The early settlers of Iowa took a deep interest in
the cause of education, which interest has always
been maintained, so that to-day illiteracy among the
native born is almost unknown. Clayton County
pioneers were no exception to the rule, the
school-house being erected as soon as a sufficient
number of scholars could be gotten together for the
purpose of receiving instruction. The first schools
in the county were private or select schools, but the
public school system was adopted as soon as a
sufficient fund was created for that purpose.
By an act passed by the first General Assembly,
and approved by the Governor, Jan. 24, 1847, the
office of school fund commissioner was created, and
Eliphalet Price was the first person elected to that
office in Clayton County. A sketch of Judge Price
will be found in the chapter of "Illustrious and
Prominent Dead." He was succeeded in 1850 by
Samuel Murdock, who served with ability and fidelity
until 1858. He was succeeded by H.S. Granger, and he
by Isaac Mathews, in whose term the office was
abolished. Judge Murdock's biography appears in
connection with the history of the bar of Clayton
County, of which he is the father. On the subject of
"School Fund Commissioners," Hon. John
Everall, in an address delivered before the Teachers'
Institute in 1875, thus speaks:
"By the old law, in force previous to 1858,
the man at the head of the school interests of the
county was the school fund commissioner. He had the
power, and it was his duty to organize new districts
and establish their boundaries. He was not obligated
to confine his lines to the township boundaries. The
center of a settlement was generally made the center
of a district, and hence some of the peculiarly
shaped districts we now have. It was also his duty to
make an abstract of the reports of the district
secretaries for the State Superintendent of Public
Instruction, but his most responsible duty was taking
charge of and apportioning the school fund, a duty
now falling to the county auditor, this apportionment
(page 357) being the interest
of the proceeds of the sale of the sixteenth section
of land in each township, set apart by the General
Government for school purposes. The salary of this
commissioner was such pay for his services as the
sheriff, clerk and district attorney were pleased to
allow him, subject to the approval of the
superintendent of public instruction, and amounted in
this county to about $300 per year, to which was
added something for contingent expenses. The law made
it the duty of directors to examine teachers,
touching their qualifications to teach spelling,
reading, writing, geography, history and English
grammar, but I never heard of a Board of Directors
doing it. Districts had a right to levy a tax for
building school-houses and contingent expenses, but
if they wanted any more money than the commission
furnished for the teachers, they had to raise it by
voluntary subscription, or by an assessment of so
much a head on pupils.
"Of course the school accomodations were not
in those days what they are now. The first house in
which I taught was of logs, with a 'shake' roof that
was decidedly shaky. When new it had been the shelter
of a family; when too far gone for that it had
answered the purpose of a stable, and -- then it was
our schoolroom. The transition was not sudden, for I
remember that the Director, pointing to an old
fireplace back of the extemporized desk where I was
to preside in all my first-term dignity, said,
"John, thar's an old hen on fifteen eggs in
thar; she'll be off in a few days, and I'll be
obliged if you will watch 'er a little and not let
the children disturb 'er!" And so I watched for
the chickens while I taught the children and all came
off right as near as I can remember."
In 1849 Clayton County had 403 persons of school
age, and the apportionment of money that year
amounted to $238.20. In point of numbers Clayton was
the twenty-fourth county in the State. The following
year 607 persons of school age were reported. In 1852
there were of school age 1,558 persons. The next year
2,823. At this time there were seven schools in the
county, with 330 names enrolled, five male and four
female teachers, the average compensation being about
$12 per month. This was probably exclusive of board,
as the teacher in those days "boarded
'round," as it was called. Clayton was now about
the fourteenth county in point of school population.
During the next ten years Clayton made rapid strides
as compared with other counties. In 1863 it had 8,800
(page 358) persons of School
age, being exceeded in such population by only two
counties in the State. There were organized 145
sub-districts, being fifteen more than any other
county had. There were 244 teachers with an
enrollment of 5,886, and an average attendance of
3,411. In 1872 there were 11,168 persons of school
age, twenty-one township districts, 136 sub-districts
and seventeen independent districts. There were
ninety-five frame, twenty brick, twenty log and
nineteen stone school-houses, valued at $135,321. The
average compensation of teachers was males, $40.68;
females, $26.04. In 1874 there were twenty township
districts, 139 sub-districts and eighteen independent
distraicts, and number of persons of school age about
the same as in 1872. In 1876 there were nineteen
district townships, 132 sub-districts and thirty-two
independent districts. The average compensation paid
male teachers was $40.43; female teachers, $28.74.
