IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.

1882 Biographies Index

W.G. Woodall
Elk Twp.

W.G. Woodall was born in New York on Dec. 15, 1831, and was a son of George and Mattie Woodall, nee Poole, natives of England, the former born in 1809, the latter in September, 1805, in Shropshire. They were married in 1829, and came to the United States in 1831. Two children was born unto them, viz.: Richard George, who died in England, and William G. The father died in Pittsburg, Pa., on April 15, 1840, and was buried there, but in 1882 his remains were removed to Clayton County, and interred in Elk Township Cemetery.

The subject of this memoir was reared in the city of Pittsburg, Pa., and there learned the blacksmith's trade, which he followed for several years. He enlisted in the Ordinance Corps in 1848, in the Mexican war, and was engaged in making cartridges and arms for the troops for five years.

In 1856 he came to Clayton County, and settled on section 5, Elk Township, where he now resides. He owns 280 acres of fine land, and is extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising.

He was married in 1856 to Rachel White, a native of Pittsburg, Pa. They have one child - Caroline W., born Oct. 4, 1857, married F.W. Pilkington.

Mr. Woodall has been a member of the Episcopal church, and in politics is a Republican. He visited the land of his parents' nativity in 1873, and returned to America after an enjoyable sojourn of four months.

source: History of Clayton County, Iowa, 1882, p. 766
Transcribed by Sharyl Ferrall

*full name: William George Woodall


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