One of the most bustling and active business
cities on the C, M & S P Ry west of Milwaukee, is
situated in the northeast corner of Clayton County,
township of Mendon, 20 miles from Elkader the county
seat. Distances from Milwaukee 195 miles, from Beulah the
junction of the C, M & St P and Iowa Eastern Rys 6
miles, from Clayton on the C D & M Ry 10 miles. It
lies on the west bank of the Mississippi, being connected
with Prairie du Chien, Wis, by a railway pontoon bridge.
Ferries ply to and from opposite sides of the river. A
considerable manufacturing and jobbing trade is carried
on here. The surrounding country is rolling, black loam,
with clay and limestone subsoil. Principal productions,
grain, wool, and live stock. Telegraph-North Western and
Western Union, Express American and United States.
Postmaster C F Bell. Principal hotels-Bigelow House and
Evans House. There are two newspapers (weekly), and one
bank, the First National. The manufactures consist of saw
mills, machine shops, furniture factories, wagon and
carriage shops, breweries, cracker factory, fanning mill
and pump manufactories, mineral water manufactories,
&c, &c. Messrs G Hawley & Co own an extensive
carriage factory, manufacturing large numbers of fine
carriages and buggies.
 G. Hawley & Co.,
Carriages & Sleighs; G. Hawley, A. Pearsall
& F.A. Hawley
Heavy Hardware; Gregor McGregor
 E.R. Barron &
Co., Wholesale grocers
Evans House; G.H. Flanders, prop.
Stauer & Co.; P. Stauer, V. Daubenberger
& O.H. Leefelt
Billiard Parlor; Henry Kurz
 S.M. McConnell &
Co.; S.M. McConnell, Chicago & W.H.
McConnell, McGregor
Crockery; G.S. Scott
Bigelow House; L. Bigelow, prop.
Livery & Sale Stable; W.C. Austin
<Ads on left: C.H.
Barron & Co., dry goods, notions, carpetings,
Butcher, Packer & Poulry Dealer; Thos.
Western House; Mrs. Alice Morris, prop.
Crackers; W.S. Conant
Ads on right>
Alf. Hunt, Dentist
Andres & Kurcrock; Carriages, Wagons &
Cigars; John Elbling
Pop beer, mineral & soda water; Fred. F.
Walter & Bro.; undertakers
Adam's John, shoemaker, n s Main bet Front and A.
American Express Co, S J Jefferson agent, s s
Main bet Front and A.
Andres & Kurerock, Wagon, Carriage and Sleigh
Mnfrs, s s Main bet B and 4th.
Andrick & Richardson, Proprs McGregor Times,
cor Main and 1st nr Levee.
Armstrong & Knight, marble works, s s Main
bet 6th and 7th.
Arnold Thomas, dry goods, n s Main bet 2d and 3d.
Austin W C, Livery Stable, 3d bet Main and Ann.
Bannard John W, Manufacturing Confectioner and
Wholesale Grocer, n s Main bet Front and A.
Barnes Henry H, Boots and Shoes, n s Main bet 2d
and 3d.
Barron C H & Co, Dry Goods, Notions and
carpets, n s Main bet 2d and 3d.
Barron E R & Co, Wholesale Grocers and Mnfg
Confectioners, s s Public Square.
Bass George L, seed sand salt, s s Main bet Front
and A.
Bassett, Huntting & Co, produce, s s Public
Beggs John, produce, cor Main and 2d.
Bicknell Charles C, furniture, n s Main bet Front
and A.
Bigelow House, Lafayette Bigelow Propr, con Main
and 4th.
Blackburn & Ladd, carpenters, s Main bet 5th
and 6th.
Bloedel Christian, Wagon, Carriage and Sleigh
Mnfr, n s Main bet 5th and 6th.
Border John, Billiards and Saloon, s s Main bet
Front and A.
Breismann Isaac, Cigar Mnfr, s s Main bet 6th and
Brown H & Son, harness makers, cor Main and
Brownson Ralph, Boot and Shoe Maker, n s Main bet
3d and 4th.
Buchholz Louis, shoemaker, s s Main bet 2d and B
Buck Oliver C, Sewing Machines, Pianos and Organs
and Undertaker, n s Main bet Front and A.
Buddle Charles, lumber, Railroad, s Main.
Chicago, Dubuque & Minnesota Railway, J H
Hulbert agt, e end B.
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, G L
Bass agt, s s Main bet Front and A.
Church Gilbert, confectioner, n s Main bet 3d and
Church & Henderson, livery, n s Main bet 3d
and 4th.
Clark Henry H, physician, n s Main bet Front and
Clayton County Savings Bank, W I Gilchrist pres,
W R Kinnaird cashier, cor Main and A.
