(page 1022-1027)
This is township 95 north,
range 5 west. It contains thirty six full sections,
and is bounded on the north by Allamakee County on
the east by Giard Township, on the south by Wagner,
and on the west by Grand Meadow. About seven-eighths
of the township is high rolling prairie, and the
remaining part timber. The highest point of land in
Clayton County is said to be in Monona Township. The
divide between the Turkey and the Yellow Rivers runs
throughout it. Bloody Run drains about one square
mile on the east, and branches of Robert's Creek
drain it on the south. Hickory Creek runs through the
northwestern corner of the township. The quality of
soil is equal to the best that can be found in the
West, and consists of black clay loam, with loose
clay sub-soil, which, with thorough farming, produces
excellent crops of all kinds of grain and grass.
On the 13th day of July, 1840, P. P. Olmsted and his
brother David set out from Prairie du Chien across
the Mississippi in search of a home. After one or two
days' journey, they concluded to make a claim in what
is now Monona Township. Returning to Prairie du
Chien, they purchased an outfit for keeping house,
and then settled on their claim. They were the first
white settlers in Monona Township. About two miles
northwest of their location, was an Indian village,
with a population of 200 Winnebagoes, whose chief was
Whirling Thunder. There was also a farm of about
forty-five acres connected with the village and
cultivated by the Indians. This farm had been broken
and fenced by the United States Government in 1838.
They found the Indians peaceable, but never regarded
them as very agreeable neighbors. Their first
experience concerning the character of their
neighbors was derived a few days after they had
completed their cabin. Some of the Indians called
during the absence of Mr. Olmsted and brother, and
carried away all their bed clothes and provisions.
The next October, Whirling Thunder and his band moved
to Fort Atkinson, where the whole Winnebago tribe of
Indians, numbering about 3,400, were being moved,
most of them from Wisconsin, for the purpose of
compelling them to occupy the neutral grounds,
according to stipulation. The Indians often crossed
their reservation lines, however, and visited the
whites. Speaking of the Indians, Mr. Olmsted says:
"We were often visited by the Indians, who were
friendly and peaceable. On two or three occasions
only did they show any disposition to injure us.
About the first of August after we had completed our
cabin, brother David went to Grant County, Wis.,
where he remained about two weeks leaving me alone to
work on our claim, and during his absence eight or
ten Indians, of both sexes, came into our cabin and
asked for food. I gave them what I had cooked, but
which did not appear to satisfy them. One of them
commenced searching the cabin for more food, which
did not surprise me or cause me any alarm until I
discovered that he held in his right hand a butcher
knife with blade drawn, which he tried to conceal
under his blanket, but which I discovered probably in
time to save my life, for as soon as I saw it and
noticed the manner in which he held the knife, I was
satisfied that he intended to take my life, and I
immediately stepped to one corner of the room and
caught hold of an ax, which was the best weapon
within my reach, and told them to go out of the
house, which order was obeyed with some apparent
"About the first of the following November,
brother David and myself being at our cabin together,
seven strong-looking Indians came from the west, and
upon speaking with them we discovered that they
intended mischief. The first words spoken by them
were threats to burn our cabin. After hearing their
threats we bolted the door. They did not show any
weapons, and I think they did not intend to injure
us, but as soon as we shut the door against them,
they commenced trying to break it down by throwing
their weight against it. About the time they
commenced trying to break down the door, Mr.
Schnider, then employed as blacksmith at the mission
near Fort Atkinson, came along with his team, and the
Indians withdrew from the house. Knowing that Mr.
Schnider had been employed by the Government for
several years, and could converse with the Indians in
their own language, we requested him to stay with us
that night and try to persuade the Indians to be
peaceable and not further molest us. Mr. Schnider
very kindly complied with our request, and succeeded
in preventing any further attack upon our premises.
"What the result would have been had not Mr.
Schnider come along just at that time, I am unable to
determine. Had the Indians persisted in their attack
upon our cabin we should have defended it to the
utmost of our power, but they might have overpowered
us and our lives been sacrified. I shall ever
remember with gratitude the timely aid rendered us by
Mr. Schnider, who afterward settled in and became a
respected citizen of Giurd Township."
