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1894 Biographies Index

Pearsall, Amos

Amos Pearsall, is a retired manufacturer and capitalist whose residence is in McGregor. For a period of about forty years this gentleman has been identified with the interests in McGregor, as in the spring of 1856 he embarked in the livery business in this place, and later established the carriage works, which have been among the prominent local industries up to the present time. By the exercise of his unusually fine business qualities, Mr. Pearsall, in the legitimate line of his trade, managed to secure a comfortable fortune, and has always been known to be a man of honor and strict integrity.

Amos Pearsall, the father of our subject, was born in the Empire State and was the son of Henry Pearsall, who was of Scotch-Irish extraction and emigrated from England to America; he became one of the early settlers of New York State, and was there devoted to agricultural pursuits. Our subject’s father passed his entire life in the same state and there his death occurred. His wife, in her girlhood, Clara Nichols, was also of English descent, and was a daughter of John Nichols, both natives of New York.

A. Pearsall of this narrative was born in Chenango County, N. Y., in 1822, and in the public schools near his home received his early education. He remained under the parental roof until past his majority, when he determined to try his fortune in the west. About the year 1847 he came to the west, selling goods for the New York firm of Emmons & Pearsall, he being the junior partner. For about five years he was engaged in merchandising in Trumbull County, Ohio, and thence west to Plattville, Wisconsin, there continuing to reside until the year 1854.

In the spring of 1856 Mr. Pearsall came to McGregor, which has been his home ever since. In 1871, up to which time he was in the livery business. He formed a partnership with a Mr. Holly, under the firm name Holly & Co., opening the McGregor Carriage Works. After some time had passed the senior partner sold out his interest and the firm subsequently became A. Pearsall & Son. The firm built up a fine trade in this part of the state, and most of the fine buggies and carriages that traverse the roads of this and adjoining counties are manufactured by them. Employment was furnished in this business to a large number of men, and only the best quality of work was turned out.

In the spring of 1894 the business was sold, and since that time our subject has been retired. He has laid by ample means for the remainder of his life, and may justly enjoy the fruits of his former years of trial.

A pronounced Republican, Mr. Pearsall has always been active in promoting the interests of his party; he is a loyal patriot and a citizen in the best sense. He is a charter member of Beezer Lodge No. 137 A. F & A. M., and also belongs to the chapter and commandery. Moreover, he holds membership with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and though never desirous of public office, for a number of years was induced to hold the position of County Supervisor, in which he acquitted himself admirably.

In March, 1849, Mr. Pearsall married Miss Amelia Church, whose birth occurred in the Empire State, and who is the daughter of Billings Church and the grand daughter of Richard Church, both prominent in the upbuilding of Chemango County, N. Y. The maiden name of Mrs. Pearsall’s mother was Nancy Lander, whose birth also occurred in New York.

Two sons and two daughters have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Pearsall: George who is Vice-President of the State Savings Bank at Des Moines; Josephine, wife of J. N. Baird of McGregor; Charles A. and Clara N., Mrs. J. C. Lewis, also of this city.

In all circles, business, fraternal and social, Mr. Pearsall has the goodwill and warm friendship of all who have been thrown in contact with him in any manner, for he is a man of good qualities, genial and courteous in his treatment of his fellow citizens, and active in whatever tends to promote and advance the best interests of the community.

~source: Portrait and Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties; Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1894; pg 443-444
~transcribed by Suzanne Terrell


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