new content added 6/26/23 (Elkader 1938)
Clayton co. Ancient Free & Accepted
Mason Lodges (A.F. & A.M.) Officers & Members, after 1865
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The following is not a complete list of lodge members in Clayton county. If your ancestor is not on one of the rosters, it does not mean he was not a lodge member. Most of this data is from local newspapers when they held officer elections. Additional information about some of the A.F. & A.M. Lodges can be found in the 1882 History of Clayton county, township chapters - use the search on main site home page to find. Don't miss your ancestor! Searching (ctr F) or browsing this information is advised due to surname spelling differences in the sources. Transcription disclaimer: researchers should always consult original records for additional information or to verify the information in this data-base. Every attempt to transcribe accurately has been made, but there may be errors. Quick links to the various sections on this page: Lodges 1924 * Clayton Lodge No. 70 (Monona) * Elkader Lodge No. 72 * Garnavillo Lodge No. 90 * Strawberry Point No. 130 * Bezar No. 135 (McGregor) * Prairie la Porte, No. 147 (Guttenburg) * National, No. 172 (Farmersburg-National) * Mountain Shade No. 279 (Volga City) |
The following misc. information was contributed by S. Ferrall
& Reid R. Johnson
- Clayton Lodge, No. 70, Monona -
The Masonic installation at Monona on Friday evening was attended by about 500 persons, and the occasion was one long to be remembered by those present. The officers installed are as follows:
W.M. - J. R. Millman
S.W. - E. J. Dailey
J.W. - Theodore Sherman
Treas. - E. L. Rice
Sec. - M. Polley
S.D. - Harvey Miner
J.D. - Larkin Green
S.S. - C. A. Dean
J.S. - John Tapper
Tyler - W. Brown
~Elkader Register, Thur., 19 June 1879. From the McGregor Times1891
January 8th, Clayton Lodge, No. 70, A.F. & A.M. installed the following as officers for the ensuing year:
W.M. - E. L. Rice
S.W. - _. B. Miner
J.W. - E. R. Green
Sec. - J. R. Millman
Treas. - James Watkins
S.D. - J. A. Sturtevant
J.D. - Arthur Green
S.S. - E. C. Brenner
J.S. - John Anderson
Tyler - Wm. Wellman
~Elkader Register, Thur., 15 Jan. 1891. Monona column1904
The O.E.S. and Masonic orders held a joint installation last Friday evening, a large number were present, and the work done in a striking and creditable manner. Mrs. G. L. Giilbert, Past Matron, installed the officers of the Chapter with Miss Carrie Anderson as Marshal. The following officers were installed:
Worthy Matron- Mrs. Lizzie Killen
Worthy Patron- J. D. Bronson
Associate Matron- Mrs. Dora Otis
Chaplain- Miss Ella Rice
Ruth- Mrs. Lucy Schwab
Martha- Mrs. Martha Hall
Electa- Mrs. Emma Rupp
Marshal- Mrs. Minnie Sebastian
Warden- Mrs. Sarah Neilings
Sentinel- H. S. Rittenhouse
J. D. Brownson acted as installing officer for the Masons, with George P. Hupfer as Marshal. The following were the officers installed:
Worshipful Master- E. R. Otis
Senior Warden- A. G. Killen
Junior Warden- H. S. Rittenhouse
Secretary- E. L. Rice
Treasurer- W. H. Nelings
Senior Deacon- J. D. Brownson
Junior Deacon- E. H. Schafer
Senior Steward- E. F. Slitor
Junior Steward- Herman Wehler
Tylor- William Wellman
After the installation ceremonies, an elegant supper was served by the first division of the O.E.S.
~Elkader Register, Thur., Dec. 31, 1903 (Monona column)1908
At the regular meeting 0f the Clayton lodge No. 70, A.F. & A.M., held last Friday evening, the following officers were installed for the ensuing year. E. F. Slitor, installing officers:
W.M. - J. D. Brownson
S.W. - H. S. Rittenhouse
J.W. - David Hall
Sec'y - Geo. H. Otis
Treas. - W. H. Nehlings
S.D. - B. B. Everall
J.D. - C. J. Orr
S.S. - A. _. (looks like C or G) Killen
J.S. - E. F. Slitor
Tyler - O. C. Entwistle
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 30 Jan. 19081929
The following officers were installed at the last regular meeting of the Masonic Lodge:
W.M. - H. E. Morrow
S.W. - Fred J. Peglow
J.W. - Leon G. Henderson
Treas. - H. T. Orr
Secretary - F. R. Bothel
Chaplain - W. Baskerville
S.D. - L. F. Orr
S.S. - G. A. Tornowsky
J.D. - J. A. Wirsching
J.S. - W. B. Weithorn
Tyler - Aug. Kruse
~Clayton County Register, Thur. 24 Jan. 1929. Monona column1935
MONONA: At the regular meeting of Clayton Lodge No. 70, A.F. & A.M., Friday evening, the following officers were elected for the coming year:
W.M. - C. R. Belden
S.W. - J. R. Moses
J.W. - V. J. Franke
Secretary - Frank R. Bothel
Treasurer - H. T. Orr
Trustee, 3 yrs. - Frank Montgomery
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 20 Dec. 1934
The following persons were duly installed on Friday evening, June 20, 1879, as officers of Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M.:
W.M. - J. F. Thompson
S.W. - F. H. Carter
J.W. - W. H. Davis
Sec. - V. F. Davis
Treas. - D. R. Mills
S.D. - W. S. Moyer
J.D. - K. F. Purdy
S.S. - B. S. Whitney
J.S. - Anton Kramer
T. - F. Dennert
~Elkader Register, Thur., 26 June 18791880
The following is the list of officers of Harmony Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M., elected at the regular meeting held Friday evening, April 23rd, '80:
W.M. - F. H. Carter
S.W. - W. Davis
J.W. - J. W. Swenson
Treas. - D. R. Mills
Sect. - Virgil Davis
S.D. - K. F. Purdy
J.D. - Ezra Hurd
S.S. - P. C. Young
J.S. - H. C. Stearns
Tyler - F. W. Denert
~Elkader Register, Thur., 29 Apr. 1880
The following persons were duly installed on last Monday evening, as offices of Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M.:
W.M. - F. H. Carter
S.W. - W. H. Davis
J.W. - J. W. Shannon
Treas. - D. R. Mlls
Sec. - V. F. Davis
S.D. - K. F. Purdy
~Elkader Register, Thur., 24 June 18801882
The following are the officers of Elkader Lodge, No. 72, F. & A.M. elected and appointed at the meeting on Monday evening last:
W.M. - D. R. Mills
S.W. - H. H. Barnard
J.W. - J. F. Thompson
Sec. - V. F. Davis
Treas. - A. Kramer
S.D. - Marvin Cook
J.D. - H. C. Stearns
S.O. - B. S. Whitney
J.O. - K. F. Purdy
Tyler - F. W. Dennert
~Elkader Register, Fri., 5 May 1882. Home News column1883
At the stated meeting of Elkader lodge, A.F. & A.M., held on Friday evening, April 20th, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing term:
W.M. - D. R. Mills
S.W. - Adna Hall
J.W. - J. F. Thompson
Treas. - Anton Kramer
Sec. - V. F. Davis Appointed:
S.D. - H. C. Ehrlich
J.D. - D. G. Griffith
S.S. - B. S. Whitney
J.S. - Louis Schroeder
Tyler - F. W. Dennert
~Elkader Register, Friday, April 20, 1883
On Tuesday evening last, Harmony Chapter, of Elkader, elected the following offices for the ensuing term:
H.P. - H. C. Erlich
K. - H. C. Stearns
S. - Jos. Lamm
Sec. - V. F. Davis
Treas. - A. Kramer
C.H. - J. F. Thompson
P.S. - C. H. Vaupel
R.A.C. - H. H. Barnard
G.M. 3rd V. - D. R. Mills
G.M. 2nd V. - K. F. Purdy
G.M. 1st V. - C. W. Walser
~Elkader Register, 10 Sept. 1884
At the regular communication of Elkader lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M. the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
W.M. - H. C. Stearns
S.W. - H. C. Ehrlich
J.W. - C. H. Vaupel
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sect. - C. W. Walser
S.D. - F. A. Nichols
J.D. - F. W. Dennert
S.S. - B. S. Whitney
J.S. - L. Schroeder
Tyler - E. S. Stanton
~Elkader Register, 29 Apr. 1885
At the regular meeting of Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., Friday evening of last week, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
M.W. - H. C. Stearns
S.W. - H. C. Ehrlich