In February, 1841, S. Cummings and wife, with, three
children, removed into the township. Mrs. Cummings
was thus the first white woman to live in Monona
Township. One of her children whom she brought with
her, and who was born in Giard the November previous,
was afterward Mrs.Oscar Collins. Mr. Cummings died in
1843, and Mrs. Cummings subsequently became wife of
P. P. Olmsted.
In the early summer of 1841, the two Olmsteds sold
claim to John Rowe, and they then selected claims, on
a part of each of which the village of Monona has
been built. During that summer P. P. Olmsted built a
hewed log house, which was the first house built in
the village. In the fall he sold his claim to A. T.
Depue, bought his brother's claim, and erected a
frame house 16x30 feet. This is believed to have been
the first frame dwelling built north of Prairie La
Porte and Millville. In the spring of 1842, C. B.
Grey built a blacksmith shop which he P.P. Olmsted
carried on that year. Among their customers were:
Asaph Griswold and James Carlin, who resided
southeast of Garnavillo; Elisha Boardman, John
Downie, H. D. Brownson, and Jeremiah Gould, residing
at and near where Elkader been built; John and Thomas
Linton, living near Yellow River and Joel Post, of
During the following summer, E.D. Button (afterward
of Clermont), E. Bonnel and John Roberts settled in
the township, all of them unmarried men. The same
year two rival whisky shops were started, known as
Sodom and Gomorrah. In 1844 Mr. Bushnell and family,
P. B. Moore and family, and John Zimmerman, came to
Monona Township. By 1847 the population of the
township was about forty.
In the summer of 1840 a man by the name of Howard
came to the township and erected and operated a hotel
near where the Ten Mile House now stands. He was a
gambler by profession and the year following his
arrival killed a man named Sanders, of Giard
Township. This was the first murder in the present
limits of the country. Howard fled the country and
was never afterward heard from.
James King came in 1841, and purchased the house that
was erected by Howard, but subsequently located about
two miles west of where Monona now stands. He was a
native of Canada West but had lived at Prairie du
Chien. After remaining here several years he returned
to Canada. But Canada manners, Canada customs and
Canada climate did not suit him, so he again came to
Iowa and located at McGregor, where he remained until
his death. John Rowe came the same year and purchased
the claim of the Olmsted Brothers, known as the Cold
Springs. Here he remained about three years, when he
sold out and located on the southeast quarter of
section 23, where he remained a few years, selling
that and buying a place on Hickory Creek. Shortly
after buying this place, he sold out and removed to
Minnesota, where he is at present residing.
John Bull was another locating here in 1841. He was
from Pennsylvania. After remaining here a short time
he went to Wisconsin, where he married, and a few
years later returned to this county and settled near
Garnavillo, where he resided until his death.
The same summer C. B. Guy and Robert Tucker, the
latter a discharged soldier, came and located a
claim, which was subsequently known as the V. H.
McNeil place. In the summer of 1842 Guy built a
blacksmith shop in company with P. P. Olmsted, and
ran the first blacksmith shop in the township, and
the first north of Turkey River. People came from
Elkader and Garnavillo for their work. Guy
subsequently removed to McGregor, and from there to
Postville, where he still resides. Tucker remained
here until 1849, when he went to California, and on
return-took up a claim in Wagner Township, and
subsequently one in Mendon Township, where he died.
A. T. DePugh moved in late in the summer of 1841, and
settled the northwest quarter of section 13,
purchasing the same of P. P. Olmsted. He was from
On the 7th day of June, 1847, Monona was named by a
vote of majority of the people who met for the
purpose of organizing the township. The name was
intended to be after the Indian maiden who, tradition
said, when separated from her lover by her father,
leaped from a high rock into the Mississippi River.
It was afterward, when too late, discovered that
Winona was the name intended. When first organized,
Monona Township extended east to the Mississippi, and
north and west to the neutral line. About one-fourth
of what is now Monona Township was formerly included
in the neutral ground.
Jedediah Barker and Patrick Cain were the first
Trustees, and J.C. Stults the first Township Clerk.
In the summer of 1847, Reuben Gregg, John Gregg, B.
McGonigle, Joseph Degraw, and their families, and A.
Scott came into the township.
The Winnebago Indians were removed in 1848, to
Minnesota, which opened the northwestern part of
Monona to settlement by the whites, as well as a vast
and fertile country north and west. At this date
commenced the true and rapid prosperity of Monona
Township. Prior to that date settlement was slow,
owing to the presence of the savages.
