The Present Bar
(pg 323-355)
"Praise may be written of the
dead, but not all the living," from its frequent
repetition, might be classed among the proverbs, and
the historian is often at a loss of words to express
himself when writing of those who have not "passed
beyond the Valley in the shadow of death."
Just praise and words of accommodation are often do,
but for fear that envious ones will say that all his
flattery, the words are left unsaid. In the following
pages upon the present bar, terms of flattery are
avoided, but just terms of praise or not withheld
when the subject is deemed worthy. For all that
appears the historian is held responsible.
The bar of Clayton County in the this year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty two, is
composed of some who are the peer of any in the
State, men whose learning and experience, entitled
them to front rank. The following named compose its
members: Samuel Murdoch, Reuben Noble, Elias H.
Williams, J. O. Crosby, Thomas Updegraff, John T.
Stoneman, S. T. Woodward, L. O. Hatch, William A.
Preston, W.E. Odell, S. K. Adams, R. E. Price, Marvin
Coke, W. C. Lewis, Robert Quigley, Martin Garber,
J.E. Corlett and S. T. Richards.
In the following pages are given biographical
sketches of most of the these. The sketches of those
not in this chapter will be found in the other
chapters of this work.
Samuel K. Adams
has been a member of the Clayton County bar for more
than ten years, having been admitted to practice in
1871. Mr. Adams was born in Brook County Va., Jan.
18, 1850. His father was Benjamin Adams, who was
likewise a native of Brooke County. His mother's
maiden name was White. She was an Illinoisian by
birth. Benjamin Adams and Mary White were married in
Brook County VA, in 1847. Five children were born
unto them, of whom Samuel K. was the second. In 1856
he came with his parents to Clayton County and
resided with them upon a farm, doing his share of the
work as soon as he was able to attend to the duties
pertaining to the life of a farmers boy, and his
opportunity offered he attended the common public
school of the neighborhood in which his parents
resided. Being an apt scholar, at eighteen years of
age he was sufficiently advanced to teach a country
school. While engaged in teaching, he began to read
law, and for two years in his leisure moments he
pursued a course of study, at the end of which time
he entered the office of Judge B. T. Hunt, at
Elkader, continuing with him one year, being admitted
to the bar of September, 1871. In 1874 he was
admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the
state. In 1872 Mr. Adams opened an office in Elkader
and at once entered upon an active professional life.
At this time he was appointed by John Everall Deputy
County Superintendent of public schools, and served
four years. He subsequently served in the same
capacity under J. F. Thompson. In 1875 he was
nominated on the Democratic ticket for the office of
county superintendent, at which time the North
Iowa Times said:" Mr. Adams is a promising
young lawyer, who grew up in the county, and has
given evidence of rare ability in public life. Mr.
Adams is a member of the Clayton County bar, and
since his admission, four or five years ago, he has
advanced rapidly in his profession, and today stands
high in the bar which is acknowledged to be second to
none in the State." Mr. Adams declined running
for the office, and has since devoted himself to his
profession, though he has taken an active part in the
discussion of political questions, and his services
as a public speaker are called into requisition each
campaign. In 1876 Mr. Adams was united in marriage
with Miss A. L. House, daughter of Anna J. House, of
Canton, Dak. She was born near portage, Wisconsin,
June 6, 1860.
Asahel Chapin,
one of the leading members of the Clayton County bar,
was born in Holyoke, Massachusetts, on the 13th day
of January, 1846, a son of Reverend Asahel and
Cathryn M. (Sutherland) Chapin, who were married in
Chautauqua County, New York, about 1839, and were the
parents of four children, viz.: Judson S., who died
in 1879; Asahel, Attorney at Law; Edward S., a
graduate at West Point, and at present First
Lieutenant of Battery B, 4th US Artillery, and
William F., of Dubuque Iowa. Asahel Chapin, Sr., was
a graduate at Amherst College, and soon after was
ordained as a Baptist minister. He was subsequently
elected president of Horton College, of Nova Scotia.
In 1851 he left Massachusetts and emigrated with his
family to Galena, Illinois, where he supplied the
pulpit of the First Baptist Church for five years. In
1856 he went to Benton County, Iowa, where he engaged
in farming, and in the meantime assisted in
organizing the First Baptist Church of Vinton,
supplying the pulpit until 1864, when he removed to
Dubuque, where he was pastor of the second Baptist
Church, until he resigned in 1868. He at present
resides in Freeport, Illinois. Rev. Asahel Chapin is
a large-souled philanthropist, a cheerful loving
disciple of Jesus, a genial, trustworthy friend, a
logical and earnest thinker, an eloquent and
impressive preacher, and a broad hearted and every
way noble man.
The subject of this memoir was educated at the Iowa
State University, graduating in the winter of
1867-'8. Soon after he went to Dubuque where he read
law in the office of Wilson and Dowd two years, and
in 1871 was admitted to the bar. Remaining in Dubuque
he associated himself with Platt Smith and H. B.
Fouke until 1874, when he came to McGregor, and
formed a partnership with John T. Stoneman, now of
Cedar Rapids. In 1877 he married Maggie S., daughter
of John T. Stoneman. By this union there are two
children - Florence and Esther.
James E. Corlett was
born in Farmersburg Township, March 14, 1858. His
parents were J. D. and Catherine A. (Crawford)
Corlett, the father a native of the Isle of Man, and
the mother a native of New York. They came to
Farmersburg Township in 1853. Our subject passed his
early life on a farm, attending school winters. He
studied law three years with Murdoch & Larkin,
and then studied one year and the law department at
Iowa city, where he graduated in the spring of 1880.
In the following November he went into partnership
with Hon. Martin Garber at Elkport, where they have
their office. They have a lucrative practice, and a
promising future.
Marvin Cook is
the fourth son of Ambrose P. and Eliza J. (Hesser)
Cook, and was born January 16, 1845, in Medina County
Ohio. At the age of ten years he came with his
parents to Clayton County, and was reared on a farm
in Highland Township. Here he attended the common
schools until sufficiently advanced to enter Upper
Iowa University at Fayette, which he attended for
some time. In 1865 he commenced the reading of law,
under Hunt & Price, at Elkader, where he remained
until admitted to the bar. On the 28th day of
December 1869 Mr. Cook was united in marriage with
Eliza E., daughter of James L. and Eliza B. (Murdock)
Gilbert, early settlers of this county, where she was
born. Two children have been born unto them - Irving
and Herbert. In 1872 Mr. Cook was elected to the
office of the clerk of the District Court of Clayton
County, which office he held eight years, declining a
further reelection. Mr. Cook has taken great interest
in the various benevolent societies, and is a member
of Elkader Lodge, No. 72, AF&AM, and of Harmony
Chapter, No. 41, of the same order. Is also a member
of Elkader Lodge, No. 304, I.O.O.F.; Elkader Lodge,
No. 44, A.O.U.W., and the V.A.S. fraternity. Mr. Cook
has now built up a lucrative practice in his
profession, which he has practiced over 15 years,
excepting the time he was clerk of the courts.