J.W. - C. H. Vaupel
Treas. - Anton Kramer
Sec'y - C. W. Walser
S.D. - T. M. Davidson
J.D. - E. W. Stanton
S.S. - B. S. Whitney
J.S. - Louis Schroeder
Tylor - F. A. Nichols
~Clayton County Journal, 21 Apr. 1886
At the regular meeting on Friday evening of last week, the following offices of Elkader lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., for the ensuing term:
W.M. - H. C. Ehrlich
S.W. - C. H. Vaupel
J.W. - S. V. Jack
Sect. - F. A. Nichols
Treas. - Anton Kramer
The following officers were appointed:
S.D. - Ross Richardson
J.D. - [illegible]
S.S. - B. S. Whitney
J.S. - L. Schroeder
~Elkader Register, Thur., 14 Apr. 1887
At the regular communication of Elkader lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., on Friday evening last, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - H.C. Ehrlich
S.W. - D. G. Griffith
J.W. - S. V. Jack
Treas. - Anton Kramer
Sec. - A. P. Bock
S.D. - Ross Richardson
J.D. - Jas. Russell
S.S. - B. S. Whitney
J.S. - Louis Schroeder
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur., 26 Apr. 1888
At a Regular meeting of the Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., on Friday evening last, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - H. C. Ehrlich
S.W. - J. E. Corlett
J.W. - S. V. Jack
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - A. P. Bock
S.D. - R. Richardson
I,D. - Jas. Russell
S.S. - B. S. Whitney
J.S. - Louis Schroeder
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur., 20 Dec. 1888
At their regular communication on Friday evening, the following officers of Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., were elected and appointed for the ensuing term:
W.M. - H. C. Ehrlich
S.W. - Ross Richardson
J.W. - S. V. Jack
Treas. - Anton Kramer
Sect. - A. P. Bock
S.D. - H. Meyer
J.D. - Milo Munger
S.S. - Adna Hall
J.S. - O. F. Davis
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur., 12 Dec. 1889
At a regular meeting of Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M., the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing term:
W.M. - T. M. Davidson
S.W. - Ross Richardson
J.W. - H. Meyer
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - A. P. Bock
S.D. - H. C. Ehrlich
J. D. - Milo Munger
S.S. - D. G. Griffith
J.S. - H. W. Wilke
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, 01 Jan. 1891. Local News column
At the regular communication of Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M., Friday evening last, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term:
W.M. - S. V. Jack
S.W. - H. W. Wilke
J.W. - P. P. Gifford
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - A. P. Bock
~Elkader Register, Thur., 17 Dec. 1891
At the regular meeting of Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M., Friday evening last, the following officers were elected and appointed:
W.M. - H. Meyer
S.W. - J. F. Becker
J.W. - C. W. Walser
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - D. G. Griffith
S.D. - James Russell
S.S. - H. W. Wilke
J.S. - H. H. Barnard
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur., 28 Dec. 1893
At the regular communication of Elkader lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M., Friday evening, the following officers were elected and appointed:
W.M. - J. F. Becker
S.W. - A. C. Hagensick
J.W. - John Everall, Jr.
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - J. H. Hill
S.D. - Jas. Russell
J.D. - A. J. Carpenter
S.S. - H. Meyer
J.S. - H. H. Barnard
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register 13 Dec. 1894
At the Regular meeting of Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., held Friday, Dec. 27, 1895, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year.
W.M. - A. O. Hagensick
S.W. - John Everall, Jr.
J.W. - J. A. Russell
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - J. H. Hill
S.D. - Fred Kramer
J.D. - F. G. Leibrock
S.S. - H. W. Wilke
J.S. - D. G. Griffith
T. - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Fri., 03 Jan. 1896
Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M., elected and installed the following officers at its communication last Friday evening:
W.M. - A. C. Hagensick
S.W. - John Everall, Jr.
J.W. - Jas. A. Russell
Treas. - A. Kramer
Secy. - J. H. Hill
S.D. - F. A. Kramerr
J.D. - G. H. Wilke
S.S. - D. G. Griffith
J.S. - P. P. Gifford
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Fri., 25 Dec. 1896
Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., at the regular meeting Friday evening the following were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - A. C. Hagensick
S.W. - James A. Russell
J.W. - Wm. Witt
Sec. - J. H. Hill
Treas. - A. Kramer
S.D. - John Everall
J.D. - G. H. Wilke
S.S. - D. G. Griffith
J.S. - Walter Goetz
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Fri. morning, 10 Dec. 1897
At the regular communication of Elkader lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M. Friday
evening the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensing year:
W.M. - A. C. Hagensick
S.W. - James Russell
J.W. - Wm. Witt
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - J. H. Hill
S.D. - John Everall, Jr.
J.D. - Dr. J. D. Brownson
S.S. - C. W. Walser
J.S. - H. H. Barnard
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur., 29 Dec. 1898
At its regular communication held last Friday evening Elkader lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A. M., the following officers were elected and appointed and duly installed:
W.M. - John Everall, Jr.
S.W. - Dr. J. D. Brownson
J.W. - A. j. Carpenter
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - J. H. Hill
S.D. - H. D. Brown
J.D. - David Parker
S.S. - D. G. Griffith
J.S. - H. W. Wilke
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur., 21 Dec. 1899
At the meeting of Elkader lodge No. 72 A.F. & A.M., last Saturday evening, the following officers were installed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - John Everall, Jr.
S.W. - A. J. Carpenter
J.W. - A. O. Elvidge
Sec. - John H. Hill
Treas. - A. Kramer
S.D. - H. D. Brown
J.D. - Fred Wolf
S.S. - D. G. Griffith
J.S. - H. W. Wilke
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur., 20 Dec. 1900
Election Of Officers, Elkader Lodge No. 72 A.F. & A.M. The following officers were elected, appointed and installed Friday evening:
W.M. - A. J. Carpenter
S.W. - A. D. Brown
J.W. - F. L. Wolf
S.D. - A. L. Barthel
J.D. - Harry Proctor
Sec. - J. H. Hill
Treas. - A. Kramer
S.S. - F. M. Landon
J.S. - D. G. Griffith
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur., Dec. 25, 1901
At the regular communication of Elkader Lodge A.F. & A.M., last Friday evening the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - A. J. Carpenter
S.W. - H. D. Brown
J.W. - F. L. Wolf
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - J. H. Hill
S.D. - A. L. Barthel
J.D. - Harry Proctor
S.S. - W. E. Witt
J.S. - Frank Landon
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur., 18 Dec. 1902
The following are the elected and appointed officers of Elkader lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M. The installation being last Friday evening:
W.M. - A. J. Carpenter
S.W. - blank
J.W. - V. T. Price
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - J. H. Hill
S.D. - H. D. Brown
J.D. - H. L. Griffith
S.S. - Wm. Witt
J.S. - Frank Landon
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
A vacancy exists in the S.W. station which is to be filled at the next stated communication.