In 1849 a postoffice was established at Monona, and
P. P. Olmsted was appointed Postmaster. A store was
started the same year by T. A. Olmsted and P.P.
Olmsted. At this time many new settlers came in,
among them Matthew Thompson, Andrew Thompson and
their families, John McAndrew and family, Francis and
Hugh Carr and David Drummond. In the summer of 1848
Monona, Grand Meadow and Marion Townships were
surveyed, and in 1850 the land was offered for sale
and was rapidly purchased by emigrants, but very
little being bought by speculators. Since 1851 the
population of Monona Township has increased from 100
to 1,500.
The first school was taught by Miss Wiltsey in the
summer of 1845, in a part of P. P. Olmsted's house.
In 1849 the first school-house was built. It was a
frame building, and was located in the northeastern
part of the village.
Zion German M. E. Church, of Monona, was organized
bv Rev. Fred. Smith in 1869. The first members were
as follows: Jacob and Sarah Christian, Peter and
Julia Christian, William and Barbara Brinkman,
Valentine and Mary Bernhardt, John and Mary God,
Frank and Elizabeth Hupfer, Philip Hines and wife.
The first Trustees were William Brinkman, Peter
Christian and Philip Hines. The ministers of the
society have been as follows in their order: Peter
Helwig, Carl Schuler, Rodall Frigenbaum, August
Limburg, Henry Caste, August Brumm and H. Caste.
The present Trustees are Peter Christian, William
Brinkman and Jacob Christian. They have a small frame
church, 30 x 40, which cost $1,170. The first
Superintendent of the Sunday-school was Philip Hines;
the present one, Peter Christian.
(page 1022-1027)
In 1850 several families in Scotland united for
the purpose of emigrating to America in a body.
Landing in this country, they came West and selected
land in Monona Township. The Clydesdale Colony, as it
was known, was composed of James Freebairn and
family, John McAndrew and family, James Love, John
Jack and family, John Davy, Robert St. Clair and
family, David Drummond and family, Andrew Anderson
and family, John Campbell and family, John McHuffy,
John Craig and family, and Alex, McKinsley. James
Freebairn was President of the colony. Among those
now living are David Drummond and Andrew Anderson.
The rest have passed away, but among their
descendants are found some of the best citizens of
Clayton County.
Village of
(page 1027-1030)
The most important village to-day in the township
is that of Monona, which was laid out in July, 1851,
by Ezra Hurd, County Surveyor, for P. P. Olmsted, B.
B. Harding, Silas Egbert, Daniel Brown and J. T. H.
Scott. It is situated on the south half of section
12, township 95 north, range 5 west. New Monona
contains part of sections 11 and 13, in addition to
the above. It was surveyed May 1, 1856, by Norman
Hamilton, for Paul Egbert, Orpha Depue, H. E. Howe,
T. G. Slitor, Joseph Degraw, P. P. Olmsted and B. M.
Fonda. In 1867 Elijah Boley made an addition in the
northwest corner of section 13.
Monona has had a varied existence, sometimes being
prosperous and again apparently lifeless. Its
situation is pleasant, and it is surrounded by as
fine farming country as can be found in the State.
A store had been established here in 1849 by T. A.
& P. P. Olmsted, for the benefit of the community
surrounding. This was the beginning of the mercantile
trade, which is now represented by a number of good
substantial firms.
T. A. Killen & Co., who do business here, carry a
large and varied stock of general merchandise, and
occupy a room 70 x 22.
The business was established in 1868 by T. A. Killen
and Paul Egbert, who continued until 1872, when John
Killen purchased the interest of Mr. Egbert, the firm
now consisting of T. A. and J. Killen.
The oldest drug store, the old reliable one of the
place, is that of C. A. Dean, established in 1856. He
bought out P. P. Olmsted in the general store and
added a full stock of drugs. He is also Postmaster,
and has been since 1861.
William A. McGonigle is a druggist, who commenced
business in 1881. His line of drugs, books and
stationery is up to the demand of the times and
The business now carried on by Cortis & Howard
was established in 1875 by Cortis & McNeil, and
continued by them for two years, when Mr. Cortis
became sole proprietor, but soon after taking as a
partner F. H. Howard. The firm carries a stock of
general merchandise.
A. M. Davis is the present hardware dealer of the
village. The business was established in 1867, by E.
Boley, who controlled it till 1867, when Mr. Davis
became proprietor.