Hon. James O. Crosby.
Among the members of the legal profession in Clayton
County and Northern Iowa none stand higher in their
profession than this leading a distinguished lawyer,
and it would be neither doing justice to the high
standing of the Clayton County bar, nor to our
history, if we pass him by without giving him a high
and honorable position.
In coming into the County it has been our purpose to
write a faithful history of her men and their
actions, without discrimination, and we trust that we
do not depart from this resolution we say that the
bar of the county is composed of men and of the very
highest character, and that the people of the County
have just cause to appreciate them, and feel
satisfied with their conduct. Among these eminent men
of Clayton County, the subject of this sketch has for
an over a quarter of a century stood in the front
rank, and by his voice, his pen and his actions
constantly contributed to his own and their elevation
as members of an honorable profession; and after time
refusing office and emolument, he has stayed by his
chair and his desk until he has acquired for himself
and his family a competence on which he can rely in
his declining years.
He is a self-made man in every sense of the word, and
to make himself what he is he has worked and labored
incessantly at his books and his task until he has
acquired a vast fund of general and practical
knowledge, and this, with the care and attention
which he has given to the discipline of his mind,
gives him an advantage in the investigation of legal
subjects that but few other men in Northern Iowa
There is no trade or calling in the country that he
does not understand; there is no branch of practical
knowledge that he is not familiar with, and there is
no branch of science that he has not studied and
investigated, and all these acquirements, coupled
with a thorough and practical knowledge of the law,
give them high and eminent position before the people
of his State and county.
He was born in Warren County, New York, and received
his education and at Seneca Falls and the Fredonia
Academies, and soon after leaving these, he entered
the law office of Mr. Bingham at Ellicottville, New
York, and under his instructions was admitted to the
bar of that State.
In 1854 he removed to Clayton County and settled at
Garnavillo, where he still resides, and here he
commenced his long and brilliant career as a lawyer,
and will in all probability die in the harness.
No lawyer in the county has been more successful,
none has had whiter or better reputation, and none
has stood higher as a man of honor and integrity.
In company with the Hon. William Larrabee and Dr.
John Linton, he made the tour of Europe, visited
Paris, the world's fair, Rome and other places of
interest on that continent, and returned home with a
mind well filled with a knowledge of men and things
beyond the Atlantic.
He is a close, clear and methodical speaker, and so
arranges his subjects and his thoughts that a child
can understand him; and it is this habit and
disciplined up his mind that is given him the
appellation of a "clearheaded lawyer."
He has always taken a deep and active interest in all
the leading political questions of the day, is an
ardent Republican, and during the great Rebellion was
true and loyal to his country.
He was married in early life to Miss Caroline Gibbs,
a lady of fine attainments and brilliant talent, and
she has made him a kind, gentle and amiable wife; and
to one who may look into that well-managed and lovely
abode, it is a picture of domestic happiness and
felicity that is pleasant to behold.
Martin Garber
was born April 20 6, 1829, in Augusta County
Virginia, and came with his parents to Logan County
Ohio, when two years of age. He was the son of Martin
and Magdalen (Mohler) Garber, both natives of
Virginia. The family shortly afterward removed to
Shelby County, where they lived until the father's
death, in August, 1851. Their farm was then sold.
October 1, 1851, Mrs. Garber, with five sons and two
daughters, came to Iowa and settled in the Turkey
Valley, which they reached on the last day of
October. In 1856 Martin was married to Lucy A. Rife,
Elkport. In 1863 he went with his wife and two
children to California, where they remained until
1868. In that year they returned, and our subject
opened a store at Edgewood. The following year he
went into the county auditor's office as deputy, in
which capacity he served until January 1, 1872, when
he was elected Auditor. He was reelected every two
years until he retired, January 1, 1880. He was then
chosen State Senator from the Fortieth District, in
that position he now holds. He was admitted to the
bar in 1878, and in November, 1880, he formed a law
partnership with James D. Corlett, of Farmersburg,
and is now practicing law. He is also engaged in
farming. He is a Republican, politically, and is
connected with no church organization. He has a
family of six children - Martha A., now the wife of
Dr. Taft; Estella V., teaching at Elkport; Florence,
at school; Milton C., attending Commercial College at
Dubuque; Mary and Burton, at home. Mr. Garber has
been identified with the county for thirty years, and
is deservedly popular among his fellow citizens, who
all wish him many years more of prosperity.
Leander O. Hatch,
attorney of McGregor, was born in Mesopotamia,
Trumbull County, Ohio, April 13, 1826. His parents
were Anson and Mary (Moore) Hatch, natives of
Massachusetts. He and wife were members of the M.E.
Church, and had a family of six sons and two
daughters; all lived to be men and women. Leander O.
was the fourth son; he attended school, working on
his father's farm until 16 years of age. He graduated
from the Farmington Academy in 1842, and taught
school in Ohio and New York states, studying law
until 1849, when he was admitted to the Ohio bar at
Chardon, Ohio. He then taught school some 18 months,
then began practicing law in Cuyahoga County, New
York, and in the fall of 1853 he came to Iowa,
stopped at Delhi, Delaware County, a short time, then
located a Waukon, Allamakee County, practicing law.
He was elected county treasurer and recorder of
Allamakee, and district attorney for the tenth
Judicial District, comprising Allamakee, Clayton,
Chickasaw, Fayette, Winneshiek and Howard counties;
was District Attorney two years. While here Judge
Granger studied law under Mr. Hatch, afterward
becoming his partner. January 1, 1869, Mr. Hatch
located in McGregor, Iowa, where he has practiced law
ever since. He first formed a partnership with Judge
Noble; they remained partners from 1869 to 1874. Mr.
Hatch married Miss Albina Spalding November 18, 1856,
at Waukon, Iowa. She was born in Dover, Maine, and
was the daughter of Asher Spalding, of Maine. Mr. and
Mrs. Hatch have had four sons and one daughter, viz.:
Arthur, a graduate of the Wisconsin University;
Frank, Miss Mary, Leander O. and Burt all reside with
their parents. Mr. L. O. Hatch is one of the leading
members of the Clayton County bar. In politics he is
a Republican, having been a strong supporter of this
party ever since its organization. Prior to his
coming to Iowa he lectured for 18 months in Ohio,
Pennsylvania and New York states against American
slavery. Mr. Hatch is one of the enterprising
representative men Clayton County, where he has been
identified since 1869. He is of English descent.
J. Larkin was
born October 25, 1840, and Joe Davies County,
Illinois, of Irish parentage. In 1842 his parents
moved to Grant County, Wisconsin, to a place about 4
miles west of where the town of Hazel Green is now
situated, and there purchased from the Government a
large tract of fine farming land. His father became a
well-to-do farmer. Most of the early life of J.
