Fred L. Wellman, is one
of the worthy pioneers of Clayton County, in the
development and progress of which he has taken an active
part for a period extending over thirty-five years. He
has held many local positions of trust and honor during
this time and is a worker in the ranks of the Republican
Party. He is a liberal and public spirited man, who has
furthered local industries and enterprises and is one of
the prominent men of Monona. He is now engaged in the
coal and wood and flour and food business, and is the
owner of considerable property in the village and
The subject of this sketch was born in Cattaraugus
County, N. Y., January 5, 1840, being a son of Alvah
Wellman, likewise a native of the Empire State and whose
ancestors it is supposed were of English descent and
early residents of the New England states. His father,
who bore the Christian name of Samuel, it is believed was
a native of Vermont, and in his later years he removed to
New York, where his death occurred. Our subjects
father was a cabinet maker, furniture dealer and
undertaker, which calling he followed after his location
in Catttaraugus County, where he continued to make his
home until his death, which occurred when about seventy
years of age. His wife, Abigail (Sherman) Wellman, was
also born and passed her entire life in New York State,
of which her father, Theodore Sherman, was a native.
Fred L., of this sketch, is the eldest in a family of
three sons and two daughters, all of whom are living. He
grew to manhood in his native place, attending the common
schools and the academy, thus obtaining an excellent
education, as he made the best of his opportunities.
When nineteen years of age Mr. Wellman left the parental
roof and came to Iowa, arriving in Monona April 7, 1859.
Up to this time, he had for several years, during
intervals of his school life where he worked at the trade
with his father, and after his arrival in this place he
hired out to neighboring farmers by the month for some
time. He thus obtained a practical knowledge of
agriculture, and as the pursuit of farming was congenial
to him he decided to become a farmer on his own account.
Accordingly, after his marriage he located on a place in
Monona Township, devoting himself to its cultivation and
improvement exclusively for many years. His home is still
on his farm, which is not far distant from the village.
July 3, 1863, Mr. Wellman married Alice Reding, who was
born in Indiana and with her parents came to this
locality when only two years of age. After a happy
married life of eleven years the devoted wife and mother
was called to her final rest; her death occurred November
3, 1874. The only son, Lewis, is at home with his father
and is a young man of good education and ability.
Our subject has built up a good reputation as an
honorable and enterprising businessman, and his patronage
is constantly increasing. He has invested the proceeds of
his business ventures with good judgment and has realized
there from a godly sum. He owns the Opera Block in Sonoma
and many other residences and buildings in the place.
In the disposal of his means he is generous and lends a
helping hand to worthy enterprises, churches and
benevolences. He is one of the Directors in the Monona
State Bank and is interested in other local industries. A
strong Republican, he served as Postmaster for four years
with credit to himself and was Township Trustee for
twenty years. He is a member of the Republican County
Board, always attends the State Conventions and is a
vigorous worker in the ranks of his party. Socially he
belongs to Monona Lodge No. 156, I. O. O. F., and to the
Ancient Order of United Workers.
~source: Portrait and Biographical Record
of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties; Chicago: Chapman
Pub. Co., 1894; pg 451-452
~transcribed by Suzanne Terrell