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1894 Biographies Index

Scott, George S.C.

George S.C. Scott. A prominent merchant and dealer in queensware, crockery, etc,. in McGregor, is a native of Arkansas, born at Arkansas Post, November 26, 1820; he was reared on the frontier and received his early education in the private schools of Polk County.

His father, Hon. Andrew Scott, was Judge of the Supreme Court of the territory of Arkansas (as it was long before the time that it was admitted to the sisterhood of states) and was the first Postmaster in Polk County. He was a native of Virginia and was one of the prominent pioneers of Arkansas Territory, to which he removed in 1819. He served in the Legislature of the same territory, was a delegate in the Constitutional Convention, and helped draw up the Constitution of the state. In politics he was a pronounced Whig and a man of strong personality. Though he had received only a limited education in his youth he was a great student and largely self educated. He studied for the legal profession in the law office of his brother, Hon, John Scott, of Ste. Genevieve, Mo., and after completing his course of reading was admitted to the Bar in Missouri; he was soon after appointed to the Superior Bench of Arkansas Territory. For many years he held a leading place in state and judicial matters, being pronounced in his views and a man well fitted by nature and education to become a leader of men and molder of their opinions.

He was called from this life in 1850. His devoted wife, Eliza (Jones) Scott, who had previously died, in March,1835, in Arkansas, was a sister of the noted general, George W. Jones, of Dubuque, Iowa, and was a lady of many admirable qualities.

The childhood and youth of G. S. C. Scott was passed on his father’s farm in Polk County, Ark., and he was only fifteen years of age when death deprived him of his fond mother. He received his education in the private schools of Polk County and became thoroughly versed in agricultural affairs. Upon attaining his majority he went to Clarksville, Ark., and served as Deputy Clerk of Johnson County under A. M. Ward, who was at that time Clerk. After remaining in the position for a time he returned to farm duties, engaging in the occupation for three years.

For a short time in 1850 our subject clerked in a general merchandise store at Clarksville, and in the spring of the same year started for the Pacific Slope, going overland with ox-teams. Arriving in California after six months spent on the way, he proceeded to devote himself to gold mining, at which he worked for two years with fair success. Then returning to Clarksville he resumed his former occupation of clerking, continuing at the same for a year and a half.

In the fall of 1856 Mr. Scott came to McGregor, and is partnership with his brother, H. Clay, engaged in general merchandising under the name of Scott & Bro. After several years of successful business together, our subject bought out his brother’s interest and continued the concern for several years. He then embarked in the wholesale crockery and glassware business in 1858, turning his attention more particularly to the wholesale trade until 1892.

Since the latter date he has also engaged in retailing quite extensively and is succeeding fairly in his business undertakings. While in the wholesale trade, he made sales in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin, meeting with good success.

In February, 1844, occurred the marriage of Mr. Scott and Jennette Moore, a native of Montgomery, Ala. Her father, William Moore, was born in the Old Dominion and became a prominent planter near Montgomery.

Nine children, eight of whom , graced the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Scott: Martha, wife of John H. Andrick; William A., a resident of LaCrosse, Wis; Eugene C., Jacob G., and Homer J., of McGregor; Hattie, deceased; Elizabeth, Mrs. E. N. Galland, of this city; Addie Josephine, Mrs. E. I. Fisher, whose home is in Minneapolis; and Annie M., a bookkeeper in her father’s store.

One of the staunchest and most influential citizens of McGregor, Mr. Scott has always been esteemed and highly respected. Fraternally, he holds membership with Beezer Lodge No. 135, A. F. & A. M., of which he is one of the charter members. In politics he is an active worker in the ranks of the Prohibition Party. In manner he is pleasant and agreeable, making friends readily, and by his thoroughly trustworthy and honorable qualities retaining them.

~source: Portrait and Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties; Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1894; pg 466-467
~transcribed by Suzanne Terrell


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