Gustav Dittmer, Jr.
Gustav Dittmer, Jr., is a
representative of well known pioneer families of Clayton
county, where he was born, in Jefferson township, on the
1st of February, 1879, and he now maintains his home in
the progressive little city of Guttenberg, where he
controls a prosperous business as a carpenter and
builder. He is a son of Martin and Carolina (Aulwes)
Dittmer, the former of whom was born in Germany and the
latter in Clayton county, where her parents established a
home in the pioneer days and soon after their emigration
from Germany. Martin Dittmer was a young man when he came
to Clayton county, in 1850, and in Jefferson township he
obtained a tract of land and developed one of the
valuable farms of the county. He was one of the
successful farmers and honored citizens of Jefferson
township at the time of his death, on the 12th of May,
1914, and his venerable widow now maintains her home at
Guttenberg. Martin Dittmar became well known for his
musical ability, and as a cornet player he was identified
with one of the excellent bands early organized in
Clayton county. He gave his political support to the
Republican party, was influential in community affairs in
his township and was an earnest communicant of the
Lutheran church, as is also his widow.

Dittmer - click on photo to enlarge
Of their children the eldest
two, Henry and William, now reside at Ireton, Sioux
county; the subject of this sketch was the third child;
and the youngest, Augusta, is the wife of John
Rademacher, of Guttenberg. Gustav Dittmer, Jr., was
reared to adult age on the home farm, made good use of
the advantages afforded in the public schools and from
1902 until 1912 he had the active management of the home
farm. He then removed to Guttenberg, where he purchased a
good residence property, and where he has since given his
attention vigorously and successfully to work at the
carpenter's trade and where he has become one of the
representative contractors and builders of this part of
the county. He is now serving as assessor of Guttenberg,
la., and is the incumbent also of the office of
constable. His political allegiance is given unreservedly
to the Republican party, and while still on the farm he
served two terms as trustee of his native township. He is
the owner of a well improved farm in Sioux county, Iowa.
Both he and his wife are communicants and liberal
supporters of the Lutheran church at Guttenberg. November
12, 1902, recorded the marriage of Mr. Dittmer to Miss
Clara Fredelake, who was born and reared at Guttenberg,
and whose parents, Henry and Salina (Voss) Fredelake,
still maintain their home in this village, the father
being in the employ of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul Railroad. Mr. Fredelake was born in Germany and his
wife in Clayton county, where her parents settled in the
pioneer days. Concerning the children of Mr. and Mrs.
Fredelake, brief record may consistently be entered at
this juncture: Anna is the wife of William Dittman, of
Ireton, Sioux county; Mary is the wife of Benjamin
Aulwes, of Guttenberg; the wife of the subject of this
sketch was the next in order of birth; George resides at
Guttenberg and John at Madison, Wisconsin; Augusta is the
wife of John Cassatt, of Guttenberg, in which village
also reside Henry and Otto; Hilda is the wife of Albert
Reed, of Gregory, Missouri; and Elsie remains at the
parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Dittmer have two children -
Leslie John and Dorothy Caroline Marie.
source: History of Clayton
County, Iowa; From The Earliest Historical Times Down to
the Present; by Realto E. Price, Vol. II; page 89-90
-submitted by S. Ferrall