A. C. Norton, photographer, commenced business here
in 1872, and at the expiration of the first decade,
finds his business in a satisfactory shape. He is
also a dealer in clocks, of which he has in stock a
fine line.
The manufacturing interests of Monona are centered in
a steam grist mill, erected in 1875, by F. L.
Wellman. It is two stories in height, and 75 x 36
feet in size. The building was erected at a cost of
$1,500. The machinery in the same is valued at
The secret and benevolent societies of Monona are
the Masonic and United Workmen.
Clayton Lodge, No 70, A. F. & A.M.., was
organized March 30, 1854, under a dispensation from
the Grand Lodge officers of the State of Iowa. The
first meeting was held in the hall above the
postoffice, with the following officers and members
present: John Northrop, W. M.; William S. Scott, S.
W.; Moses Teeters, J. W.; C. N. Atwood, Treasurer;
Charles Bates, Secretary; William Crawford, Tyler; H.
H. Soule, Chaplain. The lodge continued to grow in
membership and influence until the next annual
communication of the Grand Lodge, held June 5, 1856,
at which time a charter was granted. The first
officers elected under the charter were: John
Northrop, W. M., William S. Scott, S. W.; C. A. Dean,
J. W P. B. Mason, Treasurer; T. R. Comstock,
Secretary; B. H. Olmsted, S. D.; E. H. Fowler, J. D.;
S. M. Wilford, Tyler; Rev. James Stout, Chaplain. The
lodge has had on its rolls the names of 166 members.
The following named have officiated as W. M. since
the organization of the lodge: John Northrop W. S.
Scott, C. A. Dean, J. T. H. Scott, P. B. Mason, F. D.
Hinckley, Rev. Moses Polley, William Mott, E. L.
Rice, J. R. Milliman, and E. J. Dailey. This lodge
furnished ten volunteers for the Union army during
the Rebellion— T. H. Barnes, M. W. Barnes John
Everall, A.L. Payne, T.A. Olmsted, J. G. Orr, J.A.
Reed, Theodore Sherman and Willoughby Wells. The
present officers of the lodge are: E. J. Dailey W.
M.; Thomas Sherman S. W.; James Watkins, J. W.; John
Killen, Treasurer; Moses Polley, Secretary; William
Brown, Tvler; Rev. Moses Polley, Chaplain.
Monona Lodge, No. 172, A. O. U. W., was organized
June 10, 1878, with the following named officers and
charter members, seventeen in all: Silas Egbert, P.
M. W.; Fred. L. Welliman, M. W.; J. H. McGonigle,
Foreman; Chas. A. Strobridge, Overseer; John Killen,
Recorder; P. P. Olmsted, Jr., Financier; Paul Egbert,
Receiver; George Egbert, Guide; John A. Thompson,
Inside Watchman; Henry J. Rudel, Outside Watchman; A.
M. Wheeler, F. H. Howard, Dr. H. T. Schneider, Dr. C.
H. Hamilton, A. C. Norton, William Smith. The lodge
is now in good financial condition, with money in its
treasury, and has a present membership of
twenty-four. One death has occurred in the lodge
—A. M. Wheeler. The following named are the
present officers: John Killen, P. M. W.; Henry C,
Howe, M. W.; George Egbert, Foreman; J. H. Barnes,
Overseer; John Woodard, Guide; C. H. Hamilton,
Recorder; H. T. Schneider, Financier; F. H. Howard,
Receiver; H.J. Rudel, Inside Watchman; F. L. Wellman,
Outside Watchman.
Northern Light Lodge, No. 156, I. O. O. F., was
organized Oct. 17, 1867, by Grand Master William P.
Sharp, assisted by William Garrett, Grand Secretary,
with the following named charter members: L. G.
Ireland, E. L. Rice, Harvey Murphy, Jonas Degraw, A.
A. Frendy and F. F. Winters; ancient members, J. R.
Powers and Elijah Bailey. The following named were
elected and appointed first officers of the lodge: L.
G. Ireland, N. G.; E. L. Rice, V. G.; L. S. Butler,
Sec.; H. Murphy, Treas.; Moses Polly, C.; A.A.
Frendy, W.; J.R. Bowers, R. S. N. G.; E. Boley, L. S.
N. G.; J. Degraw, R.S. V. G.; William Brown, L. S. N.
G.; Moses Polly, Chaplain. The lodge has had a very
successful career, and has initiated ninety-six
members since its organization, numbering at the
present time forty in good standing. The following
comprises the list of Past Grands: L. G. Ireland, E.
