Judy: "My Mallory
family first settled just a little north of the
Delaware County line in Clayton County, near what is
called skip level road along the Colesbrug to Garber
road. They lived, owned land, and worked in both
counties.Where they first settled is across the road
from the Brown Cemetery, and north toward
Allen Horace Mallory SR

Allen Horace Mallory, SR went by
"Horace". His oldest son, Allen Horace Mallory,
JR went by "Allen". Mallory township is named
for Allen.
Hard to think what life was like for Lucina (Allen)
Mallory, Horace's wife. She gave birth to about ten
children in New York State, and Iowa. She traveled from
New York to Iowa leaving her Dad, stepmom and favorite
After coming to Iowa, Horace, Lucinda and their family
settled in the Old Mallory cabin about 1837-8 in
Mallory Twp. Lucinda would have given birth to Annis
in the old cabin. She also had another child who died,
that I think was born in the cabin. I don't have a
picture of Lucinda.
She was first buried in a cemetery in Colesburg in
Delaware County next to the Masonic Lodge hall that was
later abandoned. Lucinda's remains with those of her
little daughter Susan, and their headstone, were moved to
the Brown cemetery in Clayton County. Even in death the
poor woman couldn't rest.
After Lucinda died, Horace married Rebecca Sterling.
Horace is also buried in Brown cemetery.
My granddad Dean told how his granddad told him that they
would get up in the morning in their old cabin, and
sometimes when it was really cold an indian would be
sleeping in front of the fireplace.
Allen 'Horace' Mallory, SR: 1795-1867
... his 1st wife Lucinda (Allen) Mallory died October 15,
... their daughter Susan died at age 1y 6m
(Mallory) Stone
of Horace & Lucinda (Allen) Mallory.
A Delaware county history tells
how Annis, who was born in Clayton county, was
the first child born in the area.
 Bess was Dean
Mallory's aunt, sister of his mother Mary White.
Bess was a teacher in the McGregor area.
Photo by Dean S. Mallory,
Sam Mallory and his son Dean

Dean Samuel Mallory on his pony, with his
dad, Sam Mallory, on the Mallory farm Section 9, Mallory
twp. The photo was taken with Dean's old tripod camera
about 1908, and developed from one of his glass
My granddad Dean S. Mallory's mother Mary died about a
week after he was born on the lower Mallory farm
where I grew up. His dad Sam, took Dean and they
lived with Sam's parents Augustus and Rose Mallory who
lived just across the road. Sam remarried when Dean
was about 8 years to a neighbor girl Elsie Grace
White. Augustus died when Dean was small,
and Dean was still pretty much raised
by Sam, and his Grandma Rose.
When Dean was about 17 yrs. he bought a tripod camera,
and took pictures of relatives, and area towns,
etc. He developed his pictures onto glass
negatives, and most of them he developed into
Samuel G. Mallory (1861-1948) Obituary
...his 1st wife, Mary (White) Mallory, died 1891 Obituary
Dean S. Mallory (1891-1977) Obituary & photo
...his wife, Edna Mae (Every) Mallory (1886-1980)

Photo by Dean S. Mallory, ca1908-1911
Neighbors helping to build the Sam
Mallory barn in Section 8, Mallory twp. Later the home of
Bob and Elsie Mallory & family. Sadly a strong wind
destroyed this barn a couple of years ago.
Close-ups of the above photo. The men
and boys are not identified.
Left side of

Right side of photo:

Making Maple Syrup

Making maple syrup in the spring on the Mallory farm
section 8, Mallory twp. Clayton County, Iowa
Photograph by Dean S. Mallory
ca1908-1913. Developed from his glass negative.
(see close-up of the photo below)
The family shared the syrup with friends,
and what they didn't use was put in barrels, and shipped
by train from Osterdock, IA and sold in the Eastern U.S.
Later years syrup was made just for our family, and
friends, and 1952 was the last year the Mallory family
made maple syrup.
I will never forget helping my granddad Dean Mallory
collect the sweet sap from the containers under the
spiels placed next to the maple trees. Standing near the
steam from the big pan (seen in the picture), and
smelling the sweet smell of the syrup as it was boiled
down on the fire. The fire was kept going day, and night,
and I recall my Uncle Hod Mallory tending the fire at
When it was near time to take the big pan off the fire,
my brother Bruce, and I made paddles from wooden
shingles. After they poured the thick maple syrup from
the big pan Bruce and I would use our paddles to lick up
some of the thicker syrup on the bottom of the big pan
My Mallory family had about 700 crock pots made at the
Colesburg, IA pottery factory years ago with the initials
"A.H.M." stamped on the side. They were made,
and used for years by my family to collect the maple
syrup as it ran out of the maple trees. They are bulky,
and hard to handle when collecting the sap, and took a
lot of room to store. Later metal pails, and one gallon
empty oil cans were collected, and replaced the crocks.
Older Family members used the crocks to feed chickens,
other animals, and over the years many were broken. Not
many are left, and some family members have &
treasure them, and pottery collectors have some.

My first Clayton County Iowa ancestor is
Allen Horace Mallory Sr. and seven of his sons have the
initials A.H.M., but the initials on this crock is
probably for Augustus Harford Mallory.
Close-up of the larger photo above. No
one pictured is identified.

Mallory family neighbors - the
Palmer family feeding their poultry

Photograph by Dean S. Mallory, ca 1908-1913

Henry Palmer (1872-1960) &
children Eugene, Arthur, daughter (Goldie or Alvina)
Palmer. The Palmer family lived in Section 4, Mallory
Twp. The old Penhollow family farm and a local
landmark 'The Mound' can also be seen in the
background of the top photo.
~*~ ~*~

< View of the Wisconsin River
flowing into the old Mississippi River was
probably taken from Pikes Peak ca1908-1913 by
Dean S. Mallory. This photo was developed from
one of his glass negatives. |
>The woods by Mound Creek on
Section 8, on the Mallory farm. The photo was
taken ca1908-1911 by Dean S. Mallory. |

Judy Holthaus can be reached via email. See the
surname registry for "Mallory"
Many other photos of the vicinity around Osterdock,
Mallory twp. have been contributed by Judy and are
displayed on various pages of this website.