Clemens John, wagon mnfr, s s Main bet 4th and
Conant Gordon, saloon, n s Main bet 3d and 4th.
Conant Wells S, Cracker Mnfr, e s s Main bet 4th
and 5th.
Cone Gordon C, Hardware and Wagon Material, s s
Main bet 2d and B.
Cramer Jacob, carpenter, s w cor Main 4th.
Crook Geo & W D, insurance, s s Main bet 2d
and B.
Dahlmann & Co, shoe makers, n s Main bet
Front and A.
Daniels Charles E & Co, boots and shoes, n s
Main bet Front and A.
Daynes Mrs A J, millinery, n s Main bet 2d and
Drake J N, carpenter, s s Main bet 2d and B.
Duff Michael E, lawyer, n s Main bet Front and A.
Elbling John, Cigar Mnfr, n s Main bet Front and
Ennis Cornelius S, grocer, n s Main bet 2d and
Evans House, G H Flanders, Propr, Main nr
Steamboat and Ferry Landing.
Evans & Jones, produce, Cambrian Block.
Farrington Theodore, photographer, n s Main bet
2d and 3d.
First National Bank, Frank Larrabee Pres, Wm R
Kinnaird Cashier, cor Ann and Main.
Fischer Frank, gunsmith, s s Main bet B and 4th.
Fischer John, cooper, 2d bet Main and B.
Flanders Gideon H, Propr Evans House, Main nr
Steamboat and Ferry Landing.
Fox C & H, saloon, e end Main.
Frese Benjamin H, Saloon, cor Main and Front.
Gemmil & Burlingame, grocers, e end Main.
Geske Fred F, Mineral and Soda Water Mnfr, W
Gilchrist & Co, grain and produce, e end
Glennon James, groceries, n s Main bet 2d and 3d.
Goldschmidt I & Co, grocers, n s Main bet 4th
and 5th.
Gormley Michael, grocer, n w cor Main and 3d.
Hagensick J L, brewer.
Haight J H & Co, books and stationery.
Hamilton Horace, physician, n s Main bet Front
and A.
Hammer Frank M, druggist, n s Main bet 3d and
Hawley G & Co, Mnfr Fine Carriages and
Sleighs, s w cor Main and 5th.
Heilmann Henry F, saloon, s s Main bet 5th and
Hellberg Henry, meat market, n s Main bet 4th and
Hellberg John, Billiards and Saloon, cor Main and
Hellwig John, Machine Shop, 1st.
Hirshfeld Louis, clothing, n s Main bet Front and
Hirshfield Benjamin, saloon, s s Main bet 2d and
Hopkins, beer mnfr, cor Main and A.
Hoxsie Joseph C, justice of the peace, n s Main
bet Front and A.
Hubbard R & Co, watches and jewelry, n s Main
bet Front and A.
Hudheil Henry, grocer, cor Main and Garnaville
Hunt Alfred O, Dentist, Bank con Ann and Main.
Hunt Charles H, Dentist, n s Main, bet 2d and 3d.
Hunt Jeremiah, Homeopathic Physician, n s Main,
bet 2d and 3d.
Jacobia John, grocer, n s Main bet 2d and 3d.
Jacobs E W H, carpenter, s s Main opp 4th.
Jarrett & Wilson, dry goods, n s Main bet 2d
and 3d.
Jordan Amasa J, Attorney at Law, n s Main bet
Front and A.
Kellogg Timothy, Pump and Windmill Mnfr, cor Ann
and 6th.
Kennedy Marshall T, druggist, n s Main bet Front
and A.
Knoepel John E, saloon, N Front.
Kohn Abraham, clothing, n s Main bet Ann and 2d.
Kranert Wm, tailor, s s Main bet 2d and B.
Kurz Henry, Billiards and Saloon, n s Main bet
Front and A.
Liebhardt J F, Grape Wine Mnfr, n s Main bet 3d
and 4th.
Lindsay Robert, grocer, n e cor Main and 3d.
Luthe Henry, Baker and Confectioner, n s Main bet
3d and 4th.
Luther Gilbert R, flour and feed, s s Main bet B
and 4th.
McConnell S M & Co, Saddlery Hardware, n s
Main bet 2d and 3d.
McGregor Carriage Works, G Hawley & Co
Proprs, s w cor Main and 5th.
McGregor Gregor, Hardware and Wagon Material, s s
Main bet B and 4th.
McGregor News (weekly), W L Osborne Propr, e end
McGregor Times, (Weekly), Andrick &
Richardson Proprs, cor Main and Front near Levee.
