new content added 04/03/2023
19th century view of the original St. Joseph's Church in Elkader, Iowa. The building still stands on the church property and has been converted into a parish hall. It, along with the present church, are listed on the National Register of Historic Places (source: public domain photo from Wikimedia Commons) |
![]() above: vintage photo postcard, undated |
St. Joseph's Church, It's Early History - Laying of the Corner Stone
The early history of the church shows that in the 40's the spiritual wants of the residents of this locality were attended by Father Lynch, of Holy Cross. The first mass celebrated here was by Father Lynch in the old house on David Livingood's corner, then the residence of P. Keenan. The first baptism recorded is that of Julia Anna Barrett, now Mrs. Jos. Collins, on March 6, 1855, by Father W. Emmonds. Among the first priests who labored here at different times were Fathers Emmons, Phil Laurent, Orth, Nagel, Foley and DeCailly.
Early in 1856 Father Peter McGinnis took charge of the mission and commenced the erection of the church building, the walls being put up that year, but it was in 1858 before the roof was added. Ned Donovan appears to have been the stone mason, while Peter Mayen had charge of the carpenter work. April 9th, 1861, Father McGinnis was called away and Rev. Michael O'Beirne came, serving until Nov. 26, 1867, when he died. His remains were interred under the church. During his pastorate he erected a small dwelling back of the church and purchased the cemetery.
On Dec. 14, 1867, Father Quigley took charge of the mission, and in his twenty years of service made many improvements to the church and its property. He died Sept. 11th, 1887. Rev. J.F. Reilly was then transferred from McGregor to this parish, and under his pastorate, the congregation has grown to such an extent that the movement for a new building came as a matter of necessity.
Last year the matter was thoroughly canvassed by the society and when it was found that the necessary amount could be raised, the decision was made for a new church building. The following building committee was appointed. P.J. Cain, Ed. Hofer, Wm. Bauer, Jas. Foran and M. Fitzpatrick, treasurer. Guido Beck, of Dubuque, is the architect, and while we shall not at this time go into details regarding the new structure, suffice it to say that it will compare with any church building in northeastern Iowa.
Thos. Byrnes, the constructor of the Elkader bridge and of Hotel Bayless, has the contract, while J.L. Schneider has the carpenter work. The contract price was $11,800. The church will be a handsome stone structure, 116 feet long by 50 feet wide, of a pure gothic style, and surmounted by a tower and spire 150 feet high.
Mr. Byrnes commenced work last fall and has completed the foundations, so that the corner stone could be laid as we now relate.
Sunday, April 24th, 1898, will long be remembered by the people of St. Joseph's parish, not alone for its beauty and the pleasant sunshine, but as the date on which the laying of the corner stone of the new church was celebrated. About 2 o'clock p.m., over 1,500 people had gathered on or about the site of the church, and soon the Foresters, lead by F.J. Uriell, Chief Ranger; and D.D. Murphy, Past Chief Ranger; with the K. of P. band, added their presence to the assembled concourse.
The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Father Rowe, of Strawberry Point, as the representative of the archbishop; Rev. O'Donnell, of McGregor, Deacon; Rev. Dullard, of Elkport, Sub-deacon; Fathers O'Dowd, of Independence, Raedler, of Garnavillo, and Hogan, of Monona, chanters.
Rev. Father Coyle, of Cedar Falls, delivered the oration, taking his text from Chron 2, VII, 12-15:"And the Lord appeared to Solomon by night and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer and have chosen this place to myself for a house of sacrifice.
If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people.
If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and see my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Now mine eyes shall be open and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place."The reverend gentleman referred to Solomon's temple and the beautiful words of God in relation to the house erected for Him, and to God's promises in relation to it. He stated that the offering of the day was a building for God, a sanctuary for the people in the day of sorrow, or when scourges came. He spoke feeling of the old church building which had served the need of two generations, and now the people of the parish under a beloved and revered leader was engaged in the great work of erecting a house for God that would be pleasing in his sight. He exemplified on the power, wisdom and goodness of God. Incidentially he referred to the war and said it was the duty of all Christians to pray for the soldiers, many of whom might lay down their lives, to pray that the war might soon be ended and settled to the satisfaction of our country. We regret that in writing from memory we are unable to give but a brief out-line of Father Coyle's excellent oration.