Larkin was spent in school. He attended school at
Sinsinawa Mound College (since changed into a
convent) during 1854, 1855 and 1856. Came,
temporarily, to Clayton County in 1857 and taught
school there in 1857 and 1858. Returned to Sinsinawa
Mound College in 1859, and finished his studies there
on July 3, 1860, receiving the degree of bachelor of
arts. He attended the Law Department of the
University of the city of New York in 1862 and during
1863 until the annual commencement, which took place
on May 6, when he graduated an LL.B. On May 21, 1863,
he was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of
the State of New York as an attorney and counselor at
law; June 20 5, 1863, he received from his alma mater
the degree of A.M. In 1865 he married the daughter of
the late Patrick Uriell, Esq., one of the oldest of
the pioneers of Clayton County. He followed farming
until 1874, when he entered the law business. In 1876
he and Samuel Murdoch formed the law partnership firm
of Murdoch & Larkin, at Elkader, which firms
still continues. Mr. Larkin is an able lawyer.
W.C. Lewis, of
Elkader, was born in Kane County, Illinois, May 25,
1854 he is the son of William and Agnes (Sloan)
Lewis, natives of Scotland, who emmigrated to America
in 1847; and located at Elgin, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis came across the ocean on the same vessel that
brought the renowned Allan Pinkerton, the detective.
W. C. Lewis left his home when but 13 years of age
and went into the pineries, where he remained for a
time, and subsequently ran on the Mississippi River,
on the Diamond Joe line of boats, serving in various
positions. In 1877 Mr. Lewis attended the law school
of the State University, from which place he
graduated, after which he entered into partnership
with R.E. Price in the practice of law at Elkader. In
1876 Mr. Lewis was united in marriage with Effie J.,
daughter of David Bachtell, of Boardman Township. She
was born in Clayton County, June, 1859. One child has
been born onto them. In 1879 he was elected to the
office of Justice of the Peace to fill a vacancy, and
re-elected in 1880 for the full term of four years.
In politics Mr. Lewis is a Democrat, and takes quite
an active part in the political councils of his party
in in the dissemination of Democratic views.
Samuel Murdoch.
Neither the history of Iowa and other history of
Clayton County could be written with propriety
without an extensive sketch of the life and times of
this distinguished person. His father and mother were
children of Scotch parents, and were both raised in
the country of Armaugh, Ireland, and emmigrated to
America in the or 1812, and settled near Pittsburgh
in the state of Pennsylvania, were the subject of
this sketch was born on the 13th of March, 1817. In
the year 1827 his father with his family moved to the
city of Cleveland, Ohio, and finally settled on
little farm near that city, in the town of Rockport.
Here he grew up to manhood, receiving such education
as the common schools of that day afforded, and after
arriving at full age, he taught school in several
places in the state of Ohio. It was during his
younger years that he became acquainted with the
family of Hon. Reuben Wood, who was at that time one
of the Supreme Judges of that State, and who
afterward became her Governor. With this family he
lived for several years, and it was from this Judge
and Governor that he not only received many of his
early lessons in general history, law, and politics,
but material aid and assistance, and it is to this
noble and generous family that he still feels himself
indebted for the position he now occupies, and of
whom he always speaks of the tenderness of a child
for its parents.
In the fall of 1841 he left Ohio, and soon found
himself alone in the city of Chicago, and after
remaining here a few days, he started out to across
the country to Rock River, sometimes on foot,
sometimes on wagons drawn by oxen. On reaching that
river he followed it down to Rock Island, and after a
day or two crossed over to the town of Davenport.
Here he remained for a few days recruiting his
wearied limbs, and then shouldering a heavy pack he
again started on foot across the country, on an
Indian trail for Iowa City, which place he reached
after two days of the most wearisome labor.
The site for the capital of Iowa was at that time
fixed, and here he determined to remain, and soon
after his arrival he entered the Law office of Bates
& Harrison, with whom he remained but a few
months, when this firm dissolved, and he then entered
the Law office of the late Hon. Gillman Folsome, and
it was while in this office that he was admitted to
the bar of Johnson County. Before making a final
settlement he determined to examine and explore the
country, and for this purpose he came to Dubuque,
where he had letters of introduction to some of the
principal men. Here he found the Hon. Thomas N.
Wilson on the bench, and the bar composed of J. V.
Berry, James Crawford, Hon. Stephen Hempstead, James
Churchman, L. A. Thomas, Hon. Timothy Davis, and the
Hon. Thomas Rogers, nearly all of whom are and are
now gone to the spirit land.
It was while he was in Dubuque that he heard for the
first time of the beautiful undulating prairies of
Clayton County, and starting out in company with the
late John Thomas, of Prairie Du Chien, with Dr.
Frederick Andros as a guide, he arrived at
Jacksonville, since called Garnavillo, on the ninth
day of August, 1843. The grandeur and beauty of the
surrounding scenery, together with the fertility of
the soil, attracted his attention, and he determined
to make this his future home; with this intention he
soon staked and marked out a "claim" one
and one-half miles south on section twenty-nine, and
from time to time in entered the land at the Dubuque
land office. This farm he, for 35 years, adorned and
embellished with his own hands, and in its days of
beauty it was considered the model farm of the State.
He surrounded his gardens and his yards with the fir,
the spruce and the pine, and from their numbers and
luxuriant growth the farm was called the
"Evergreens". Enclosed by these beautiful
trees was to be seen growing extensive orchards of
fruits, selected by him from all parts of America,
together with grapes of every kind in description,
while flowers and shrubs bloomed by the side of every
walk, and from the time he began his work on this
farm until the present time his been considered the
best tree and grape grower in the state of Iowa, and
his voice, pen and labor is still engaged in
disseminating useful information on the subject of
both agriculture and horticulture.
He was the first lawyer who permanently settled north
of Dubuque, and during his long residence on this
farm he still kept up his law practice. With the
exception of two terms he has been president and had
business in every term of the courts of his county
for thirty-nine years, and during all this long, he
has it to say, that no man has ever lost a case or a
dollar by his carelessness or want of legal ability.
In the year 1845 he was elected a member of the
Territorial Legislature from the counties of Dubuque,
Delaware and Clayton. He remained in this body until
Iowa passed into a State, and it was while in this
body that he was mainly instrumental in securing for
the state her present northern boundary. In 1848 he
was elected School Fund Commissioner, an office which
he held for four years, during which time he sold
most of the school lands of his county, consisting of
both the sixteen sections in the Counties portion of
the 500,000 acres donated for school purposes, and as
he was allowed a large discretion in the sale of
these valuable lands, he took good care to see that
they were purchased by actual settlers. During these
sales he would often have in his house at a time
several thousand dollars, which money he covered up
in his potato bin in his cellar.
