Walter C. Dittmer
Walter C. Dittmer, a native
Iowan, was Elkader, Iowa, Feb. 14, 1890. His
father was a well known citizen and an earnest and worthy
endeavor to give to the world the best that was in him
marked the course of his life. He was born on the 19th of
January, 1858, in Hamburg, Germany, the son of Peter and
Magdalena Dittmer. When a boy of three years he came with
his parents to America and settled in Clayton county.
After the family had lived several years near Communia,
they purchased a farm in Cox Creek township, which is now
owned by Herman Dittmer, with whom the aged mother makes
her home. When a young man Martin Dittmer came to Elkader
and engaged in the lumber business with his
brother-in-law, Jacob Stemmer. About 1896 they disposed
of this business and started in the implement business
under the title of Stemmer & Dittmer. Later Mr.
Dittmer bought his partner's interest and took into
partnership Mr. Stallmen, under the firm name of Dittmer
& Stallman. In 1911 Walter Dittmer was taken into the
firm and an automobile agency was added to the business,
dealing in the Studebaker and Velie machines, and meeting
with a splendid measure of success. On September 14th,
1881, Martin Dittmer was united in matrimony with
Katherine Dohrer of Clayton county, and they were the
parents of three children: Walter, 26 years of age;
Florence, who died when 5 years of age, and Roy, 16
years. Martin Dittmer took an active interest in the
affairs of the community, and for seven years, from 1904
to 1911, was sheriff of Clayton county, in which capacity
he served the people faithfully and conscientiously. He
was a member of the school board at the time of his
death, which occurred November 14, 1914. The funeral
services were conducted by Elkader Lodge, No. 72, A. F.
and A. M., of which he was an esteemed member. The
Register & Argus, under date of November 19,
1914, said, "The great man of Elkader has fallen;
the good man "has been called from out of our midst.
A shadow of gloom is cast not only on home and family but
over our entire community. Not that death is unfamiliar
to our minds, for every day death is exerting his solemn
power upon the race of man, but there are instances where
it is impressed more vividly on our minds and where it
calls forth a pro founder sentiment of sorrow. This is
true today when we stand with bowed heads and throbbing
hearts beside the last earthly remains of a beloved
husband, father, brother, son, relative, friend and
citizen, Martin Dittmer."

Dittmer - click on photo to enlarge
Walter Dittmer received his education in the grade and
high schools of his native town, and in a commercial
college of Decorah, Iowa, completing his course in that
institution in 1911, when he returned to Elkader to join
his father in the implement business, as noted above. He
is independent in politics and a member of the Masonic
source: History of Clayton
County, Iowa; From The Earliest Historical Times Down to
the Present; by Realto E. Price, Vol. II; page 91-92
-submitted by S. Ferrall