Jerry Maloney was born in County Cork, Ireland,
emigrated to the United States and, on July 25,
1856, married Mary Hennessy in Little Falls,
Herkimer County, New York. During the next
several years, tensions escalated over the
slavery question, John Brown attacked
the armory at Harpers Ferry, and Southern militia
fired on Fort Sumter. Before long, the country
was embroiled in war. On July 9, 1862, with the
war escalating, Governor Kirkwood received a
telegram asking him to raise five regiments as
part of the Presidents call for 300,000
three-year men. If the states quota
wasnt raised by August 15th, it "would
be made up by draft." Jerry Maloney was one
who answered the call.
On August 7, 1862, Jerry was a forty-year-old
farmer when he enlisted at Strawberry Point in
what would be Company B of the states 21st
regiment of volunteer infantry. The company was
mustered into service on August 18th and the
regiment on September 9th, both at Camp Franklin
in Dubuque. A Book of Irish Americans
by William D. Griffin says 144,221 men of Irish
birth served in the Union Army, with 1,436
enlisting from Iowa. In the 21st Infantry, Jerry
Maloney was one of at least forty-five men
mustered in on the 9th who gave Ireland as their
place of birth.
Jerry was described as being five feet, five
inches, tall with blue eyes, brown hair, and a
light complexion. Crowded on board the Henry
Clay, a sidewheel steamer with two barges
lashed to its side, they left Dubuque on a rainy
September 16th.
Muster rolls were taken bimonthly and Jerry was
reported present on all initial rolls
as they saw service in Missouri - Rolla, Salem,
Houston, Hartville, West Plains, Ironton, Iron
Mountain, and Ste. Genevieve. At Ste. Genevieve
they boarded the Ocean Wave on April 1,
1863, and started downstream to Millikens
Bend where General Grant was organizing a massive
army with a goal of capturing the Confederate
stronghold at Vicksburg. Assigned to the 13th
Corps under General John McClernand, they left
the Bend on April 12, 1863, and started a slow
movement south through swamps and bayous on the
west side of the Mississippi River.
On April 30, 1863, the army started to cross the
river from Disharoons Plantation on the
west bank to the Buinsburg landing on the east
bank. Soon after going ashore, the 21st Iowa,
guided by a former slave, became the point
regiment for the entire army as they headed
inland on a dirt road. On May 1, 1863, Jerry
Maloney participated with his regiment in the
Battle of Port Gibson in which the regiment had
three men fatally wounded and thirteen wounded
less severely. He also was with the regiment
during the Battle of Champions Hill on May
16th when they were held in reserve by General
McClernand. .
Having not participated in the battle on the
16th, they were rotated to the front on the 17th
and, with the 23rd Iowa, led an assault on a
Confederate force hoping to keep the railroad
bridge over the Big Black River open. The
three-minute bayonet charge was successful, but
seven members of the regiment were killed in the
charge, eighteen were fatally wounded, and
thirty-eight were wounded non-fatally. Among the
most seriously wounded was the regiments
Colonel, Sam Merrill, who suffered serious wounds
to both thighs and fell on the field, but later
became a post-war Governor of Iowa.
Five days later, Jerry Maloney participated with
the regiment in an assault on the Confederate
lines at Vicksburg when the regiment suffered its
heaviest casualties of the war: twenty-three
killed in action, twelve more with fatal wounds,
forty-eight with non-fatal wounds, and four
captured. This assault was unsuccessful and a
lengthy siege followed. Jerry was present the
entire time, but the siege took its toll. On
August 14, 1863 he was granted a furlough on a
Surgeons Certificate, although Jim Bethard,
a comrade in Company B, wrote that Jerry had
actually left for home the previous week. After
receiving a thirty-day extension, Jerry started
back to the regiment, reported in at Cairo on
October 9th, and reached the regiment at Camp
Pratt near New Iberia, Louisiana, on November 4,
His health restored, Jerry was marked
present for two months of service in
southwestern Louisiana, and during its extended
service from November 1863 to June 1864 along the
Gulf Coast of Texas. After returning from Texas,
the regiment was stationed at Morganza,
Louisiana, performed service along the White
River of Arkansas and, about daylight on the 28th
of November, arrived in Memphis. Again, Jerry was
not well. Suffering from chronic diarrhea, he was
admitted to the citys Overton U.S.A.
General Hospital on December 15, 1864. Diarrhea
plagued men and women on both sides, "and
every day takes a greater number to the hospitals
than are returned," said one. Men tried to
clean cooking utensils and wash away dirt, but
water was rarely hot. Drinking water was often
contaminated and food fried in heavy grease
caused one surgeon to complain of death
from the frying pan. Intestinal infections
were rampant, led to malnutrition, anemia and
increased susceptibility to other diseases
resulting in extreme dehydration, up to fifty
percent weight loss, and an estimated 50,000
deaths in the Union army, at least sixty-five in
the 21st Iowa. Medical treatment included Epsom
salts, castor oil and opium. Some doctors thought
quinine or calomel would help and all recommended
fruits and vegetables if available. After
hospital treatment in Memphis, Jerry was able to
rejoin the regiment at Spring Hill, Alabama, on
April 19, 1865, and was present when they were
mustered out at Baton Rouge on July 15.
After the war, he worked as a laborer at a
variety of jobs including the rail line near
Winthrop, Buchanan co., but his war-related
illness continued and gradually grew worse.
Finally, on March 19, 1874, giving his age as
forty-nine and signing with an X, he
applied for an invalid pension. By then, he said,
he was a resident of Alden in Hardin County and
felt he was totally disabled from obtaining
his subsistence from manual labor. With
many thousands of veterans seeking federal
pensions, applications took a long time for
claimants to prove and the government to
investigate. Jerry secured affidavits from
friends who knew him before and after the war,
from doctors who had examined him, and from Salue
Van Anda, the regiments former Lieutenant
Colonel. Eventually on June 12, 1878 a
certificate was issued entitling Jerry to $6.00
monthly, paid quarterly.
Five months later, he applied for an increase.
His health, he said, had worsened since he first
applied more than five and a half years earlier.
He was examined by doctors in Eldora, they
submitted their report, and Jerrys pension
was increased to $8.00. Eventually, Jerry
returned to New York where he had married his
wife so many years earlier. He was living in The
New York State Soldiers & Sailors Home in
Bath, New York, when he died on October 17, 1892.
He is buried in the Bath National Cemetery.
Mather, Darius
The first of five sons born to Southworth and
Philena (Rice) Mather, Darius was born on
December 15, 1831, in Union County, Ohio. On
March 24, 1853, in the town of Dover, Darius and
his cousin, Amanda H. Mather, were married. Their
children included Florence born in 1856, Francis
in 1857, Delmer in 1859 and Abbie in November1860
when that falls election campaigns were
well underway.
By then they were living in Iowa and only a month
earlier South Carolinas governor had said
his state would secede if Lincoln were elected
but the Clayton County Journal discounted
the threat as one routinely made every four
years. This cry was invented only to
frighten the people into voting for the
Democratic candidate it said, but Lincoln
was elected and South Carolina did secede. Still,
the Journal wasnt worried. We hope
however our readers will not become too excited
over this, because it is not worth while. There
are men enough in Pennsylvania alone to subdue
South Carolina without the aid of Iowa
volunteers. On April 12, 1861, General
Beauregards cannon fired on Fort Sumter.
By the fall of 1862, with thousands of men having
died, President Lincoln called for another
300,000 volunteers with Iowa given a quota of
five new regiments. If not met by August 15th,
the difference would be made up by a draft.
Governor Kirkwood was concerned. The war was more
serious than anticipated, initial military
enthusiasm had subsided and disloyal sentiment
was strong in some parts of the state but he
assured the President "the State of Iowa in
the future as in the past, will be prompt and
ready to do her duty to the country in the time
of sore trial. Our harvest is just upon us, and
we have now scarcely men enough to save our
crops, but if need be our women can help."
Darius was a thirty-year-old carpenter when he
was enrolled in Grand Meadow Township on August
14, 1862, in what would be Company E of the 27th
Iowa Infantry. Two weeks later he was appointed
Fife Major. The regiment was mustered into
service on October 3rd at Dubuques Camp
Franklin and on the 11th was ordered to Minnesota
where six companies saw brief service while the
other four went south to Cairo where all ten
companies were later reunited. On November 20th
they left for Memphis.
Darius was reported present on the December 31st
muster roll at Lexington, Tennessee, and the
February 28, 1863, roll at Jackson, Tennessee,
but on April 20th was sick and did not rejoin the
regiment until May 3rd. He was then reported
present on the bimonthly roll for the period
ending June 30th but on July 29th was granted a
furlough. He was still shown as absent on the
August 31st roll but was present on the October
31st and December 31st rolls when the regiment
saw service at Devalls Bluff, Arkansas, and
along the White River before moving to Memphis.
On January 28, 1864, they were ordered to
Meridian, Mississippi, but Darius was ill with
erysipelas, a bacterial infection that caused
many deaths during the war but was treatable with
proper medication. On February 9th, Edward
Wilhelm, a hospital steward in a convalescent
camp, asked that Darius be admitted to a general
hospital due to the camp not being supplied
with medicines to treat such cases. The
stewards request was granted and Darius was
admitted to General Hospital No. 3 at Vicksburg
on March 8th. He was still there on the 30th when
the illness caused his death. His clothing and
other personal items including a silver watch and
gold chain were stored at the hospital for
disposal by a Council of Administration.
Of four Mather brothers who served in the war,
Darius was the third to die. Esquire had died of
chronic diarrhea while home on furlough in 1863
and is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Lansing. John
had also died of chronic diarrhea in 1863. He and
Darius are buried not far from each other in
Vicksburg National Cemetery. Their younger
brother, Sterling, would die in 1866, less than a
year after being discharged from the military.
On August 9, 1864, while living in Clermont,
Amanda signed an application for a pension for
herself and her four children then aged three,
five, seven and eight with William Cowles of West
Union as her attorney but no apparent action was
taken. Nine months later, on May 15, 1865, still
living in Clermont and still with William Cowles
as her attorney, Amanda signed another
application seeking a pension for herself and her
four children. The application was received by
the pension office on May 20th and a month later
was approved retroactive to the day after
Darius death at $8.00 monthly for Amanda
and an additional $2.00 monthly for each of her
children that would continue until their
sixteenth birthdays.
On April 23, 1866, Amanda filed a petition with
the Clayton County circuit court asking that she
be appointed as guardian at law for three of her
children. Francis was not mentioned and may have
died after the original application was filed.
The petition was supported by Dr. H. B. Hinkly
who signed an affidavit confirming the names and
birth dates of the children and indicating
that he was the attending physician
for all of their births.
On September 5, 1868, in West Union, Amanda
married Jabez Carpenter Rounds, a widower whose
first wife had died in 1864. Due to her marriage,
Amanda was no longer entitled to a widows
pension but the childrens pensions would
Amanda died on June 22, 1874 and Jabez on
February 6, 1892. Theyre buried in Eno
Cemetery, Clayton County.
Mather, John H.
During the 1850s, several families, many related,
emigrated from Ohios Union County to
Clayton County. Among them were Joel and Sarah
Rice and their children - James, Caroline,
Robert, George, Marshal and Tero. Also emigrating
were Southworth and Philena (Rice) Mather who had
twelve children - three boys who died in infancy,
three girls and six more boys (Fortner, Daniel,
Darius, John H., Esquire aka
"Squire"and John Sterling aka
"Sterling"). Moving by himself was Jim
Bethard who left his father's home near Dover to
follow - and marry - Caroline (he called her
Cal) Rice in Clayton County.
Of these, the Rev. Fortner C. Mather was the
first to move when, in 1853, he became pastor of
a Methodist Episcopal Church in Clayton County.
During the Civil War, Jim Rice, John Mather and
Jim Bethard were among more than 140 enlistees in
Iowas 21st Infantry who gave Ohio as the
place of their birth. Darius Mather joined the
27th Infantry while Squire and Sterling Mather
joined the 9th Infantry. Robert Rice joined the
9th Cavalry and George Rice the 9th Infantry. As
a result, Caroline had a husband, three brothers
and at least three cousins serving with the Union
John H. Mather was born near Marysville, Ohio on
April 17, 1841 and accompanied his parents and
siblings to Iowa. After Southworth's death in
Castalia on March 30, 1861, his sons took
responsibility for Philena's well-being but, when
the President called for 300,000 more volunteers,
Squire, Sterling, John and Darius answered the
John, Jim Rice and Jim Bethard enlisted together
on August 11, 1862, giving Grand Meadow as their
residence. On 18th they were mustered into
Company B and on September 19th into Iowas
21st regiment of volunteer infantry. All three
were farmers, unfamiliar with the military. On
September 16th, after brief training at
Dubuques Camp Franklin, they boarded the
181' long sidewheel steamer Henry Clay
and climbed to the hurricane (top) deck while
others crowded together on the lower decks and
two barges tied alongside. The big wheel began to
turn and they left for war while friends and
relatives waved and cheered.
Jim Bethard wrote often to Cal and usually
mentioned her brother James and cousin John:
09/16/1862 From Rock Island, Illinois. "Jim
and John and I slept on the hericane deck last
10/15/1862 From Rolla, Missouri. "John
Mather got a letter from Squire and Sterling a
few days ago.
11/15/1862 From Hartville, Missouri. "John
Mather received a letter this evening. from
Sterling . . . . Jim and John and I have
discovered that it [tobacco] is a nautious weed
and we therefore abstain from the use of
12/07 /1862 From Houston, Missouri. John
Mather has had a spell of the yellow jaundice but
is about well now . . . . As I have nothing of
importance to write I will give way to our friend
When they left Iowa, the daughter of Jim and Cal
was three months old. As Jim said in his letter
of December 7th, he gave way to a jovial John who
added a personal note to Cal:
Dear Cousin I take this
present opportunity to address you Well Cal
how-de-do how are thee and thy little Babe I
am well all tho I had the yuller gandice
purty bad but have ... well I guess that is a
nough of that last night James B & I
slept together and we had a good old sleep we
got us a pair of blankets & we had a pair
before we have 4 blankets between us we sleep
very warm in our little tents
well Cal I have good old times with your Jim
& I hope we may still have we often talk
of the nights we past last winter playing
Chicken & we hope we may spend more such
he is a sitting on the flore on the ground
mending his pants write me a letter &
stick it in with Jims
from your affectionate cousin John H Mather
& Co
Jims letters continued:
12/13/1862 From Houston, Missouri. "the
mails has just come and brought ... a letter for
John. from Squire and Sterling."