there were then 11,543 persons of school age, with an
enrollment of 7,804 and an average attendance of
4,551. There were 106 frame, twenty-five brick,
twenty-four stone and fifteen log school-houses,
valued at $153,285. In 1882 there were twenty
district townships, 132 sub-districts and thirty-five
independent districts. There were employed in the
schools ninety male and 198 female teachers, with an
average monthy compensation for males, $35.07 and
females, $26.46. The number of persons of school age
was 10,413, a falling off from 1876. there were 11
frame, twenty-six brick, twenty stone and six log
school-houses valued at $150,145.
In 1857 Hon. Maturin F. Fisher, of this county,
was elected State Superintendent of Public Schools.
He prepared a bill for a new law on the common-school
question, and presented it to the Legislature. After
material changes the bill passed. In Mr. Fisher's
report for 1858 convincing argurments are set forth
in favor of the bill as prepared. From that report it
is learned there were then in the county 5,147
persons of school age, ninety-three organized
districts, seventy-two schools, forty-six male and
forty-seven female teachers. The average salary for
males was $19.70 a month, and for females, $9.72.
There were raised that year $1,717.72 by voluntary
subscription for teachers. There were six brick, five
stone and twenty five log school-houses.
The new law provided for a tax for teachers' fund,
and gave each county a superintendent of public
schools, whose duties were very nearly the same as
now. For salary, he had an amount equal to (page 359) the pay of the clerk of
the District Court, augmented by as much as the
district presidents at their meeting might allow him,
his entire pay not in any event, howeer, to exceed,
by more than one-eighth that of clerk. The salary in
this county was $500.
From that address of Mr. Everall, already quoted
from , the following is extracted:
"In the spring of 1858 our first County
Superintendent, Alonzo Brown, was elected. He was, at
the time, comparatively a stranger and for his
nomination and election, the friends of education
were in a large measure indebted to Judge Murdock. I
have, in the past, often spoken to you of him and of
Mr. Emory, his sccessor. I was a frequent visitor at
both their homes, and am aware that I may be too
partial for a historian. About a month after Mr.
Brown's election I obtained my first certificate. A
history of that transaction, and the effect it had
upon me when afterward called upon to examine
teachers, I gave you on a previous occasion. The
history of the High-School building, and its
crumbling foundation, at Garnavillo, which foundation
I have told you I regarded a fitting monument to the
menory of the Legislature that repealed the law, is
familiar to the most of you. The law provided that
the directors of each township, should, at a yearly
competitive examination, select three of their best
scholars who should receive tuition free at the
"Mr. Brown believed that the true way to
improve our schools was to improve our teachers and
excite a deep interest among patrons. The latter he
undertook by holding meetings throughout the county,
in most of the townships, where teachers, parents and
children were brought together. These meetings were
highly successful. For the improvement of teachers he
had, though not without opposition, a Teachers'
School at Garnavillo in the fall of 1858. As our
teacher, many of us met here, for the first time
since that time, and has probably educated more
teachers than any other person in the county, and
has, besides, done very much for our educational
interests. At the close of the school we held our
first institute. About thirty-five teachers wee
present. It was not unlike institutes we have
attended since. Some of us were deficient in
scholarship, but many were there who would stand well
to the front at your institutes of to-day. And many
of the discussions, if they could be reproduced,
would, I think, convince some of the teachers of the
present institutes that there is not so (page 360) much of the new under the
sun as they seem to imagine. Of course there was the
usual arithmetical puzzles, the usual amount of
sparring and sulking among the singers, and lastly, I
can assure you, there was the usual amount of
flirtation. If any of the 'schoolma'ams' went home
alone in the evening it was not the fault of the
boys! I always dream of those old friends at our
first School and Institute as they appeared then,
though I know it to be a false picture. Time changes
us all.
"During this institute this association was
organized, with Prof. Briggs as President and W.H.
Muzzy as Secretary. The winter after its organization
the association met at Elkader. The minutes are lost,
but I remember that we had a good meeting. A Mr.
Ainsworth, of West Union, delivered an excellent
address. It was our custom to hold a June session.