~Elkader Register, 07 Jan. 19041905
At the regular communication of Elkader lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M. last Friday evening the following officers were elected and appointed and installed:
W.M. - H. D. Brown
S.W. - F. L. Wolf
J.W. - G. H. Fletcher
S.D. - A. J. Carpenter
J.D. - H. C. Gmelin
S.S. - J. W. Russell
J.S. - Geo. Witt
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur., 22 Dec. 19041906
At the regular communication of Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M., Friday evening, the following officers were elected, appointed and installed:
W.M. - H. D. Brown
S.W. - F. L. Wolf
I.W. - G. H. Fletcher
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - J. H. Hill
S.D. - A. J. Carpenter
J.D. - H. C. Gmelin
S.S. - Wm. Witt
J.S. - Herman Uecker
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur., 14 Dec. 1905
Elkader lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., Friday evening last, installed the following officers for the ensuing year:
W.M. - H. D. Brown
S.W. - G. H. Fletcher
J.W. - W. J. Jeffers
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - J. H. Hill
S.D. - A. J. Carpenter
J.D. - H. C. Gmelin
S.S. - R. F. Schmidt
J.S. - H. C. Pahlas
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur. 24 Jan. 1907
At a recent convocation of Elkader lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M., the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - H. D. Brown
S.W. - G. H. Fletcher
J.W. - Dr. W. J. Jeffers
Treas. - A. Kramer
Sec. - J. H. Hill
S.D. - A. J.. Carpenter
J.D. - H. C. Gmelin
S.S. - R. F. Schmidt
J.S. - H. C. Pahlas
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 26 Dec. 1907
At the regular communication of Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., last Friday evening, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year: W.M. - Wm. E. Witt
S.W. - W. J. Jeffers
J.W. - H. C. Gmelin
Treasurer - A. Kramer
Secretary - J. H. Hill
S.D. - G. H. Fletcher
J.D. - R. F. Schmidt
S.S. - H. C. Pahlas
J.S. - John Bahr
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 10 Dec. 1908
Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M.
At a regular communication of Elkader Lodge A.F. & A.M. last Friday evening the following officers were elected and appointed:
W.M. - Wm. E. Witt
S.W. - H. C. Gmelin
J.W. - R. F. Schmidt
Treasurer - A. Kramer
Secretary - J. H. Hill
S.D. - Max Bishop
J.D. - H. C. Pahlas
S.S. - D. G. Griffith
J.S. - Albert Allen
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 30 Dec. 1909
At a regular communication of Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., held last Friday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
W.M. - Wm. Witt
S.W. - Henry C. Gmelin
J.W. - Thos. R. Roberts
Secretary - J. H. Hill
Treasurer - Anton Kramer
S.D. - Max B. Bishop
J.D. - Henry Lenth
S.S. - H. O. Parke
J.S. Geo. C. Wolf
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 22 Dec. 1910
At the regular meeting of Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F.& A.M. last Friday evening the following officers were elected:
W.M. - Henry C. Gmelin
S.W. - Thos. R. Roberts
J.W. - Henry Lenth
Treasurer - Anton Kramer
Secretary - J. H. Hill
S.D. - H. O. Park
J.D. - H. Conrad
S.S. - B. A. Lake
J.S. E. M. Coffee
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 7 Dec. 1911
At the regular meeting of the Elkader lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M. held last Friday evening the following officers were elected:
W.M. - Henry C. Gmelin
S.W. - H. O. Park
J.W. - H. J. Conrad
Treas. A. Kramer
Sec. -J. H. Hill
S.D. - Geo. C. Wolf
J.D. - Walter Dittmer
S.S. Frank Landon
J.S. - Chas. Lange
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register, Thur., 26 Dec. 1912
At the regular communication of Elkader lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M. hheld at its hall last Friday evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
W.M. - H. D. Brown
S.W. - W. C. Dittmer
J.W. - W. W. Davidson
Sec. - J. H. Hill
Treas. - Anton Kramer
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 03 Dec. 1914. Local News columns
Friday evening at the regular meeting of Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. and A. M. the following officers were elected:
W.M. - J. L. Cords
S.W. - R. L. Morse
J.W. - Louise Bushing
Treasurer - A. J. Carpenter
Secretary - H. C. Gmelin
The appointive officers were filled as follows:
S.D. - A. H. Andreae
S.S. - D. E. Boleyn
J.S. - D. J. Crain
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 18 Dec. 1919
At the regular meeting of the Elkader Lodge No. 72 A.F. & A.M. last Friday evening, the following officers, who will serve for the ensuing year, were installed:
W.M. - Dr. R. L. Morse
J.W. - D. E. Boleyn
J.W. - H. J. Conrad
S.D. - C. L. Reinecke
J.D. - Elmer Bente
S.S. - W. W. Davidson
J.S. H. F. Lenth
Sec. - H. C. Gmelin
Treas. - A. J. Carpenter
Tyler - E. W. Stanton
A. J. Carpenter acted as installing officer & H. D. Brown, installing marshal.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 13 Jan. 1921
Friday evening, Elkader Lodge No. 72 A.F. & A.M. will install the following officers who will serve during the year 1922:
W.M. - Dr. R. L. Morse
S.W. - W. C. Dittmer
J.W. - Chas. Meder
Treas. - A. J. Carpenter
Sec. Ernest F. Seifert
S.D. C. L. Reinecke
J.D. - Wm. Allen
S.S. - Harry Meyer
J.S. - Earl Becker
~Elkader Register, Thur., 05 Jan. 1922. Local News Notes
At a regular meeting of the Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M. held last Friday evening the following officers were elected for the coming year:
W.M. - H. J. Conrad
S.W. - Charles Meder
J.W. - Harry L. Meyer
Treas. - A. J. Carpenter
Sec. - Ernest F. Seifert
The installation of the newly elected officers will take place on Friday evening, January 5th, 1923.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 07 Dec. 1922. Local News columns
The officers of Elkader lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M. were installed last Friday evening. They are:
W.M. - H. J. Conrad
W.S. - Charles Meder
J.W. - Harry W. Meyer
Treasurer - A. J. Carpenter
Secretary - Ernest F. Seifert
S.D. - Carl Reinecke
J.D. - Claude Firman
S.S. - H. M. Wolf
J.S. - Wm. G. Allen
Tyler - A. A. Dohrer
~Elkader Register, Thur., 11 Jan. 1923. Local News column
At a regular meeting of Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M. eld at the Masonic Hall last Friday evening officers were elected for the ensuing year:
W.M. - H. J. Conrad
S.W. - H. L. Meyer
S.W. - Wm. G. Allen
J.W. - Wm. G. Allen
Treasurer - H. L. Swenson
Secretary - Ernest F. Seifert
~Elkader Register, Thur., 20 Dec. 1923
Ceremonies of installation of Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M. were conducted last evening at the Masonic Lodge rooms H. D. Brown acted as installing officer.
W.M. - H. L. Meyer
S.W. - Wm. G. Allen
J.W. - John K. Griebel
Secretary - R. C. Lemka
Treasurer - H. L. Swenson
S.D. - Claude Firman
J.D. - Lawrence Uecker
S.S. - Lyle Ba_thel.