12/28/1862 From Houston, Missouri. "John
Mather and I wrote to Squire and George a few
days ago."
On January 11, 1863, Jim Bethard was one of
twenty-five volunteers from Company B who
participated in the one-day battle at Hartville,
Missouri. In his next letter he explained to Cal
why her brother and cousin didn't participate:
01/22/1863 From Houston, Missouri. I
believe I forgot to tell you in my last why Jim
and John were not with us in the fight . . . .
they were out on a four day forrage expedition
and had not got back to camp when we started we
met them on the way but they were too near worn
out to turn back."
03/01/1863 From Iron Mountain, Missouri.
"James and John and Frank Farrand and I were
on the highest pinacle of the little mountain
called Pilot knob from whence we could see in all
03/02/1863 From Iron Mountain, Missouri.
"John Mather is verry well liked by the
majority of the company."
03/21/1863 From Ste. Genevieve, Missouri.
"John Mather received a letter from his
mother yesterday evening."
From Ste. Genevieve, the regiment was transported
down the Mississippi to Millikens Bend
where General Grant was organizing a massive
three-corps army to capture the Confederate
stronghold at Vicksburg. To avoid its guns, they
walked and waded south through farms, swamps and
bayous on the west side of the river. On April
30, 1863 they crossed to the Bruinsburg landing
on the east bank. As the point regiment for the
entire army and led by a former slave, they
started inland. About midnight they drew brief
fire from enemy pickets, but both sides then
rested on their arms. The next day, John
participated with his regiment in the day-long
Battle of Port Gibson.
On May 16, 1863 he was present at the Battle of
Champion's Hill although their commanding
general, John McClernand, held them in reserve
throughout the battle and their involvement was
limited to guarding prisoners, gathering arms,
and engaging in some light skirmishing after the
On May 17th, the 21st and 23d Iowa infantries led
an assault on entrenched Confederates at the Big
Black River Bridge and, again, John participated.
Regimental casualties were seven killed in
action, eighteen mortally wounded, and forty
wounded less severely. Among the most seriously
wounded was Colonel Merrill who fell on the field
with wounds to both thighs.
Jim Bethard had become ill and was left behind
west of the river and was still there when he
wrote his next letter:
05/18/1863 From Ashwood Landing, Louisiana.
"I suppose you received a letter from John
Mather written when I was in the hospital stating
that we had been paid off and that I had sent you
$40 . . . . as I was quite sick Mr Lyons came to
the hospital . . . . so I gave him the money and
he said he would attend to it and get John Mather
to write to you."
Jim caught up with his regiment on the siege line
at the rear of Vicksburg. While Jim had recovered
his health, John had become ill:
06/04/1863 From Vicksburg, Mississippi.
"John Mather is quite sick I believe his
complaint is chronic diehrea he is in the
hospital and I have not seen him since I came
here I intend to go up to the hospital to day to
see him but it is doubtful whether I get to see
him or not when I go for Jim says he has been
several times and could not find him."
06/07/1863 From Vicksburg, Mississippi. "I
was up and seen John Mather the day that I wrote
to you before he was up and around and mending
slowly he looks verry slim but is doing well at
present I have not seen him since that day but I
hear from him every day . . . . Cal I am not at
all surprised that you have not received my dress
coat . . . . John Mather came and got mine but
for some reason they did not go and mine came
back home."
06/15/1863 From Vicksburg, Mississippi.
"John Mather has been on the decline for the
last three days he left the hospital about a week
ago he told me this morning that he was going
back today."
Four days later, on June 19, 1863, John Mather
died from congestive chills and chronic diarrhea.
Some records erroneously report that John died on
June 10th, but it was clear from Jims
letter that John was still alive on June 15th.
The Company Muster Roll, an Inventory of
Johns personal effects signed by Captain
William Crooke, a Casualty Sheet, a report from
War Department, and a report from the Surgeon
General's Office all confirm the death was on
June 19th. John was buried in an apple orchard on
the Ferguson farm, about two miles to the rear.
After the war he was reburied in the National
Cemetery at Vicksburg, Section G, Grave 4972.

Reinterment document ...from Ferguson's Orchard
to Vicksburg National cemetery ... courtesy of
Cherie Valentine, a Mather descendant.
Jim wrote again:
06/21/1863 From Vicksburg, Mississippi.
"James Rice has written of John Mathers
death to his [Jim Rices] wife and I wrote
to [your] Aunt Philena [Johns mother]
yesterday It will be a great shock for her I feel
sorry for her but it is the fortune of war John
was a good and brave soldier but he now fills a
soldiers grave he has done his duty and gone to
his rest."
On September 26, 1863, John Mather's brother,
Squire, died of chronic diarrhea in Lansing,
Iowa, while at home on furlough. On March 30,
1864, Darius, died of erysipelas at Vicksburg.
Like John, he is buried in the city's National
Cemetery. The names of the three brothers appear
on a memorial marker in Postville Cemetery.
The fourth brother, John Sterling Mather,
survived the war, moved west and died on January
8, 1908. He is buried in Woodland Cemetery,
Woodland, California.
Philena Mather's husband had died in 1861. Three
of her children died in infancy and she had now
lost three of her sons to war. She married
William Bishop in 1863 but, eight months later,
he too died. Philena applied for a widow's
pension from the federal government, but her
application was never acted upon and the date of
her death is unknown.
Maxson, Christian Smith
Records indicate David Maxon was born in Ohio in
1830, Prudence Maxson in Ohio in 1835, and
Christian Maxson in Indiana on October 18, 1842.
All three, siblings, moved to Iowa prior to the
Civil War. David and Christian would serve in
Company B of the 21st Regiment of the Iowa
Volunteer Infantry, as would Prudence's husband,
Seymour Chipman.
The regiment was raised in the state's
northeastern counties, primarily Clayton and
Dubuque. Christian enlisted in Lodomillo Township
on August 6, 1862, the company was mustered into
service on August 18, 1862, and the regiment was
mustered in on September 9, 1862. Christian was
described as being 5' 3¾ tall with blue
eyes, auburn hair and a light complexion. Like
others, he was paid $25.00 of the government's
enlistment bounty (the $75.00 balance being due
on completion of service) and a $2.00 premium.
Most in the company were farmers who, said their
captain, William Crooke, had to learn "the
process of getting used to restraints of freedom,
to inclemencies of weather, to hard beds, and new
forms of food, sometimes not well cooked. ...
habits of obedience had to be formed."
Further advice came from the Wapello
Republican that said: "the Horrors of
War can be greatly mitigated by that sovereign
remedy, Holloway's Ointment, as it will cure any
wound, however desperate, if it be well rubbed
around the wounded parts, and they be kept
thoroughly covered with it. A Pot of ointment
should be in every man's knapsack."
Training was at Camp Franklin, "on a sandy
plateau on the bank of the Mississippi" a
mile or two above Dubuque. Its ten buildings were
each twenty by sixty feet and "arranged to
accommodate one hundred men each." On
September 16th, they left for war.
For the first year Christian maintained his
health well and, on January 11, 1863, he was one
of twenty-five volunteers from Company B who
participated in the daylong Battle of Hartville
in Missouri. Casualties were light, but the
physical strains of hurrying to Hartville and,
after the battle, returning to their base in
Houston, during a harsh winter, were hard on
everyone. Some had to be discharged and many
others would suffer the rest of their lives.
Christian continued with the regiment during the
1863 Vicksburg Campaign during which he
participated in the May 1st Battle of Port
Gibson, was present during the Battle of
Champion's Hill on May 16th when the regiment was
held in reserve during the battle (although he
may have been one of he few men allowed to engage
in post-battle skirmishing), participated in the
May 17th assault at the Big Black River, and
participated in the May 22nd assault at
Vicksburg. After the surrender of the city, he
participated in the expedition to and siege of
the capital at Jackson.
By then, however, his health had declined and he
was "sent to Hospl at Keokuk Iowa July 14,
1863." Muster rolls for the Keokuk U.S. Army
General Hospital indicate he was admitted as a
patient in late August and, except for an
intervening 20-day furlough, remained in the
hospital until May 13, 1864 when he was released
and transferred back to the regiment.
During his absence, the regiment had served seven
months on the Gulf Coast of Texas. Ordered to
Louisiana, the right wing arrived on June 14th
and the left wing on June 18th and there they
were joined by Christian Maxson. Christian
remained with the regiment as it was stationed at
the Terrebonne Station west of the river,
Algiers, Morganza Bend, at various locations
along the White River in Arkansas, Memphis, and
then for a month in Kennerville, Louisiana.
On August 5th, when Iowas 21st Infantry was
at Morganza Bend, Admiral Farragut had a
memorable battle at the entrance to Mobile Bay
and federal infantry occupied forts guarding the
entrance to the bay, but the city of Mobile was
still in the hands of the Confederacy. On
February 5, 1865, the regiment boarded the George
Peabody at New Orleans. Two days later they
went ashore on Dauphin Island where they camped
near Fort Gaines. On March 17th, they crossed the
bays entrance to Mobile Point and then
participated in a movement north along the east
side of the bay. The enemy abandoned the city
before the regiments arrival on April 12th.
After occupying the city, they camped in nearby
Spring Hill and visited the Jesuit College of St.
Joseph founded thirty-three years earlier by
Michale Portier, first Bishop of Mobile.
On May 26th, said Strawberry Points Myron
Knight, "we received orders right after
reveille to pack up and get ready to move."
Leaving Spring Hill about 6:00 a.m., they reached
Mobile four hours later. They then spent most of
the day resting in the shade until 5:00 p.m. when
they boarded the river steamer Mustang
and started a return to New Orleans. On arrival
Christian Maxson was admitted to the Marine
U.S.A. General Hospital. Still there with the war
coming to an end, there was no need for him to
remain in the military and he was discharged on
June 4, 1865. His regiment would be discharged
the following month at Baton Rouge.
Christian was married three times. He married
Clarrissa (also shown as Clarissa) Fisher on
October 27, 1865. She died on November 4, 1872,
and was buried in Gantz Cemetery in Abingdon,
Iowa. He then married Lorana (Bush) Newman on
October 13, 1877. She died on December 28, 1887,
and was buried in Edgewood Cemetery. His final
marriage was to Effie (also shown as Effa) May
Robbins on September 1, 1888.
Effie was almost twenty-eight years younger than
Christian and four years younger than Mary, one
of his daughters. Effie joined the Woman's Relief
Corps, an allied order of the Grand Army of the
Republic, and helped organize the Hiram Steele
Relief Corps of the WRC. The following year she
was an organizer and officer of Purity Temple No.
4, a local chapter of the Pythian Sisters, a
female auxiliary of the Knights of Pythias. Effie
and Christian would have two children, Mary
Matilda and Irma V. Maxson.
Christian worked as a merchant in Edgewood, Iowa,
where, on December 26, 1928, he died. Effie died
on November 22, 1947. They're buried in Edgewood
David John
Ephraim and Mary (Smith) Maxson reportedly had
ten children. Among them were Sarah born February
8, 1824, in Ohio, David born in Ohio in 1830, and
Prudence who was born January 12, 1835, in Ohio
or Michigan. For numerous reasons, Ohio seems
much more likely. From Ohio, the family moved to
Indiana where Christian was born on October 18,
1842. They then moved to Michigan and in 1852 to
Iowa. Sarah was married to Andrew Marshall and,
on August 24, 1853, in Strawberry Point, Prudence
married Seymour Chipman.
On December 24, 1856, David and Harriet Ann
Stevens were duly joined in marriage by
Andrew Marshall a Justice of the Peace in
Elkader (possibly the same Andrew Marshall who
was married to Sarah). A daughter, Jane Ellen
Ellie Maxson, was born in Elkader on
September 22, 1857.
On April 12, 1861, Southern guns fired on Fort
Sumter. President Lincoln called on the
militia of the several states of the Union
to the aggregate number of 75,000 in order to
suppress said combinations and to cause the laws
to be duly executed." The War Department
asked Northern states to provide infantry or
riflemen for a maximum of three months "to
suppress insurrection. Three months seemed
plenty of time, but "the gravity of the
revolt" and the "power and will of the
Slave States" were, said Walt Whitman,
"not at all realized at the North, except by
a few."
As the war progressed into a second year, more
volunteers were needed. On July 9, 1862, Iowa
Governor Kirkwood was asked to raise five
regiments and, despite the imminent fall harvest,
the state responded. David Maxson enlisted on
August 5th, Christian on the 6th and their
brother-in-law, Seymour Chipman, on the 11th. On
August 18th, they were among ninety-nine men
mustered in as Company B with David Maxson as 7th
Corporal. On September 9th, at Camp Franklin in
Dubuque, ten companies were mustered in as the
21st regiment of Iowas volunteer infantry
with McGregor banker Samuel Merrill as Colonel.
On September 16, 1862, they left for war on board
the Henry Clay and two barges lashed to
its side. The first seven months of their service
were spent in Missouri. After spending one night
in St. Louis, they traveled by rail to Rolla and,
from there, marched to Salem, Houston, Hartville,
back to Houston, south to West Plains, and then
northeast to Thomasville, Iron Mountain, Ironton
and finally, on March 11th, into the old French
town of Ste. Genevieve.
By then regimental strength had dropped from 985
at muster to only 882. Due to the vacancies that
had been created in some of the officer ranks,
David Maxson received incremental promotions to
6th Corporal, 5th Corporal, 4th Corporal and 3rd
Corporal. On March 19th, still at Ste. Genevieve,
David and several others were granted furloughs.
While they were gone more vacancies occurred and,
effective April 1, 1863, David was promoted to
1st Corporal.