In 1855 he was elected the first District Judge of
the Tenth Judicial District, which at the time
included 10 counties, and in several of these
counties he held the first courts; and through this
large district twice each year he traveled, generally
on horseback, swimming rivers and wading sloughs,
generally accompanied by a number of lawyers, and to
this day these journeys form the theme of many a
pleasing story in the bar of Northern Iowa.
In early life he was a Democrat, but upon the repeal
of the Missouri Compromise he assisted in forming the
Republican Party, and has ever since voted and acted
with that party; and when the Rebellion broke out his
voice and his pen were ever active in the cause of
the Union, and many of his speeches of that day are
models of patriotism, elocution and oratory.
In the fall of 1863 he visited some of the Golf
States, and he came the war correspondent of several
Iowa papers. In the year 1864 he again returned to
the Southern States, and again resumed his
correspondence with Northern papers, and it was this
correspondence that first brought him into notice as
a writer; and from that day to the present his
articles on every subject he's touches are sought
after and read with deepest interest. Returning from
the South in the fall of 1864, he was retained as
attorney for Hon. James Andrews, of Columbia,
Tennessee, who had appealed to the president of
United States from the sentence of a Military Court
condemning him to imprisonment for the killing of a
soldier belonging to a Michigan Regiment, and to
present and argue the case before the president he
repaired to Washington in the fall of that year. Mr.
Lincoln gave him a hearing, reversed the sentence and
set his client at liberty.
In 1869 he was elected a member of the Thirteenth
General Assembly, and in this assembly he
distinguished himself as a lawyer and a speaker by
his great speech and opposition to the repeal of the
death penalty for the crime of murder, in which he
said its appeal would not only be an advertisement,
inviting all the villains of America to come to Iowa,
were without fear of their necks they could rob and
murder with impunity, but that it only transferred
the inflection of the death penalty in cases of
murder from an organized in legal court to one of
mobs, and his observations and words have since been
many times proved too true.
In the summer of 1869 he unearthed the "Hagerty
Massacre," one of the most cruel and terrible
murders of modern times, in which he brought to light
no less than five dead bodies, after they had been
entombed and hid away for over eight months, and then
he pursued and prosecuted the murderer until he
lodged him in the penitentiary for life. For this
great service he was not only rewarded by the thanks
of a grateful public, but the county paid him a large
sum, and he received in addition $500 from the State.
In 1878, in connection with his friend, W. A. Benton,
he planned the capture of the notorious bank robber,
Jim Uncer, and had him brought from his hiding place
in Chicago to Clayton County, where he was tried and
sent to the penitentiary for his crimes.
Judge Murdoch has been a successful lawyer, and
during his long residence and practice in the county
he has always been engaged on one side or the other
of the most important cases, and today he is regarded
by his fellows as one of the best jury lawyers in the
Portraits of
Samuel & Louisa (Patch) Murdock - pages 299 & 300
In 1845 he married Miss Louisa Patch,
who has made him a good and faithful wife, and two
daughters out of six children are their only
survivors, the eldest of which is a graduate of the
Boston University and has led several professorships
in different colleges in the West, and the youngest
is at present the German teacher in the Elkader
graded school.
In 1876 he was selected by the Governor to fill
Iowa's Department of Anthropology at the Centennial,
and although the notice was a short one, yet he took
the field, and in a few months he had collected and
shipped to Philadelphia some of the most curious and
wonderful specimens are prehistoric man that had ever
been on earth on this continent, and although his
collection was small, yet it received from the
historian of the Centennial the only compliment paid
to Iowa for her part in the great show.
In 1878 he wrote and published a series of articles
on "Prehistoric Man," and these interfering
somewhat with creeds, brought down upon him a score
of orthodox writers, who sought to drive him from his
purpose and demolishes arguments; yet the press of
the country generally took sides with him, bestowed
upon him high compliments, and encouraged him in
every way to proceed. To these attacks he paid no
attention, and quietly proceeded with his work, and
today he has the proud satisfaction of seeing and
knowing that the general reading public is with him,
and believes he was right. These articles not only
show him to be an elegant English writer, but they
displayed deep and profound thought, as well as
historical and scientific research, and for these and
other services in the cause of science, learned
societies have conferred upon him distinguished
In 1859 he wrote and published his "Sketches of
the public man of Iowa before she became a
State," (among who were her four first
governors), and these sketches not only gave him a
wide range of acquaintance, but they placed him in a
high rank among the distinguished writers of that
As a miscellaneous writer in history, astronomy,
geology, archaeology, biography, obituary and on
horticulture, he has probably done more of it than
any other man in the State of Iowa, and in all of
these he displays the same easy and elegant style of
composition which commands for them the attention of
the reading public, and his pen is still as active as
ever, for scarcely a week passes without an article
of some kind from yet, in some of the leading
journals of the State. It has been said of him by one
writer, that in "astronomy he could toss the
great globes around us, as the juggler does his brass
balls, with the most frightful ease," and he is
doubtless the first man to assert and publish to the
world, whether true or not, that clouds of
electricity of vapor and ice and open water all coal
mingled together in the terrible commotion of the
solar spot, while in geology he has gone down among
the lowest of the Silurian rocks and under their
primitive fossils to enrich his cabinet. He has
probably done more than any other man in the West to
bring to light the remains of the mound-builder and
other prehistoric races that once inhabited the
Mississippi Valley, and his speeches and articles on
this subject are of the deepest interest, and command
the greatest attention.
He is an ardent friend of the Irish cause, in his
speeches before the different "Land
Leagues" of the country not only display a
familiarity with Irish history and all the leading
questions of her agitations, but they also display an
elegance of composition and an eloquence of
expression that would do honor to the finest orators
in America; and side by side with those of Phillips
and other distinguished orators, they have been
copied into Irish journals and scattered broadcast to
every Irish fireside throughout that unhappy land.
He is the annual orator for the Pioneers and old
settlers of his county, and his last speech is always
said by them to be his masterpiece; and, indeed, it
would be hard to make any of these old pioneers
believe that any other person in the county could
serve them free speech beside himself, and in this
they may be right, for he knows their ways, their
customs and their feelings better, perhaps, than any
other man in the county; and he has always something
pleasing to say of the living, and a sympathetic
expression of sorrow for the dead. These qualities
give to his speeches before them an interest that no
one else could supply, and as one by one, these old
guards are about to drop away, they know that he will
either speak across their biers or give them a good
obituary in the journals of the county.
He is also the author of many beautiful poems, some
of which are entitled "Garnavillo,"
"The Indian Queen," "The Glow
Worm," "Pilgrim's Return," "The
Maid of the Wapsie," "The Woodpeckers
Nest," etc., all of which have been published in
the different journals of the State.