The June session of that year was at National. The
minutes of this meeting are also lost. We had a live
meeting, and, for the first itme at our meetings, the
Bible question was discussed. After a spirited
debate, a resolution declaring it the duty of every
teacher to read the Bible in school was lost, by a
close vote, and a substitute adopted, which declared
that it should be left to the discretion of the
"It is to be mentioned of Superintendent
Brown, that he never acted as presiding officer.
Notwithstanding his activity in educational matters,
his constant attendance, his ever ready word in
season, I never knew him to preside at a teachers'
meeting. During the war he was elected President of
the association, but he never accepted even that
compliment from the institute. The President of the
first institute was E.A. Crary. At our second
institute, many of us met for the first time Mr.
Emery. He brought with him quite a number of teachers
from the neighborhood of Monona. Many had been
attending his fall term of school, and between these
and those who had been attending Mr. Briggs' school
there was considerable rivalry.
"This Briggs school was one the teachers had
put on foot. The High School having been abolished,
several teachers clubbed together and hired Mr.
Briggs to teach a two-months' fall term. About
twenty-five of us attended, and I do not remember
that we claimed any particular credit for spending
our own money for the improvement of our own minds.
For the encouragement of some who complain of hard
times for teachers, I may say that $15 a month in
summer and $25 in winter was then regarded (page 361) high wages. At this
institute were over fifty teachers. The Journal,
then published at Garnavillo, gives a long and highly
favorable account of the session, rather flattering
all who were connected with it. Mr. Emery presided,
and John Everall was Secretary. I will take occasion
to say that the account just mentioned was not from
the pen of the secretary, but from that of the then
editor of the Journal, friend Eiboeck.
"Our principal teachers were Messrs. Brown,
Briggs and Emery, Mr. Smart running the musical
department. It was here that friend Kingsley first
appeared among us, and I will say to the ladies that,
as there are exceptions to most rules, he may be an
exception to the one I mentioned, that time changes
us all, for to the best of my recollection he looked
then just as he looks now! And that reminds me of a
joke on Mr. Briggs, laid at Mr. Crosby's door. Mr.
Crosby was a general favorite at our first
institutes. Always ready with a telling story he
delivered the first lecture on physiology to the
teachers of the county. Some one, knowing that in Mr.
Crosby's youth he had known Mr. Briggs, asked him how
old he thought Mr. Briggs to be. 'Well,' said Mr.
Crosby, 'that is just what older people used to ask
of each other when I was a school-boy. Nobody ever
knew then, and, of course, I can't tell now.'
"To return to Mr. Kingsley, who deserves more
than a passing notice, at this institute he
distinguished himself as a fleet runner (we played at
'goal' during recesses), and as a poet. Our leaders
had been arguing for some time on a grammatical
question, something about a trumpet, and whether 'the
winds blew the signal for the combat' or whether it
was not, 'the signal blow winds,' ect. Kingsley,
thinking with others that the question should be laid
away, took occasion, at roll-call, to respond in
several stanzas, turning the whole matter into
riducule, as he has done with serious subjects
several times since. Prof. Briggs came in just as
Kingsley recited something about 'that old teacher
Briggs' (I forget what he made Briggs to rhyme with,
but I am sure no offense was intended), and the
Professor evidently thought those Monona fellows were
hitting him. His combativeness was arounsed -- and
being an old acquaintance I can say, privately, that
this bump has a larger develpment on the Professor's
head than many suppose -- and when his own name was
called he responded sharply and sarcastically with a
proverb sllightly changed, something about its being
'easier to contend with seven wise men who can render
a (page 362) reason,' etc. This
retort was a settler, and I am sure Mr Kingsley
thought the Professor incapable of appreciating
poetry. However, from the fact that he has read
several poems at our meetings since that occasion, I
conclude that he was not entirely discouraged.
"During this year association meetings were
held at McGregor and at Strawberry Point. the
institute in the fall of 1860 was held at Monona. Mr.
Emery was now superintendent. The pay had so changed
that he could not afford to give his full time to the
work of his office, but, although not as active as
Mr. Brown, he did good service, and the teachers
became strongly attached to him. Mr. Briggs being at
Pike's Peak, many of his pupils attended the fall
term of Mr. Emery's school. The teachers at this
institute were Mr. Barnes, Rev. J.R. Upton and the
superintendent. Mr. Brown was there a portion of the
time, and read a valuable address to the teachers.