David was still on furlough when the regiment was
taken down-river to Millikens Bend where
General Grant was organizing a massive army for
the purpose of capturing the Confederate
stronghold at Vicksburg. On a rainy April 12th,
they moved to Richmond, Louisiana, where they
were detailed to improve roads and work on a
levee and thats where they were on April
14th when Company Bs Myron Knight wrote in
his diary: did not feel very well - was
detailed to watch guns while the rest were to
work on the road - finished the work about noon
and came back to camp. Saw Wm. Lebert - belongs
to the battery. Three of the furloughed men came
back W. W. Lyons, D. Maxson and John
From Richmond they continued south over roads,
across bayous and through swamps on the west side
of the Mississippi River until camping on the
Disharoon plantation. On April 30th, they crossed
to the east bank and the 21st Iowa Infantry had
the honor of being the point regiment at the
front of the Union army as it started a slow
movement inland. About midnight, near the Abram
Shaifer house, shots were fired by Confederate
pickets. Union soldiers responded but, unable to
see each other in the darkness, both sides soon
rested. On May 1, 1863, David participated with
his regiment in what the North called the Battle
of Port Gibson. On the 16th they were present,
but held in reserve during the Battle of
Champions Hill, although Companies A and B
were allowed, late in the day, to help guard
prisoners and gather abandoned weapons.
On the 17th, they were in the lead with a
four-regiment brigade led by Michael Lawler. As
they approached the railroad bridge over the Big
Black River, they encountered entrenched
Confederates who were hoping to keep the bridge
open long enough for troops they thought were
still withdrawing from Champions Hill to
cross the river. Union officers conferred, an
assault was ordered and, in three minutes, it was
over. The Confederates had been routed, but
regimental casualties were heavy. Seven men were
dead, eighteen had wounds that would prove fatal,
and at least forty suffered less serious wounds.
Among them was David Maxson who, a report said,
was wounded in side ball lodging near the
spine between the shoulder.
Grants army continued to the rear of
Vicksburg, but regiments that participated in the
assault remained behind to bury their dead and
treat the wounded. Eventually, when safe access
was gained to the Mississippi River, many were
moved elsewhere so they could get better
treatment. Colonel Merrill, who had given the
order to charge, was seriously wounded while
leading the assault and was one of many taken to
Iowa. Others were sent to hospitals in St. Louis
and Memphis while David, on August 11th, was
taken on board the Charles McDougall
hospital boat where he was treated for his wound
and for febris intermittens, a term
most often applied to malaria. Davids
treatment continued as he was transported
upstream and, on August 18th, he was admitted to
the general hospital at St. Louis Benton
Barracks. In the meantime, effective July 3,
1863, David was promoted to 5th Sergeant.
On October 12, 1863, he rejoined his regiment,
then stationed at Vermilion Bayou in Louisiana
and he remained present through the end of the
year. Earlier that year the War Department had
created an Invalid Corps for men unable to
perform regular field duty, but still capable of
light work (e.g. serving as hospital nurses,
guarding prisoners, cooking and working as
orderlies). The 20th Regiment of the corps was
organized on January 12, 1864. The following
month David was found unfit for field service but
still able to perform light duties and, on
February 29th, he was transferred to the 20th
Regiment then stationed in Maryland.
His sister, Sarah, died on March 15, 1864, and
was buried in Noble Cemetery, Yankee Settlement
(Edgewood), while David continued his service in
Maryland. The name of the corps was changed to
Veteran Reserve Corps and David was still with it
when, on July 25, 1864, he died from malaria
(also shown as congestive intermittent
fever) at Point Lookout, site of the
largest Union prison camp for Confederates. A
military stone, with an adjacent GAR marker*, in
Noble Cemetery indicates his body was sent home
for burial.
Harriet was twenty-seven years old when her
husband died and, on August 10th, she signed an
application for a widows pension with
support from Elkader judge Alvah Rogers who
attested to her marriage to David. The Adjutant
Generals Office verified Davids
service and, on February 24, 1865, Harriet was
awarded an $8.00 monthly pension retroactive to
Davids death.
Harriet also requested a pension for her
daughter. Margaret Hughes and Jane Stevens signed
a joint affidavit saying we were present at
the time Jane Ellen Maxson was born, she
was the only child of the marriage, and she was
born on the 22nd day of September A.D.
1857. On April 1, 1867, a certificate was
issued authorizing an additional $2.00 monthly
that would continue until Janes sixteenth
On September 9, 1869, at Delhi, Harriet married
John N. Steele. In November she signed an
affidavit notifying the Pension Office of her
marriage and surrendering her certificate, but
said she had been appointed Guardian for her
now-twelve-year-old daughter. A monthly pension
of $8.00 was granted and a certificate was issued
March 28, 1870. The certificate was later lost,
but a new claim was approved and, on January 10,
1874, a new certificate was issued. By then Jane
was sixteen, but accrued amounts would still be
Sarah and David had died in 1864. In 1927
Prudence died in Corvallis, Oregon, and in 1928
Christian died in Edgewood.
_____ _____
*note from Clayton co. coordinator - many
times a GAR marker is placed next to a CW
veteran's gravestone to denote that they did
serve during the CW. Not all CW soldiers were
members of the GAR, which was started after
the War...sgf
McCafferty, Hugh H.
Hugh McCafferty was born in Philadelphia but the
year of his birth is uncertain. In military
documents his age was listed as 18 when he
enlisted (indicating a birth year of 1843 or
1844), but in postwar pension documents the age
he listed indicated a birth year of 1847 or 1848
possibly indicating he may have been underage and
made a patriotic fib when he
On August 12, 1862, Hugh and several others were
enrolled at Elkader, Iowa, by Elisha Boardman in
what would be Company D of the 21st Iowa
volunteer infantry. The company was mustered in
on August 22nd and the regiment on September 9th,
both at Camp Franklin on Eagle Point in Dubuque
although Hugh was absent when the company
was mustered in and, as a result, did not
receive the $25.00 advance on the enlistment
bounty, nor the $2.00 premium, nor the $13.00
advance monthly salary until much later.
On September 16th, from the levee at the foot of
Jones Street, they boarded the sidewheel
four-year-old steamer Henry Clay (an old
tub according to some) and two barges tied
alongside and left for war. Their early service
was in Missouri where, on October 20th at Salem,
Hugh was detailed as a teamster. Two months later
they were in Houston where Hugh was fined $13.00
for unspecified misconduct. Some
members of the regiment engaged in a battle at
Hartville in January before the regiment moved
south to West Plains and then northeast through
Thomasville, Ironton and Iron Mountain before
reaching Ste. Genevieve on March 11, 1863. From
there, in April, they were transported south to
Millikens Bend, Louisiana, where General
Grant was assembling a large three-corps army at
the start of his successful Vicksburg campaign.
Serving under General John McClernand, the
regiment started south along the west side of the
river on April 12th, the same day Hugh was
detached and detailed to the 1st Iowa Battery of
light artillery. The following month he was
detailed to Battery A of the 2nd Illinois light
artillery (also known as the Peoria Battery) and
from there he was ordered back to his own
regiment but due to illness was admitted to the
division hospital. The siege of Vicksburg ended
with the citys surrender on July 4th and
the regiment then participated in an expedition
to and siege of Jackson before returning to
Vicksburg and then being transported south to
Carrollton, Louisiana, where it arrived on August
15th - but Hugh was still in Mississippi.
On August 19, 1863, he was arrested near Redbone
Church and, on the 20th, the colonel of the 2nd
Wisconsin Cavalry wrote to an assistant adjutant
general that, I forward to you under guard
Private H. McCaverty 21st Iowa Vol Infty who has
been going around the country at the head of a
band of armed Negroes. I also send one of the
band Daniel White (colored). They were taken by
one of my scouting parties last evening.
The Provost Marshal in Vicksburg then wrote to
General McPherson that the Prisoner
McCafferty states that you sent him out as a
Guard at a House beyond the lines, and that when
taken he was in pursuit of a party of Rebels that
had seized two Govt. wagons. McPherson
disagreed saying, I am inclined to think
that this Private McCafferty is a bad man. I
never sent him out as guard, but briefly gave him
a pass to return to the house at which he had
been staying. Hugh was ordered to report to
his commanding officer since the regiment was
about to move but this he seems not to have
done and he deserves some punishment.
Unlike Hughs earlier problem when he was
fined $13.00, military records have no record of
him being punished after returning to his
regiment and later that month he was detailed as
a teamster and ordered to report to a U.S.
Constable at Carrollton.
While there he became sick and was sent to a
convalescent camp on November 5th so he could
regain his health while his regiment saw service
in southwestern Louisiana. He was still there on
November 23rd when his regiment boarded
transports and left for the gulf coast of Texas.
By then, the three-year commitments for men who
had enlisted early in the war were nearing an end
and, hoping to maintain the strength of the army,
the War Department offered a $400 bounty and a
thirty-day furlough to men willing to reenlist.
The inducement proved to be a strong lure not
only for men nearing the end of their commitments
but also for Hugh McCafferty. On his release from
the convalescent camp in January, 1864, he and
fifteen of his comrades enlisted in the 1st
Indiana artillery as veteran volunteers where
they were examined by a surgeon and mustered into
the regiment. When it was discovered that they
were still on the rolls of the 21st Infantry and
their terms had not expired, they were ordered
returned to their regiment. As Gilbert Cooley
noted, Hugh McCaffery returned to the
regiment and was put under arrest and charges
preferred for having enlisted in the 1st
Indiana. A court martial was convened and, on
July 9th, Hugh was found guilty of having
enlisted in the Indiana artillery without being
discharged from his own regiment and for
disobeying an order to report to his regiment
after being discharged from the convalescent
camp. He was sentenced to lose five months
pay but Elisha Boardman wrote on Hughs
behalf that he was no more guilty of
improper conduct than the rest of these men
and he should not be penalized. The commanding
general agreed, Hughs sentence was remitted
and he was returned to the regiment without
Hugh was present on the August 31st muster roll
at Morganza, Louisiana but, on September 9th from
the mouth of the White River, he was sent to
Memphis where he was admitted to the Overton
General Hospital for anemia. Three days later he
was released and rejoined the regiment which had
also moved to Memphis. In December, Hugh was
again sick and, according to Cooley, Hugh
was left Sick in Camp on Dec. 21st 1864
while the Regiment went on what was known as
Grierson Raid from Memphis from which the Regt
returned Dec 27th. On the 31st, Cooley
wrote again and again said Hugh was sick.
On January 5, 1865, the regiment arrived in New
Orleans and made camp in Kennerville. To men
aware they would soon be leaving on an expedition
to Alabama, the good times of New
Orleans proved to be a strong attraction, an
attraction too strong for Hugh who visited the
city without leave on January 21st and did not
rejoin his regiment until ten days later.
On February 5th they boarded the George Peabody
and, on the 6th, left for Alabama where they
arrived on the 7th and bivouacked near Fort
Gaines on Dauphin Island. A court martial was
convened the next day and Hugh admitted his
guilt. He had earlier been fined one months
pay for misconduct, he had been
arrested but suffered no penalty after leading
the band of armed Negroes in Mississippi and his
sentence for improperly joining the 1st Indiana
Artillery had been remitted, but this time he was
not so lucky and was sentenced to be
confined in some Government fort to be designated
by proper authority for the period of Twenty days
with a ball and chain attached to left leg.
He was imprisoned in Fort Morgan on Mobile Point
until returning to duty on March 8th.
He then participated in the campaign to occupy
the city of Mobile, served as a teamster at
Spring Hill, Alabama, and was with the regiment
on July 15, 1865, when it was mustered out at
Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They started north the
next morning and were discharged from the
military at Clinton on July 24th.
With the war over, Hugh married Elizabeth James
and they had one child, John A. McCafferty, on
September 8, 1877. Two years later, in October of
1879, while living in Missouri, he had an
accident going from Omaha, Nebraska, to Ozark,
Missouri, and my team run away with me and
broke my hip. His leg was fractured, the
fibula was dislocated and his injuries
didnt heal well resulting in his right leg
being an inch and a half shorter than his left. A
few years later, in Vernon County, Elizabeth
On March 23, 1884, Hugh married
twenty-seven-year-old Rhoda F. Coose in the town
of Everton. They had two children - Alice Delilah
on July 9, 1885, and Rosa Rose A. on
January 20, 1893.
Like many Union veterans, Hugh applied for a
postwar invalid pension. He first applied on
March 31, 1887, when the law required a
war-related illness or injury. Hugh said he was
thirty-nine years old and during the siege of
Vicksburg had contracted piles caused by
exposure and hard marching from the effects of
which he has never recovered. Government
records confirmed his treatment at the Overton
General Hospital but showed no other medical
problems. In September, a board of pension
surgeons in Springfield, after confirming the
seriousness of his hemorrhoids, recommended a
6/8th pension rating and numerous friends
submitted affidavits on his behalf but no pension
was granted.
He applied again in 1890 after a new act required
a disability that hindered the applicants
ability to do manual labor but did not require
that the disability be war-related. This time he
referred not only to the piles, but also to his
leg injury. A board of surgeons confirmed both
conditions and again recommended a pension be
granted but the application lingered until 1902
when the Commissioner raised questions about his
age at enlistment. By then Hugh was living in
Tecumseh, Oklahoma. On July 13, 1906, nineteen
years after he first applied, Hugh was approved
for $12.00 monthly pension. He died on July 28,
1908, and is buried in Tecumseh Cemetery.
Three days after his death, Rhoda, now fifty-one,
applied for a widows pension. She was
approved at $12.00 monthly with another $2.00 for
Rosa until her sixteenth birthday. As new laws
were enacted, Rhodas pension was gradually
increased to the $40.00 she was receiving when
she died on December 15, 1943. Rhoda, like Hugh,
is buried in Tecumseh Cemetery.
McGrady, James
Born on July 12, 1827, in Grand Isle County,
Vermont, James McGrady was one of two sons born
to Irish immigrants James and Laura
Lucy (White) McGrady. On August 31,
1854, in Clayton County, Iowa, James and Laura L.
Wallace were married. They would have ten
children, three before James military
service and seven after.
