IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.

1894 Biographies Index

Schoulte, S.H.F.

S. H. F. Schoulte, a wealthy farmer and stock-raiser of Clayton County, was born in Dubuque County, Iowa, December 5, 1841. His father was a native of Germany and served as a Guard in the Prussian Army for two years. The father emigrated to this country in the year 1838 and settled in Dubuque, Iowa, working as a day laborer until 1842, when he removed to Garnavillo Township, and engaged in the improvement of land until his demise.

His wife still survives and resides on the old homestead. There were eleven children born to this couple, nine of whom were boys, and two girls, four of the boys dying before they reached the age of maturity.

Our subject was the eldest child in the family. He was reared in Garnavillo Township and was educated in the district schools there, and then attended the college of Sinsinawa, Wis. In 1871 he came to Farmersburg Township and lived for a short time in a little frame house. He settled upon three hundred and fifteen acres of land and cultivated the great majority of it, and since that time he has constantly been accumulating more, until at present he has over one thousand acres of broad and well cultivated fields.

In the year 1874 he erected a fine, capacious granary, the dimensions of which are 24 x 24 feet, with a capacity of five thousand bushels, and it is at this writing filled to overflowing with a fine crop of winter wheat. His property was greatly improved by the erection of a beautiful eleven room residence, which is equipped with all of the modern improvements. His orchard, which covers three acres, is not to be forgotten. One reason of his great success is that he individually superintends all of the work on his farm, although he employs four hired hands.

Our subject was united in marriage with Miss Mary Kann, daughter of Henry Kann, who is a prominent citizen of Guttenberg. Mrs. Schoulte is a most estimable lady, and was born in Clayton County, Iowa. She is one of thirteen children, twelve of whom are still living, and eleven of whom are recorded in the Iowa Book of Records, which was exhibited in the Iowa State Building at the World’s Fair. Those living are as follows: Henry, Katie, Philomena, William, May, Frank, Lucy, Oliver, Pelonia, Grace, Hilda, and August C.

Our subject and his worthy wife are valued members of the Catholic Church, and have shown themselves friends of educational advancement by giving to their children every possible opportunity to improve themselves and thus prepare them to occupy with honor any work, public or private, to which they may be called.

The people of Farmersburg Township have shown their respect and esteem for Mr. Schoulte by giving to him offices of public trust, as School Director for two years, Secretary of the District, Commissioner of the Elkader Stone Bridge (which was erected at the cost of $16,000), Road Supervisor, Assessor for four years, Treasurer of the Clayton County Agricultural Society for three years and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. He is one of the incorporators and also a member of the Old Settlers’ Association of Clayton County, and is the President of the Clayton County Fire and Lightning Mutual Insurance Company.

His life has been worthily spent and his character is a noble one. The history of this community would be incomplete without his sketch, and we gladly present this record of his life work to our readers.

~source: Portrait and Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties; Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1894; pg 523-524
~transcribed by Suzanne Terrell


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