Again I pass over the meetings of the association,
and come to the institute of 1861, held at
Garnavillo. So far, the only schools in the county
where teachers had attended in a body for the purpose
of better preparing themselves for the work had been
held at Garnavillo and at Monona. A large majority of
the teachers in attendance at our meetings were from
Garnavillo, Farmersburg and Monona Townships, which
accounts for the extraordinary number of meetings
held within the limits of those townships.
"Mr. Emery's fall term had been attended by a
large number of teachers, and we all went to
Garnavillo expecting a profitable time. We were not
disappointed. At this time attendance upon the
institute was not compulsory, but we had a large one,
and one of the best ever held in the county. Prof.
Putnam, of Indiana, conducted it, assisted by Mr.
Brown. Prof. Cramer, our third superintendent, met us
here for the first time. The teachers had become
better acquainted, with each other and seemed to work
more in harmony than ever before. This institute will
never be forgotten by its members. At this meeting a
fine edition of Bancroft's History of the United
States, unabridged was presented to Mr. Brown by the
teachers, and indeed it was a free-will offering.
Already some of the teachers, including Kingsley and
Crary, had gone to the front to help Uncle Sam with
the Rebellion. We missed Kingsley, for he was always
opposed to whipping. He and Miss Melvina Stewart were
leading disputants on the "moral
persuasion" question. We thought perhaps he had
gone South to illustrate his argument. Monlux, Payne,
Harrington and some (page 363) four
or five others enlisted during this institute. At
this session was started the Friday evening sociable.
"A profitable meeting of the association was
held at Windsor the following winter. I remember that
Mr. Emery here called attention to the damage done
our schools by the continual change of teachers. His
remarks would apply to the present with almost equal
force. Prof. E.B. Wakeman addressed us, taking for
his text the words of Commodore Foote when receiving
the rebel general's sword at Donelson, 'General, I
meant to take your fort of go to the bottom'! It was
an appeal for earnestness and determination on the
part of the teachers in hehalf of their schools, no
matter what difficulties might be encountered. Up to
the time of this meeting I had not, I think, been
absent from a regularly called meeting of the
teachers of the county since the first institute,
and, so far as I know, the first gathering of
teachers in the county. But at this time, from all
accounts from the South, I thought Kingsley and the
other boys needed help down there, I wanted to see
Kingsley, to talk over 'moral suasion' with him, so I
went to find him. Over a year afterward I found him
in Arkansas, and, seated on a tree, overhanging the
river nearly opposite Little Rock, we had a good
chat. He confessed that he believed in whipping as a
last resort!
"During the winter of 1863-'64, I was home
for a short time, and met the teachers at Windsor,
where a watch was presented to Superintendent Emery.
When I returned to my regiment I bade him what we
then knew was the final good-by. He was dying of
consumption. Mr. Brown, then provost marshal, called
with me at the time. He was healthy and stong and
could not have dreamed that he was so soon to follow
from the same dread disease. Both of these excellent
men was called away in middle life. there were at
least twenty-two members of this association in the
United States service during the war of the
Rebellion, not reckoning any that have become members
since the war. I do not know how many of this number
are living, but know that eight are dead. So far as I
now but two died in battle. Daniel Payne and Seth
Martin were their names; the first was killed in the
charge on Vicksburg, the other at Chickamauga. Levi
King, who was known to all the old teachers as an
active member of the association, died in hospital in
Jackson, Tenn. I made his acquaintance at my first
examination before Mr. Brown. I saw him a few hours
before his death. He was propped up in his bunk, in a
tent, (page 364) delirious with
fever, and imagined himself at one of these meetings.
He recognized me and called upon me for remarks. We
will cherish his memory."
Mr. Everall concluded in some general remarks on
the objects of the association, urging the teachers
to carry home something of profit from the meeting,
and to remember that determination, earnestness and
perseverance constitute the key to success. He
referred to the incoming of the Centennial year of
our national life as an excellent time for the young
to make good resolves, and hoped the year might be a
good one for keeping them. He wanted his young
friends to have an object in life worth working for
and fighting for, and he wanted them to go to work
and attain it. He closed by repeating a very
appropriate poem, of which we give the last verse:
Choose well the path in
which you run,
Succeed by noble daring;
Then though the last, when once 'tis won,
Your crown is worth the wearing.
Then never fret, if left behine,
Nor slacken your endeavor;
But ever keep this truth in mind,
'Tis better late than never.