On April 1, 1861, Confederate General Beauregard
demanded the surrender of Fort Sumter and at 4:30
a. m. the next morning he opened fire. Union
troops under Major Robert Anderson evacuated the
fort on the 14th and on the 15th, with a regular
army of only 16,000, President Lincoln called for
volunteers. The war that followed quickly
escalated, thousands died and on July 9, 1862,
Iowa Governor Kirkwood received a telegram asking
him to raise five regiments as part of the
Presidents call for 300,000 three-year men.
On August 11, 1862, at Farmersburg, James McGrady
enlisted in what would be Company E of the 27th
regiment of Iowas volunteer infantry. When
mustered in on October 3rd he was described as
being a 5' 7½ farmer with
grayish eyes, light brown hair and a
dark complexion. On the 11th the regiment was
ordered to report to Major General John Pope in
Minnesota where four branches of the Santee Sioux
(the Dakota) had led an uprising. The regiment
camped near Fort Snelling and a few days later
six of the ten companies were ordered to Mille
Lacs. When their services were no longer needed
in Minnesota they started south and all ten
companies were united at Cairo, Illinois. From
there they were transported to Memphis where they
joined an army led by William Sherman to
reinforce Ulysses Grant. They then performed
guard duty on the Mississippi Central Railroad
until late in the year.
Unknown to the federal army, Confederate General
Earl Van Dorn left Grenada, Mississippi, with
3,500 men on December 17th. On the 18th he was
sighted by Union cavalry but it was more than
twenty-four hours before Grant was alerted to the
threat. Late on the 19th he sent a warning to
Colonel Murphy at the Union supply depot in Holly
Springs. Early the next morning Van Dorn attacked
the depot and captured 1,500 prisoners and tons
of medical, quartermaster, ordnance and
commissary supplies before heading away to the
Meanwhile Union forces to the south had been put
on the alert and James regiment was
guarding a rail line over the Tallahatchie River.
James later explained that, under instructions
from 1st Sergeant Garner Williams, they rushed to
try to find one of James comrades who been
serving as a sentinel but was thought to be
missing (gobbled up according to
Jonathan Smith). While hastily crossing a
railroad trestle, James slipped, fell and landed
hard straddling a railroad tie and severely
injuring his back and testicles. On December 31st
the regiment was taken by rail to Jackson,
Tennessee, where James was treated in a field
hospital. When the regiment was ordered to
Corinth on April 20, 1863, James remained at Camp
Read in Jackson until rejoining the regiment on
May 30th.
In June they went by rail to Grand Junction and
then La Grange, Tennessee, and from there they
walked to Moscow where they guarded the line of
the Mississippi Central Railroad. In August they
moved to Memphis before being transported to
Helena, Arkansas. James remained present as they
saw service along the White River, but on January
2, 1864, was granted a furlough for 30 days
on account of sickness in his family and his own
disability. He was transported to Cairo and
from there went to Prairie du Chien before being
admitted to a general hospital in Davenport where
an August 15, 1864, Certificate of Disability for
Discharge said James was incapable of
performing the duties of a soldier because of
Chronic Diarrhoea of one years duration chronic
Bronchitis Emaciation & general
debility. On October 4th he was discharged
from the military with mail to be forwarded to
him in Farmersburg. About eight years later, he
moved to Clear Lake, Iowa.
Pension laws then in effect for Northern soldiers
required at least ninety days service, an
honorable discharge and a service-related
disability. If granted, pension amounts were
based on the degree to which the veteran was
disabled from performing manual labor. When James
signed an application on June 29, 1879, he based
his claim on the fall he had taken from the
railroad trestle and said he is now fully
2/3rd disabled from obtaining his subsistence by
manual labor. A supportive affidavit from
Jonathan Smith said James was bedridden for six
months after he fell straddle of a tie on
said Tresle work & Bruised the
Testicles. When files of the Adjutant
Generals Office and Surgeon Generals
Office were searched, there was no record of
either the injury or the hospitalization.
Another Company E comrade, Samuel Benjamin,
signed an affidavit on October 16, 1880, and
agreed that as he fell he struck the saddle
of a stick of timber striking on his testicles
and injuring the small of his back or spine and
rendering him insensible for a time and
was operated on in the field hospital by
having his back lanced. Two days later, in
Clear Lake, James was examined by Dr. McDowell
who signed a certificate saying James had pain
and tenderness on the left side of the spine and
he has trouble of the scrotum and testicles
every month he has a crop of vesicular or
eczematous eruption come out on the scrotum . . .
and about half of the time he is unable to walk
about on account of the inflammation of the
parts. In the doctors opinion, James
was entitled to a pension of 1/2 total for
spinal irritation 1/2 Total for chronic
eczema. On March 4, 1882, the regimental
surgeon, Dr. John Sanborn, said he had an
indistinct recollection of treating
James at or about the time of the rebel
raid on Holly Springs, Miss. for an injury to
spine and testicles, and that he was probably
disabled for some months. More affidavits
from James, Samuel Benjamin and Jonathan Smith
followed and on February 7, 1883, Dr. McDowell,
who had known James for twelve years, conducted
another medical exam, this time saying James
could no longer control his bladder, had a
constant desire to make water and
it is my opinion that he will not live very
long. In March, almost four years after the
claim was submitted, it was rejected by medical
officers in the pension office for failing
to satisfactorily show the origin of the alleged
disability in the service & line of
James continued to pursue his claim. Samuel
Benjamin signed three more affidavits, Jonathan
Smith signed two, Dr. McDowell conducted another
examination, a neighbor who saw James
nearly every day said James was
troubled with his Back & his urinary
organs and Henry Holm (husband of
James daughter, Cynthia) said James
could not make an average more than 1/4 of
a hand he never did any work at all that required
any great muscular exertion, his Back
would give out and his testicles were
Badly desordered and sometimes greatly
swollen. Arza Taylor signed an affidavit saying
he and James were bunkmates at the time he
got hurt . . . by falling straddle of a tie while
patroling the railroad about 5 days before we
went up to Jackson Ten. Dr. McDowell wrote
on August 28, 1886, that James was confined to
his bed, nothing but a skeleton and
liable to die any day. On September
15th, Dr. McDowell and Dr. Irish examined James
in Mason City and said there were scars on each
side of the spine as if they had been done
by a lance (as Samuel Benjamin had
testified six years earlier). On October 18th,
James was again examined by Dr. McDowell who said
there were four or more scars on each side of the
spine and James had the appearance that he
would not live six weeks.
Finally, more than seven years after James
applied, his claim was approved and on November
23, 1886, a certificate was mailed that reflected
a monthly pension of $4.00 from the day after his
discharge and an increase to $8.00 from the date
of Dr. McDowells 1883 medical examination.
When it was realized that the 1886 examination
had not been taken into consideration, the amount
was increased to $24.00 from the date of the
examination and a new certificate was mailed on
June 1, 1887. On August 7, 1887, James died. He
was buried in Clear Lake Cemetery.
On August 26th Laura signed an application
seeking that portion of the pension that had
accrued but not yet been paid when her husband
died and on November 2nd she signed an
application requesting a widows pension and
a pension for their three children who were still
under sixteen. Her applications were approved on
April 18, 1888, at $12.00 monthly for her and
$2.00 monthly for each of the children. Laura
died on July 5, 1904, and, like James, is buried
in Clear Lake Cemetery.
McIntyre, Peter
Peter Mcintyre (also spelled "Mclntier"
and "McAntier" in military records) was
born in Ireland. His age was listed as
twenty-four when he was enrolled at McGregor for
three years by Willard Benton on August 15, 1862.
Peter was described as being a 5 feet 9½ inch
farmer with hazel eyes, black hair and a dark
complexion. On August 22nd, they were mustered in
as Company G and, on September 9th, they were
mustered into service as the state's 21st
Infantry with each volunteer paid $25.00 of the
$100.00 enlistment bounty and a $2.00 premium.
After brief training of minimal value at Camp
Franklin in Dubuque, they walked through town on
a rainy September 16, 1862, crowded on board the
paddlewheel steamer Henry Clay and two
barges tied to its side, and started south. After
an overnight stay at Benton Barracks in St.
Louis, they boarded railroad cars and traveled
through the night to Rolla.
For many months they saw service in southern
Missouri - Rolla, Salem, Houston, Hartville, West
Plains, Ironton, Ste. Genevieve - before going to
Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, where they became
part of a massive army being organized by General
Grant to occupy the Confederate stronghold at
Each Company was led by a Captain, 1st
Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, five ranks of
Sergeant and eight ranks of Corporal. Records for
Peter are somewhat conflicting with one saying,
on February 24, 1863, he was promoted from
Private to 7th Corporal and another saying it was
to 5th Corporal. Subsequent promotions were to
4th Corporal on May 31, 1863, 3rd Corporal on
September 18, 1863, 2nd Corporal on April 1,
1864, and 1st Corporal on August 1, 1864.
Company muster rolls were prepared on a bimonthly
basis and reflected the presence or absence of
the soldier as of the last day of the period.
Peter was marked ''present" on every roll
until being mustered out with the rest of the
regiment at Baton Rouge on July 15, 1865.
On April 5, 1864, Colonel Merrill signed an order
providing that "Corporal P. Macintire Co G
is hereby detailed a corporal of the color guard
and will report forthwith for duty,"
although it's not clear how long he served in
that capacity.
During his service he participated in the Battle
of Port Gibson, Mississippi, on May 1, 1863, was
present while the regiment was held in reserve
during the Battle of Champion's Hill on May 16,
1863, and participated in the assaults at the Big
Black River Bridge on May 17, 1863 and at
Vicksburg on May 22, 1863. He was present for the
duration of the siege of Vicksburg, accompanied
the regiment during a pursuit of Confederate
General Joe Johnston to Jackson, Mississippi, and
was with the regiment during its service in
Texas, and the campaign that resulted in the
occupation of Mobile, Alabama, on April 12, 1865.
With the war at an end, the government had no
need for the hundreds of thousands of muskets,
other arms and accouterments then in the hands of
the military. The War Department's General Order
No. 101 permitted men to keep their muskets and
accouterments for $6.00, money a cash-strapped
government could use. Like many others in the
regiment, Peter elected to keep his musket and
accouterments when they were mustered out on July
15, 1865 at Baton Rouge. From there they went
north by river transport as far as Cairo where
they debarked and traveled the rest of the way by
rail. On July 24, 1865 they were discharged from
the military at Clinton.
McKinnie, Linus P. 'Line'
Linus P. McKinnie was born in Ohio and was a
thirty-one year old Clayton County farmer when,
on August 14, 1862, he was enrolled at McGregor
by postmaster Willard Benton for three years
"or the war." While soldiers in current
wars have "dog tags" for
identification, soldiers in the Civil War had a
hand-written Company Descriptive Book that gave
the soldier's physical description and other
information from his Muster-in Roll that was then
augmented during his service. Linus was described
as being 5' 7¼'' tall with dark eyes, brown hair
and a dark complexion.
Each infantry company had eight ranks of Corporal
and Linus started his military career as a 6th
Corporal in Company G that was mustered in on
August 22, 1862. When all ten companies were of
acceptable strength, they were mustered in at
Dubuques Camp Franklin on September 9th as
the 21st Regiment of Iowa's Volunteer Infantry.
They started south on September 16th on board the
sidewheel steamer Henry Clay and two
attached barges and, the next month, possibly due
to his age and a better than average education,
Linus was given the responsibility of Company
Clerk. The following month he was detailed as an
Orderly for Colonel Merrill, but on December
12th, Merrill ordered that Linus be "reduced
to the ranks at his own request and this to take
effect from Dec. 1, 1862. Maple Moody appointed
in his stead."
The first several months involved a lot of
walking, but was relatively uneventful except for
the evening of November 24, 1862 when a wagon
train carrying supplies from the railhead in
Rolla, Missouri, to the regiment then stationed
in Hartville was attacked and three men were
killed. This brought a hard dose of reality to
their mission and it was a shock for many when
they viewed the bodies of their dead comrades. On
January 11, 1863, Linus was one of 25 volunteers
from Company G (262 men from the regiment) who
participated in the daylong Battle of Hartville
resulting in three killed in action, one fatally
wounded, and thirteen non-fatally wounded.
The regiment concluded its service in Missouri by
walking from Houston to West Plains, Thomasville,
Ironton, Iron Mountain and Ste. Genevieve. From
there they were transported downstream to
Millikens Bend where General Grant was
organizing a large army to capture Vicksburg.
Assigned to a corps led by John McClernand, they
walked and waded south along the west side of the
Mississippi until April 30, 1863 when they
crossed to the Bruinsburg landing on the east
Linus, nicknamed Line, was again
serving as Orderly for Colonel Merrill, and then
for Lieutenant Colonel Dunlap, as they started
inland. On May 16th Linus was present during a
battle at Champions Hill when the regiment
was held in reserve, but the following day
participated in an assault over open ground at
Confederates entrenched along the Big Black
River. After taking their place on the line
around the rear of Vicksburg, they participated
in an assault on May 22nd and in the ensuing
During the balance of 1863, Linus served as a
guard, a company cook and a clerk, and word of
his clerical skills apparently spread. On
February 29, 1864, he was detailed for two weeks'
duty as a clerk at brigade headquarters. On March
24, 1864 the regiment was on Matagorda Island in
Texas when Linus was granted a 60-day furlough,
the unusual length possibly due to the long
distance he would have to travel. Leaving the
same day, he reached home three weeks later. Due
back on May 24th, he was still in Iowa when, on
June 6th, Samuel Murdock, a McGregor judge, wrote
to Adjutant General Nathaniel Baker: "to
introduce to your favourable notice Mr Linus
McKinnie of our County. Mr McKinnie has
faithfully served in the 21st Iowa and is now on
his way to his Regiment. From his experience and
expertness and ability you would find him a
valuable help in organizing the New Regiments and
if you have a place for him you will confer on
him and his friends here a great favor by
assisting him to it."