The corner stone is the gift of Ed. H. Prior, of Postville, artistically cut from Bedford stone with "1898" in relief on the front. In it will be deposited documents of the church, a list of the civil officers of the nation and state, the town papers describing the ceremonies of its laying, coins of 1898, etc. These will be covered with a copper plate on which is stamped:Built by
Thos. Byrnes
J.L. Schneider
1898Our account of the ceremonies was delayed that we might present to our readers the illustrations here given. During his labor here, Rev. Father Reilly has won for himself the respect and regard of all our citizens independent of creed or religious belief and as our illustrations show they turned out in a body to rejoice with him and with his parishioners over the first great ceremony connected with the new church. [transcriber's note: the illustrations did not reproduce well on the microfilm image this article]
All speak highly of the order that was maintained and the attention given by the vast crowd many of whom were unable to hear what was spoken.
~source: Elkader Register, May 5, 1898
~transcribed by S. Ferrall for Clayton co. IAGenWeb, July 2017~*~*~
In January 1976 the State Preservation Program nominated this church to the National Register of Historic Places. It was placed on the Register on November 21, 1976.
photo source: National Park Service website; National Register of Historic Places
Elkader, St. Joseph's - First built in 1856, It's now used as gym for newer edifice
by Verna O'ConnorElkader - The first Catholic church building in Elkader, which is still in use as a gymnasium, was built in 1856 under leadership of the Rev. Peter McGinnis. Now known as the Old Rock church, the first building was remodeled in 1944-46 under leadership of the Most Rev. Edward J. Fitzgerald, auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Dubuque, who was then pastor of St. Joseph's. Bishop Fitzgerald supervised the redecoration and remodeling of the old building, converting it into a church hall and gym.
The present church was dedicated Thanksgiving day, 1900. Cornerstone was laid April 24, 1898, with a crowd of about 1,500 persons attending the ceremonies.
A high point in the history of St. Joseph's was the purchase of three bells in 1876. The bells were cast in Cincinnati and weighed 5,400 pounds. Names of 72 donors who contributed a total of $1,800 to buy the bells were inscribed on them. They are still in use and the inscriptons are still readable. The bells were bought during the pastorate of the Rev. J.J. Quigley. He served the church for 20 years - from 1867 until his death in 1887. Built during Father Quigley's pastorate were a parish home and a convent for sisters teaching at St. Joseph's school.
Plans for the present church were first made in 1897, when a building committee of five church leaders was appointed. It included P.J. Cain, Ed Hofer, William Bauer, James Foran and M. Fitzpatrick. The Gothic style building was constructed of stone, quarried from a hill almost directly behind the edifice. At church dedication services in 1900, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Roger Ryan was in charge of the ceremonies, and dedicatory sermon was preached by the Rev. John Fitzpatrick.
Priests who served St. Joseph's included the Rev. J.F. Reilly, the Rev. J. Campbell, the Rev. J.P. Taken. Present pastor is the Rev. B.H. Skahill, assisted since January by the Rev. J.W. Blackburn. Six Presentation sisters, headed by Sister Mary Callista, and Father Blackburn make up the faculty of St. Joseph's school.
Present church school was built in 1911, with St. Joseph's first school erected in 1858.
~source: Cedar Rapids Gazette, September 17, 1949; series article "Eastern Iowa Churches"
~transcribed by S. Ferrall for Clayton co. IAGenWeb, July 2017~*~*~
Rt. Rev. Msgr. James P. Taken
The Very Rev. James P. Taken, pastor of St. Joseph's church, was one of the nine priests in the Dubuque Archdiocese to be appointed Domestic Prelate with the title of Right Rev. Monsignor, by the late Pope Pius XI.