J.S. - H. M. Wolf
Tyler - Fred Wistrick
~Elkader Register, Thur., 8 Jan. 1925
The Masons held their installation of officers at the Masonic hall last Friday evening. Past Master H. D. Brown acted as installing officer. The following officers were installed:
W.M. - H. L. Meyer
S.W. - Wm. G. Allen
J.W. - John Griebel
Secretary - R. C. Lemka
Treasurer - H. L. Swenson
S.D. - Claude Firman
J.D. - Lawrence Uecker
S.S. - Lyle Miller
J.S. - E. W. Hahn
Tyler - Fred Wistrick
~Elkader Register, Thur., 14 Jan. 1926. Local News Notes column
Officers for the coming year were elected at the regular December meeting of Elkader Lodge No. 72. A.F. & A.M., as follows:
W.M. - Wm. G. Allen
S.W. - Ernest F. Seifert
J.W. - C. L. Reinecke
Treasurer - H. L. Swenson
Secretary - R. C. Lemka
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 9 Dec. 1926
Friday evening Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., will install the following officers, elected at the regular December session of the lodge:
W.M. - Wm. Allen
S.W. - Ernest F. Seifert
J.W. - C. L. Reineck
Secretary - R. C. Lemka
Treasurer - H. L. Swenson
S.D. - Byron Abel
J.D. - Lyle Miller
S.S. - E. W. Hahn
J.S. - Lawrence Uecker
Tyler - Fred Wistrick
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 03 Feb. 1927
Members of the Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M. held their annual meeting last Friday evening and elected the following officers for the coming year:
W.M. - Wm. G. Allen
S.W. - Ernest F. Seifert
J.W. - Ed W. Hahn
Secretary - R. C. Lemka
Treasurer - H. L. Swenson
These officers will be installed the first meeting in January which will be held Friday evening, Jan. 6th, 1928.
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 08 Dec. 1927
Officers of the local Masonic Lodge will be installed at a meeting to be held Thursday, Jan. 12. Officers elected for the year are:
W.M. - Wm. G. Allen
S.W. - Ernest F. Seifert
J.W. - Ed. W. Hahn
Secretary - R. C. Lemka
Treasurer - H. Swenson
S.D. - B. E. Abel
J.D. - J. W. Downie
S.S. - H. M. Wolf
J.S. - Lyle Barthel
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 05 Jan. 1928
At the last regular meeting of Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
W.M. - Ernest F. Seifert
S.W. - L. L. Leibrock
J.W. - B. E. Able
Secretary - R. C. Lemka
Treasurer - H. L. Swenson
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 13 Dec. 1928. Pg. 1
New officers for the local Masonic Lodge were installed Monday evening as follows:
W.M. - E. F. Seifert
S.W. - L. L. Leibrock
J.W. - B. E. Abel
Secretary - R. C. Lemka
Treasurer - H. L. Swenson
S.D. - C. L. Reinecke
J.D. - John Downey
S.S. - John Bock
J.S. - E. Bergemeyer
Chaplain - J. L. Cords
Tyler - Fred Wistrick
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 10 Jan. 1929
At a regular meeting held Friday evening, January 5, Elkader lodge No. 72 A.F. & A.M., installed the following officers to serve this fraternal organization during the coming year:
W.M. - Louis J. Kruse
S.W. - Milo Murphy
J.W. - LeRoy Bandow
Secretary - H. J. Conrad
Treasurer - H. L. Meyer
S.D. - Harry Bahr
J.D. - Leroy Ehrhardt
S.S. - Earl Peake
J.S. - Elmer Bandow
Chaplain - Rev. Paul Kitterer
Marshal - J. L. Cords
Tyler - G. H. Wilke
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 11 Jan. 1934
H. M. Wolf was elected Worshipful Master at the annual meeting of Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M., here last week. Other officers elected at this time were:
S.W. - Milo Murphy
J.W. - Earl Peake
Secy. - H. J. Conrad
Treas. - H. L. Meyer
S.D. - Harry Bahr
J.D. - LeRoy Ehrhardt
S.S. - Alfred Baars
J.S. - Elmer Bandow
Tiler - G. H. Wilke.
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 20 Dec. 1934
Officers of Elkader lodge, No. 72, A.F. & A.M., were installed last Friday evening at a meeting held in the lodge rooms. H. D. Brown was the installing officer and J. L. Cords, Marshal. Officers installed were as follows:
W.M. - H. M. Wolf
S.W. - Roy Froelich
J.W. - L. J. Ehrhardt
Sec'y - H. J. Conrad
Treas. - H. L. Meyer
S.D. - Harry Bahr
J.D - Alfred Baars
S.S. - Horace Roggensack
J.S. - Alf. Schneider
Tyler - G. H. Wilke
Janitor - M. E. Munger
Chaplain - Rev. P. Kitterer
~Clayton County Register, 08 Jan. 1936
New officers for the year 1938 were installed by Elkader Lodge No. 72, A.F. & A.M., here Friday evening. Past Master Roy Froelich presided during the installation, assisted by J. L. Cords, marshal.
W.M. - L. J. Ehrhardt
S.W. - Alfred Baars
J.W. - H. K. Roggensack
Treasurer - H. L. Meyer
Secretary - H. J. Conrad
Appointive officers installed were:
S.D. F. E. Sharp
J.D. - D. L. Smith
S.S. - Frank Speck
J.S. - L. J. Kruse
Tyler - M. E. Munger
~Clayton County Register, 12 Jan. 1938
Garnavillo Lodge, No. 90, Garnavillo -
1878 The Masons of Garnavillo lodge installed their newly elected officers at their last meeting June 11th. They are: W.M. - James McGuire S.W. - William Ahlers J.W. - Joseph Sigg Sec'y - A. C. Rogers Treas. - B. F. Fox Tyler - George Sigg ~Elkader Register, Thur., 27 June 1878. Garnavillo Local Items 1879 The following persons were duly installed on Tuesday evening, June 24th, 1879, as officers of Garnavillo Lodge No. 90 A.F. & A.M.: W.M. - James McGuire S.W. - Wm. Allers J.W. - Fred Cook Sec. - A. C. Rogers Treas. - B. F. Fox S.D. - G. W. Beach J.D. - W. H. Boals Tyler - Geo. Sigg ~Elkader Register, Thur., 26 June 1879 1884 At the regular meeting of the Masonic lodge last Saturday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: W.M. - G. H. Smart S.W. - E. Block J.W. - Wm. Nolte Sect. - Wm. Goetz Treas. - B. Merz The appointive officers have not yet been announced. ~Elkader Register, Fri., 11 Apr. 1884. Guttenberg column 1885 At the regular communication of Garnavillo lodge No. 90, A.F. & A.M., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: W.M. - Fred Cook S.W. - J. D. Maurer J.W. - Wm. Ahlers Sect. - Theo. J. Krasinsky Treas. - Hemuth Brandt S.D. - J. M. Hagensick J.D. - J. Briggs T. - Geo. Sigg S.S. - A. Schumacher J.S. - Wm. Krueger ~Elkader Register, 13 May 1885. Garnavillo column 1887 April 5th, at the annual election of the Garnavillo lodge, No. 90, A.F. & A.M., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: W.M. - J. D. Maurer S.W. - Fred Cook J.W. - W. A. Kregel Treasurer - Helmuth Brandt Secretary - T. J. Kraszinsky ~Elkader Register, Thur., 14 Apr. 1887 |