By then, due to wounds received at the Big Black,
Colonel Merrill had resigned and returned to
civilian life as President of McGregor's First
National Bank. On June 7th he signed a letter to
a friend and explained that "L. McKinney the
bearer is a soldier & has been a good &
faithful soldier & was promised as was
supposed a 2d Lieut. in 5th Cav. but for some
reason it don't come." A second letter was
addressed to Adjutant General N. B. Baker
explaining: "the bearer L. McKinney of the
21st Iowa has remained here for 6 or 8 days
expecting a commission of 2d Lieut in the 5th
Cavalry. Maj. Call said Gov. Stone told him he
would coms. McKinney on my recommendation. I gave
my recommendation. McK. is entitled to a
promotion. He has been a good soldier for two
years nearly. If you can put him on the track I
wish you would do so & oblige me. "
Knowing Linus would be late rejoining the
regiment, Colonel Merrill gave him a letter
explaining he had ordered Linus "to remain a
few days for the commission. For some reason
through the absence of the Governor the
commission has not arrived and I have recommended
him to wait no longer but to proceed to his
regiment by way of Davenport. I would say that
his overstay of five days on his furlough is not
his fault." On Linus' return an inquiry was
held, Linus presented Colonel Merrill's letter
and theorized that Merrill had merely been in
error about the number of days Linus would be
late. He was restored to duty without penalty.
On June 26, 1864, they were at Terrebonne Station
(now Schriever) when Linus was again detailed for
work as a clerk, this time for 1st Lieutenant
George Mayers, then serving as an Assistant
Adjutant General. On July 7th, he was relieved as
clerk but, on the 17th, he was again assigned,
this time as Clerk at the headquarters of General
George McGinnis. This proved to be an interesting
Washington had finally decided it was time to pay
attention to the city of Mobile and Mobile Bay,
the underbelly of the southeastern Confederacy. A
two-pronged approach would involve both navy and
army. Linus was with the infantry on July 29,
1864, when they left Algiers on the St.
Charles. On the 30th they were underway
pursuant to sealed orders. On August 3rd, Gordon
Granger wired that the St. Charles and
four other transports were anchored off Petite
Bois Island with about 1,700 men and that
afternoon he would start to disembark troops
about ten miles east of the western extremity of
Dauphin Island. Linus wrote that steamers ran
as close to shore as possible. Some
men jumped overboard and waded ashore while
others took small boats. By daylight on the 4th
the heavy siege pieces were on shore.
On the morning of the 5th, a day ever to be
remembered, said Linus: could be seen
steaming up the bay Farragut and his fleet . . .
the grandeur of which will fill many pages of our
future history, and in less than twenty minutes
from the time of their opening fire the deafening
roar of cannon, with the bursting of shell,
outbattled anything of the present war, and I
doubt if history can produce the equal. The fight
with the rebel ram Tennessee was a thing of no
mean proportions
Linus, due to his detachment from his own
regiment, had been able to witness the Battle of
Mobile Bay that did, indeed, fill many
pages of our history. Fort Powell was
occupied on the 6th and Fort Gaines on the 8th
and, said Linus, the old Starry Banner was
flying from the ramparts as in days gone
On the 10th, General McGinnis was ordered to New
Orleans to resume command of his old Division.
Linus went with him and, on August 30th, rejoined
his regiment. The following day, when Judson
Hamilton was reduced to the ranks at his request,
Linus was appointed Quartermaster Sergeant, a
position he held until February 4, 1865, when he
too was reduced to the ranks at his own request.
On the 10th another order was issued, this time
detailing Linus as a clerk at headquarters of the
1st Brigade of a Reserve Corps.
That spring his regiment sailed from New Orleans
as Linus had done many months earlier. They went
ashore at Dauphin Island and camped near Fort
Gaines whose occupation Linus had witnessed the
previous fall. The bimonthly Company Muster Rolls
say Private McKinnie was present with Company G
on February 28th at Dauphin Island, April 30th at
Spring Hill, and June 30 at Baton Rouge (although
theres a conflicting note that he was
detached in February and not returned until June
5th). On June 23, 1865 he was with the regiment
when it arrived at Baton Rouge. There, on July
15th, they were mustered out. The next day they
boarded the Lady Gay and started north
to rejoin their friends and families.
McLane, James Alfred
Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860 and General
Beauregards cannon fired on Fort Sumter on
April 12th of the following year. War followed
and thousands of men died from wounds or disease
and thousands more had to be discharged. In the
summer of 1862, President Lincoln called for
another 300,000 volunteers to fill the depleted
ranks and Iowa was given a quota of five new
regiments. If not raised by the middle of August,
a draft was likely. With the fall harvest
approaching, Governor Kirkwood was concerned but,
if necessary, he said, the women can
help. Answering the Presidents call,
the quota was met. The 21st Regiment of the
states volunteer infantry was mustered into
service at Camp Franklin in Dubuque on September
9, 1862, with a total of 985 men including 84 who
had enlisted early in the year for the 18th
Regiment but, when it was over-subscribed, were
transferred to the 21st.
On a rainy September 16th, they boarded the
sidewheel steamer Henry Clay and two
barges tied alongside and started downriver where
they would serve six months in Missouri before
participating in the Vicksburg Campaign. By then
James McLane, born in Illinois on May 9, 1841,
was twenty-two years old and Mary Elizabeth Pugh,
born on June 29, 1847, also in Illinois was
sixteen. On July 2, 1863, they were married and
two days later Vicksburg surrendered to General
Grants Northern army.
As the war continued, the 21st Iowa saw service
in Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas and Tennessee
before moving to Kennerville, Louisiana, in
January 1865 while recruiting efforts continued
in Iowa. Among those enrolled for one-year terms
by Provost Marshal Shubael Adams were George
Massey on the 18th and James McLane and his
brother-in-law Luther Pugh on the 19th, all three
for the regiments Company B.
On February 5th the regiment left Kennerville on
the George Peabody and headed east
across the Gulf of Mexico to begin its final
campaign of the war. Going ashore on Dolphin
Island at the mouth of Mobile Bay, they
bivouacked near Fort Gaines. They were still
there when Myron Knight noted in his diary on the
23rd that three recruits arrived for our
Company - two from our town - Pugh - McLane and
Massey. Arriving with them was Pearl
Ingalls, a Methodist Episcopal minister seeking
donations for an Iowa orphans home.
Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan, the two forts
guarding the entrance to the bay, had fallen to
General Farraguts navy the previous August
but the city of Mobile at the head of the bay
remained in Confederate hands. On March 17th they
crossed the entrance, debarked at Navy Cove,
marched a mile and camped. From there, with many
other regiments, they started a long, difficult
march on the 19th northward along the east side
of the bay, a march made more difficult by cold
weather and several days of rain that turned dirt
roads to mud. They came on to the rebel
skirmishers a little before noon on the
26th , said the Company Bs Jim Bethard, and
blazed away at the flash of their guns and
then dodged behind trees for shelter the rebs
over shot us and killed one man. That
one man, the last member of the
regiment to be killed in battle, was Arnold Allen
who had been the sole support for his mother and
younger brother and sister.
The South had two forts on the east side of the
bay, Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely, both of which
fell to the Union advance although the 21st Iowa
was not directly involved in the capture of
either. On April 12th, Confederates evacuated
Mobile and the federal army moved in. On the
13th, the regiment moved to nearby Spring Hill
while John Wilkes Booth searched for the
President in Washington. On the 14th he found him
at Fords Theater. A week later the regiment
learned that President Lincoln was dead.
At Spring Hill the soldiers had a good campground
and, with only light duties, many took the
opportunity to visit the nearby Jesuit College of
St. Joseph and view the many
curiosities in its museum. On the evening
of May 26th they boarded the Mustang and
the next morning left for Louisiana. They
disembarked at the Lakeport landing on the 28th
and on the 31st, on board the Fairchild,
they started up the Mississippi. Many thought
they were headed home but, instead, they turned
up Arkansas White River. On June 10th the
early enlistees were mustered out of
service at Shreveport. The balance of the
regiment boarded the Peerless on the
11th and on the 23rd disembarked at Baton Rouge.
On July 12th, 110 recruits - including George
Massey, James McLane, Luther Pugh - who had
enlisted after the regiment was mustered into
service and still had time to serve, were
transferred to a consolidated 34th/38th Infantry.
On the 14th they boarded a transport and, about
midnight, left for Texas while, the next day, the
remaining 464 original members of the regiment
were mustered out. Not long after their arrival
in Texas, the government realized further service
of the recruits was no longer needed and, in
Houston on August 15th, they too were mustered
out of the military.
Federal laws provided for invalid
pensions for veterans who could prove they
were suffering from war-related disabilities that
rendered them at least partially unable to
perform manual labor. On May 21, 1886, James gave
his address as Littleport when he applied for an
invalid pension indicating that on the march to
Mobile he had contracted Disease of Lungs,
Kidneys and Liver which disabilities have
continued till the present time and, as a
result, he was partially disabled from
obtaining his subsistence by manual labor.
On November 10th he was examined by a board of
pension surgeons in West Union and on December
4th the Adjutant Generals office verified
his military service but found no evidence
of alleged disabilities.
James explained that during the march he had been
treated only by the regimental surgeon. He
received support from Luther Pugh who said they
had been exposed to severe storms
during their march to Mobile and James cold
had greatly increased and affected his
lungs. After their discharge, Luther had
lived less than a mile from James up to the
spring of 1887, when he moved to Neb and
knew James lung trouble
increased. William Kellogg had also been in
Company B, knew James had been healthy for twelve
years before enlisting, was with James on the
march to Mobile when we were exposed to a
severe storm of cold rain and, like Luther,
recalled that James health had become worse
after the war. Dwight Chase had been the McLane
family physician before the war, was the
regimental surgeon during the march to Mobil and
said he treated James during and after the war
for lung and kidney problems.
On June 27, 1888, after moving to Nebraska, James
secured an affidavit from a doctor in Dakota
County who testified he treated James
during the summer of 1887 and spring of
1888 for chronic disease of the liver and
kidneys, conditions he considered
incurable. James stay in Nebraska was brief
and on December 4, 1889, he was back in Clayton
County when he signed an affidavit saying he
thought an injustice was done him by
the pension surgeons in West Union three years
earlier and he was having trouble breathing, had
heart palpitations which seems to smother
me, had pains across his kidneys and hips,
and was often very chilly.
On June 28, 1897, Luther Pugh signed a supportive
affidavit written for him by Gilbert Cooley who
had served in Company D. Luther felt James
disabilities were permanent and disabled him from
earning his support by manual labor. Also signing
an affidavit was H. P. Stalnaker. He had known
James since boyhood and knew he had not
been able to do a full mans work at manual
labor for past fourteen years. Government
records dont indicate if James ever
received an invalid pension but on July 22, 1911,
he applied under an age-based act and likely
received a $15.00 monthly pension as provided in
the act.
James and Mary had seven children, four of whom
died in infancy. In answer to a March 12, 1898,
pension office questionnaire, George said three
of their children were still living - Viola born
April 9, 1872, William born December 26, 1877 and
James born January 23, 1884. Mary died on March
8, 1909, and James on January 28, 1912.
Theyre buried in Noble Cemetery, Edgewood.
Merrill, Samuel
Samuel Merrill, son of Abel and Abigail Merrill,
was born in Turner, Maine, on August 7, 1822.
Deciding on a career as a teacher, he moved to
the South but soon realized he was born too
far north. His abolitionist views led him
back to New England where he settled in New
Hampshire. His first wife, Catherine Thomas, died
in 1847 and, in 1851, he married Elizabeth Hill.
He worked several years as a farmer and in the
mercantile business with his brother before
moving, in 1856, to McGregor, then "a small
village with a few scattering houses, and
surrounded by a country with a sparse
In New Hampshire, Merrill had served in the state
legislature while Nathaniel Baker was serving as
Governor and Frank Noyes was a practicing
attorney. All three were now in Iowa, where
Merrill was a merchant and banker in McGregor,
Baker was the state's Adjutant General, and Noyes
was Governor Kirkwood's aide-de-camp. All three
were Republicans as was Kirkwood.
When the state's 21st Infantry was being raised,
there was much politicking for Colonel,
Lieutenant Colonel and Major, three positions to
be filled by appointment of the Governor. Merrill
vied with Dubuque city court Judge Samuel Pollock
who received support from friends who said he was
"an uncompromising War Democrat" and
"of commanding stature" with
"clear judgment." In recognition of his
assistance in raising funds for the war effort
and with influential friends in high places, it
was the 6' blue-eyed dark-haired Merrill who
received the Governor's appointment on August 26,
1862 and, on September 8th, took the oath of
The regiment was mustered into service on
September 9, 1862 and, after training in Dubuque,
left on September 16th by river steamer for St.
Louis while Colonel Merrill and his wife made the
trip by train. While stationed in Houston,
Missouri, orders were received to send a relief
column to Springfield. With 260 men from the 21st
Iowa commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Dunlap and
an equal number from the 99th Illinois, together
with 200 cavalry, two howitzers, wagons, mules
and teamsters, all commanded by Merrill, they
left Houston on January 9, 1863, and, on January
11th, engaged Confederate forces in Hartville. In
their first battle they did well, but were not
experienced in rationing their ammunition.
Recognizing the problem, Merrill sent messengers
along the line ordering a withdrawal north to
Lebanon, but Dunlap didnt receive the order
and remained in position with only a small
detachment to face an estimated 4,000. They were
able to hold their position for the rest of the
day, but Merrill was heavily criticized. He had,
it appeared, abandoned his own regiment and fled
to safety in Lebanon. Politically aligned Iowa
newspapers called for his dismissal but, when the
circumstances of the withdrawal were learned, no
action was taken. In the ensuing months, he
gradually regained the confidence of the regiment
and, according to Private Jim Bethard, the
boys say our little captain is true grit.
On April 30, 1863, at the start of what would be
a successful campaign to capture Vicksburg,
General Grant's massive army crossed the
Mississippi from Disharoon's plantation on the
west bank to Bruinsburg on the east. The 21st
Iowa was the lead regiment as they moved inland,
engaged the enemy after dark, and fought on May
1, 1863 in the Battle of Port Gibson. On May 16,
1863 a battle was fought at Champion's Hill, but
the regiment was held in reserve and was limited
to gathering weapons and guarding prisoners after
the battle. Rotated to the lead on the 17th, they
arrived at the Big Black River where entrenched
Confederates hoped to keep a massive railroad
bridge open long enough for their forces to
In a three-minute charge across open ground, the
21st and 23rd Iowa infantries, followed by the
22nd Iowa and 11th Wisconsin, routed the enemy,
but Colonel Merrill was one of many casualties.