His social qualities are up a high order, his
conversations rich and interesting, his attic dotes
are generally brilliant, and he cherishes an ardent
love for the memories that cluster around the days of
his boyhood. From his birth nature has always been
kind to him by giving him a liberal mind, a healthy
and perfect form, and a generous heart, and whatever
fate the tides him he allows no gloom or shadows to
fall upon his mind, and today his looks and his
actions are those of a man in the vigor and prime of
We have given him considerable space in our history,
not alone because he deserves it, but because that
history could not very well have been written without
his name, his actions and his writings appearing
conspicuously upon its pages; and as the first lawyer
of his county, the first judge of the Tenth Judicial
District, the prominent place he has ever occupied
before the people of his county in all her political
and social affairs, and as a miscellaneous,
historical, biographical and scientific writer, his
name will be connected with her history into the
latest posterity.
Reuben Noble was
one of the first lawyers in Clayton County, and still
practices in McGregor. The following sketch of his
life was prepared by Judge Murdoch for the Clayton
County Journal, in 1875, when Mr. Noble had just
been elected judge at the Tenth Judicial District:
The people of Clayton County have ever been kind to
the bar of their county, and the large majority given
by them to Mr. Noble at the recent election is not
only another evidence of this fact, but of their high
appreciation of the man who received it; and, as you
suggest, a sketch of his history would no doubt be
interesting to them. It has been said, with much
truth, that during the rise, progress, vigor and
prosperity of all nations and governments, it was the
self-made men who ruled the hour, and that their
prosperity and vigor continued only in till the
people began to confer place and power off on birth
and caste, and which in every instance was the first
introduction of the elements of decay. Whether this
is true or not, of other nations, the history of our
own country thus far furnishes a glowing example of
its truth. Stretching, as it does, across a broad
continent, who shores are washed by two of the great
oceans of the globe, inviting commerce, adventure and
discovery in foreign lands; interspersed by chains of
lofty mountains, whose rocks and caverns invite the
energy and labor of the chemist, geologist and miner
to explore their deep recesses in quest of fame and
wealth; widespread and fertile plains stretching from
mountain to mountain and watered by deep and majestic
rivers from their sites, inviting the agriculture is
to excel in the cultivation of the soil, and the
merchant to transport the productions to foreign
lands; parceled out into separate and distinct
States, where laws, wealth and prosperity entitle
them to the dignity of empires, and overall a general
government with this domestic and foreign affairs all
furnishing to the youth of America so many roads and
avenues of distinction, honor and wealth to excite
their ambition and encourage their efforts, there is
no wonder that America is the land and nursery of
self-made man, and that they give vigor and impulse
to a great body of their nation. But numerous, wide
and boundless as these avenues are, there are but few
men who have reached the highest positions who can
look back over their past lives and say that their
paths have been smoothed, and that during their lives
they have slept upon beds of down. The road to
greatness, in all applications of life, is often
through adversity, toil, poverty and want, and he who
attains it wins a battle in life, the remembrance of
which may well serve to comfort and solace his
declining years.
The history of Mr. Noble is, therefore, but a
repetition of thousands of the best men in America
today, were at the front doing service in the cause
of humanity. It starts in his own mind a desire to
educate himself, and a resolution form to surmount
every obstacle in order to accomplish his purpose. I
know but little of his history prior to 1843, except
such fragments as I have gleaned from him during
rambling conversations in early days. I understand he
was born on the 21st of April, 1821, in Adams County,
Mississippi, and that in 1833 he emigrated with his
father to Jersey County, Illinois. Here he labored on
his father's farm until the fall of 1839, when he
formed a resolution to educate himself, and with the
permission of his father, he left home to attend a
mutual labor school, under the charge of Dr. Nelson,
in Adams County. Here he remained about three years,
going to school and reading law, and during all this
time he paid his board by working mornings, evenings
and Saturdays. He has often said to the writer of
this, that he was obliged to practice the most rigid
economy, and that during all this time the sum total
of his finances did not exceed $50, $30 of which he
earned working on a farm in the balance was loaned to
him by a brother. He read law with Edward H. Buckley,
Esq., of that county, of whom Mr. Noble always speaks
with the reverence due to a father.
In May, 1842, he came to Fairplay, Grant County,
Wisconsin, then an important mining town, and here he
commenced the practice of law. He remained at this
place into the month of October, 1843, when he
removed to Clayton County, and took up his residence
in the town now called Garnavillo; this town was then
called Jacksonville, and was the county seat.
The summer previous to his arrival, a temporary
courthouse had been erected and fitted for the
District Court and County business. Honorable T. S.
Wilson, of Dubuque, then a young man in the prime of
his life, was the District Judge, of whom the old
settlers and the old bar of the county, often speak
with the greatest respect and reverence. Dr. F.
Andros, now at Decorah, who will ever be remembered
by the people of the county with respect and
kindness, was the Clerk; and Ambrose Kennedy, a
native of North Carolina, and a good kind man, now in
his grave, was the Sheriff.
On the first Monday in October, 1843, Judge Wilson
held his first court in the new courthouse at
Garnavillo, at which term Mr. Noble appeared, for the
first time, and then rolled his name on the records
as an attorney and counselor at law, for Clayton
At this time Clayton County was bounded on the south
by Dubuque and Delaware, east by the Mississippi,
North by British America, and west by the Rocky
Mountains. On the north and west of what is now the
county, was a strip of county about 40 miles wide,
and extending to the Missouri, called the
"Neutral Ground," and on which were settled
the Winnebago Indians.
Through the whole of this vast territory there were
several forts garrisoned by the United States troops,
and in the vicinity of which were Indian Missions,
for the purpose of educating and civilizing the
various tribes around them; while the American Fur
Company had their trading posts scattered at every
available point, to traffic in pelts and furs. All
along the Mississippi, the Turkey and Yellow Rivers,
and the belts of timber that skirted those rivers and
their tributaries, were little groups of settlements,
and from all of these at the October elections, after
Mr. Noble's arrival, the county was able to poll 150
votes. Among all these settlements and people quite a
large traffic had sprung up in dealing in claims,
mining, boat wood, farming, supplying corn, beef,
oats and wheat for the forts and missions, and in
dealing in whiskey, blankets and ponies with the
Here money was plenty, in proportion to the
population, and as might be expected, all these
various branches of business would furnish the courts
with both civil and criminal business, and enable a
lawyer with ordinary economy to live and clothe
The United States paid all the expenses of the Courts
and Legislature; the Territorial and County taxes
were light; school houses were built of logs;
churches were held in groves; game of all kinds was
abundant; an air of wild freedom surrounded all, and
when in after years, with the burden of civilization
upon us, it is no wonder that the old settlers sigh
for the "days when we were pioneers, some thirty
years ago."
Dubuque at this time had an able bar, consisting of
Davis, Crawford, Churchman, Berry, Thomas, Hempstead
and Rogers, all of whom are either in retirement or
at their graves. Previous to Mr. Noble's arrival this
bar followed the judge from court to court, and some
of them had quite a large practice in our county.
After his arrival, he, Honorable E. Price and the
writer of this for several years constituted the bar
of this county; until the arrival of Honorable E. H.