1888 At the election of officers of Garnavillo lodge No. 90, A.F. & A.M., held on Tuesday April 24th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: W.M. - J. D. Maurer S.W. - W. A. Kregel J.W. - C. W. Duffin Treas. - Helmuth Brandt Sect. - Fred Cook The following appointments were made: S.D. - Theo. J. Krasinsky J.D. - Wm. Krueger S.S. - Wm. Ahlers J.S. - J. Briggs Tyler - Geo. Sigg ~Elkader Register, Thur., 03 May 1888 1889 Garnavillo Lodge, No. 90, A.F. & A.M. elected the following officers for the ensuing year: W.M. - J. D. Maurer S.W. - W. A. Kregel J.W. - T. J. Krasinsky Sec. - F. Cook Treas. - Helmuth Brandt ~Elkader Register, Thur., 03 Jan. 1889 1890 At a regular communication of Garnavillo lodge No. 90, A.F. & A.M., the following officers were elected: J. D. Maurer, W.M. F. Cook, S.W. J. F. Schumacher, J.W. T. J. Krasinsky, Sec'y Helm. Brandt, Treas. The officers will be installed at public installation Tuesday, Dec. 31 ~Elkader Register, Thur., 12 Dec. 1889 (Garnavillo column) 1891 The following officers were elected by Garnavillo Lodge No. 90, A.F. & A.M., and were installed on Saturday evening: W.M. - Wm. A. Kregel S.W. - F. Cook J.W. - J. F. Schumacher Treas. - Hel Brandt Sec. - J. D. Maurer S.D. - T. D. White J.D. - T. J. Krasinsky S.S. - Wm. Ahlers J.S. - Wm. Krueger T. - Geo. Sigg ~Elkader Register, 01 Jan. 1891. Garnavillo column 1892 Garnavillo lodge No. 90 A.F. & A.M. installed the following officers at a special meeting on Wednesday evening: W.M. - W. A. Kregel S.W. - F. Cook J.W. - J. F. Schumacher Treas. - H. Brandt Sec. - J. D. Maurer S.D. - C. W. Duffin J.D. - H. B. Crosby S.S. - Wm. Allen J.S. - Wm. Krueger T. - Geo. Sigg ~Elkader Register, Thur. 07 Jan. 1892. Garnavillo column 1895 At the regular meeting of Garnavillo Lodge No. 90, A.F. & A.M., held Dec. 11, the following officers were elected: W.M. - W. A. Kregel S.W. - T. J. Krasinsky J.W. - J. F. Schumacher Treas. - Helm Brandt, Sr. Sect'y - J. D. Maurer ~Elkader Register, Thur. 20 Dec. 1894 |
- Strawberry
Point Lodge, No. 130, Strawberry Point -
1887 At the election of officers of Strawberry Point Masons, Saturday last, the following officers were elected: W.M. - J. D. Inger S.W. - C. H. Bungay J.W. - Alex Porter Sec'y - J. Baird Treas. - N. Scofield ~Clayton County Journal, 06 Apr. 1887 1902 At the regular communication of Strawberry Point Lodge No. 130, the following officers were elected: Nathan Scofield, W.M. L.W. Preston, S.W. Alex. Porter, J.W. A. Wilder, Treas. H.W. Scofield, Sec. H.A. Axtel, S.D. J.P. Desmore, J.D. J.E. Baird, Tyler J.F. Hestwood, Chap. F. Wood, T.S. G. Grewsmeyer, J.S. ~Mail-Press, December 18, 1902 1908 The Local Masonic lodge has elected the following officers: W.M. - H. A. Axtell Senior Warden - George Dexter Junior Warden - Leslie Davis Treasurer - Alex Porter Secretary - H. W. Scofield ~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 26 Dec. 1908. Strawberry Point column 1917 The A.F. & A.M. held their regular meeting last Thursday evening and elected the following officers: W.M. - L. D. Davis S.W. - Phil Wood J.W. - Wayne Preston Treas. - L. W. Preston Sec. - R. C. Barnes ~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 14 Dec. 1916. Strawberry Point column 1925 Last Thursday the A.F. & A.M. held their installation of officers. The Installing Officer was C. B. Moser, and Wayne Preston was Marshal. Officers installed were: W.M. - H. J. Esch S.W. - J. R. King J.W. - Ray Alderson Treas. - L. W. Preston Secretary - R. C. Barnes S.D. - M. J. Goodrich J. D. - J. L. Alderson Tyler - R. T. Alderson S.S. - C. B. Moser J.S. - H. M. Fliehler Chaplain - Rev. W. W. Maxwell Marshal - J. F. Grassmeyer ~Elkader Register, Thur., 22 Jan. 1925. Strawberry Point column |
1927 Last Thursday evening at the Masonic Temple, Strawberry Point Lodge No. 130 A.F. & A.M. installed officers and C. A. Schoeppe was the installing marshal. Following are the officers: W.M. - C. B. Moser S.M. - Ray Alderson Jr. M. - W. F. Reinecke Sec. - F. K. Dalton Treas. - R. C. Barnes Chaplain - Rev. Maxwell Sr. Deacon - Dr. H. M. Eaton Jr. Deacon - Alex Schmidt Sr. Steward - H. M. Fliehler Tyler - R. T. Alderson ~Clayton County Register, Thur., 20 Jan. 1927. Strawberry Point column 1929 The local Masonic Lodge installed the new officers for the ensuing year at their regular meeting held in the Temple last Thursday evening. Wayne Preston, of Colville, Wash., was the installing officer and C. B. Moser the installing marshal. The following are the officers: W.M. - Philip Wood Warden - Gorda Gill, Sr. Warden - Floyd Snyder, Jr. Sec. - Ed. Springer Treas. - L. W. Preston Deacon - Chas. Blanchard, Jr. Stewart - Henry Fliehler, Sr. Stewart - Alex Schmidt, Jr. Tyler - R. T. Alderson Marshal - J. F. Grassmeyer ~Clayton County Register, Thur., 17 Jan. 1929. Strawberry Point column 1934 Strawberry Point: Strawberry Point Lodge No. 130, A.F. & A.M., held their first meeting, at the temple Thursday evening and the 1934 officers were installed. C. J. Rulon, of Avalon Lodge No. 606, of Edgewood, was the installing officer, and C. B. Moser, marshal. The following were installed: Worshipful Master - Alex Schmidt Senior Warden - George W. Barr Junior Warden - M. F. Harwood Treasurer - J. J. Mathews Secretary - George Scofield Senior Deacon - George Dunfrund Junior Deacon - J. H. Klingbeil Chaplain - Gorda J. Gill Senior Steward - H. Paul Sweany Junior Steward - H. J. Esch Tyler - Robert Alderson ~Clayton County Register, Thur., 18 Jan. 1934 1936 Strawberry Point: G. J. Gill was the installing officer and C. B. Moser the installing marshal for the installation of officers of the Strawberry Point A.F. & A.M. lodge. Officers installed were: Worshipful Master - M. F. Harwood Senior Warden - George E. Dunfrund Junior Warden - George Scofield Treasurer - J. J. Matthews Secretary - C. B. Moser Senior Deacon - Hugh Busboom Junior Deacon - L. Thomas Senior Steward - A. J. Bowlus Junior Steward - C. E. McCarron Chaplain - G. J. Gill Tyler - Robert Alderson ~Clayton County Register, 22 Jan. 1936 |
Bezar Lodge, No.