L. Rice, J. R. Bowers, H. Murphy, L. Butler. E.
Boley, A. Elmore, Wm. Brown Jed Barker, Matthew
Thompson, J. F. Thompson, F. L. Wellrnan, James Love,
M. Polley, J. Hicks, R. W. Randall, Wm. Horrobin, A.
C. Norton, David Grube, H. T. Schneider, James Gregg,
H. Gilster, E. Green and Henry Heman. The hall which
the lodge occupies was purchased for the sum of
$2,000, of which amount every dollar was paid, and
the lodge is out of debt and in good condition
financially. The present officers of the lodge are:
E. L. Rice, N. G.; Peter Grube, V. G.; J. R. Bowers,
Sec ; E. Green, Treas.; H. Gilster, W.; F. L.
Wellman, C.; W. Brown, O. G.; W. R. Brown. I. G.;
Warren Cassady, R. S. N. G.; H. Downing, L. S. N. G.;
R. P. Oliver, R. S. V. G.; A. Williams, L. S. N. G.;
E. L. Rice, F. L. Wellman, H. Heman, Trustees.
Village of
(page 1030-1031)
The village of Hardin was surveyed in January,
1854, by S. P. Hicks, County Surveyor, for Leonard B.
Hodges and others, on the northwest quarter of
section 6, township 95 north, range 5 west. West
Hardin was added in 1855 by Leonard B. Hodges, and
another addition was made in 1858 by David Dickerson
and C. E. Dickerson.
Previous to the survey and platting of the village a
store and several dwelling-houses had been erected,
and the prospect was deemed good for the building up
of a most flourishing town or city. Surrounded by a
splendid agricultural country, which was fast filling
up with an enterprising people, everything seemed to
favor the owners of the land and cause them to make
an effort to win a prize by the sale of town lots,
and affording a market for the large amount of
produce that would be raised by farmers in the
The first store was opened by A. D. Frazer, one of
the original proprietors of the place, in 1851, and
in the spring of 1852 R. T. Burnham brought on a
large stock of goods. This may be said to be the
beginning of the new town. With the growth of the
town the mercantile trade increased, so that in 1855
there were five stores where complete stocks of
general merchandise were kept for sale; while at the
same time all other trades were represented. No town
in the northern part of the State was then in a more
flourishing condition.
The name of the first man running a blacksmith shop
in the place has been forgotten by the early settlers
living in 1882, but Robert Montgomery came at an
early day and operated for some years.
The first religious service held in the place was in
a log school-house two years before the village was
laid out. Rev. Mr. Bishop, of the Methodist Episcopal
church, officiated. The first house of worship
controlled by this influential body of Christian
workers, was originally erected for a wagon shop, but
purchased and fitted up for divine services. This was
probably the first class organized in the Northwest.
The town of Hardin was so named in honor of Colonel
Hardin, of Illinois. As already stated, it was at one
time a very flourishing place, but the building of
the railroad about two miles south left it "out
in the cold," and from that time forward it
began to decline until to-day it has but little left
to show where once a pleasant, thrifty and
enterprising village once existed. The business of
the place is now represented by Julius C. Beedy, who
is the Postmaster and merchant.
Village of
(page 1031-1033)
The village of Luana is on the line of the C., M.
& St. P. R. R., and was surveyed December, 1867,
for Wm. S. Scott, proprietor, and is situated on
section 8, township 95 north, range 5 west. Additions
were made in 1871, by Alpheus Ernst, and in 1872 by
Asher Adams, S. E. Adams, J. M. Truman, H. M. Truman,
J. M. Chapman and S. M. Chapman.
The town was so named in honor of Mrs. Scott, the
wife of the proprietor, whose Christian name was
Luana. Previous to the survey being made there was a
frame house erected upon the site in 1853 by Jacob
Zimmerman. After platting the village the first house
erected was by E. P. Oliver.
The first store building erected was by William Mott.
The first stock of general merchandise was by Thomas
The first blacksmith was David Jennings.
The first wagon-makers were Daily & Luddington.
The first shoemaker was was Watson Askew.
The first school-teacher in District No. 3, of which
Luana is a part, was Andrew J. Felt.
The first religious services held in the neighborhood
were by Rev. J. R. Cameron, of the Methodist
Episcopal church.