The Rt. Rev. Msgr. James P. Taken was educated at Columbia, later Grand Seminary, at Montreal, and St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis. On March 19, 1892, he was ordained at St. Raphael's Cathedral by the Most Rev. John J. Hennessy. From 1898 to 1917 he was pastor of St. Mary's of Mount Carmel church. For the past twenty-two years he has been pastor of St. Joseph's church in Elkader.~The Echo, published by St. Joseph's School, Elkader; March 24, 1939 (news article & photo)
~contributed by S. Ferrall
Note: Rev. Taken was born in Dubuque June 4, 1863 and served as a priest of the Archdiocese of Dubuque for 53 years, 28 of them as pastor of St. Joseph's. He retired in February 1946. He died on July 12, 1948 and is buried in Mount Olivet cemetery, Dubuque.~*~
Rev. Father E.A. Fitzgerald
Father Fitzgerald has served Sacred Heart church in Osage since May 1941 and previous to that he was dean of studies and registrar at Loras college, Dubuque. A native of Cresco, he took under-graduate work at Loras before attending theological school in the University of Montreal. He was ordained to the priesthood in Dubuque, July 25, 1916.
~The Echo, published by St. Joseph's School, Elkader; February 11, 1946 (news article & photo)
~contributed by S. Ferrall
Misc. Items
~contributed by Reid R. Johnson unless otherwise credited
St. Joseph's Court No. 424, I.O.F.
The society, which is an insurance and fraternal organization, starts out with thirty-one members. High Chief Ranger Schubert, of Chicago, organized St. Joseph's Court, No. 424, of the Independent Order of Foresters, and installed the following officers:
Chief Ranger - D. D. Murphy
Vice Chief Ranger - Frank Niemeyer
Recording Secretary - M. Fitzpatrick
Financial Secretary - M. P. Dunn
Treasurer - J. K. Molumby
S.C. - M. Regan
J.C. - Dr. E. R. Taylor
O.S. - Jos. Donlan
I.S. - R. F. Quinn
Trustees - F. J. Uriell, Thos. Donlan, D. E. Gleason
Representative - D. D. Murphy
Alternate - M. Fitzpatrick
~Elkader Register, Thur., 03 May 18941897
St. Joseph's Court of Foresters officers for 1897:
C.R. - F. J. Uriell
V.C.R. - Frank Niemeyer
Rec. Sec. - M. Fitzpatrick
Fin. Sec. - J. W. McLaughlin
Treas. - J. K. Molumby
Trustees - D. E. Gleason, Jas. Dunn, John M. Quinn
Past Chief Ranger - D. D. Murphy
~Elkader Register, Fri., 11 Dec. 1896
St. Joseph's Court No. 424, I.O.F.
Monday evening St. Joseph's Court No. 424 of Catholic Foresters elected the following:
Chief Ranger - F. J. Uriell
Vice Chief Ranger - Wm. Roach
Rec. Sec. - M. Fitzpatrick
Fin. Sec. - Wm. H. Orr
Treas. - Frank Niemeyer
Trustees - D. E. Gleason, Jas. Humphrey, Peter Dunn
Delegate to state conv. - D. D. Murphy
Alternate - M. Regan
~Elkader Register, Thur., 22 Dec. 1898
Lady Foresters
At the last meeting of the Lady Foresters the following officers were elected for the year 1900:
C.R. - Mrs. Jas. Dunn
V.C.R. - Mrs. J. J. Kann
Treas. - Mr. F. J. Uriell
F. & R.S. - Mrs. R. F. Quinn
Trus. - Mrs. Dan Costigan, Mrs. P. Dunn, Mrs. Fitzpatrick
C. - Mrs. J. Dunn, Mrs. J. Canada
S. - Mrs. L. Meyer, Mrs. M. P. Dunn
Convention Delegate - Mrs. M. P. Dunn
~Elkader Register, Thur., 21 Dec. 1899
Women's Catholic Order of Foresters
At the meeting of W.C.O.F., on the 15th inst., the following officers were elected for the year 1901:
C.R. - Mrs. M. Dunn
V.C.R. - Mrs. M. Kann
Treas. - Mrs. M. Uriell
F. Sec. - Mrs. K. Maher
R.S. - Mrs. H. Quinn
Trustees - Messrs. Costigan, Fitzpatrick and Dunn
Con. - Messrs. Schulte and Dunn
~Elkader Register, Thur., 20 Dec. 1900
Catholic Order of Foresters
C.O.F., St. Joseph's Court 424, at its last meeting elected the following officers.