135, McGregor -
Newly elected officers of Bezer lodge, A.F. & A.M., are as follows:
Worshipful Master - Everett Hagensick
Senior Warden - Bert Schott
Junior Warden - Byron Kruse
Treasurer - Ernest Nicholson
Secretary - Joseph Gerich
McGregor: At the meeting of the Eastern Star last Tuesday evening the following officers were elected:
Worthy Matron - Miss Marie Becker (re-elected)
Worthy Patron - Lloyd Horning
Associate Matron - Miss Katherine Bergman
Associate Patron - Ira Everhart
Secretary - Mrs. Della Grey
Treasurer - Mrs. Elizabeth Church
Conductress - Miss Mae Holtz
Associate Conductress - Mrs. Christine Meyer
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 11 Dec. 1935
1896 Monday, Dec. 30th, the following were installed as officers of Prairie La Porte Lodge, No. 147, A.F. & A.M.: W.M. - Sumner Miller S.W. - H. C. Eckart J.W. - W. L. Kords Treas. - William Sullivan Sec. - Hermann Ihm Sen. D. - G. H. Smart Jun. D. - J. C. Marshall Tyler - W. H. Niehaus S. Steward - T. L. Harvey Junior Steward - E. W. Chase ~Elkader Register, Fri., 10 Jan. 1896. Guttenberg column 1905 The following officers of Prairie La Porte Lodge No. 147, A.F. & A.M., were installed last week: W.M. - Carl Ihm S.W. - E. J. Pohle J.W. - Jno. P. Stoeffler Treasurer - John Luther Secretary - Wm. Nolte S.D. - Chas. E. Scholz J.D. - J. H. Horsch S.S. - A. L. Beirbaum J.S. - Frank Zengel Tyler - Hugo Jacobs ~Elkader Register, 12 Jan. 1905, Guttenberg column 1906 At a meeting of Prairie La Porte Lodge No. 147, A.F. & A.M., held Sturday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: W.M. - Carl Ihm S.W. - Dr. E. J. Pohle J.W. - John P. Stoeffler Treas. - John Luther Sec. - Wm. Nolte ~Elkader Register, Thur., 21 Dec. 1905. Guttenberg column 1907 Following are the officers elected by Prairie La Porte A.F. & A.M. at a regular meeting held last Saturday evening: W.M. - Carl Ihm S.W. - E. J. Pohle J.W. - E. J. Duffin Treas. - John Luther Secy. - Wm. Nolte S. Deacon - Chas. E. Scholz J. Deacon - Louis Moser S. Stewart - Aug H. Borman J. Stewart - Fred J. Friedlein Tyler - Wm. Bowman ~Elkader Register, Thur., 10 Jan. 1907. Guttenberg column |
1926 Guttenberg Prairie La Port Lodge, No. 147, A.F. & A.M. during the past week elected the following officers for the ensuing year: W.M. - E. J. Pohle S.W. - G. W. Hunt J.M. - Ben Aulwes Secretary - H. J. Overbeck Treasurer - C. J. Adam ~Elkader Register, Thur., 17 Dec. 1925. Guttenberg column 1927 At a meeting of Prairie La Porte Lodge No. 147, A.F. & A.M., held at the Masonic hall here on Wednesday evening of last week the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: W.M. - E. J. Pohle S.W. - G. W. Hunt J.W. Emil Ihm Secretary - H. J. Overbeck Treas. - C. J. Adams ~Clayton County Register, Thur., 16 Dec. 1926. Guttenberg News columns 1934 At a meeting of the local Masonic lodge, held at the masonic temple here on Monday evening, the following officers were installed: W.M. - H. Horsch S.W. - M. Abel J.W. - Alva Ingwersen secretary - L. W. Abel Treasurer - Emil Ihm S.D. - Arnold Mueller J.D. - Herman Ihm S.S. - Herbert Tangeman J.S. Henry Torrey Tyler - Robert Ihm Chaplain - Dr. E. J. Pohle ~Clayton County Register, Thur., 11 Jan. 1934 1936 Guttenberg: At a meeting of the local Masonic lodge, held in the Masonic Temple, the following officers were installed for the coming term: Worshipful Master - Alvin Ingwerson Senior Warden - Arnold Mueller Junior Warden - Herman Ihm Treasurer - Emil Ihm Secretary - Leighton Abel Senior Deacon - Herb Tangeman Junior Deacon - Harold Finch Steward - Glen Mueller Tiler - Ben Aulwes ~Clayton County Register, 22 Jan. 1936 |
Lodge, No. 172, Farmersburg / National -
The officers of National lodge A.F. & A.M. were installed at their recent meeting:
W.M. - T. D. White
S.W. - J. T. Adams
J.W. - W. Q. Adams
Sec'y - N. Slaughter
Treas. - A. C. Buck
S.D. - W. Demo
J.D. - J. Campbell
S.S. - G. W. Russell
J.S. D. F. Bickel
Tyler - E. C. White
~Elkader Register, 09 July 1884. Farmersburg column
At the last regular meeting of National lodge, No. 172, A.F. & A.M., the following officers were elected:
W.M. - T. D. White
S.W. - J. F. Adams
J.W. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - E. C. White
J.D. - J. Campbell
Secretary - N. Slaughter
Treasurer - A. C. Buck
S.S. - G. W. Russell
J.S. - D. F. Bickel
Tyler - W. Demo
~Elkader Register, 06 May 1885
At the annual election of National lodge, No. 172, A.F. & A.M., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
W.M. - T. D. White
S.W. - E. C. White
J.W. - W. B. Corlett
Treasurer - A. C. Buck
Secretary - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - J. T. Adams
J.W. - Wallace Demo
S.S. - Johnson Campbell
J.S. - G. W. Russell
Tyler - Adam Henkes
~Elkader Register, Thur., 14 Apr. 1887. Farmersburg column
At the regular communication of National lodge No. 172, A.F. & A.M., April 26th, 1888, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
W.M. - T.D. White
S.W. - E. C. White
J.W. - W. B. Corlett
Treasurer - A. C. Buck
Secretary - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - Johnson Campbell
J.D. - W. Demo
S.S. - R. H. Kuhrts
J.S. - N. Slaughter
Tyler - J. R.Campbell
~Elkader Register, Thur., 10 May 1888
At a recent meeting of National Lodge, No. 175, A.F. & A.M., the following officers were elected and appointed:
W.M. - W. B. Corlett
S.W. - Jas. T. Adams
J.W. - J. Campbell
Treas. - G. W. Russell
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - R. H. Kuherts
J.D. - W. Demo
S.S. - J. N. Little
J.S. - A. Henkes
Tyler - N. Slaughter
~Elkader Register, Thur., 20 Dec. 1888
Wednesday evening at Farmersburg, the members of the Masonic lodge publicly installed their new officers. Installing officer was John Everall, Sr., and T. H. U. Sherman, of Monona, was Marshal. New officers were:
W.M. - Chas. Hinsch
S.W. - E. L. Knight
J.W. - John Davis
Treas. - Jas. Matthews
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - Dr. G. L. Everall
J.D. - O. F. Meier
S.S. - Henry Oelke, Jr.
J.S. - Fred Daubenberger
Tyler - John Little
~Elkader Register, Fri. morning, 10 Dec. 1897
At a stated communication of National lodge No. 172, A.F. & A.M., held last Thursday evening, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - Chas. Hinsch
S.W. - Eben L. Knight
J.W. - C. F. Meier
Treas. - Jas. Mathews
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - G. L. Everall
J.D. - Ed. Mathews
S.S. - John M. Little
J.S. - Henry Oelke, Sr.
Tyler - Henry Oelke, Jr.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 29 Dec. 1898. Farmersburg column
At a stated communication of National Lodge, No. 172, A.F. & A.M., Thursday evening Dec. 14th, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - Eben L. Knight
S.W. - C. F. Meier
J.W. - Johnson Campbell
Treas. - James Matthews
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - John Davis
J.D. - G. L. Everall
S.S. - C. C. Corlett
J.S. - Ed Matthews
Tyler - John M. Little
~Elkader Register, Thur., 21 Dec. 1899. Farmersburg column
At a stated meeting of the National Lodge No. 172 A.F. & A.M., Dec. 11th, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - E. L. Knight
S.W. - C. F. Meier
J.W. - Ed Mathews
Treas. - Jas. Matthews
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. Chas. Hinsch
J.D. - Bert Mathews
S.S. - O. L. Sherman
J.S. - Henry Oelke, Jr.
