which we had a mutual interest.
I left Chautauqua county, N.Y., in the fall of 1845,
driving a team through to Adams Co. Illinois. Fever and
ague were so prevalent in that country that we moved
north to Belvidere in the spring of 1846 and from
Belvidere to Cass township in the spring of 1850. Our
family consisted of my parents, two younger brothers,
A.D. White's and Lin Gardner's families: Mrs. White and
Mrs. Gardner were half sisters of mine. I am not sure
where we would have stopped but for the kindly welcome
given us by Pap and Mam Betts, who then lived in a cabin
near Mr. Axtell's present farm. Oh, who can tell the far
reaching results of a pleasant word, a smile and a
cordial welcome. Possibly, had Mr. and Mrs. Betts been as
gruff and cold as the average emigrant meets, this
historian would have been lost to Cass township; a
different career would been left to me - my name might
have been Dennis; but everything Pap and Mam had was at
our service. "Come right in, we have lots of
room," and I can now easily recall the pleasant
feelings I had over the end of our journey. Here was
Government land, timber and water. Surely this was the
promised land. We moved into the front room; we occupied
the parlor, sitting room, and bed room. Pap and Mam
occupied the other rooms. Later, I aim to inform you,
there was but one room in the cabin, with a big fire
place in one end, but hospitality was not then measured,
any more than now, by the number of rooms at your
I took account of stock the next day. We were about to
begin anew, embark in a new enterprise and then, as now,
it was well to invoce and see how we stood. We had a yoke
of oxen, one horse, one wagon, two cows, a half barrel of
salt pork, a barrel of flour, two dollars and fifty cents
in money and grit, keen grit enough to last a year. If
there was another pound of pork in the township, Mr.
Tracy must have had it. Ours soon went and the flour went
too, but the grit, it lasted. In fact, my old-time and
new time friends, it's not all gone now.
My first move towards improving this country was to clear
out a road from the foot of the hill where I am told
Thos. Scott now lives, about a mile and a half along
where the Elkader road runs, to where a certain fine
white oak grove, owned by an uncle of ours, where
[illegible] the logs and from where I hauled them to
build Lin Gardner a cabin. That cabin was afterwards
moved to the Point and rebuilt near the Sherwood place
and was, I think, Strawberry Point's second Post-office.
Lin Gardner was Postmaster.
We depended on Yankee Settlement for a Post-office until
about 1851. A weekly mail came to Yankee Settlement where
we got our Fredonia Censor and occasionally a
letter. We had some correspondents East who were
thoughtful enough to prepay the postage on their letters.
In those days the postage might be paid at either end of
the route. We were not, strictly speaking, a reading
community then, or rather we read everything we had and
for want of something new re-read the old. I may here
confess that I read in those days one certain good Book
more than I have since.
It is worth mentioning that in those days postage was
rather high, too high for frivolous letters, to the
pioneer who had no money. You may readily think that when
I came from Southern Illinois here, a young man of 17, I
cautioned my best girl to write fine and close and she
took the hint and wrote but seldom.
In 1851 a Mr. Woods came here and proposed to start a
store. I made his acquaintance early. He selected a site
on the ground now occupied by the Williams Drug Store. I
arranged with him to build his building. I was blossoming
out as a contractor, carpenter and joiner. I called on
that same grove of white oaks - our uncle had found no
fault with our former call, and I cut and hauled the logs
for Strawberry Point's first store. I helped raise the
store and Mr. Woods goods came on, not by the car load,
but about a wheelbarrow load besides one suspicious
looking package. As I now recall it there was one keg of
nails, 3 axes, a few bolts of calico and a barrel of
whisky. Scant as his stock was it was entirely beyond the
means of the settlement to pay for. How others got goods
I never knew. I had built his store and took goods, and
the next season I broke ten acres for him, for more
credit at the store, and the next winter, having broken
my last ax, I called on Mr. Woods and arranged to cut,
split and stump for him 400 rails for an ax. I went to
the woods north of the Point into one of that same
Uncle's best groves and put 400 good rails on the stump
and carried home one of Mr. Woods' axes.
Here permit me to moralize a bit. I have never been able
to recall a trade or a deal that afforded me more real
satisfaction than making those 400 rails for an ax. Some
of our young people may think I paid a big price for an
ax. From the standpoint of today, I did. From the
standpoint of then, it was a good bargain. I had lost my
ax all my capial in the business of getting out rail
timber. I had no money. Mr. Woods wanted nothing we had
to spare but my labor, and I had an inexhaustible supply
of that on hand and as I now see it, had he said 600 or
800 rails I would have jumped at the bargain. It is
evident we do not estimate the importance or satisfaction
of our transactions by their size. The late A.R. Loomis
once told me the most pleasing and enjoyable business
transaction of his life was when a farmer offered to
board him and give him 50 cents a hundred for making
rails. He was out of money and hungry and such an offer
was timely.