C.R.- D. D. Murphy.
V.C.R.- F. J. Uriell.
R.S.- M. Fitzpatrick.
F.S.- Jas. McLaughlin.
Treasurer- F. A. Niemeyer.
Trustees- P. J. Mahr, D. E. Gleason, R. F. Quinn.
~Elkader Register, Thur., Dec. 10, 19031904
Women's Catholic Order of Foresters
The ladies of the W.C.O.F. elected the following officers at the recent meeting of the court.
C.R.- Mrs. M. Meyer.
V.C.R.- Mrs. C. Neimeyer.
R.S.- Mrs. M. Roach.
F.S.- Mrs. M. Canada.
Treas.- Mrs. K. Quinn.
Trustees- Mrs. L. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. A. Costigan, Mrs. M. Dunn.
Sen.- Mrs. M. Flaherty, Mrs. M. Lambert.
Con.- Mrs. M. McLaughlin, Mrs. M. Liddy.
Med. Ex.- Dr. W. J. McGrath.
Delegate to Convention- Mrs. M. McLaughlin.
Alternate- Mrs. K. Quinn.
~Elkader Register, Thur., Dec. 24, 1903. Local News page
Catholic Order of Foresters
St. Joseph Court of Foresters, No. 424, held their installation of officers last Saturday evening. The following were installed:
Past C.R. - M. Regan
C.R. - D. D. Murphy
V.C.R. - P. J. Cassiday
R.S. - M. Fitzpatrick
F.S. - J. W. McLaughlin
Treas.- F. A. Niemeyer
Trustees - J. K. Molumby, W. J. McGrath, P. J. Mahr and J. P. Donlon
Conds. - D. E. Gleason and F. J. Uriell
I.S. - R. F. Quinn
O.S. - P. J. Cassiday
Medical Examiner - Dr. W. J. McGrath
~Elkader Register, Thursday, January 11, 19061906
Lady Foresters
The following officers were elected by the Lady Foresters at their meeting last Saturday afternoon:
C.R. - Mary Dunn
V.C.R. - Mary Molumby
R.S. - Margaret Roach
F.S. - Margaret Canada
Treas. - Cora Niemeyer
Trustees - Maggie Dunn, Kate Reagan, Bridget Dunn
I.S. - Mary Flaherty
O.S. - Anna Keleher
S.C. - Agnes Harding
J.C. - Mary Gleason
Delegate - Mary Kann
Alternate - Margaret Canada
~Elkader Register, Thur., 21 Dec. 1905 (note that the following notice, published a month later, often gives names of some of the lady's husbands)
Catholic Order of Foresters - Lady Foresters
Saturday evening Mrs. Mary Cain installed the following officers of the local court of Lady Foresters:
C.R. - Mrs. James Dunn
V.C.R. - Mrs. J. K. Molumby.
