IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.

1894 Biographies Index

Schroeder, Rudolph

Rudolph Schroeder, who is now living retired, making his residence in Guttenberg, is one of the thrifty and industrious German-American citizens of Clayton County, to whom in a large measure is due the development and
subsequent prosperity of this region. He has borne his share in the work of improvement and in public affairs, being a loyal and patriotic son of his adopted country.

The father of our subject, Henry Schroeder, was born in Germany, where he grew to manhood and married Margaret Wilke, also born in the Fatherland. Their son Rudolph is a native of Hanover, Germany, where his birth occurred November 5, 1818, and his early years were spent under the parental roof, his time being mainly passed until arriving at his majority in obtaining a good public school education.

At the age of twenty-three years Mr. Schroeder set sail for America, his destination being New Orleans. On arriving in the Crescent City he continued his journey up the Mississippi and thence went up the Ohio River to Cincinnati, where he remained engaged in various occupations for several years.

In 1855 he came to Iowa, making a settlement in Jefferson Township, where he improved and cultivated a good farm. He was engaged in agricultural pursuits for nearly thirty years in Clayton County, becoming well to do and laying up ample means with which to pass his declining days, surrounded by the necessities and many of the luxurious of life.

During his active career he was very industrious and preserving, managing his farm and business affairs with good ability and being always strictly honest and trustworthy in all his dealings with his fellow-men. He is now retired, having sold his farm.

On the 3rd of July, 1844, Mr. Schroeder was united in marriage with Mina Kruse, who, like her husband, was born in Hanover, Germany; of the fourteen children who came to bless their marriage, all but two still survive. Of those living there are eight sons and four daughters, their names in order of their birth being as follows: Margaret, Sophia, John, Rudolph, Jr., Mary; Fred, who is a farmer; Harmon, who also follows agricultural pursuits; Louis, George, who lives in Dacotah; Ada, Mina, and August.

Sophia is the wife of Fred Kreger, a resident of Dacotah; Rudolph lives in Garnavillo; Margaret, the eldest daughter, became the wife of Herman Wolke, their home being in Jefferson Township, this county.

The parents are members of the Lutheran Church, in the faith of which they have reared their children. In politics our subject supports the Democratic Party. He is a worthy man of sterling qualities, who merits the high esteem is which he is held by those who know him best.

~source: Portrait and Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties; Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1894; pg 496
~transcribed by Suzanne Terrell


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