Tyler - John M. Little
~Elkader Register, Thur., 18 Dec. 1902. Farmersburg column
At a stated communication of National Lodge, No. 172, A.F. & A.M., held Thursday evening, Dec 3rd, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M.- John Everall
S.W.- C. F. Meier
J.W.- Ed Mathews
Treasurer- James Mathews
Secretary- W. Q. Adams
S.D.- Chas. Hinsch
J.D.- Bert Mathews
S.S.- Henry Oelke, Sr
J.S.- James T. Adams
Tyler- John M. Little
~Elkader Register, Thur., Dec. 10, 1903 (Farmersburg column)
At a stated communication of National Lodge No. 172 A.F. & A.M., held Thursday evening, Dec. 22nd, 1904, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - John Everall
S.W. - C. F. Meier
J.W. - Ed Matthews
Treas. - James Matthews
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - Chas. Hinsch
J.D. - Bert Matthews
S.S. - James F. Adams
J.S. - Henry Oelke, Sr.
Tyler - John M. Little.
~Elkader Register, Thur., 29 Dec. 1904. Farmersburg column
At stated communication of National Lodge No. 172, A.F. & A.M., held Thursday evening, Dec. 7th, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - C. F. Meier
S.W. - James T. Adams
J.W. - Bert Matthews
Treasurer - Jas. Matthews
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - Chas. Hinsch
J.D. - A. H. Oelke
P.S.S. - Henry Oelke Jr.
J.S. - O. G. Embretson
Tiler - John M. Little
~Elkader Register, Thur., 14 Dec. 1905. Farmersburg column
At a stated communication of National lodge No. 172, A.F. & A.M., held Dec. 27th, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - C. F. Meier
S.W. - Jas. T. Adams
J.W. - Bert Matthews
Treas. - Jas. Matthews
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - A. H. Oelke
J.D. - O. G. Embretson
S.S. - Henry Oelke, Jr.
J.S. - Ed Matthews
Tyler - John M. Little
~Elkader Register, Thur., 10 Jan. 1907. Farmersburg column
At a stated communication of National Lodge No. 172 A.F. & A.M. held Dec. 19th, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - C. F. Meier
S.W. - James T. Adams
J.W. - Bert Mathews
Treas. - James Mathews
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - A. H. Oelke
J.D. - O. G. Embretson
S.S. - Henry Oelke Jr.
J.S. - Ed Mathews
Tyler - John M. Little
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 02 Jan. 1908. Farmersburg column
At stated communication of National Lodge No. 172 A.F. & A.M. held December 3rd, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
W.M. - John Everall
S.W. - Jas. T. Adams
J.W. - Bert Mathews
Treasurer - James Mathews
Secretary - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - A. H. Oelke
J.D. - O. G. Embertson
S.S. - Henry Oelke, Sr.
J.S. - Ed Mathews
Tiler - John M. Little
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 17 Dec. 1908. Farmersburg column
At a stated meeting of National lodge, No. 172, A.F. & A.M., held Dec. 23rd, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - Chas. Hinsch, Sr.
S.W. - Ed Mathews
J.W. - Bert Mathews
Treas. - Jas. Mathews
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - A. H. Oelke
J.D. - Ed Johnson
S.S. - Henry Oelke
J.S. - H. D. Hinsch
Tyler - J. M. Little
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 30 Dec. 1909
At a stated meeting of National Lodge, No. 172, A.F. & A.M., held Thursday evening, Dec. 15th, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - Chas. Hinsch
S.W. - Edward Johnson
J.W. - Bert Mathews
Treasurer - James Mathews
Secretary - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - A. H. Oelke
J.D. - Otto F. Fuelling
S.S. - Chas. H. Hinsch
J.S. - Ernest Haltmeyer
Tiler - J. M. Little
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 22 Dec. 1910. Farmersburg column
At a stated communication of National lodge No. 172, A.F. & A.M., the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - John Everall
S.W. - Edward Johnson
J.W. - Bert Mathews
Treas. - James Mathews
Secy.- W. Q. Adams
S.D. - A. H. Oelke
J.D. - Otto Fuelling
S.S. - Ernest Haltmeyer
J.S. - Arthur G. Hinsch
Tyler - John M. Little
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 7 Dec. 1911. Farmersburg column
The following are the officers of National Lodge No. 172, A.F. & A.M., for the ensuing year:
W.M. - Edward Johnson
S.W. - Bert. Mathews
J.W. - Otto F. Fuelling
Treasurer - James Mathews
Secretary - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - A. H. Oelke
J.D. - Ernest Haltmeyer
S.S. - Arthur G. Hinsch
J.S. - S. J. Little
Tiler - Peter Neilson
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 23 Jan. 1913. (Farmersburg column)
National Lodge No. 172 A.F. & A.M. held a public installation of officers Thursday evening, Jan. 8th. Installation was conducted by Past Master, John Everall. The following officers were installed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - Edward Johnson
S.W. - Otto F. Fuelling
J.W. - Arno H. Oelke
Treas. - James Mathews
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - Ernest Haltmeier
J.D. - Arthur Hinsch
S.S. - Samuel Little
J.S. - Otto Englehart
Tiler - Peter Neilson
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 15 Jan. 1914. Farmersburg column
The following officers of the National Lodge, No. 172, A.F. & A.M. were elected and appointed at their regular meeting for the ensuing year:
W.M. - Edward Johnson
S.W. - Otto F. Fuelling
J.W. - Arno H. Oelke
Treas. - James Mathews
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
S.D. - Ernst Haltmeier
J.D. - A. G. Hinsch
S.S. - Otto Englehardt
J.S. - G. A. Brandt
Tiler - Henry Oelke, Jr.
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 31 Dec. 1914. Farmersburg column
At a special meeting of National Lodge No. 172, A.F. & A.M., held last Thursday evening, the following officers were installed for the ensuing year:
W.M. - Otto F. Fuelling
S.W. - Arno H. Oelke
J.W. - Samuel Little
Sec. - W. Q. Adams
Treas. - Jas. Mathews, Sr.
S.D. - Arthur Hinsch
J.D. - Henry Oelke, Jr.
S.S. - Otto Englehardt
J.S. - H. D. Hinsch
Tyler - Ernest Haltmeyer.
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 13 Jan. 1916. Farmersburg column
The A.F. & A.M. Lodge, No. 172 elected the following oficers last Thursday:
W.M. - Hugo Oelke
S.W. - Carl Gall
J.W. - Floyd Orvis
Secretary - Otto Fuelling
Treasurer - Ed Johnson
Trustee - Charlie Hinsch
~Elkader Register, Thur., 13 Dec. 1923. Farmersburg column
The A.F. & A.M. Lodge held their installation last Tuesday evening at the Masonic lodge room. The following officers were installed by Brother Sam Orvis of Luana:
W.M. - John Heiden
S.W. - Hugo Oelke
J.W. - H. Huckstadt
S.W. - Carl Gall
J.D. - Roy Reardon
Sec. - Otto Fuelling
Treas. - Ed. Johnson
J.S. - Henry Oelke, Jr.
S.S. - Will Eggert
Tyler - Geo. Glawe
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 13 Jan. 1927. (Farmersburg column)
The Masons installed the following officers last Thursday evening:
W.M. - John Heiden
S.W. - Henry Huckstead
J.W. - Roy Reardon
Secretary - George Glawe
Treasurer - Ed. Johnson
S.D. - Merle Oelke
J.D. Otto Fuelling
S.S. Henry Oelke, Jr.