Fin. Sec. - Mrs. J. Canada
Rec. Sec. - Mrs. W. Roach
Treas. - Mrs. M. Roach
Treas. - Mrs. M. Niemeyer
Sr. Cond. - Agnes Harding
Jr. Cond. - Mrs. D. E. Gleason
O.S. - Anna Keleher
I.S. - Mrs. P. Flaherty
Trustees - Mrs. Peter Dunn, Mrs. John Dunn, Mrs. M. Regan
Auditing Committee - Mrs. John Quinn, Mrs. D. Mahr, Mrs. Pat Ryan
~Elkader Register, Thursday, January 25, 1906
1907 Catholic Order of Foresters At a recent meeting of St. Joseph's Court No. 424, C.O.F., the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: Chief Ranger - D. D. Murphy Vice Chief - P. J. Ryan P.C. - M. Regan R. Sec. - M. Fitzpatrick F. Sec. - J. W. McLaughlin Treas. - F. A. Niemeyer Conds. - To be appointed Med. Ex. - Dr. W. J. McGrath Trustees - J. K. Molumby, Dr. J. P. Donlon, P. J. Mahr Delegate - F. J. Uriell Alternate - D. E. Gleason ~Elkader Register, Thur., December 27, 1906 |
1907 Catholic Order of Foresters - Lady Foresters The following officers were elected by St. Joseph's Court No. 108 at their regular meeting last Saturday afternoon: C.R. - Mary Dunn V.C.R. - Maggie McLaughlin R.S. - Margaret Roach F.S. - Maggie Canada Treas. - Cora Neimeyer Trustees - Mary Uriell, Maggie Dunn, Lizzie Fitzpatrick S.C. Mayme Geraghty J.C. - Lizzy Harding O.S. - Anna Keleher I.S. - Nellie Ryan ~Elkader Register, Thur., December 20, 1906 |
1908 Catholic Order of Foresters At the last regular meeting St. Joseph's Court No. 424 C.O.F. elected the following officers: C.R. - D. D. Murphy V.C.R. - D. E. Gleason R.S. - F. J. Uriell F.S. - M. Fitzpatrick Treas. - F. A. Niemeyer I.S. - R. F. Quinn O.S. - M. B. Dunn M.E. - Dr. W. J. McGrath Trustees - P. J. Mahr, J. P. Donlon, J. K. Molumby ~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 02 Jan. 1908 |
1908 Catholic Order of Foresters - Lady Foresters The lady Foresters at their regular meeting Saturday, Jan. 18th, installed the following officers: C.R. - Mary Dunn V.C.R. - Margaret McLaughlin R.S. - Margaret Roach F.S. - Maggie Canada Treas. - Ella Stence Trustee - Mary Gleason S.C. - Mayme Geraghty J.C. - Lizzie Harding O.S. - Mary Flaherty I.S. - Anna Losch M.E. - Dr. W. J. McGrath Delegate - Maggie Canada Alternate - Margaret McLaughlin ~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 23 Jan. 1908 |
1909 Catholic Order of Foresters At a regular meeting of St. Joseph's Court, No. 242, C.O.F. on last Saturday evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Chief Ranger - D. D. Murphy Vice Chief Ranger - D. E. Gleason Rec. Sec. - F. J. Uriell Financial Sec. - M. Fitzpatrick Treasurer - F. A. Niemeyer Inside Sen. - R. F. Quinn Outside Sen. - M. B. Dunn Senior Cond. - J. W. McLaughlin Junior Conductor - F. P. Nugent Trustees - Martin Stence, J. K. Molumby, J. P. Donlon M.E. - Dr. J. W. McGrath Delegate - F. J. Uriell Alternate - D. E. Gleason ~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 10 Dec. 1908 |
1909 Catholic Order of Foresters - Lady Foresters C.R. - Margaret Dunn V.C.R. - Margaret McLaughlin R.S. - Margaret Roach F.S. - Margaret Canada Treasurer - Ella Stence S.C. - Mayme Geraghty J.S. - Lizzie Harding J.S. - Sarah Burns O.S. - Lizzie Meyer Chaplain - Sarah Molumby Med. Ex. - Dr. W. J. McGrath Trustees - Mrs. Mary Uriell, Mrs. Mary Gleason, Mrs. Margaret Dunn ~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 24 Dec. 1908 |