Severely wounded when a musket ball passed
through both thighs, he fell on the field, and
was thought by some to be dead. They say
"Col Merrill has proved himself a brave man
and a good officer," wrote Jim Bethard.
Accompanied by a nurse (William Gaylord from
Strawberry Point), Merrill was sent north on May
25th to recover his health.
He was still bedridden in McGregor on September
24th when, at the request of Merrill's second in
command, Salue Van Anda, the War Department
ordered his dismissal and that of four other
officers. Quartermaster Charles Morse, suffering
from remittent fever, had already resigned. The
other four were on approved leaves: David Greaves
(Captain of Company I for three wounds received
on May 22, 1863), Jesse Harrison (Captain of
Company C for a wound received on May 22, 1863),
Elisha Boardman (Captain of Company B who was
suffering from acute diarrhea), and Sam Merrill
(for the serious wounds received on May 17,
1863). Except for Morse, they had no desire to
leave the military.
Letters were written, recommendations were made
and, before long, they were reinstated. While
recuperating, Merrill, who had been active before
the war with the McGregor Branch of the State
Bank of Iowa, became one of the founders of the
new National Bank of McGregor that was chartered
on December 19th. He and his brother, J. H.
Merrill, were two of the incorporators and Samuel
Merrill served as the bank's first President.
Finally, able to go south, he rejoined the
regiment at Indianola, Texas and no doubt had an
interesting discussion with Lieutenant Colonel
Van Anda who had requested his discharge. Mathew
King, a private in Company H, said Merrill
made a short speech to the boys and he was
highly cheered by the boys on February 10,
1864. Company Bs Jim Bethard said Merrill
was received: "with cheers and shouts of joy
by his regiment and he seemed to be equally as
well pleased to see the officers and men of his
regiment he looks healthy but he does not walk so
suple as he did before the charge at black river
bridge he made us a short speech and then got off
his horse and went around shaking hands and
saying something to every man in the regiment he
said we were the happiest looking set of men he
ever saw he said that as he had travailed over
the state of Iowa he had heard the 21st spoken of
everywhere as one of the bravest regiments that
ever left the state he said he loved us all and
felt proud that he belonged to the 21st
Unfortunately, Merrills return was brief
and, on June 1st, he tendered his resignation
saying his old wound "renders it still
difficult to ride my horse with comfort & my
health otherwise impaired I feel unable to endure
severe field service in an extreme southern
climate -I feel it a duty to leave the service,
tho I regret exceedingly to do so before the
rebellion is over." His resignation
accepted, he left the regiment then stationed, as
he said, "on Matagorda Island Texas, as
guardians of the sacred drifting sands of
On June 28, 1865, a daughter, Hattie, was born
while Merrill continued his work as President of
the First National Bank. On August 18, 1866, he
presided at a Republican convention held in
Elkader and, that November, was proposed as a
candidate for Governor. The North Iowa Times said
he "enjoys the confidence and esteem of all
who know him - he is a first class and successful
business man - and well qualified to assume and
discharge the varied duties of the executive
chair." In 1867 he was elected and, on
October 30th, wrote to the bank's directors:
"I hereby tender my resignation as President
of your Bank. In so doing, allow me to
congratulate you upon the success which has
attended the institution in the past and upon its
hopeful prospects for the future. Its condition
is prosperous and full of promise. At the same
time permit me to express thanks for the courtesy
you have ever accorded me and the confidence with
which you have honored me in all our official
Merrill was twice elected Governor with his first
term starting on January 16, 1868. In 1870 a
reunion of Civil War veterans was held in the
capital. At Merrill's urging railroad companies
agreed to haul the men (except for commissioned
officers) to and from the capital at no charge.
Veterans camped east of the old state house and
crowds were enormous. On the morning of the
second day no fewer than 27,000 rations were
served. In 1871 the cornerstone was laid for the
new state house and Merrill delivered the
address. On January 11, 1872, his second term
ended and he retired from public life, closed his
business interests in McGregor and moved to Des
Moines where he served as President of railroad,
banking and insurance companies. He was a founder
and President of the Citizens National Bank of
Des Moines and, in recognition of his service,
directors of the bank presented him with an
elaborate water pitcher now on display in the
McGregor Museum.
In 1874, Hattie was nine years old when, on
November 24th (or 25th), a brother, Jeremiah H.
"Jerry" Jere Merrill, was
born to Samuel and Elizabeth. Their other
children died young, but Hattie and her brother
would grow to adulthood.
Impressed with the possibilities of Southern
California, Colonel Merrill began acquiring
interests in the state about 1886. He invested
heavily and significant profits on some of his
investments. He was instrumental in organizing
and building the Southern California Motor Road
to connect San Bernardino with Riverside. At
least three towns (Riverside, South Riverside now
known as Corona, and Rialto) owe their inception
to developments instituted by Merrill and his
associates. He was active in Los Angeles'
Congregational Church, built a large home in
Rialto in the vicinity of the present Merrill
Avenue (a home that would be destroyed by fire
after his death), invested in real estate, and
was a shareholder in the Semi-Tropic Land and
Water Company.
In 1887 he was granted a pension of more than
$800, money he donated to support three beds for
disabled soldiers in a Des Moines hospital.
On March 6, 1888, Elizabeth died. Seven years
later, on March 30, 1895 Merrill secured a
license to marry Mary S. Greenwood, nee Fiske,
and the following day they were married. At the
time he was reportedly worth about $300,000, but
divided the bulk of his property between Jerry of
Los Angeles and Hattie (Mrs. J. W. Craig) of
Rialto, "leaving just enough to comfortably
support himself and his wife." On May 30,
1899, at age 76, he wrote to his sister:
"May, with its Memorial Exercises, is a
thoughtful month to me. Thirty-six years ago, the
17th of this month, was the severe charge at
Black River Bridge 11 miles from Vicksburg, Miss.
We had been on the battle line for two long
months, Milliken's bend, Young's Point, Port
Gibson, Jackson, Champion Hills, Black River
Bridge and Vicksburg, all in April and May. At
Black River bridge, I was in command a part of
the time of a Brigade consisting of the 21st,
22nd and 23rd Iowa and 99th Illinois and 2nd Iowa
Battery. Col. Kinsman of the 23rd Iowa and myself
were ordered to prepare to charge the 'Rebel
Works.' They consisted of water in front of earth
works and trees cut down and the limbs cut
pointed, requiring slow work to separate the
pointed limbs, wade the creek and mount the earth
works. Colonel Kinsman and myself, my adjutant
Howard and Sergeant Moore, the latter a Methodist
Clergyman, were consulting as to the plans of the
charge, Colonel Kinsman to the right and my
regiment to the left. Before we four separated
Sergeant Moore gently struck up the tune of Old
Hundred, 'Be Thou O God Exalted High, 'and all of
us, quartet, joined, my Adjutant Howard, a broad
chested young man with a grand old bass, all
singing tenderly. It was one of the most
impressive and solemn scenes of my life time, but
sadder things were to follow. Before I gave the
order to charge the works, Sergeant Moore was
shot in the neck and lay dead. In ten minutes our
commands were struggling to capture the Works. In
less than an hour Col. Kinsman, Adjutant Howard
and myself lay near each other in the care of
surgeons. Both Col. Kinsman and Adjutant Howard
died before morning, and myself left to tell the
sad story. I have rarely told this except to the
Regiment at our Reunions. It seems too sad to
talk about, but after thirty-six years it is like
yesterday to me . . . . Today thousands of acres
of precious flowers are mingled with tears from
sorrowing hearts over precious loved ones. Tis a
wondering sight. I took a large bunch of blooming
sweet peas to the· grave of one of my Captains
of the 21st Iowa. The dear boys are scattered in
many of the states of the Union. They are
precious to me whatever their station in life, or
their conduct drunk or sober - they are beloved
by their old Colonel, and I feel just like
hugging them . . . ."
On August 31, 1899, Samuel Merrill died of a
cerebral hemorrhage. The next day a Los Angeles
newspaper reported that: "several months ago
Governor Merrill was the victim of a trolley-car
accident and has been in poor health since. He
was stricken down last Wednesday, a week ago, and
has been in an unconscious condition much of the
time since then. His wife and daughter and
grandchildren were at his bedside when the end
came." His funeral was on September 3rd.
Honorary pall-bearers included the Governor of
California, former Governors of Illinois,
California, New Mexico and Arizona, the editor of
the Los Angeles Times, judges, politicians and
representatives from the G.A.R. On the 4th, Jerry
accompanied his father's body as they left Los
Angeles by train. In Des Moines flags were at
half mast, a state funeral was held and interment
was in the family vault in Woodland Cemetery.
"On top of the bier reposed a beautiful
wreath of flowers, a flag of the Twenty-first
regiment, and the sword of Governor Merrill who
was the colonel of the Twenty-first."
Meyer, John
John Meyer was born in Prussia and was a
thirty-three year old Clayton County farmer when
he was enrolled on August 11, 1862 at McGregor by
Englishman William D. Crooke. He was mustered
into Company B on August 18th and was with his
company when it and nine other companies were
mustered in as Iowa's 21st Regiment of Volunteer
Infantry on September 9th. John was 5'
7¾"tall with grey eyes, grey hair and a
fair complexion.
He is one of relatively few members ofthe
regiment who was marked ''present" on every
one of the bimonthly Company Muster Rolls with no
remarks indicating any wounds, sickness or other
issues, despite having participated in every one
of the regiment's military engagements and
campaigns. After brief training of questionable
value at Camp Franklin in Dubuque, they boarded
the paddlewheel steamer Henry Clay, and
two barges tied to its sides, on September 16,
1862, and started south. Their early service was
in Missouri - Rolla, Salem, Houston, Hartville,
West Plains, Thomasville, Ironton, Iron Mountain
and Ste. Genevieve - but, by April 10, 1863, they
were at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, where General
Grant was organizing a massive army intent on
capturing the Confederate stronghold of
Assigned to a corps commanded by General George
McClernand, they moved south along the west side
of the Mississippi and John was with the regiment
when it crossed the Mississippi River on April
30, 1863. The next day they participated in the
daylong Battle of Port Gibson, a battle fought
near the town that Grant said was "too
pretty to burn," a battle in which three
members of the regiment suffered mortal wounds
and another fourteen suffered non-mortal wounds.
John marched inland with his regiment and was
with it when it was held in reserve by a
recalcitrant General McClemand on May 16, 1863.
On May 17th they were rotated to the front and
participated in an outlandish three-minute
assault over open ground that routed Confederates
entrenched along the Big Black River. Seven
members ofthe regiment were killed in action,
eighteen incurred mortal wounds and thirty-eight
were wounded less severely.
A few days later he was at the rear of Vicksburg
and with the regiment during the Union army's
massive assault on the rebel lines on May 22nd.
John participated in the assault in which
twenty-three more members of the regiment were
killed in action while twelve were mortally
wounded and forty-eight suffered less severe
wounds. When Vicksburg surrendered, the regiment
engaged in an immediate race to Jackson in
pursuit of Confederate General John Johnston.
Regimental casualties in the campaign were one
killed in action and six who suffered non-fatal
wounds. During the final months of its service,
the regiment was in Alabama where it participated
in a campaign to occupy the city of Mobile. The
campaign was successful, but another man was
killed when caught in a crossfire.
Hundreds had been killed, wounded, taken
prisoner, died from illness, been transferred,
resigned or been discharged for disability, but
John Meyer was not among them. On July 15, 1865
he was discharged with the regiment at Baton
Rouge, traveled north on board the Lady Gay
as far as Cairo and, from there, by rail, before
being mustered out of service at Clinton.
It's not known what John did after the war, but
he and Henry Dyer were two members of the
regiment who attended an 1889 "old soldiers
reunion" in Chickasaw County. He is buried
in Saint Mary's Cemetery in Chickasaw County
where his gravestone indicates he was born on
February 19, 1829, and died November 24, 1911. A
metal marker is nearby.
Monlux, William
Descended from William and Margaret (Drum)
Monlux, Ezra Monlux was twenty-three years old
and living in Ohio on January 5, 1832, when he
married twenty-one-year-old Susannah Wagner. Ezra
and Susannah would have seven children -
Margaret, William, John, George, Ezra, Charles
and Eliza - all born in Ohio.
William was born on December 6, 1833 (according
to a county history) and was with the family when
they moved in 1856 to Wagner Township where Ezra
purchased 240 acres and built a house. The 1860
census reflected Ezra (52) and Susannah (49) and
six of their children - William (25) [sic], John
(19), George (17), Charles (14), Ezra (12) and
Eliza (6). In 1861 the county judge system of
government was replaced by a Board of Supervisors
with Ezra as the Supervisor from Wagner Township.
The following year, twenty-eight-year-old William
Monlux was enrolled in the Union army on August
15, 1862, at Elkader by Elisha Boardman. At Camp
Franklin in Dubuque, Company D was mustered in on
August 22d with Elisha as Captain and William as
a Private. On September 9th, with nine other
companies, they were mustered in as the 21st
Regiment of Iowas volunteer infantry and,
on the 16th, on board the sidewheel steamer Henry
Clay and two barges tied alongside, they
left for war.
The regiments initial service was in
Missouri. They went first to St. Louis and then,
by rail, to Rolla. From there they walked to
Salem, Houston, Hartville, back to Houston, West
Plains, Thomasville, Iron Mountain, Ironton and,
finally, to Ste. Genevieve where they arrived on
March 11, 1863. From there, they went downstream
to Millikens Bend where General Grant,
intent on capturing the Confederate stronghold at
Vicksburg, was organizing a large army.
By then, due to deaths, discharges, resignations
and transfers, William had been promoted five
ranks to 3rd Corporal. The regiment was assigned
to a corps led by General John McClernand and
moved slowly south along roads, through swamps
and over bayous west of the Mississippi until
they crossed to Bruinsburg on the east bank on
April 30, 1863. Late that day, they were given
the honor of being the point regiment that led
the army as it started inland along dirt roads.