Williams, O.H. Stevens, E. Odell, J. O. Crosby, J. T.
Stoneman, Judge Baugh, Honorable B. T. Hunt and A. J.
Jourdan, all of whom, with the exception of Honorable
E. Price and Honorable B. T. Hunt, are still in the
County pursuing their profession, and these, together
with a host of younger attorneys of mark, talent and
ability, constitute the present bar of the county, in
which endpoint of talent and learning will compare
with any other In the State.
From the first day of Mr. Noble commenced practice in
the county he has faithfully and laboriously stuck to
his profession, and as the settlements enlarged, and
new counties were formed, he extended his practice to
them until it was probably the largest of any
attorney in the State.
For more than 30 years he has traveled from county to
county, across trackless prairies, encountering the
most intense cold and the driving storm, only to
perform on his arrival at the courts whole days and
nights of the most intense labor, without rest or
sleep, and in all of his cases ever true and faithful
to his clients. His knowledge of men and things ought
to be great, with an experience as a lawyer that few
men of his age of life can boast of.
In a country like ours, with the General Government,
State Legislature, County school and Township
organizations, and all passing laws, rules and
regulations for their government, to be read, digest
it and explained by the legal profession, it is but
natural that the members of this profession, more
than any other, should from time to time be drawn
into the whirlpool of politics. They are generally
the first to discuss the principles of proposed laws
and legal enactments, the first to apply them to the
affairs of the country, as well as to proclaim the
danger from the house-top.
Like many others of his profession, Mr. Noble took an
early and decided stand in the State and national
politics, and although off in earnest in his opinion,
was never in his life a strong partisan. Prior to
1850 he was elected Prosecuting Attorney for the
county, which office he held but one term and refused
a re-election. In 1854 he was elected as a Free-Soil
candidate to the legislature, and, upon its
organization, was elected Speaker of the House, And
re-elected Speaker at the extra session of 1855. His
impartial conduct while Speaker of the House won him
many friends throughout the State, and from that time
until the present he has stood in the front ranks of
the principal and able men of the State.
In 1856 he was chosen with General Warren as one of
the Republican electors of the State at large, but
declined the nomination on the ground that he did not
feel able to bear the expense and burden of the State
canvass, to the neglect of his private affairs.
During the same year he was strongly urged by the
Republicans of this congressional district to accept
their nomination for Congress, and had he consented
could have received the nomination and would have
been triumphantly elected. But he declined the
nomination, and through his influence to the support
of the late Honorable Timothy Davis, who was elected,
and fill the office with honor and profit to his
During the Rebellion Mr. Noble always manifested a
strong and decided feeling for the preservation of
the whole Union, and contributed liberally both in
time and money to raise means for the support of the
Army. Feeling, toward the last of the war, that it
had been unnecessarily prolonged for the purpose of
speculation and gain, and being at all times opposed
to the shedding of human blood, he thought the matter
could still be compromised, the Union saved, and the
young men of the country preserved from premature
graves. Both before and after the war, these
principles and sentiments would be called commendable
and he who promulgated them would be looked upon as a
Christian and philanthropist as well as a benefactor
to the human race; but during the war the spirit of
the nation could hear no such doctrine, and for a
time Mr. Noble suffered disfavor in the minds of the
people for his philanthropy.
In 1866 he was nominated by the Democrats of this
congressional district as their candidate, the
Honorable W. B. Allison as his competitor. He took
the stump with Mr. Allison, and conducted an able and
lively campaign, but was defeated in the contest.
In 1868 he was again nominated by the Democrats of
the state for Supreme Judge, but he regarded the
nomination only as a compliment or matter of form,
and never paid the slightest attention to the
The terrible revulsion and financial crash which came
upon the country and 1858 found him with a large
amount of unproductive real estate upon his hands,
and largely in debt for the purchase money. This
large debt was enough to discourage any living man
and drive into despair, ruin and bankruptcy, but he
only redoubled his energy, enlarged his practice,
work more hours, and by these efforts he has saved
his honor, paid every dollar of his large debt at
this, and has today a nice property that he can call
his own.
He now comes to the bench with the vote of every
member of the bar of his county, without regard to
politics, and by a vote in his county and district
unheard of in political elections. He has, therefore,
no friends to reward and no enemies to punish. He
brings with him a world of experience in the law, and
a lifelong knowledge of man; and these, coupled with
his high sense of honor and his discriminating powers
of right and justice, will make him an impartial
judge and a faithful public servant.
W. E. Odell,
attorney at law, McGregor, was born in Jasper County,
Indiana, on the 19th day of September, 1849, and was
a son of Elijah and Rebecca S. (Updegraff) Odell, who
were the parents of three children - W.E., attorney
at law, of McGregor; Mary F., wife of M.E. Duff, an
attorney, and Hiram H., a practicing attorney at
Minneapolis, Minnesota, and a graduate of the
Wisconsin University at Madison, Wisconsin, in the
class of 1875. The subject of this memoir was a
graduate at the MadisonUniversity in 1872, and at the
age of twenty-three was admitted to the bar, and in
1874 formed a partnership with his father, which
continued until the latter's death, on February 26,
On December 15, 1875, he married Miss Maria E. Byrne,
a daughter of John A. Byrne. She was a graduate at
the Wisconsin University, in the class of 1872. By
this union there are two children, viz.: Susie and
Mabel. In politics Mr. Odell is a Republican, and has
held several local offices of trust, serving in the
City Council for three years, and is the present
mayor and a director of the First National Bank of
William A. Preston
was born in Monroe County, Illinois, August 7, 1839.
His father, James Preston was a native of East
Tennessee, while his mother, Elizabeth Preston, nee
McNabb, was an Illinoisian by birth. William A. was
the second of a family of nine children, and was
reared on a farm. In 1854 he came with his parents to
Clayton County, where he has since continued to
reside. The early education of William A. was
received in the common schools of his native county.
On coming to Iowa, in 1855, he entered the Mt.
Vernon, now Cornell College, at Mt. Vernon, Iowa
where he remained a few terms, then changed to the
Upper Iowa University at Fayette, where he remained
three years. During a portion of his college term he
engaged in teaching, and not leaving college he
continued to teach, spending about five years in that
profession, including the time spent during his
college career. He next engaged with the Chicago firm
for the sale of school furniture, and while on the
road, was elected Superintendent of Public Schools of
Clayton County, the fact of his election being
unknown to him for several weeks. He held the office
one term, and while engaged in the discharge of his
duties he read law with S. T. Woodward. On the
expiration of his term of office he was urged by
friends to again permit the use of his name for that
position, but declined, desiring to give at least one
year of his time to the study of law, without being
engaged in other business.

Portrait of William A. Preston, page 605
Mr. Preston was united in marriage
with Julia L. Carlton, an adopted daughter and heir
of Victor Carter, October 12, 1870. She was born in
Elkader, Clayton County. While a mere child, Mrs.