1911 Catholic Order of Foresters - Lady Foresters The following officers [for 1911] were elected by the Lady Foresters at their meeting held last Saturday: C.R. - Mary Dunn V.C.R. - Mary Molumby R.S. - Margaret Roach F.S. - Maggie Canada Treas. - Celia Kelleher Trustee - Mary Gleason S.C. - Lizzie Harding I.C. - Mayme Geraghty I.S. - Anna Losch O.S. - Sarah Byrnes Chap. - Sarah Molumby Delegate - Margaret Roach Alternate - Mary Molumby ~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 22 Dec. 1910 |
1913 Women's Catholic Order of Foresters At the regular meeting of the W.C.O.F. held Saturday, December 21st, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: C.R. - Miss Anna Kelleher V.C.R. - Mrs. Margaret Roach R.S. - Mrs. Mary Dunn Financial Sec. - Mrs. Margaret Canada Treas. - Mrs. Celia Kelleher Trustees - Mrs. Mary Uriell, Mrs. Maggie Dunn, Mrs. Mary Gleason Sr. Con. - Mayme Garaghty Jr. Con. - Kate Regan Inner Sent. - Sarah Byrnes Outer Sent. - Anna Losch Med. Ex. - Dr. George F. Kelleher ~Elkader Register, Thur., 26 Dec. 1912. |
1913 Catholic Order of Foresters At the annual business meeting of St. Joseph's Court No. 424, C.O.F., on Saturday evening, the following were elected officers for the ensuing year: Chief Ranger - D. D. Murphy Vice Chief Ranger - D. E. Gleason Recording Sec'ty - F. J. Uriell Financial Sec'ry - M. Fitzpatrick Treasurer - F. A. Niemeyer Trustees - J. P. Donlon, J. K. Molumby, Ray Stence Delegate to State Convention - F. J. Uriell Alternate - James Finnegan ~Elkader Register, Thur., 26 Dec. 1912. |
Catholic Order of Foresters
At the meeting of St. Joseph's Court, No. 424, C.O.F., held last Saturday, the following officers were elected:
Chief Ranger - E. C. Fitzpatrick
Vice-Chief Ranger - D. E. Gleason
Rec. Sec. - J. J. Finnegan
Fin. Sec. - M. Fitzpatrick
Treas. - F. A. Niemeyer
Speaker - F. J. Uriell
Trustees - J. W. McLaughlin, J. K. Molumby, Ed. Krauel
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 11 Dec. 1913. Local News columns1914
Catholic Order of Foresters - Lady Foresters
At the regular meeting of Saint Joseph's Court, No. 108, W.C.O.F., held December 20th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
C.R. - Anna Kelleher
V.C.R. - Maggie McLaughlin
R.S. - Maggie Roach
F.S. - Margaret Canada
Treas. - Sarah Byrnes
M.E. - Dr. G. F. Kelleher
Trustees - Maggie Dunn, Mary Uriell, Mary Gleason
Delegate - Anna Kelleher
Alternate - Kate Downey
Conductors - Mayme Garaghty, Sr., Kate Regan, Jr.
O.S. - Mary Nugent
L.S. - Anna Losch
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 01 Jan. 1914. Local News columns
The following officers of St. Joseph's church, No. 108, W.C.O.F. for the year 1915 were installed at the regular meeting, Jan. 16th, by Deputy H.C.R. Cain, of Waukon:
C.R. - Anna Kelleher
V.C.R. - Bernadette Liddy
R.S. - Margaret Roach
F.S. - Margaret Canada
Treas. - Sara Byrnes
Trustee - Mary Gleason
S.C. - Mayme O'Leary
J.C. - Winnie Dunn
I.S. - Mary Nugent
Med.Ex. - Dr. George Kelleher
~Register and Argus, 21 Jan. 1915
Ladies Aid Society
The Catholic Ladies Aid Society had their first meeting at St. Joseph's Hall on April 1st. Refreshments were served by Mrs. P. Dunn, Mrs. D. Gleason, Mrs. R. Leonard and Mrs. A. Eberhart. The ladies were very well pleased with the large attendance and hope that all present enjoyed it so much that they will all come again. The ladies were much pleased with the musical treat given them by the Edison brought down by Mr. George Lenth and his able assistant, Mr. Snyder. The proceeds of the afternoon were $10.55.