About midnight, they drew fire from Confederate
pickets, but both sides soon rested.
On May 1, 1863, they fought the daylong Battle of
Port Gibson (also referred to as the Battle of
Baldwins Hills, Thompsons Hill,
Andersons Hill and Magnolia Church) in
which seventeen men were wounded. William
Comstock died from his wound on May 2nd, while
Charles Roehl and John Van Kuran were admitted to
the Mary Ann Hospital in Grand Gulf, Charles on
the 10th and John on the 12th. Charles left
leg was amputated and Johns right arm was
removed, but both men soon died. By then the
regiment, with the 23rd Iowa, had successfully
assaulted entrenched Confederates on May 17th at
the Big Black River and suffered even greater
casualties - seven killed in action, eighteen
fatally wounded and at least forty whose wounds
were less serious.
On May 22d, they were in position at the rear of
Vicksburg and William, promoted five days earlier
to 2nd Corporal, was serving as Color Bearer
responsible for carrying and protecting the
regiments flag. This was a dubious
assignment since color bearers, usually unarmed,
often became prime targets of the enemy.
After early cannonading, Grants army
charged with the 21st assaulting the railroad
redoubt in its front. The army was repulsed and
the regiment suffered heavy losses - twenty-three
killed in action, twelve fatally wounded, and at
least forty-eight with non-fatal wounds. Among
the wounded was William Monlux. Shot in the right
leg, he fell between the lines where he lay with
the dead and wounded. On June 17th,
McGregors North Iowa Times
Capt. Boardman, of Co.
D, won imperishable fame by a
single act on the memorable 22d, before the
rebel works at Vicksburg. During the hot
action attending our assault and repulse
before the strong works of the enemy, the
21st Iowa regiment suffered severely. The
color-bearer - who was a member of Capt.
B.s company - fell wounded, right
before the rebel works, and with all the
killed and wounded was left behind, when our
forces fell back. Notwithstanding heretofore
the enemys sharpshooters had
unerringly picked off those who returned
after the wounded, Capt. B. said he would
take off his men himself, or fall beside them
in the effort. Divesting himself of his coat,
sword and belt, he went boldly upon the field
and finding the color bearer, lifted him up
and bore him from the field. Whether
impressed by his audacity or not, the rebels
reserved their fire, and others inspired by
the Captains glorious example, went
forward, and the wounded were taken off and
cared for.
On May 26th, while being treated
in a regimental hospital, William was promoted to
5th Sergeant. On August 17th, he was in a general
hospital in Memphis when two of his brothers,
John and George, enlisted in Company I of
Iowas 8th Cavalry. On November 3rd, the
surgeon in command of the Memphis hospital
certified that William has been unfit for
duty 61 days (a regulatory term of art
since he had actually been incapacitated much
longer), was incapable of performing the
duties of a soldier, and was not fit even
for a transfer to the invalid corps. On November
5th, he was discharged from the military.
On January 19, 1864, William applied for an
invalid pension. His wound was about half
way between the ankle and knee, the bone
was injured and, since leaving the service,
his occupation has been doing nothing, he
being unable to engage in any kind of business by
reason of the wound. With a supporting
affidavit from Elisha Boardman who had carried
him from the field eight months earlier, a
pension was granted.
On June 19th, William married eighteen-year-old
Priscilla Forney. Four months later his youngest
brother, eighteen-year-old Ezra, enlisted in the
military and joined John and George in the
states 8th Cavalry. William and Priscilla
continued to live in Wagner Township where
Priscilla gave birth to seven children - Cory,
Laura, Mary, Charles, Delos, William and Katy -
and Williams leg wound worsened.
In 1873, a doctor said William was totally
disabled. The musket ball had carried away
the anterior and lower two-thirds of the tibial
bone and part of the fibula of the right leg. The
skin, muscles, and tendons were all carried away
close to the bone. In 1875, another doctor
said the leg was swollen, inflamed and very
painful and skin was discolored of a
dark brownish hue with an active
abscess. In 1877, Dr. Dwight Chase, who had
served as the regiments surgeon for several
months, examined Williams leg and said
the whole limb is so much atrophied that it
is one third smaller than its fellow. In an
1886 certificate, a board of pension surgeons in
McGregor reported that there was still an open
sore on the central portion of the leg, the leg
was discolored, the muscles were shrunken, and
the ankle was stiff.
On August 9, 1879, Abbie, wife of Williams
brother Charles, died. Two days later,
Williams mother, Susannah, died. They were
buried in the Wagner Township Cemetery between
Gunder and St. Olaf. Ezra continued to live in
the old family homestead he had built
many years earlier on Section 18. Living with him
was his son Charles while nearby were William and
Priscilla, owners of their own 200 acres of
good land, well improved.
Ezra, at various times, served as a County
Supervisor, Justice of the Peace and Township
Trustee. William was also public-minded and, like
his father, served as a Justice of the Peace and
Township Trustee. He also held the office of
Assessor and worked for more than fifteen years
as a Town Clerk. On March 6, 1888,
forty-two-year-old Priscilla died of consumption.
She too was buried in Wagner Township Cemetery.
Eighty-three-year-old Ezra died at home on
November 4, 1891, and was remembered as a man who
furnished four boys to defend our
countrys flag and was a man of
integrity, worth and a representative citizen of
Clayton County. He was buried next to
Susannah and now sleeps his sleep of
As Williams shriveled right leg continued
to atrophy, he would, he said,
be no worse if said leg was
amputated. Walking with crutches, he
suffered for decades from his Vicksburg wound -
muscles and tendons destroyed, two-thirds of the
tibia missing, the bone dead, and his shrunken
right leg smaller than the left. Inundated with
claims, the pension office worked slowly, but
eventually his pension was increased to $17.00,
an amount he was receiving when he died on August
21, 1903. He was buried next to Priscilla.
While Ezra and Susannah, Charles and Abbie,
William and Priscilla, and Williams sister
Eliza, had stayed in Wagner Township, George
retired to Rock Rapids where he became active
with the G.A.R., held all offices of Dunlap Post
No. 147, was an Aide-de-Camp on the National
Commanders staff, and served on the staff
of the G.A.R.s Department of Iowa. In
addition to working as a Justice of the Peace and
Secretary of a School Board, he was a member of
the Masons and became President of the Pioneer
Association of Lyon County. John moved to
California, died in 1915, and is buried in Los
Angeles National Cemetery. Ezra also died in
California in 1915 and is buried in Sunset View
Cemetery, El Cerrito. George died in 1927 and was
buried in Rock Rapids Riverview Cemetery.
Eliza was the last of the siblings to die when
she passed away in 1928. She is buried in Wagner
Township Cemetery.
Moody, Maple
The Moody and Maple families were among the early
pioneers of Carroll County in northeastern Ohio.
Maple Moody, the son of James Moody Jr. and Mary
(Maple) Moody, was born in the county on February
5, 1840.
Military records indicate that, on August 15,
1862, at McGregor, he was enrolled as a Private
in a company then being recruited by Willard
Benton. On August 22nd they were mustered in as
Company G with a total of eighty-six men
(officers and enlisted), the fewest number in any
of the ten companies, the average being
ninety-six. One of the tallest men in the
regiment at 6' ¾", Maple was described as
being twenty-two years old with grey eyes, black
hair and a dark complexion, occupation farmer.
To spur enlistments, the federal government paid
bounties to volunteers. Initially, the bounty was
to be paid when the soldier completed his term
but, on July 7, 1862, with enrollments slowing,
Congress agreed, at Secretary Seward's request,
that $25.00 could be paid in advance, the balance
on discharge. With a total of 985 men (officers
and enlisted), they were mustered in as
Iowas 21st regiment of volunteer infantry
on September 9, 1862. Maple and the other
volunteers, were paid $25.00 of the $100.00
enlistment bounty and a $2.00 local premium.
Training, of dubious value, was received at
Dubuque's Camp Franklin located "on a sandy
plateau on the bank of the Mississippi" just
south of Eagle Point, about a mile above the
city. Its ten buildings were each 20' by 60' and
"arranged to accommodate one hundred men
On a rainy September 16th, they left for war.
Crowded onto a side-wheel steamer, the Henry
Clay, with two barges lashed to its side,
they headed down the Mississippi. They were held
one day at Rock Island with the possibility of
being sent north due to an Indian uprising in
southern Minnesota, but resumed their trip about
2:00 p.m. on the 18th, encountered low water at
Montrose, debarked, took rail cars to Keokuk,
boarded the Hawkeye State, and continued on to
St. Louis. After one night at Benton Barracks,
they moved by rail to Rolla, Missouri, and, on
October 19th, arrived in Salem where Maple was
briefly hospitalized to recover from an illness.
He rejoined the regiment soon thereafter and was
with it in Hartville where, on December 1st, he
was promoted from Private to 6th Corporal to take
the place of Linus McKinnie who was reduced to
the ranks at his own request. From there they
went back to Houston and then to West Plains
before heading to the northeast. At Ironton on
February 24, 1863, Maple was promoted to 3rd
From Ironton, they continued on to Ste. Genevieve
on the Mississippi River where they took
transports south to Millikens Bend. There, with
thousands of men from other regiments, they were
organized into a massive army under the command
of Ulysses S. Grant. Assigned to a corps led by
John McClernand, they moved south through swamps
and bayous west of the river and then, on April
30, 1863 crossed to Bruinsburg on the east bank.
On May 1st, Maple participated with his regiment
as it fought the one-day Battle of Port Gibson.
They were present but held in reserve during the
Battle of Champions Hill on May 16. On the
17th he was with the regiment as it, and the 23rd
Iowa, charged across an open plain and assaulted
entrenched Confederates at the Big Black River
and he was with it again on the 22nd during an
assault at Vicksburg. In those two engagements,
the regiment lost a total of 30 killed in action
and another 30 who suffered wounds that would
soon prove fatal.
After the fall of Vicksburg, Maple was promoted
to 2nd Corporal and was with the regiment during
its service in Louisiana and, for more than six
months, on the gulf coast of Texas. During that
time, from August 10, 1863 to April 1, 1864 when
he was promoted to 4th Sergeant, Maple was
detailed to serve as Color Guard and from August
1st to September 2, 1864 he was detailed for
service as a Provost Guard at the division
headquarters of Michael Lawler.
In the spring of 1865, Maple was present with the
regiment during its service in the successful
campaign to capture the city of Mobile. On July
15, 1865, they were mustered out at Baton Rouge.
Maple, like many others, paid $6.00 to retain his
musket and accouterments and he was with it as
they traveled north and received a final
discharge at Clinton.
Maple died on January 11, 1893 and was buried in
St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, McGregor (where his
gravestone erroneously says he was born in 1843).
Moore, George H.
George H. Moore, Jr., was born in Johnstown,
Pennsylvania, on September 23, 1845. His parents
were George H. Moore, who had emigrated from
England when he was twelve years old, and Mary M.
(Mercer) Moore. A section of the Pennsylvania
Canal from Johnstown to Pittsburgh had been
completed in 1830 and Georges father worked
as a boatman on the canal. He died in 1854 at age
thirty-eight. Mary died in 1859.
George, who had received only a limited education
by that time, moved to Iowa. He was working as a
farmer when, on August 15, 1862, he was enrolled
at McGregor as a drummer in a company being
raised by the towns Postmaster, Willard
Benton. George was still a month shy of his
seventeenth birthday, but his age was listed as
eighteen when he and others were mustered into
Benton's Company G at Dubuque on August 22, 1862.
When all ten companies were of sufficient
strength, they were mustered in as the 21st
Regiment of Iowa's Volunteer Infantry. George was
described as being eighteen years old, 5'
5¼ tall with black eyes, brown hair and a
light complexion.
To encourage enlistments, the federal government
offered a $100 bounty to enlistees. Initially,
the bounty was paid when the soldier completed
his term but, on July 1, 1862, Secretary of State
William Seward had wired Secretary of War Edwin
Stanton that he thought a $25.00 advance was
"of vital importance. We fail without
it." Stanton agreed and ordered that,
"out of the appropriation for collecting,
organizing and drilling volunteers there shall be
paid in advance to each recruit for three years
or during the war the sum of$25, being one-fourth
the amount of the bounty allowed by law; such
payment to be made upon the mustering of the
regiment to which such recruit belongs into
service of the United States." His order was
approved by Congress and subsequently vindicated
as men, assured their families would have a
degree of financial stability in addition to
wages to be paid to the soldiers, enlisted at a
greater pace. In addition to the $25.00, a $2.00
premium would be paid to anyone who secured a
recruit, or to the recruit himself if he appeared
in person. In Iowa, local meetings were held, the
state was overwhelmed with enlistments, and a
draft was not required. George and others in the
regiment were paid the $25.00 advance bounty and
the $2.00 premium.
Company muster rolls were taken bimonthly and
indicated the presence or absence of the soldier
on the last day of the period together with
occasional "remarks" relating to his
service. George was marked "present" on
all available muster rolls from the date of his
enlistment to the date of his discharge.
During the government's Vicksburg campaign, the
federal army crossed the Mississippi River to
Bruinsburg, Mississippi, on April 30th and, the
next day, George was present for the first battle
of the campaign, a battle known as the Battle of
Port Gibson (also known as the Battle of Magnolia
Hills or Magnolia Church). Two weeks later he was
with the regiment when it was held in reserve
during the May 16th Battle of Champion's Hill and
he was with it on the 17th when the regiment
assaulted entrenched Confederates guarding at
large railroad bridge over the Big Black River.
He was also present for the May 22nd assault at
Vicksburg when his regiment suffered heavy
casualties and during the ensuing siege that
ended on July 4th.
On June 23, 1865, with the war at an end, the
regiment arrived by river steamer at Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, debarked and made camp on a hill a
mile below the city about 10:00 a.m. Water was
bad, heat was oppressive, the camp was poor, and
officers worked rapidly to prepare muster-out
rolls for men still present and for those who had
served earlier. Including officers, 1,126 rolls
had to be prepared before they could go home.