J.S. - Will Eggers
Chaplain - Carl G_ll
Marshal - Arno Oelke
Tyler - James Adams
~Clayton County Register, 12 Jan. 1928. Farmersburg column
Farmersburg: At the regular meeting of National Lodge No. 172 the following officers were installed:
Worshipful Master - Milton Monlux
Senior Warden - Will Monlux
Junior Warden - Hervey Dahlstrom
Treasurer - Hugo Oelke
Secretary - Arno Oelke
Senior Deacon - Ed. Johnson
Junior Deacon - Frank Walter
Senior Stewart - Henry Oelke
Junior Stewart - Will Eggers
Tyler - James T. Adams
Chaplain - Carl Gall
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 14 Jan. 1932
National Lodge No. 172 A.F. & A.M., Farmersburg, elected the following officers last Thursday, Dec. 1st:
W.M. - Henry Dahlstrom
S.W. - Will Monlux
J.W. - Milton Monlux
Treasurer - Hugo Oelke
Secretary - John Heiden
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 8 Dec. 1932
Farmersburg: The following officers of the Masonic Lodge were elected Thursday evening:
W.M. - Will Monlux
S.W. - Henry Huckstadt
J.W. - Milton Monlux
Treasurer - Hugo Oelke
Secretary - John Heiden
S.D. - Edward Johnson
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 14 Dec. 1933.
1878 The following are the officers elect of Mountain Shade Lodge No. 279, A.F. & A.M., Volga City: W.M. - O. A. Phillips S.W. - H. A. Fisher J.W. - H. H. Piersol Treasurer - J. W. McLean Secretary - Wm. A. Penfield ~Elkader Register, Thur., April 25, 1878 The following officers for Mountain Shade Lodge, No. 279, A.F. & A.M., were duly installed on Tuesday evening, June 11th, 1878: W.M. - O. A. Phillips S.W. - H. A. Fishell J.W. - H. H. Piersol Secretary - Wm. A. Penfield Treasurer - J. W. McLain S.D. - Salem Morse J.D. - E. D. Welch S.S. - Jas. Hall J.S. - J. M. Emery T. - A. Clark ~Elkader Register, Thur., 20 June 1878 Note: the surnames given in the April & June papers were typed just as they were published in the paper, the contributor does not know which is correct. 1880 The following persons were duly installed as officers of Mountain Shade Lodge, No. 279, A.F. & A.M., of Volga City, at the regular meeting in June: W.M. - J. W. McLean S.W. - E. D. Welch J.W. - James Richmond J.D. - John M. Emery Tyler - Jas. Hall Finance Committee - S. Morse, W. A. Penfield, W. F. Munger ~Elkader Register, Thur., 15 July 1880 1883 The following officers were elect of Mountain Shade Lodge No. 279 A.F. & A.M., who were elected April 17, 1883: W.W. Goodwin, W.M. John D. Welch, S.W. John Herriman, J.W. W.A. Penfield, Sect. W.F. Munger, treasurer Appointed: William Goldsworthy, S.D. John Ewing, J.D. James Hall, Tyler Salem Morse, S.S. Fred Askew, J.S. ~The Register, April 20, 1883 (Volga City Views column) 1884 Officers of Mountain Shade Lodge, No. 279, A.F. & A.M., Volga City, installed at their meeting in Masonic hall, last Tuesday evening June 28, 1884: W.W. Goodwin, W.M. O.A. Phillips, S.W. E.D. Welch, J.W. W.F. Munger, Treas. John D. Welch, Sect. S. Morse, S.D. John M. White, J.D. Fred Askew, S.S. J.W. Lowe, J.S. W.A. Penfield, Tyler ~The Register, July 2, 1884 1885 The following are the officers elect of Mountain Shade lodge, No. 279, A.F. & A.M., Volga City, Iowa, for the ensuing year, commencing June, 1885: W.M. - W. W. Goodwin S.W. - M. L. Blake J.W. - Irving Philips Treas. - W. F. Munger Sect. - J. D. Welch S.D. - Salem Morse J.D. - Fred Askew Tyler - W. A. Penfield S.S. - David Jewell J.S. - J. W. Lowe ~Elkader Register, 06 May 1885 |
1887 At the regular meeting of Mountain Shade Lodge, No. 279, A.F. & A.M., April 5th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year and duly installed: M.L. Blake, W.M. George McCann, S.W. J.D. Welch, J.W. W.F. Munger, Treasurer Irving Phillips, Secretary S. Morse, S.D. P.P. Gifford, J.D. O.A. Phillips, S.S. E.D. Welch, J.S. William A. Penfield, Tyler ~Elkader Weekly Register, April 14, 1887 1888 On April 24th, Mountain Shade lodge, No. 270, A.F. & A.M., elected the following officers for the esuing year: W.M. - W. W. Goodwin S.W. - Geo. McCann J.W. - E. D. Welch Treasurer - W. F. Munger Secretary - Irving Phillips S.D. - J. D. Welch J.D. - L. E. Mayville S.S. - John Ewing Tyler - Wm. A. Penfield ~Elkader Register, Thur., 03 May 1888. Volga column 1889 Officers of Mountain Shade lodge, No. 279, elected as follows: W.M. - W. W. Goodwin S.W. - David Jewell J.W. - L. E. Mayfield Treas. - W. F. Munger Sec. - George M'Cann S.D. - Irving Phillips J.D. - John Cline Tyler - Wm. A. Penfield ~Elkader Register, Thur., 27 Dec. 1888. Volga column 1890 The following officers were elected and appointed at the communication of Mountain Shade Lodge, No. 279, A.F. & A.M. held Dec. 03; W.M. - Irving Phillips S.W. - W. F. Marble J.W. - Chas. Jewell Treas. - W. F. Munger Sec'y - Geo. McCann S.D. - W. W. Goodwin J.D. - John Cline Tyler - W. A. Penfield Stewards - John Copeland, J. D. Welch ~Elkader Register, Thur., 12 Dec. 1889 1892 At the last meeting of the Mountain Shade Lodge, No. 279, in Volga City, Dec. 15, the following officers were elected: W.M. - W. W. Goodwin S.W. - F. W. Marble J.W. - E. W. Welsh Treas. - W. F. Munger Sec. - Geo. M. Cann ~Elkader Register, Thur., 24 Dec. 1891. Volga column 1893 The officers recently elected in the Mountain Shade Lodge No. 279 A.F. & A.M., are as follows: W.W. Goodwin, W.M. W.F. Marble, S.W. E.D. Welsh, J.W. George McCann, Sec'y W.F. Munger, Treas. J.D. Welsh, S.D. S. Morse, J.D. W.A. Penfield, Tyler ~Elkader Argus, Dec. 7, 1892 1894 The following officers were elected, appointed and installed at the last meeting of Mountain Shade Lodge, No. 279, A.F. & A.M. : W.M. - W. W. Goodwin S.W. - D. Jewell J.W. - J. D. Welch Treas. - W. F. Munger Sec'y - G. M. Cann S.D. - I. Phillips J.D. - W. F. Marble Tyler - C. Cline ~Elkader Register, Thur., 28 Dec. 1893 1900 Mountain Shade Lodge No. 279, Volga City surrendered it's charter May 1st, 1900. At the time there were only 9 members in the lodge. ~Annals of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, Vol. 17, 1901 |
Check these lodges in neighboring counties for Clayton co. members:
Constellation Lodge, Colesburg & Delhi Lodge, U. D. Delhi - Delaware co.
Parvin Lodge, Rossville, Allamakee co.