I remember Mr. Woods' keg of nails. They were 8-penny
nails, and no matter whether you wanted 4's, 6's or 20's;
8's were the size you had to take. He sold them at 12 1/2
cents per lb. I at one time took to him four dozen eggs
and took home a pound of nails.
I am unable to tell the date of the first election in
Cass but the incident is fresh in my mind. I held a hat
while my father, William, James and Asa Alloway and Mr.
Tracy voted. It was an honest, fair election, and I hope
Cass has followed the example then set.
The question may be in the mind of some of you how we got
along for meat after that half barrel of pork was gone. I
can assure you it did not last long. It was divided among
the settlers, none of whom had a pound. I think we went
through the summer and fall without meat but when winter
came we were provided for. All three of the Alloway were
hunters. Asa was a fine shot and our first winter here he
killed 60 deer and everyone killed was taken to some
settler's cabin, the hide being all he wanted.
You must not think the philosophers all came here with
the advent of the more modern civilization. We had them
with us early. I recall the sage remark of one man. There
was a great scarcity of pork and beans. John Cooley had
some pork but no beans. He proposed to a neighbor who had
beans but no pork, that they cook them together. Then,
says John, "Your beans will taste of pork, and my
pork will taste of beans."
The current of our lives sometimes turns on minor or
unimportant events. At one time a Strawberry Point
merchant told me he wanted my account settled and wanted
my trade no more. I recognized his right to his position,
but it galled me beyond forgetting. I went home firmly
determined to take such a course as would lead to no
repetition of such a humiliation, and I think I
I might go on telling you of other incidents of early
days in Cass but I think best to save something for
future meetings of early settlers. We raised some good
crops and some poor ones. We often lost heavily by
prairie fires, but we hung on and on until we made this
country blossom. We have done our share by patient toil
and care to make this the best state in the union. We
made no great pretense, we done nothing great or
marvelous, but the steady blows we dealt day by day, year
in and year out, made this country a good place to live.
We have raised big wheat and corn and oats and we have
astonished other countries with our butter, but the crops
we have raised that have made us our fair name is our
crop of men and women. Possibly other countries have
raised more brilliant men or women, but of the faithful
plodders, the average man and woman, the kind that will
do to tie to, the kind that rule our Country, the sort of
people into whose hands our destiny as a Nation may be
safely intrusted, of our crop of such we may well be
Thirty-nine years ago this month we met at West Union and
nominated for Congress a mild mannered, diffident,
bashful young man from Dubuque. He could think in plain
homely English. He is still in Congress, using that same
quality of plain common sense, and today no man stands
higher in the estimation of civilized countries. All hail
to the common people.
Mr. Tremain was among old friends, who were very glad to
hear and see him again and his short paper was an
interesting one from beginning to end.
Mrs. Rev. Crum also spoke during the afternoon, her
remarks being a thanksgiving for the blessings bestowed
both upon and by the old settler. She closed with a call
for a tiger and a hip-hip-hurrah, which was heartily
given by the audience.
Joesph Marsh of Fairfield township followed and his paper
though short was full of instruction. He said:
We came to Iowa in November, 54, landing at McGregor.
There were but few houses there. We hired a team to take
us to Volga City where we lived one year, then moved on
to land I bought of the Government after I had built a
small house. Our first winter in Iowa was delightful,
with but very little snow. I was induced to come west to
regain my health and I used to tramp over Volga's hills
and through timber on its banks, until I could eat like a
plowman. Game of all kinds was abundant, and by spring I
had regained my health. Volga was small but we found a
few congenial Eastern people and never before or since
have we spent a more delighful winter. Our neighbors were
very kind and we enjoyed roughing it. I bought two lots
where the Methodist Episcopal Church now stands. I wanted
to build, but could get no timber, only a board of this
man, or that, as they were getting logs sawn at the very
slow mill there. Sol. Gould rented it of his brother
Bill. I put up a small Shanty of native lumber by New
Years, for we could get no pine nearer than Dubuque.
