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Luana & Monona
Camps, Lodges, social societies & organizations

Unless otherwise credited the following items were contributed by Reid R. Johnson for Clayton co. IAGenWeb



W. G. Woodall, D.D.G.M., installed the following persons as officers of Northern Light Lodge, No. 156, Monona, for the ensuing term:
N.G. - J. K. Gregg
V.G. - E. Green
Sec. - J. R. Bowers
Treas. - S. Meyer
W. - H. Gilster
O.G. - James Beynon
C. - Peter Grube
R.S.N.G. - F. L. Wellman
L.S.N.G. - Wm. Brown
I.G. - W. Cassady
R.S.V.G. - D. Grube
L.S.V.G. - E. L. Rice.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 24 July 1879


I.O.O.F. No. 15
At a regular meeting of Northern Light Lodge No. 156, I.O.O.F., held at Monona, Jan. 24th, the following officers were installed for the ensuing term by E. L. Rice, special D.D.G.M.:
N.G. - E. Green
V.G. - H. Gilster
Sect. - J. R. Bowers
Treas. - L. Meyer
W. - F. R. Sandy
C. - E. L. Rice
O.G. - P. Grube
I.G. - S. Laughman
R.S.to N.G. - F. Howard
L.S. to N.G. - W. Cassidy
R.S. to V.G. - F. L. Wellman
L.S. to V.G. - T. Schneider
R.S.S. - R. W. Randal
L.S.S. - H. Downing
This lodge was organized in 1867, and now has 40 members, owning the best business building in town. The first floor occupied by Curtis and Howard as a general store. The upper floor is a neat and tastily arranged Lodge room. The building is bought and paid for.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 29 Jan. 1880. Monona column


Monona I.O.O.F.
Last Saturday evening, July 14th Marvin Cook, D.D.G.M., installed the following officers of Northern Light lodge, No. 15, I.O.O.F. of this place: 
N.G. - R. W. Randall
V.G. - W. R. Brown
Sect'y - J. R. Bowers
Treas. - E. S. Rice
W. - F. L. Wellman
C. - E. Green
O.G. - R. P. Oliver
I.G. - H. Gilster
R.S. to N.G. - Warren Cassidy
L.S. to N.G. - P. W. McClelland
R.S. to V.G. - J. Hicks
L.S. to V.G. - A. C. Norton
R.S.S. - F. Howard
L.S.S. - H. Downing
~Elkader Register, Friday, July 20, 1883. Monona Mites column.


Luana Epworth League
The following officers were elected and duly installed by the Epworth League:
Pres. - W. Spencer
1st V. P. - Spiritual - Ada Barnes
2nd V. P. - Mercy and Help - E. Ames
3rd V. P. - Literary - Janette Barnes
4th V. P. - Social - M. Lula Oathout
Sec. - Gertrude Kenzy
Treas. - Bess Warner
~Elkader Register, Fri. Morning, 03 Dec. 1897. Luana column


Luana Epworth League
The Epworth League held its annual election of officers Monday night, Nov. 6th. The following list of officers was elected, subject to the approval of the official board of the church:
Pres. - Mrs. Marian Farnsworthy
1st V. Pres. - M. L. Oathout
2nd V. Pres. - G. Oathout
3rd V. Pres. - Nelye Dickson
4th V. Pres. - E. L. Ames
Sec. - Susie Chapman
Treas. - Mrs. O. D. Oathout
~Elkader Register, Thur., 09 Nov. 1899. Luana column


Luana Epworth League
The Epworth League held a business meeting at Susie Chapman's last Monday evening and elected their officers for the coming year.
Pres. - Mrs. R. Thompson
Vice Pres. - Susie Chapman
2nd Vice - Jennie Reese
3rd Vice - Anna L. Oathout
4th Vice - Helen Russell
Sec. - Glencora Oathout
Treas. - Jennie Reese
~Elkader Register, Thur., 09 Jan. 1902. Luana column


Royal Neighbors of America
The Royal Neighbor lodge was organized at Luana last Thursday evening, Miss Tartt having secured 20 members, with which to organize. The officers are as follows:
Oracle - Mrs. Gertrude Waalk
Vice Oracle - Mattie Walter
Recorder - Jennie Reese
Receiver - Clara Walter
Marshall - Miss B. Cayton
Manager 2 years - Mrs. Cayton
Manager 3 years - D. P. Walters
Chaplain - Maud Truman
~Elkader Register, Thur., 11 Feb. 1904. Luana column
Monona Fire Department
On Monday evening was held the annual meeting of the Monona Fire Department. Three new members were taken in, making a total of thirty-five belonging to the department. The following officers were elected:

Chemical Engine:
Foreman - H. C. Fox
Asst. Foreman - O. C. Entwistle

Hook and Ladder:
Foreman - J. D. Brownson
Asst. Foreman - Frank Montgomery

Dept. Officers:
Secretary - Geo. J. Kaiser
Treasurer - J. A. Maiers
~Elkader Register, Thur., 20 Oct. 1904. Monona column


Order of the Eastern Star
At the regular meeting of Monona Chapter No. 256, O.E.S., held last Friday evening , the following officers were elected for the coming year:
Worthy Matron - Mrs. John Killen
Worthy Patron - E. F. Slitor
Asst. Matron - Mrs. L. A. Wellman
Sec. - H. S. Rittenhouse
Treas. - Mrs. Mary Bywater
Conductress - Mrs. G. L. Gilbert
Asst. Conductress - Carrie Anderson
~Elkader Register, Thur., 28 Dec. 1905. Monona column

Monona Yeoman
The following officers were installed in the Yeoman Homestead last Monday evening:
Foreman - J. H. McGoon
Master Cerem's - C. E. Sebastian
Master Accounts - E. R. Otis
Correspondent - J. A. Maiers
Chaplain - Mrs. J. H. McGoon
Lady Rowena - Mrs. Brownson
Lady Rebecca - Mrs. Sebastian
Overseer - Dr. Humphrey
Watchman - Nelson Beeler
Sentinel - C. E. Norton
Guard - Rudolph Schroeder
The Field Manager, Wm. Hazen, was present, acting as installing officer.
~Elkader Register, Thursday, February 8, 1906. Monona column
Monona Modern Workmen
At the installation of New Leaf Camp, No. 537, M.W.A., on Jan. 25th, the following officers were installed:
Consul - John P. Stoeffler, Jr.
Advisor - Carl Ihm
Banker - E. J. Wolford
Clerk - Chas. E. Scholz
Escort - L. H. Beerman
Physician - C. W. Duffin
Watchman - John Brock
Sentry - O. E. Gray
Manager - Wm. Redeman
~Elkader Register, Thursday, February 8, 1906. Monona column

Monona Royal Neighbors
At the installation of the Golden Rule Camp No. 973, R.N.A., on Jan. 25th, the following officers were installed:
Oracle - Mrs. Ella Beutel
Vice Oracle - Mrs. Jennie Redeman
Chancellor - Mrs. Mary Friedlein
Recorder - Mrs. Ella Litchfield
Receiver - Lillie Zugenbuehler
Marshal - Mrs. Cara Friedlein
Inner Sentinel - Mrs. B. Friedlein
Outer Sentinel - Mrs. Emma Kahle.
Physician - Dr. C. W. Duffin
Manager - Mrs. Hattie Cords

The Graces were appointed as follows:
Faith - Mrs. Emma Jenkins
Modesty - Mrs. Frances Lorenz
Unselfishness - Mrs. Celia Greenly
Endurance - Ida Dubbels.
Courage - Mrs. Minnie Schutte
~Elkader Register, Thursday, February 8, 1906. Monona column


Northern Light lodge No. 156, I.O.O.F., installed the following officers for the term beginning Jan. 1st, and ending June 30, 1908:
N.G. - W. J. Hazlett
V.G. - C. G. Owen
Secy. - W. _. Thornton
Treas. - P. Grube
R.S. to N.G. - W. H. Russell
L.S. to N.G. - H. Burnham
Warden - E. Oliver
Cond. - E. L. Rice
R.S. to V.G. - C. Sebastion
L.S. to V.G. - L. Thompson
I.G. - I. Cunningham
O.G. - C. Witt
R.S.S. - J. Moyer
L.S.S. - _. Davis
Chap. - H. Heman
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 30 Jan. 1908 (Monona column)


Order of the Eastern Star
At the regular meeting of the Monona Chapter, No. 256, O.E.S., held last Friday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
W.M. - Mrs. Brownson
W.P. - J. D. Brownson
A.M. - Mrs. Nelings
Secretary - H. S. Rittenhouse
Treasurer - Ella M. Rice
Conductor - Mrs. G. L. Gilbert
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 24 Dec. 1908. Monona Column