Preston lost both her parents. She was educated in
the Upper Iowa University, and afterward graduated at
Rockford, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Preston have a
family of three children - Mary E., Donna and Clara.
Mr. Preston was admitted to the bar, January 21,
1871, and the following year, to the United States
Courts, and in 1880, to the Supreme Court. On his
admission to the bar, he formed a co-partnership with
Mr. Woodward, which continued until 1877, since which
time he has practiced alone, having built up a large
and lucrative practice.
Realto E. Price
was born August 1, 1840, Jefferson Township, Clayton
County, and was the oldest son of Judge Eliphalet
Price, one of Clayton's earliest pioneers. He passed
his early life in the common schools, and spent the
college year of 1857-'8 at Upper Iowa University at
Fayette. In May, 1860, he entered the law office of
Murdoch & Hunt, where he remained two years. The
next nine months he was in the office of Odell &
Updegraff, at McGregor, and in January, 1863, he was
admitted to the bar. He commenced practice in Elkader
the same year, in partnership with Judge B. T. Hunt;
they remained in partnership six years when Hunt,
being elected Circuit Judge, retired from the firm;
Marvin Cook, who had practiced law about one year
previous to this time, was then taken into
partnership. The firm of Price & Cook existed
from November 1, 1869 to January 1, 1873, when Mr.
Cook was elected County Clerk. Since then Mr. Price
has practiced alone. He was married in 1866 to Sarah
F. Stewart, of Clayton County. They have two children
- Valmah Tupelo, and Stewart R. Mr. Price is
politically a Republican. He is a member of the
Masonic fraternity. He has never been a candidate for
any office, although his friends have repeatedly
urged him to accept some nomination.
Robert Quigley
was born in Clayton County, Iowa, December 31, 1845.
His parents were Joseph B. and Nancy B. (Griffith)
Quigley, who came to Clayton County in 1836, and
still reside on a farm in Highland Township. Our
subject passed his early life on his father's farm,
attending school winters until he was 16 years of
age. He then spent two years in Upper Iowa
University. He then enlisted in Company D,
Forty-sixth Iowa Infantry, and served the 100 days
for which that regiment was called. After being
discharged from this regiment he was mustered into
Company K, Fifteenth Iowa Infantry, serving one year.
He was discharged at the close of the war and
returning to Clayton County remained at home one
year. He then came to McGregor, entering the Law
office of Elijah Odell. Here he remained six months.
The next four and a half years were passed in the
office of John T. Stoneman. He was admitted to the
bar in February 1869. In March, 1869, he was elected
City Attorney, a position which he held six years. He
left Mr. Stoneman's office in the year 1871, since
which time he has been practicing law independently.
Politically Mr. Quigley is a Republican. He was
married November 24, 1875, to Blanche Jacobs, a
native of Fayette County. They have had two children
- Iola Bird and Georgia.
Alvah Clark Rogers
was born September 15, 1817, at Whiting, in Addison
County, Vermont. His father, David Rogers, was born
August 5, 1778 at Roxbury, Connecticut. His mother,
Mary Rogers nee Clark, was born at Middletown
Vermont, January 12, 1789. When he was five years of
age his father moved with his family and effects to
Westport, Essex County, New York, where he purchased
a farm on the western shore of Lake Champlain, and
where the subject of this sketch was raised as a
farmer boy and received his education, by early in
life attending the district school winters, and later
the Essex County Academy, and at the age of 18
entered a mercantile establishment as a clerk. In May
1838 in the 21st year of his age, he started for the
West and arrived at Mineral Point, Wisconsin, on the
30th of June, where he worked on a farm until the
next spring when he went to Green Bay, Wisconsin
Territory, where he worked in the stores of D. M.
Whitney and Thomas L. Franks for 16 months, and in
August, 1840, he arrived in Prairie du Chien with a
letter of introduction from Governor Henry Dodge, of
Wisconsin Territory, to Reverend David Lowry, Indian
agent for the Winnebagos. The following winter he was
employed by the register of deeds to write in his
office, and at the Register's decease in the spring
he was appointed by the Board of Supervisors register
of deeds for Crawford County, and in 1841 was
commissioned as Justice of the Peace by Governor
Henry Dodge; the said office being appointed under
the territorial laws at that time his commission was
renewed by Governor James D. Doty, who was appointed
under President Tyler. He was afterward elected clerk
of the Board of Supervisors and was appointed
commissioner on insolvent states. While at Green Bay
he became acquainted with Miss Maria Adelaide Plum,
daughter of Butler G. and Deidomia Plum, and on the
29th day of August 1842 they were united in marriage
at Green Lake, in Marquette County, Wisconsin
Territory, and as the issue of said marriage, there
are three children living, viz.: Frank B. Rogers,
born April 27, 1848; A.B.M. Rogers, born January 1,
1853, and A.F. Rogers, born 1859, all at Garnavillo,
Iowa. He resided at Prairie du Chien until November,
1847, and while there studied law at the office of D.
G. Fenton, but never applied for admission to the
bar. In November, 1847, he moved to McGregor, there
being only one frame dwelling house there at the
time, in which he and Mr. Alexander McGregor and
their families resided at the same time. In April,
1848, he removed to Garnavillo, then the county seat
of this county, and engaged in the business of
selling merchandise in co-partnership with Mr. S. A.
Clarke, of Prairie du Chien. In 1853 he removed from
Garnavillo to Clayton and himself and partner engaged
in general forwarding and commission and merchandise.
They also built one-third of the Clayton City
FlourIng Mills, a structure that cost $32,000, which
was finished in 1850. They expended over $50,000 in
improving the village of Clayton. In 1858 he sold out
to his partner, and at the request of Mr. B. F. Fox,
who was then the recorder and treasurer of this
county, opened the first set of double entry
accountability pertaining to both the revenue and
school fund ever opened in this county, which has
probably saved this county large sums and much
confusion. He was employed as a deputy treasurer and
deputy clerk of the court until January, 1862, when
he entered upon the duties of the office of County
Judge, to which he was elected three terms, leaving
the office in 1868. Since which time he has
frequently been called upon to look after some
crooked accounting of public secrets.
The subject of this sketch is descended from ancient
and honorable ancestry, being about the ninth
generation from the eminent martyr who surrendered up
his life under the bloody reign of Queen Mary on the
4th of February, 1555, rather than dishonor the faith
he professed, and whose descendents love to honor
him, gathering the fragrance of sacred memories
floating down through the centuries, becoming a
hallowed influence upon their lives and awakening in
the echoes of buried years, by frequently gathering
in their ancient home in Connecticut and take a
cooling draught from
The old oaken
The iron bound bucket,
The moss covered bucket
That hangs in the well.
S. T.
Richards, Edgewood, was born in Buffalo, New
York, in 1842. He was the eldest of a family of three
boys, who came to this county and settled in
Lodomillo Township with their widowed mother in 1852.