In that little 10X12 the Masons organized the first lodge
in Volga. I went to work in Dubuque but came home to help
celebrate the first Fourth of July Volga ever had. It was
a fine day, and a big crowd for those days. Squire Gould
was orator and there was a parade, with music consisting
of one Violin, a Fife, and I think an acordian, a public
dinner, and soon after a dance commenced in the New
Hotel, built by John Love, on the corner lot adjoining
ours. They danced until daylight. During that fall, I cut
logs and hauled them to the new Saw Mill at Taylorville,
put up a frame 14X16 and moved into it in November.
There was nothing exciting that occurred until the Money
Crisis of '57 and '58 came, and a great Indian scare,
known as the Spirit Lake Massacre, the news of which was
brought here by some of those who had fled from the
neighborhood of those horrors. My wife's sister, husband,
and four children were living with us, he working for us.
They were fearfully scared over the report and wanted a
settlement, so as to return to his old home in
Massachusetts. I found we owed him $1000. There were no
banks or money here, and I doubt if there was that amount
of cash in Fairfield Territory. He was determined to
leave and started to Dubuque with two yoke of oxen, with
feed for them and myself, the oxen I intended to sell
were [illegible] fat, but when I reached Dubuque, and
found a friend, a butcher, to whom I expected to sell,
imagine my shagrin when he said he did not believe there
was that much money in the City. The best men could not
be trusted for anything. Many had pawned their plate to
procure provisions for their families. This I know for
fact. In traveling main Street, I did not meet or see a
team, where, when I worked there, was a very busy town,
its streets thronged with teams. Now it was deserted, all
hired help was discharged and many of the store keepers
stood at their places of business with their hands in
empty pockets. It was very depressing and after a number
of unsuccessful attempts to find a purchaser I returned
home, and my brother-in-law bought the oxen and rented a
farm. That year crops failed, and with wild oats, no
money, no flour, no selling of farms, we had to stay.
In referring to this story of Fayette County I find the
following Order of the County Commissioners of Clayton
County record August 26, 1841. Ordered that the reort of
Calvert Roberts, Sam [illegible] and Joseph Hewitt,
Commissioners appointed by the legislature of Iowa to
locate from Dubuque to Ft. Atkinson, be received, and
they allowed the sum of $40.50 each for services in
running said Road through Fayette and Clayton County and
Alfred L. Brown be allowed the sum of $40.50 as surveyor
of said road, and also the sum of $8.00 for draughting
plat, being extra services. Also Allen Wilson and Moses
Hewitt chainmen be allowed the sum of twenty-seven
dollars cash, and also Geo. Culver as marker be allowed
the sum of $27.00 and Franklin L. Wilcox, as stake driver
be allowed the sum of $16.00 and that Joseph Hewitt be
allowed the sum of $20.25 for services of team.
Taylorville, Fairfield Territory. This village was
located on Section 22, Township 92 R 7 and was laid out
by Jared Taylor. The first breaking was done by M.C.
Sperry in 1846. Dr. Taylor settled near there in 1851 and
began the practice of Medicine. A steam Saw Mill was
built by Wm. Stevenson in 1854.
A song by the Glee club and the benediction pronounced by
Mrs. Reverend Crum closed the program for the most happy
and successful reunion ever attended by ye scribe in an
experience of such reunions in four other counties. We
doubt if Clayton county ever had one more satisfactory
from all points of excellence as the one of Thursday. We
encore the gentlemen in charge that they may again give
us such a day of pleasure.
Notes by the Way ----- Much praise is due President
Cooley and his co-workers for their able work in
arranging this day. Mr. Cooley is one upon whom such
perfomances fall easily because he is capable in their
execution. Many were the words of commendation heard for
B.W. Newberry - and they were his due - for the comforts
of his woodland home and for his help in the
entertainments of the day.
Stands of sandwiches, cold drinks and Cameron &
Spangler's delicious ice cream were conducted by Alex
Blake and Ross Cameron.
Home grown watermellons were a delicacy sold on the
grounds by a Lamont gentleman.
It would be very hard to estimate the number attending
the reunion. The audience seats were filled and the woods
were full of happy friends.
A number who were t have given short talks were absent to
the program was considerably shortened.
An open buggy in which five were riding lost a wheel on
the start home when just in front of the cottage and the
occupants were tumbled out, all happening to fall on the
elderly Mr. Bemis. It was first thought he was badly
hurt, but after a short rest the load continued on their
homeward way.
Mrs. Crum's hurrah was a cheerful vent to our lively
spirits. Little Miss Genie Williams, very anxiously
enquired if Mr. Marsh, who succeeded Mrs. Crum, would not
also say "rah". Had she had her way with the
days program it would have been one grand series of
cheering "rahs".