The postoffice was established in 1864, James M.
Chapman being the first Postmaster. The present
Postmaster is A. M. Bronson. The office is a
money-order office.
The first hotel in the place was kept by William S.
Scott, who continued the business for eight years.
Jacob Buck is one of the principal dealers now in the
place. He opened a stock of general merchandise in
1879, and has since been identified with the place.
C. A. Strowbridge is the druggist of the place, and
carries a stock equal to the demand.
The Methodist Episcopal church at Luano was organized
by Rev. J. R. Cameron in 1867. Robert P. Oliver was
appointed Class-Leader; John Lawcock and W. S. Scott
were elected Stewards. In 1868 the society
contemplated erecting a house of worship, and the
following named persons were elected Trustees of the
church: Wm. S. Scott, Luther Nichols, Benjamin
Bettys, J. M. Chapman, Geo. W. Oathout, Jas. Adams,
John Lowcock [note spelling difference earlier in
paragraph]. These with the stewards and class-leader
were the first officers of the church.
The first religious services were held in a brick
school-house, which then stood about half a mile west
of town, but has since been removed.
The following are the names of the pastors who have
had charge of Luano church: J. R. Cameron, first
appointed in 1865, three years; A. G. Wood, part of
one year; Wm. Cobb, two years; J. O. Hazelton, two
years; G. L. Garison, one year; C. Cressy, two years;
H. H. Hammond, one year; C. H. Taylor, three years;
E. Ketchum (present incumbent), now in second year.
There has been scarcely a year since its organization
that has not witnessed some new accessions to the
membership of the church; but the revivals especially
noteworthy, occurred during the pastorates of J. R.
Cameron and W. Cobb. Large numbers were converted and
united with the church under each of these pastors.
At the close of Mr. Cobb's pastorate the membership
numbered 105, the largest membership that the church
has ever had at any one time. The foundation of the
present house of worship was laid in 1868, and the
building finished in 1870. It is 34 x 60 feet, and
cost $4,000.
The present officers of the church are: Pastor, E.
Ketchum; Class-Leader, Wm. S. Scott; Stewards, Wm. S.
Scott, Geo. W. Oathout, John Lowcock; Trustees, Wm.
S. Scott, John Lowcock, I.D. Olmsted, Geo. W.
Oathout, D. I. Farnham, A. McKellar, J. M. Chapman.
There has been such a large emigration from this
region west ward that the church during the last five
years has sustained a loss of seventy-six members by
removals. The present membership is fifty-six.
A Sunday-school was held in the brick school-house
each summer from 1857 to 1867. Stephen H. Thompson
was the first Superintendent. Since the organization
of the church, the Sunday-school has been held winter
and summer. The present officers are: Superintendent,
Guy Higby; Assistant-Superintendent, Mrs J. M.
Chapman; Secretary, Nellie Russel; Librarian, Edward
Dailey; Treasurer, Mrs. L. L. Von Berg. Enrollment,
sixty-three. Average attendance, forty-seven.
History of the District Township of Monona
(page 1033-1036)
During the summer of 1845 the first school ever
taught in the district township of Monona was taught
in a dwelling-house owned and occupied by P. P.
Olmsted in the present village of Monona, Mrs.
Wiltsee having been employed as teacher. The
following year a school was held in a small building
owned by John Bull, and afterward owned by Reuben
Gregg, and used by him as a carpenter shop, and
located on the lot now occupied by the Monona House.
Miss Gay was employed as teacher. A school was taught
here for several terms previous to the organization
of a school district and the building of a
Until 1855 no schools had been held outside of the
village of Monona within the limits of the present
district township of Monona. During this year a
school was taught in the present district now known
as Sub-district No. 2, Miss A. L. Winter teaching a
few pupils in a dwelling-house occupied by her
father, Mr. Jacob Winter. In 1857 and 1858 schools
were taught in the same district in a small log
building owned by Harvey Green, and that had been
previously used as a saloon. Miss Priscilla L. Winter
and Miss Clementine Fonda taught here.
During the winter 1854-1855 a school was taught in a
small building owned by W. S. Scott in the village of
Luana. The irrepressible A. Felt, afterward editor of
the Nashua Post was employed as teacher.
In 1856 the first school-house erected within the
present limits of the district township of Monona,
was built half a mile west of the town of Luana.
