1899 school picnic of the Beulah School at Beulah Falls
Front row: Tillie Holly, Kate Lestina, Maude Welch, (visitor), Mary Lestina, Elsie Bohonek, Lena Jarms, Ella Humphry, teacher, (visitor).
Second row: Lizzie Holly, Mary Marovets, Mamie Lestina, Pearl Welch, Jessie Lestina, Nellie Crimmins.
Third row: Anna Lestina, Henry Lestina, Jake Holly, Lon Burlinggame, Felix Bohonek, John Bohonek, Roy Welch, Carl Welch, Ben Bohonek, Marjorie Burlingame.
Fourth row: Frank V. Lestina, Ed Burlingame, John Marovets, Albert Holly, Rose Holly, John Holly, Anton Marovets, Bertha Jarmes, Frank Bohonek, Ben Lestina, Anna Bohonek, Grace Crimmans.
Close-up of students on the left side of the
Close-up of students and teacher on the right side of the photo:
~According to the photo caption, the picture was published in the BILLBOARD, brought in by Lon Burlingame, who is one of the students pictured
~Contributed by Bill Nelson from his personal collection