George Moore was still present and rolls
indicated he and most others had been paid to
February 28, 1865 and were due the additional
monthly pay accrued since then. His clothing
account had been settled as of December 31, 1864,
but he had subsequently drawn $32.86. To the net
amount due to George would be added the $75.00
balance of his enlistment bounty. His military
records at the National Archives reveal no
illnesses, no wounds, no detached duty, no
furloughs and no other special remarks during his
entire military career.
On July 15, 1865, pursuant to instructions from
the War Department, General Orders No. 64,
headquarters of the Military Division West
Mississippi, they were mustered out by Captain E.
L. Hawk of the 114th Ohio Infantry who was
temporarily serving as an Assistant Commissary of
Muster on the staff of Brigadier General Michael
Lawler. That evening they turned in their tents
and equipment and moved rations to the landing
and, the next morning, those able to travel
boarded the Lady Gay. Leaving about 7:00
a.m., they started up-river past memories of
three years of combat, scenes of battle and
graves of friends. At Cairo they debarked
"went to the soldiers rest where a dinner
was waiting" and then boarded cars of the
Illinois Central Railroad for transport to
Clinton. There, on July 24th, said one of
George's comrades, "our regiment marched
down to town at 1PM" and it was there that
George Moore and others in the regiment were
formally discharged from the military and free to
return to their homes.
A short time later, George moved back to
Pennsylvania where he lived in Pittsburgh until
1876 when he moved to nearby Verona. He worked in
the oil business, spent several years as an oil
refiner, and worked as an agent and foreman for
the Philadelphia Gas Company and as
Superintendent for the Verona Waterworks. Also
active in community affairs, he held numerous
positions including four terms as an Alderman and
nine as a Justice of the Peace, a position he
resigned in 1897 to become the boroughs
Postmaster. He was also a member of the fraternal
Royal Arcanum.
George Moore was married twice, first to Mary
Porter in 1866. She died in 1867 and, in 1879 he
married Miss E. A. Cribbs. They had eight
children including George H., Bess D., Walter,
Florence, R. Hyatt, J. R., Mary M. and Helen.
George H. Moore (1845-1916) and Elizabeth Cribbs
Moore (1852-1928) are buried in the same plot in
Oakmont-Verona Cemetery, Oakmont, Pennsylvania.
Murray, Edward
Military records indicate that Edward Murray was
twenty-two years old and working as a farmer when
he was enrolled at McGregor on August 14, 1862,
by Postmaster Willard Benton who was an active
recruiter in the county. On August 22nd, with a
total complement of eighty-six men, they were
mustered in as Company G. Ordered into quarters
at Camp Franklin in Dubuque, they were mustered
in with nine other companies as the 21st Regiment
of Iowa's volunteer infantry on September 9,
1862. Like others, he received a $25.00 advance
on the $100.00 enlistment bounty and a $2.00
local premium.
Described as having grey eyes, black hair and a
light complexion, Edward was, at 6' 2¼'', one of
the tallest men in the regiment - and one of the
healthiest. From muster-in on September 9, 1862,
to muster-out on July 15, 1865, Edward was
reported as sick for only 13 of its 1,038 days of
service - and, he apparently had a way with
One of the most difficult jobs in the regiment
was that of the Quartermaster, the officer
responsible for making sure the regiment had
adequate supplies for men and horses as they
traveled throughout the South. The Quartermasters
were often dependent on wagon trains traveling
long distances. Although usually accompanied by
guards, the trains often had to cover long
distances and were subject to attack. One of the
regiments trains, while carrying supplies
from the railhead in Rolla to the regiment in
Hartville, Missouri, was attacked on November 24,
1862. Three members of the regiment were killed
and three more wounded. The following May, four
of the regiment's teamsters were with an
ambulance train when they were captured in
Edward Murray was in the service only a few
months when, on December 22, 1862 he was detached
to serve as a teamster. He continued in that
capacity during the regiment's early months in
Missouri and during its difficult movement
through swamps and bayous west of the Mississippi
at the start of General Grant's Vicksburg
Campaign. On April 30, 1863, they crossed the
river to Bruinsburg and that night, in total
darkness, they walked inland on a sunken dirt
road, led by a former slave who offered his
services. After a brief exchange of gunfire about
midnight, they rested and, the next day, were
fully engaged in the Battle of Port Gibson during
which Edward received a slight gunshot wound to
his right thigh.
On May 16th he became ill, but by the 27th he had
recovered. On June 30th he was again detailed as
a regimental teamster with the Quartermaster, on
July 29th he was relieved, and on August 10th he
was reassigned as a teamster, this time at the
brigade level. In November he was relieved but,
in December, he was detached as a division
teamster. In July 1864 he was relieved, in
November he was again detached, in March 1865 he
was relieved and a week later he was again
assigned to duty as a teamster as the regiment
made its way north along the east side of Mobile
Bay as part of the Union campaign to capture
Mobile and the forts protecting it. By then they
were nearing the end of their service and
Edward's work as a teamster finally came to an
end on April 22, 1865 when he was able to rejoin
his comrades near the Jesuit College at Spring
The final three months of his service were spent
with the regiment in Alabama and Louisiana. He
was with it on July 15th when they were
discharged at Baton Rouge, during their
subsequent trip up-river, and at Clinton on July
24, 1865 when they were mustered out of the
military, received their final pay, and started
the return to their homes.
Nelson, Knute S.
Private Nelson is identified as C. S. Nelson,
Hunt S. Nelson, Knute Nelson, Knut Nelson, and
Knut S. Nelson on various military records,
hospital records and rosters. Military records
indicate he was born in Norway and was a
twenty-two year old farmer when he was enlisted
at McGregor on August 15, 1862, by Willard Benton
in what would be Company G of the 21st Iowa
Volunteer Infantry.
The company was mustered in on August 22nd and
the regiment on September 9th. Private Nelson was
with it when it left Dubuque on September 16,
1862. Like other volunteers, he was paid $25.00
of the $100.00 enlistment bounty and a $2.00
premium. On the Company Descriptive Roll he was
described as being 5' 9¼ tall with gray
eyes, light hair and a light complexion.
While many became ill and died or were discharged
during the winter months in Missouri and the
battles during the ensuing Vicksburg Campaign,
Private Nelson was able to maintain his health
during the first year of his service and was
marked present on all Company Muster Rolls
through June 30, 1863. He was one of twenty-five
volunteers from Company G who participated in the
Battle of Hartville on January 11, 1863, he
participated in the Battle of Port Gibson on May
1, 1863, he was present with the regiment when it
was held in reserve during the Battle of
Champion's Hill on May 16, 1863, he participated
in the assaults at the Big Black River Bridge on
May 17, 1863 and at Vicksburg on May 22, 1863,
and he was present throughout the ensuing siege.
It was apparently during the siege that he became
ill since there is no record of him leaving with
the rest of the regiment to pursue Confederate
General Joe Johnston immediately after the
surrender of Vicksburg. Unable to recover his
health, he was taken by hospital steamer to
Memphis where he was admitted to the 400-bed
Washington U.S. Army General Hospital. He was
suffering from chronic diarrhea, an
all-too-common illness treated with Dover's
Powders, laxatives, opium, epsom salts, castor
oil and other opiates. "Overall, disease
caused twice as many deaths as battle injuries
during the Civil War. Acute diarrhea and
dysentery (the distinction between the two was
vague) were the most common medical problems,
related to spread of microorganisms because of
abysmal sanitary practices, as well as to spoiled
and poorly prepared foods . ... In addition to
acute diarrhea/dysentery, chronic diarrhea was a
constant problem throughout the war, especially
when troops were stationary, such as in winter
camps, or during sieges." Doctors in Blue
(Morningside House, 1985), page 227. Also see
Scurvy and Chronic Diarrhea in Civil War Troops:
Were They Both Nutritional Deficiency Syndromes?
Pages 49-50, Journal of the History of Medicine
and Allied Sciences, Inc. (1992). The author
cites Surg. Gen'l Joseph K. Barnes, Medical and
Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion
(Washington Government Printing Office, 1870-88),
Medical Vol., Part Third, p. 27.
On August 20, 1863, Private Nelson died, one of a
least sixty-five from the regiment who succumbed
to the illness while still on the muster rolls.
He had been paid through the end of June and had
pay due since then together with the $75.00
balance of his enlistment bounty, but had drawn
$54.25 in clothing since his enlistment.
His personal effects included a hat, underwear,
shoes, a rubber blanket, a wool blanket, a
knapsack, a haversack and $20.00 in cash. Joseph
Wright, an Assistant Surgeon in the hospital,
forwarded them to Archibald Stuart who was then
commanding Company G.
Noble, Dwight
Dwight Noble was born to Lorin Noble and Fanny
(Boardman) Noble in 1833 or 1834 in Cattaraugus
County, New York. He was the third of their seven
children. The eldest child, Harrison Noble, moved
to Delaware County, Iowa, in June, 1852. In 1854
the rest of the family followed.
On February 1, 1859, Dwight married Catharine
Maria Fitzsimmons at Albert Lea, Freeborn County,
Minnesota. Their first child was Frank Noble who
was born on July 7, 1859, in Nunda, Freeborn
County. He was followed by Sarah Noble who was
born in Delaware County, Iowa, on December 1860.
On August 13, 1862, twenty-eight-year-old Dwight
enlisted at Cox Creek in what would be Company B
of the 21st Iowa Infantry. He was described as
being five feet, three inches tall, with blue
eyes, a light complexion and fair hair. His
occupation was listed as carpenter on his
Muster-in Roll, but farmer on the Descriptive
Roll. On the 16th they were ordered into quarters
at Dubuques Camp Franklin, on the 18th the
company was mustered into service, and on the
22nd Catharine gave birth to their third child, a
boy they named Charles.
Camp Franklin was located on a sandy
plateau on the bank of the Mississippi" just
south of Eagle Point, but training was minimal.
Captain William Crooke said habits of
obedience had to be formed, and these to men in
the ranks were doubtless the most irksome of
all, but actual training was minimal.
According to one author, the rendezvous was
so near the mens homes, that their fathers,
mothers, brothers, sisters, wives, sweethearts,
and friends, were too often present to allow
either drill or discipline to any great
With a total complement of 985 men, officers and
enlisted, they were mustered in as a regiment on
September 9th by George S. Pierce, a Captain with
the 19th U.S. Infantry, and a week later started
downriver. They reached St. Louis about 10:00 on
the morning of September 20th, debarked, stood on
the levee for an hour heavily laden with
knapsacks, clothes, blankets, arms and personal
accouterments, much unnecessary and later
discarded, and then started the four mile march
to Benton Barracks in intensely hot weather.
About midnight on the 21st they boarded railroad
cars normally reserved for freight and livestock
and huddled under blankets as they traveled
through the night on the Southwest Branch of the
Pacific Railroad to its western terminus at
For the next month they camped near Sycamore
Springs, about five miles southwest of town on
the Lebanon road. On October 17th, Brigadier
General Fitz Henry Warren arrived and ordered the
regiment to Houston. By then two men had been
transferred to other regiments, three had
deserted, two had received medical discharges and
four had died. About 1:30 a.m. on the 18th, said
Horace Poole, drums called assembly, and soon
thereafter those able for duty started a
twenty-five mile march to Salem. Arriving the
next day, they pitched tents on high ground,
Frank Henderson entertained with his fiddle, and
his brother, Cyrus told their parents "it
sounds like home." Cyrus had two months to
On November 2d they were again on the move and
walked south to Houston where they arrived before
sundown on the 4th. From there they moved to the
more remote town of Hartville but, when a wagon
train carrying supplies was attacked on the
evening of November 24th, Colonel Sam Merrill
moved the regiment back to the more secure
confines of Houston. Dwight Noble was
present but sick on a
bimonthly muster roll taken on December 31st.
On January 11th, 262 members of the regiment
participated in a one-day battle at Hartville in
which three men were killed in action. Another
received wounds that would prove fatal the next
day and thirteen received wounds of less
severity. While some were cared for outside of
town, most were able to return to their base in
Houston. Theres no indication that Dwight,
possibly still sick, participated in the battle.
From Houston, they walked south to West Plains,
arriving on January 30, 1863, and leaving on
February 8th. Walking through Thomasville and
Eminence, they reached Ironton on the 21st and
camped outside of town while an ambulance
detail took the sick into town where they
could be housed in the Iron County courthouse for
better care. From there they moved to Pilot Knob
and Iron Mountain and continued northeast toward
the Mississippi River.
On March 11th, they reached Ste. Genevieve. On
March 15th, Dwight Noble died. He was one of at
least sixty-four members of the regiment who died
from the debilitating effects of chronic
diarrhea. The place of his burial is unknown.
Catharine was twenty-three years old when her
husband died. Frank was three, Sarah two and
Charles almost seven months. Four years earlier,
Dwight and Catharine had been married in Freeborn
County, Minnesota. On April 25, 1865, Catharine
married again in Freeborn County. Her new
husband, Patrick Honan, was appointed Guardian of
her children.
On October 5, 1865, living in Nunda, Patrick
applied for pensions for the children. Affidavits
were submitted from witnesses who attested to
Dwights good health before entering the
military, his marriage to Catharine and his death
in Missouri. A woman in Freeborn County said she
had been present when Frank was born in Nunda.
Three witnesses (including Relief Robbins, the
mother of Charles and William Robbins who had
served in Company B with Dwight) swore they were
present in Clayton County when Charles was born
and two (including Dwights mother, Fanny)
recalled being present in Delaware County when
Sarah was born. A pension examiner reviewed the
evidence and found it sufficient. Pensions of two
dollars for each child were approved, starting on
March 16, 1863 (the day after their fathers
death) and continuing until their sixteenth
Catharine and Patrick continued living in
Freeborn County and Catharine gave birth to three
more children - Emma in 1866, Nellie Mae in 1870
and John Richard in 1876. The girls would grow to
adulthood, but Little Johnnie died
only a few months after he was born. Catharine
died on May 7, 1886, at forty-six years of age
and was buried in Saint James Cemetery, Twin
Lakes, Minnesota. Patrick died on February 2,
1916, and was also buried in Saint James