The Teachers' Institutes were continued without
the lapse of a single year until 1873. In the spring
of 1874 the General Assembly of the State passed an
act which was approved by the Governor March 19,
1874, under which Normal Institutes were to be
organized. The following is the act:
"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General
Assembly of the State of Iowa, that section 1,769 of
the code is hereby amended to read as follows: The
county superintendent shall hold annually a Normal
institute for the instruction of teachers and those
who may desire to teach, and, with the concurrence of
the superintendent of public instruction, procure
such assistance as may be necessary to conduct the
same at such time as the schools of the county are
generally closed. To defray the expense of said
institute, he shall require the payment of a fee of
one dollar for each person attending the Normal
"SECTION 2. He shall monthly, and at the
close of each institute, transmit to the county
treasurer all moneys so received, including the State
appropriation for institute, to be designated the
"institute fund," together with the name of
each person so contributing and the amount. The Board
of Supervisors may appropriate such additional sum as
may by them be deemed necessary (page
365) for the support of such institute. All
disbursements of the institute fund shall be on the
order of the county superintendent, and no order
shall be drawn except for bills presented to the
county superintendent, and approved by him for
services rendered, or expenses incurred in connection
with the Normal Institute."
The first institute held under this act was in
August, 1874. J.F. Thompson, County Superintendent,
delivered an excellent address before this institute,
from which the following is extracted:
"I wish to remind you, fellow-teachers, that
we are on probation in this Normal Institute. The
eyes of a watchful public are upon us, and the other
similar institutes that are being held throughout the
State, and, if we succeed in accomplishing the good
that we should do in these institutes, the effect
will be felt upon the schools of the State, and, in
the near future, it will be easy for the friends of
popular education to secure from our law-makers a
system of normal schools inferior to none in the
Union. I need not say to you that I have had an
anxious solicitude for the success of this institute,
for it it succeeds in awakening the teachers and
people to a realization of the needs of our common
schools, and raising the standard of teachers'
qualifications, it will give an impetus to education
throughout the State, and tend to elevate the
condition of our schools, and raise the dignity of
the profession.
"I am glad to meet so many of you here
to-night. True, as is generally the case, many of
those who need the benefit of the normal school most
are not here. The expense and trouble were to great,
and the teachers' wages too small to justify their
attendance, and I greatly fear that school officers
will continue to feel that they pay such teachers
fully enough for their services -- and who can blame
them? Right here let me make a suggestion for your
consideration. If you wish higher wages or a better
situation, do your best to prepare yourself to fill a
higher station. If you receive but $15 per month, try
to earn $30, and when you receive $30, earn $50, if
possible, and your efforts will ere long be
appreciated, and the position you seek will come to
you. Study at home, read works on teaching, attend
normal schools, do everything in your power to excel
in your profession, being assured that true
excellence in any profession will be discovered and
amply rewarded.
"This brings me to consider what we should
accomplish at our Normal Institute, and I may state
what I consider should be our objects, under three
(page 366) "First, to
obtain a more thorough knowledge of the branches we
have to teach.
"Second, to learn the most improved methods
of imparting that knowledge to others.
"Third to strengthen the bonds of union
between us and our coworkers in the cause of
education, and imbue us with a more exalted view of
our work and love for our chosen profession.
note: this next section was not transcribed - pg 366-369
- continuing mid-way down page 369]
(page 369 partial) Since
1874, the institutes have been held regularly every
year, under the State law. The following is the
attendance of each Norma Institute held in Clayton
County since the adoption of the law of 1874:
1876....167 |
1879....131 |
1881....142 |
The old law was defective, yet it
did good work in its day, and was a fitting
introduction to the more perfect law that established
Normal Institutes. With the ushering in of this law
at the beginning of Mr. Thompson's administration
there was a decided change for the better. The
attendance was much larger and teachers studied more
vigorously than ever before. They seemed to realize
that to advance in the profession and keep with the
times would require hard study, and not only of the
subject to be taught, but of the best means of
presenting it to their classes. "Three things
were characteristic of our first Normals," says
Mr. Oathout, "books, fans and croquet."
Alonzo Brown,
the first Superintendent of Public Schools for
Clayton County, was born at Dryden, N.Y., March 6,
1821. When quite a boy he set out with his father, to
explore the western part of the State, which was then
new and thinly settled. He was (page
370) so pleased with it that he persuaded his
father to emigrate, which he did soon afterward,
locating in Chautauqua County. Here he grew to be a
man, received his educaton, and by dint of hard work
and close study he obtained a thorough knowledge of
the English language. A friend thus writes of him:
"Here he stepped forth from the paternal roof
a finished gentleman, an honest man with a mind
stored with examples and precepts which would adorn a
philosopher, and an education which any might be
proud of, to act his part in the great drama of life.