McLanahan & Bro, blacksmiths, n w cor Main
and 4th.
Malskys Michael, wagonmaker, n Main bet 4th and
Martin Eigen, physician, s s Main bet 6th and
Matthews Isaac, Stoves and Tinware, s s Main bet
2d and Public Square.
Merchants Despatch, G L Bass agent, n s Main bet
Front and A.
Metzger Louis, grocer, s s Main bet 6th and 7th.
Miller Charles, Saloon and Restaurant, n s Main
bet 2d and 3d.
Miller Stephen, Baker and Confectioner, n s Main.
Miller Van Rensselaer, stoves and tinware, n s
Main bet 3d and 4th.
Morrill Mrs M J, milliner, n s Main bet 2d and
Morris Mrs Alice, Propr Western House, s s Main
bet B and 4th.
Murray House, Mrs Nancy Murray Propr, s s Main
bet 4th and 5th.
Murray Mrs Nancy, Propr Murray House, s s Main
bet 4th and 5th.
Nelson Bros, painters, cor 7th and Ann.
Newell Homer E, Wholesale Druggist, n s Main bet
Front and A.
Noble, Hatch & Frese, Attorneys at Law, s s
Main bet Front and A.
Northwestern Telegraph Co, W J Lloyd manager, n s
Main bet Front and A.
O'Brien Patrick, grocer, cor Main and Public
O'Brien Patrick H, grocer, s s Main bet B and
Public Square.
Odell E & Son, lawyers, s s Main bet Front
and A.
Osborne W L, Propr McGregor News, e end Main.
Pearsall & Baird, boots and shoes, n s Main
bet 2d and 3d.
Peterson & Ramage, druggists, n s Main bet 2d
and 3d.
Pieckert Joseph, saddle and harness maker, s s
Main bet 2d and B.
Prindle George, tailor, n s Main bet 2d and 3d.
Quigley Robert, lawyer, n s Main bet Front and A.
Reeves Charles, barber, s s Main bet Front and A.
Reeves Miss Naomi, hair work, n s Main bet 5th
and 6th.
Rich F B, liquors, n s Main bet Front and A.
Riley Mrs Anna, dressmaker, n s Main bet 3d and
Rowe L & Co, dry goods, n s Main bet 2d and
Rue Mrs H F, millinery, n s Main bet 2d and 3d.
Russow & Riebenstein, dry goods and
groceries, A.
Samuel Abraham, grocer, W Main.
Scherrer Frank, Propr Union Hotel, s s Main bet
5th and 6th.
Scholer Henry, Furniture Mnfr, First.
Schott Henry, tailor, n s Main bet Front and A.
Schrader Frederick W, horse shoer, cor B and
Schultz Charles, boots and shoes, cor Ann and
Schumann Joseph, boot and shoemaker, s s Main bet
6th and 7th.
Schuster John, saloon, e end Main.
Scott G S C, Wholesale Crockery and Glassware, n
s Main bet 2d and 3d.
Scott Wm H, saloon, n s Main bet 3d and 4th.
Stauer & Co, Lumber Dealer, n s Main bet 6th
and 7th.
Stoneman & Chapin, Attorneys at Law, n s Main
bet Front and A.
Stowe Edward, fruit dealer, n s Main bet 2d and
Strouse Leo J, clothing, n s Main bet Ann and 2d.
Strouse Bros, watches and jewelry, cor Main and
Todd Mrs H M, millinery, n s Main bet 2d and 3d.
Union Hotel, Frank Scherer Propr, s s Main bet
5th and 6th.
United States Express Co, J R Goff agent, s s
Main bet Front and A.
Updegraff Thomas, lawyer, n s Main bet Front and
Van Hooser Miss S J, millinery, s s Main bet B
and 4th.
Van Staden & Klein, brewers, W Main.
Walker C W, insurance, Levee foot Main.
Walter & Bro, Undertakers and Furniture
Dealers, n s main bet 5th and 6th.
Welch Thomas C, grocer, n s Main bet 5th and 6th.
Werder John W, grocer, s s Main bet 4th and 5th.
Western House, Mrs Alice Morris Propr, s s Main
bet B and 4th.
Western Union Telegraph Co, W J Lloyd manager, n
s Main bet Front and A.
Williams Thomas, Meat Market, n s Main bet 2d and
Williver Nathaniel W, Fanning Mill and Milk Safe
Mnfr, cor Ann and 7th.
Wilson Julius W, Dining Rooms, n s Main bet front
and A.
Wolf Mrs Jannette, dressmaker, s s Main bet 4th
and 5th.
Wood Thomas W, druggist, n s Main bet 2d and 3d.