Through the energy of its citizens, and Board of
Directors, composed of W. S. Scott and S. H. Oathout,
they succeeded in building a commodious and
substantial brick school-house that for nineteen
years fully met the wants of the district. John
Ufford taught the first school. During this year Miss
Angeline Tibbetts taught a school in the place, then
known as Clydesdale, in a small log-building still
standing on the farm owned by James Thomas. During
this year also the citizens built a small
school-house within the district, now known as
Sub-district No. 5, and employed Charles Ford to
teach the winter term of 1856-1857.
In 1857 James Parker, E. Rowland, Robert Killen and
E. F. Boyles organized a school district in the
northeastern part of Monona Township, embracing a
part of Monona Township and a part of Franklin
Township in Allamakee County, and employed Miss
Angeline Tibbetts to teach a few pupils in a house
occupied by Mr. Tibbetts. In 1858 the School Board of
which employed E. F. Boyles to build a small frame
school-house in said district at an expense of about
$350, and employed Miss Angeline Tibbetts to teach
the first term.
Until 1858 there had been but little unity of action
in respect to school matters within the township; but
under the "New School Law" the township was
organized into sub-districts.
The first meeting of the electors of the district
township of Monona, for the purpose of electing
school-officers, was held in the village of Monona on
the 3d day of May 1858.
The whole number of votes cast was eighty-eight, of
which H. C. Martin received for President,
eighty-five; P. P. Olmsted, two; O. D. Bowles, one;
J. T. Mott, received for Vice-President,
eighty-seven; E. B. Hutchinson, Secretary,
eighty-eight; Silas Egbert, Treasurer, eighty-eight.
Wm. Mead and T. G. Slitor, Judges.
The first meeting of the Board of Directors of the
district township, was held May 11, 1858, and was
composed of the following persons : P. P. Olmsted,
Thomas Glass, W. S. Scott, L. Seymour, W. G.
Alexander and E. F. Boyles.
On June 2S, 1858, was held the first meeting of
electors of Monona Township, for the purpose of
voting a tax to defray the expenses of schools. A tax
of four mills upon a dollar was voted.
Sept 6, 1858, was held the first meeting of the
electors of the township for the purpose of voting a
tax for building school-houses. A tax of five mills
upon a dollar was voted.
In 1858 a district was organized in the southwest
part of Monona Township, now known as Sub-district
No. 4, and during the winter 1859 Miss Rosie A. Glass
taught a school in her father's dwelling-house,
receiving as compensatien [sic], $15 per month.
During the year 1861 the Board of Directors divided
the District Township into seven sub-districts, the
boundaries of which have remained essentially the
same to the present time.
Under the direction of the Board of Directors in 1871
Mr. James Parker was authorized to build a frame
school-house in sub-district, joint one at an expense
of $800. In Sub-district No. 2, there were no
permanent accommodations for holding schools until
1862. Previous to this time schools had been taught
in several different places. During this year I. P.
Winter, E. F. Boyles and Alexander Gilchrist were
authorized to have a frame school-house built in said
district at an expense of $450, and R. M. Slitor was
employed to teach during the winter term of
The old "brick school-house" in
Sub-district No. 3 being too small to furnish
suitable accommodations for the growing necessities
of the place, the Board of Directors appointed a
committee composed of S. H. Thompson, Wm. Mott and
David Grube to relocate the site for a school-house,
and build a two-story frame building, which was
completed and furnished at an expense of $2,500.
At the present time commodious and well arranged
school-houses have been supplied to all the
sub-districts of the township, and by the judicious
management of the various Boards of Directors, the
schools have produced practical results that will
compare favorably with the best schools of the rural
After a district was organized for the village of
Monona and adjacent territory, a small school-house
was built, daring the year 1849, upon a lot south of,
and adjoining the lot of the present school-house in
the village of Monona.
As the demands for more ample accommodations required
a larger building, during the year 1854 a large
two-story brick building was erected, that for
several years met the wants of the district.
Until the year 1867 the village of Monona was a part
of the district township.
As the district deemed it necessary to re-locate and
build a new school-house, during the year 1869 the
present school-house was built, a large two-story
brick building, at an expense of about $17,000.
In 1858 Hardin became an independent district, and
is composed of parts of Monona, in Clayton County,
and parts of Post and Franklin Townships in Allamakee
County. During the present year a commodious frame
building will be erected amply sufficient to meet all
the wants of the district.