Like thousands of those who have risen to greatness
in American, he commenced a school for the
instruction of the young. Having a cheerful and
pleasing countenance, with a happy faculty of
imparting knowledge to others, he soon became the
most popular teacher in the county. It was while
engaged in this business that he procured a set of
law books, and during his leisure hours he acquired,
with hard labor and much toil, a knowledge of the
"He had heard of the Great West; of ocean
prairies, of majestic rivers, far toward the setting
sun. Here was a place for his genious and a field for
his labor. With the same desire for adventure which
fills every American mind, he turned his footsteps
toward Iowa. In the summer of 1856 he settled at
Garnavillo. He was not long among us ere his
usefulness was discovered, and even before he had
gained a legal residence among us, he was elected
Justice of the Peace. For several years he held this
office with satisfaction to the people and credit to
"Iowa had changed her Constitution, and in
1858 adopted and promulgated a new code of laws,
among which was a great and intricate system of schol
laws. His mind clearly and quicly saw the advantages
of such a system on the future welfare and happiness
of our State, and with the utmost untiring energy he
assisted in putting it in operation. He was almost
unamimously elected Superintendent of Public
Instruction for the county, and proved the right man
in the right place at the right time. The new system
was intricate; no one seemed to understand it. There
was neglect and indifference about putting it into
execution. He took hold of it with a master's hand,
unfolded all its windings and mysteries, explained
and analyzed in every part of the county, all its
parts and sections, organized new school districts,
gave plans for new school-houses, instructed teachers
in their several duties, and organized a teacher's
institute, which remains an honor to its founder, and
a credit to its members.
(page 371) "During the
war Mr. Brown was appointed United States Deputy
Marshal, the duties of which he discharged with
promptness and fidelity. When the Governor of Iowa
issued an appearl to the people imploring them to
send to our suffering soldiers sanitary supplies,
this appeal touched the heart of this good and loyal
man. He loved his country, and the thought that those
who were fighting her battles, fighting for the flag
he so dearly loved, were suffering for the
necessaries of life, nerved him to make an effort for
their relief. He forgot his own private affairs, and
bent the whole energy of his soul toward raising
supplies for the army. He traveled days and nights,
addressed assemblies, appealed to the patriotism and
loyalty of every man and woman, held up the suffering
condition of the poor soldiers bleeding and dying in
a strange land for the common necessaries of life.
The people responded. They gave, and they gave
freely. The result was that he went to the Sanitary
Fair at Dubuque with his full measure of supplies.
Thanks poured in on him from every quarter. Ladies
and gentlemen bowed to and honored him, and the weak
languishing soldier blessed the name of Alonzo Brown.
In consequence of his industry and perserverance,
Clayton County received the prize of a large and
beautiful flag. On the Fourth of July, as it annually
returns, this may be seen floating from the flag
staff in Garnavillo.
"Sincere and patriotic as he was, ardent and
energetic as he was for the public good, great and
noble as were his public acts, his social life
eclipsed them all. IN the social circle he was loved
and admired by all who knew him. HIs kind words,
merry laugh and innocent jests made him the life and
soul of a company.
He had a smile for those
who loved him
And a sigh for those who hate.
And whatever skies were o'er him,
Had a heart for any fate.
"He was the first at the bedside of sickness,
and the last to leave. Often when little children
were afflicted with a dangerous epidemic would he
hold them in his arms, striving to soothe their dying
moments. On one occasion when a little sufferer was
about to close its eyes forever, almost the last
words upon its lips were, 'Ma, Mr. Brown will save
me.' Then did the tears gush like rain from his manly
eyes, as he bent o'er the dying form of his
neighbor's child.
"He believed in the great God and in the
immortality of the soul. His ideas of a future state
were both beautiful and philosophical. (page
372) He studied Nature and obeyed her
commandments. He loved the excitement and sport of
the chase; was a fine woodman and one of the best
rifle shots in the country. But this philanthropist
and benefactor, this kind husband and indulgent
father, this faithful friend and true companion, is
now no more. He died in Chautauqua County, N.Y.,
March 6, 1867."