At a regular meeting of Northern Light Lodge No. 156, I.O.O.F., held Saturday evening, Jan. 1st, the following officers were elected:
N.G. - C. H. Wiegand
V.G. - H. H. Smith
Secretary - W. H. Russell
Treasurer - H. A. Burnham
R.S. to N.G. - H. B. Rittenhouse
L.S. to N.G. - E. L. Rice
Warden - E. W. Oliver
Conductor - J. W. Moyer
O.G. - G. W. Casaday
I.G. - S. G. Davis
Chaplain - J. E. Robertson
R.S. to V.G. - C. E. Witt
L.S. to V.G. - Larry Thompson
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 13 Jan. 1910, Monona column

Order of the Eastern Star
At the regular meeting of Monona Chapter, No. 256, O.E.S., Friday evening, Dec. 31st, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
W.M. - Mrs. J. D. Brownson
W.P. - H. S. Rittenhouse
A.M. - Miss Marion Otis
Secretary - Miss Althea Waugh
Treasurer - Dr. A. L. Currie
Conductor - Mrs. G. L. Gilbert
Asst. Conductor - Mrs. J. Q. Rupp
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 13 Jan. 1910. Monona column

On Tuesday evening, Jan. 18th, Prosperity Lodge, No. 26, installed the following officers for the term beginning Jan. 1st, 1910:
P.N.G. - Emma Robertson
N.G. - Marie Grube
V.G. - Marian Otis
Secretary - Viola Owen
Financial Sec. - Gussie Wiegand
Treasurer - C. E. Sebastian
Conductor - Harriet Campbell
Warden - Minnie Sebastian
Chaplain - Martha Samp
R.S. to N.G. - Lizzie Russell
L.S. to N.G. - Martha Gregg
R.S. to V.G. - Clara Otis
L.S. to V.G. - Jessie Wellman
I.G. - H. H. Smith
O.G. - W. H. Russell
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 27 Jan. 1910. Monona column


Monona Monday Thimble Club
The Monday Thimble Club met at Mrs. R. G. Kinsley's and the following officers were elected for the year:
President - Amanda Renshaw
Vice President - Jean Orr
Sec'y - Maud Thomas
Treasurer - Minnie Sebastian
Cutting Committee - Addie Egbert, Carrie Montgomery, Viola Owen, Lou Walch
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 13 Apr. 1911. Monona column


Order of the Eastern Star
The following officers for 1929 were installed by Monona Chapter No. 256 O.E.S. at the last regular meeting:
W.M. - Amanda Jordahl
W.P. - H. S. Rittenhouse
A.M. - Cora Witt
A.P. - Rev. H. E. Morrow
Sec. - Minnie P. Brownson
Treas. - Pearl Bothel
Cond. - Carrie Montgomery
A. Cond. - Reta Smith
Chap. - Lizzie Killen
Marshall - Augusta Wiegand
Adah - Amelia Schneider
Ruth - Jean Orr
Esther - Julia Howard
Martha - Maud Wilson
Electa - Cora Moses
Warder - Sidnie Kaiser
Organist - Margaret Killen
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 24 Jan. 1929. Monona column


Monona Fire Department
The annual meeting of the Monona Fire Department was held Tuesday evening in the city hall. Officers elected for the ensuing year are:
Chief - Ray Peters
Asst. Chief - Otto Pape
Secretary - Lowell A. Fox
Treasurer - Raymond Hupfer

Hook & Ladder Dept.
Foreman - Bert Havlicek
Asst. Foreman - William Sass

Chemical Dept.
Foreman - Leon G. Henderson
Asst. Foreman - John J. Reidel

Fire Hose Dept.
Foreman - George Holly
Asst. Foreman - Harold C. Henderson

Booster Hose Dept.
Foreman - Hugo Pape
Asst. Foreman - Charles Fett, Jr.
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 11 Oct. 1934
Luana Fire Department
Luana: At the annual firemen's meeting, held Monday, May 6th, the following officers were elected:
Chief - Arthur H. Berg
Assistant Chief - Emil DeSotel
Secretary - Orval Radach
Treasurer - Donald Overbeck
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 16 May 1935


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