~Register and Argus, Thursday, April 6, 1916 ~contributed by S. Ferrall
Ladies Aid Society
At the business meeting of the Catholic Ladies Aid Society the following officers were elected for the coming year:
President - Mrs. A. Eberhart
Vice President - Mrs. P. Dinan
Sec. - Mrs. Richard Leonard
Treas. - Mrs. James Hyde
~Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 15 Mar. 1917. Local News column
1921 Catholic Order of Foresters - Lady Foresters At the regular meeting of St. Joseph's Court, 108, W.C.O.F., March 19th, the following officers were elected for the coming year: C.R. - Mrs. Hannah Quinn V.C.R. - Mrs. Sadie Dinan Rec. Sec. - Mame Garaghty Fin. Sec. - Kathryn Stence Trustee - Mrs. Elizabeth Lynch Con. - Mrs. Marie Eberhart, Miss Sa__tah Molumby I.S. - Mary Nugent O.S. Mrs. Calista Humphrey Organist - Regina Uriell Med. Exam. - Dr. W. J. McGrath Delegate - Mrs. Hannah Quinn Alternate - Mame Garaghty ~Elkader Register, Thur., 24 Mar. 1921 |
1921 Ladies Aid Society The annual meeting of the Catholic Ladies' Aid Society was held at St. Joseph's Hall on Wednesday evening, April 20. The following officers were elected for the year: President - Mrs. A. Eberhart Vice-President - Mrs. M. J. Poull Secretary - Miss Anna Cain Treasurer - Miss Frances Kaltenbach. ~Elkader Register, Thur., 28 Apr. 1921. Local News Notes column |
1924 Ladies Aid Society At the business meeting of the Catholic Ladies Aid the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Pres. - Mrs. Mae Poull Vice Pres. - Mrs. Clara Muensch Secretary - Mrs. Margaret Canada Treasurer - Miss Frances Kaltenbach ~Elkader Register, Thursday, April 17, 1924. Local News Notes column |
1924 Catholic Order of Foresters St. Joseph's Court, No. 424, C.O.F., held their regular meeting last Tuesday evening, October 7th, and elected the following officers: Chief Ranger - J. J. Finnegan Vice Chief Ranger - Ed Krauel Financial Sec. - J. C. Nugent Rec. Sec. - N. H. Niemeyer Treas. - P. J. Maher Trustee - John F. Donlon Med. Examiner - Dr. W. J. McGrath ~Elkader Register, Thur., October 9, 1924 |
1925 Women's Catholic Order of Foresters At a regular meeting of the W.C.O.F. held last Saturday, the following officers were elected: C.R. - Anna Wiley C.C.R. - Rose Bink R.S. - Mayme Geraghty S.S. - Ella Losch Treas. - Anna Charleton Trustees - Mary Uriell, Elizabeth Lynch, Magie Dunn Con. - Mayme Eberhart, Grace Kelleher Sentinels - Mary Nugent, Cathryn Connell Delegate to attend convention - Anna Wiley Alternate - Anna Kelleher ~Elkader Register, Thur., 26 Mar. 1925 |
1925 Catholic Order of Foresters At a regular meeting of St. Joseph Court, No. 424, C.O.F. held last evening the following officers were installed: Chief Ranger - J. J. Finnegan Vice Chief Ranger - Edward Krauel Recording Secretary - N. H. Niemeyer Financial Secretary - J. C. Nugent Treasurer - P. J. Maher Speaker - E. C. Fitzpatrick Medical Examiner - Dr. W. J. McGrath Con. - J. N. Poull Con. - F. J. Uriell Inner Sentinel - M. J. Feeney Outer Sentinel - Art Donlon ~Elkader Register, Thur., 08 Oct. 1925 |
Ladies Aid Society
The Elkader Catholic Ladies Aid members - 1929
members of the Catholic Ladies Aid will serve lunch at the K.C. Hall Saturday afternoon, Jan. 12:
Mrs. F. A. Niemeyer
Mrs. Richard Opitz
Mrs. Barbara Scheffert
Mrs. Wm. Muench
Mrs. W. Boland
Mrs. T. E. Donlon
Mrs. Frank McGruder
Mrs. John Tresch
Mrs. Fred Bauer
Miss Mary Connor.
Everybody welcome.
~Clayton County Register, Thur. 10 Jan. 1929~*~*~