Horace Emery
was a worthy successor of Alonzo Brown, and did much
for the public schools of the county. He was born in
Andover, N.H., Sept. 18, 1830, and was the son of
JOseph and Mary (Gordon) Emery. He was educated in
the schools of his native village. About the year
1853 he came West and located in Monona Township, and
for the first year visited different portions of the
county, then engaging in the mercantile business, in
company with R.R. Olmsted, following that business
for several years. In December, 1859, he married
Susan, daughter of James Parker, who emigrated from
Oneida County, N.Y., in 1854, to Clayton County. One
daughter blessed this union -- Maud, who yet resides
in Monona. In 1859 Mr. Emery was elected County
Superintendent, and re-elected in 1861, serving until
1863. As a testamonial of the esteem in which he was
held by the teachers of the county, he was presented
by them with a fine watch. Mr. Emery died in 1864, of
consumption, mourned not alone by his family, but by
all who were so fortunate as to be numbered among his
acquaintances. He was a good man of whom it could
truly be said,
None knew him but to love
None name him but to praise.
J.A. Cramer was the third to fill the office,
being elected in 1863, and serving one term of two
George Cook was elected in 1865, and served two
William A. Preston served from 1867 to 1869. A
sketch of Mr. Preston is found in the bar chapter.
John Everall
served two terms, from 1869 to 1873. He was a good
John Everall, now a farmer, P.O. Farmersburg, was
the son of Richard and Elizabeth (Liversage) Everall,
natives of England, who came to America in 1850,
located in Lodomillo Township, and afterward moved to
Farmersburg. He was born in England, April 20, 1839;
he was educated in England, and in Clayton County; he
studied law some time, and from a lawyer's office
enlisted in the Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry, Company
E., Capt. Drips. (page 373)He
was in many battles, and was wounded at Tupelo,
Miss., in 1864, by a musket ball in the mouth, taking
away a portion of his lower jaw. He was discharged at
Keokuk, Iowa, in June, 1865. During his service he
was a correspondent of the press at McGregor. After
his return he purchased a farm, and has followed
farming ever since. In 1865 he married Bellonia,
daughter of G.L. and Martha (Evans) Renshaw, natives
of Virginia. They came to Clayton County, Ia., and
died here. By this union there are five children --
Martha, born Jan. 20, 1869; John, Feb., 16, 1871;
George L., June 10, 1873; Bruce, Sept. 12, 1877; the
babe was born Oct. 23, 1881. Mr. E. is a member of
the A.F. & A.M. fraternity, and is Master of the
lodge. He has held the office of County School
Superintendent for four years, the duties of which he
faithfully discharged. Has held most of the township
offices, and in all has been a valuable and efficient
officer. He has voted the Democratic ticket. He has
been Secretary of the Clayton County Agricultural
Society for several years, and has contributed much
toward its success.
J.F. Thompson succeeded Mr. Everall and also
served two terms. Mr Thompson did much to forward the
interests of the schools in the county. A sketch of
him will be found in the chapter of "National,
State and County Representation."
Percival W.
McClelland, who was first elected to the
office of Superintendent of common schools of Clayton
County, is a native of Ohio, having first seen the
light of day in Licking County, in that State, Oct.
14, 1846. He was the son of Rev. E.J. and Miranda
(Wescott) McClelland, natives of New York. Percival
W. was the third in a family of three children, and
was educated in the State University of Iowa in 1873.
He at once engaged in the profession of teaching,
continuing to be thus employed until elected to the
office of Superintendent. In 1880 he was united in
marriage with Mary Ann, daughter of Aonzo Winkley, of
Monona. She was born in Meriden, N.H., March 21,
1860. One child was born unto them. Mrs. McClelland
died May, 1882. Mr. McClelland resides in Monona and
is a member of the Elkader Lodge, I.O.O.F.
Orlando De Shay
Oathout, the present Superintendent of
Schools, was born at Eaton, Madison County, N.Y.,
Sept 2, 1839.

O.D. Oathout
(page 639)
He was the son of S.H. and Eliza (Abbott) Oathout,
both natives of New York. S.H. Oathout was the son of
John Oathout, of New York, and John's father was
Alexander Oathout, who also, lived in New York.
Alexander's father, Yohannes Oathout, came (page 374) from Holland about 1775,
settling near Albany, N.Y. Our subject on his
mother's side was descended from the Pilgrim Fathers.
S.H. Oathout was married Jan. 1, 1834, at Lebanon,
N.Y., to Eliza Abbott. He was, in his earlier years,
a mechanic, and afterward became a farmer. They had
eleven children, eight of whom are living. Of these
Moses W., the oldest, is a farmer in Cerro Gordo
County, Iowa; Orlando D., our subject, is next;
George W., is at Luana, Clayton County, a wagon-maker
and painter by occupation; Josephine married Mathew
Lytle, a farmer of Monona Township; H.C. is a farmer
in Cass County, Iowa; A.C. is a farmer near Hardin,
Clayton County; Alpha M. married David A. Church, a
farmer in Franklin County, Iowa; and Alice A. is at
home at Luana.
S.H. Oathout came from New York May 28, 1855 with
his family and settled in Monan Township, a half mile
west of the present village of Luana. He still lives
on his farm there, which contains 340 acres of land,
all under high cultivation. Mr. Oathout is now
seventy-three years of age, and his life companion is
still living at the age of seventy-one. Both are
active and energetic for people of their age and have
always had good health. May they be spared many years
When the family came to Clayton County our subject
was fifteen years of age. He had attended achool in
New York, and after coming here he pursued his
studies in the old brick schoolhouse near Luana,
where he "graduated" at the age of
eighteen. This school-house was afterward torn down
and the brick were used in building the residence of
Louis Heckendorf, in Luana. After leaving school,
Orlando remained on his father's farm until the age
of twenty-one, when he taught his first school in
Grand Meadow Township. He taught this school, which
was in the P.G. Baily district five winter terms. He
has since taught in many places, among them the Grand
Meadow school one term; West Grove, Allamakee County,
one term; Hardin, Allamakee County one term; Luana
two terms; Humphrey's district, Monona Township, two
terms, Hope, independent district, Farmersburg, six
years and a half; Clayton as principal, four terms.
In October, 1881, he was elected County
Superintendent of Schools. The opposing candidate was
John Everall, and from the latter's deserved
popularity (owing to his excellent social qualities,
his having served as County Superintendent two terms,
and his having been a soldier during the civil war)
the election was very close. Mr. Oathout received
2,100 votes, and Mr. Everall, 2,009 votes.
(page 375) While at home,
Aug. 17, 1871, Mr. Oathout was thrown from a mower in
front of the sickle, receiving injuries which
rendered an amputation necessary. This operation was
performed by Dr. Scott, of Monona. While under the
Doctor's care, he was nominated for County
Superintendent against Mr. Everall, who was then
completing his first term. Mr. Oathout was elected by
500 majority -- to stay at home! Mr. Everall's
popularity was too great.
Mr. Oathout was married Dec. 28, 1880, to Mary F.
Ruegnitz, of Clayton. She is the daughter of Carl
Ruegnitz, a cooper by occupation, at Clayton. Mr.
Oathout is a staunch Republican, and is a strong
temperance worker. He signed the pledge at the age of
seventeen. He is a member of the Congregational
church. He became a member of the Clayton Lodge, No.
143, A.O.U.W. in 1880. As soon as he was installed in
his office as County Superintendent, Mr. Oathout
instituted several radical reforms in the management
of the office, and now careful system is visible in
all his work. He keeps a full record of all
examinations of teachers who receive certificates,
and a separate one of those who are rejected; an
account with the normal school fund; a record of
appointments in appeal cases; one of examinations,
both regular and special, and a journal of all work
done as County Superintendent. He intends soon to
have books prepared in which to keep copies of all
district reports, which are sent in to the State
Superintendent. He has in his office the latest
edition of Webster's Unabridged. Mr. Oathout's
administration will assuredly be fruitful of
excellent results. He has a private library valued at
$900, which contains many choice works. His
specialties are mathematics and phonography. He uses
Graham's system of the latter. After losing his right
hand, he learned ot write with his left hand by
practicing on a small blackboard. He has studied
several systems of phonography -- Isaac Pitman's, E.
Webster's, Elias Longley's, Ben. Pitman's and Andrew
J. Graham's, the use of which he is satisfied to
continue. His course of mathematics has been very
thorough, comprising arithmetic, algebra, geometry,
trigonometry, analytical geometry, surveying,
calculus and mathematical astronomy. Among his rare
books is Isaac Newton's Universal Arithmetic,
published. Mr. Oathout has not had the advantage of a
college education, but his success is due to
indomitable perserverance in study. For example, he
worked a while week at the "grindstone
problem," and later on he spent three weeks on a
problem in calculus.