He first attended school, and then, thrown on his own
resources, taught in the public schools during the
winter and worked on a farm in summertime. In
February, 1864 he enlisted in Company D, Twenty-first
Iowa Infantry, and remained in the service until the
close of the war. He held different township offices
for a number of years previous to 1876, when he
attended the law department of the State University
at Iowa City, taking with him his family, a wife and
three daughters. Here misfortune overtook him, and
before his studies were completed he was obliged to
return with his family to Edgewood. He then served as
magistrate for over two years more. He continued his
studies at intervals, and in March, 1881, he was
admitted to the bar. Since that time he has been
eminently successful, and is generally acknowledged
to be a practitioner of great promise.
He was married September 2, 1862, to Miss C. W.
Baker, a daughter of Amasa Baker and Irena Hazzard,
natives of Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. Richards have three
children, Ella F., Mertie M. and Warren E. Mr.
Richards is a Republican and cast his first vote for
Abraham Lincoln. He is a member of the Masonic
John Thomson Stoneman
is a native of Chautauqua County New York, and was
born in the town of Ellery, on the 24th of February,
1831, his parents being George and Catherine (Cheney)
Stoneman. The Stoneman's are of English descent, and
were among the early settlers of Chenango County, New
York. The Cheney's were an early Road Island family.
George Stoneman moved with his family to Busti when
the son was in his infancy, and there on a farm, 4
miles from Jamestown, John lived until he was 16
years of age. He was the fourth child in a family of
eight children, four sons and four daughters, of whom
General George Stoneman, the Gallic cavalry officer
in the late civil war, was the eldest.
John T. prepared for college at the Jamestown
Academy, devoting his summers of this period to
labors on a farm. At twenty he went to Covington,
Kentucky, and taught school one year. He then entered
Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, and
graduated in 1856. While in Kentucky, Mr. Stoneman
commenced reading law with Judge R. B. Carpenter, and
during his college course he spent his vacations at
the Albany New York, law school. He was there
admitted to the bar in January, 1855. In graduating
from college, he came West and located in McGregor in
October, 1856. There he was in steady practice of his
profession from that time till the spring of 1882,
when he removed from McGregor. As a lawyer, Mr.
Stoneman has devoted his talents and energies to his
profession with unwearied industry. Dignified before
the court, and respectful to the jury, he commands
respect and wins confidence of his hearers. He is an
easy, fluent speaker, a man of strong sympathy and
deep convictions, and disdains to stoop to any of the
shallow artifices of his profession. Powerful and
courageous in argument, resolute in the defense of
what he believes to be right, he has won among his
associates a high and honorable place. He practices
in all the courts, State and Federal.
Mr. Stoneman was the first recorder of the town of
McGregor, being elected in 1857, he was mayor of the
city in 1863, and was elected to the State Senate in
1875. He was originally a Whig, and for the last
twenty-four years has acted with the Democrats, being
one of the leading members of his party in Northern
Iowa. He has been a candidate for different offices,
but being in the minority side in politics, has
usually been defeated. He was the Democratic nominee
for Congress once; two years later the Democratic and
Liberal candidate, and twice received the votes of
the Democratic members of the legislature for the U.
S. Senate.
In March, 1858, Mr. Stoneman was united in marriage
with Caroline Southland, and they have one child -
Hon. Elias H. Williams.
Our obligations to the people of Clayton County and
Northern Iowa, as well as our duty as a historian,
would not be complete without an elaborate and
somewhat extensive sketch of this learned and
distinguished man.
He was born in the state of Connecticut, on the 23rd
day of July, 1819, and is both, on the side of his
father and mother, descended from a long line of
noble and respectable ancestors, who were among the
most ardent patriots of the American Revolution, and
who suffered greatly from the raids of the notorious
Arnold and other British commanders on the soil of
His father died when he was quite young, leaving his
mother to take care of and educate her children, and
being a lady of talent and great mental power, she
determined to give her sons a first-class education,
and as soon as the subject of this sketch was of the
proper age she sent him to Yale College, where she
maintained him until he graduated with highest
honors, and soon after receiving his diploma he spent
one year in New Hampshire as a teacher of languages;
he then made a journey to South Carolina, where he
was also for some time engaged in teaching and
reading law; and it was while residing here and
seeing the degrading effects of human slavery, that
he invited the feeling of hatred and disgust towards
that institution, that shone forth in after years in
the most fervent and eloquent speeches for its
He soon found that with his ideas of justice and
human liberty South Carolina was no place for him,
and hearing of the new Territory whose shores were a
washed by two of the greatest rivers of the globe, he
now turned his footsteps towards Iowa, and in 1846 he
arrived in Clayton County, and settled at Garnavillo.
At this time the county had but few inhabitants; but
as he looked and wandered over her broad and fertile
prairies, he saw that these must in a short time
invite the emigrants, and be settled by a thriving
and industrious population, and here he determined to
make his future home. In addition to his other
attainments, he had acquired a fine law education,
and he soon began the practice, and in a short time
established a good practice in a high reputation as a
scholar at the lawyer.
The practice of law soon proved too slow, too
confining, and to irksome for his disposition, and
being possessed of an iron constitution, a strong
physical frame, with a strong desire for manual
exercise, he left his profession, entered a large
tract of land near Garnavillo, and with the labor of
his own hands soon converted it into a beautiful and
productive farm.
On this farm he was an incessant laborer, and however
cold or stormy might be the day or the hour, he could
be seen at his work, until he had made himself a
competence, and provided a good home for his widowed
mother and his brother and sisters; and though
elevations and honors showered upon him in after
years, yet it is doubtful whether they brought to him
joy, pride, or satisfaction that he enjoyed, when one
day he looked over at that beautiful farm, the work
of his own hands, saw it completed, and his mother
and brothers and sisters enjoying themselves in ease
and luxury and beyond the reach of want.
Never did a mother idolize a son more than that
mother did him, and never did a son work harder or
later to gratify her every wish and comfort; and when
all the surroundings of that once happy home and
family were grouped together, it presented a picture
of domestic felicity worthy of the attention of the
philosopher, and perhaps the highest, the greatest,
and the most gratifying the human mind is capable of
In 1851 he was elected the first County Judge under
the new system of county government, and this not
only included all the county affairs, but the probate
of estates in addition; and when he assumed the
duties of the office all these branches of county
affairs were in a bad and deplorable condition, but
he began his work with that determined will which has
ever characterized him, and in a short time he paid
off old and outstanding debts, levied a just system
of taxes, laid out new roads and built bridges, and
at the end of four years he handed over to his
successor the whole county government in a redeemed
and prosperous condition, and again return to his
farm, honored and respected by the people for his
able management of their public affairs.
In 1849 he was married in his native state to Hannah
Larabee, a sister to the Honorable William Larabee,
of Fayette County, and a descendent of an old family
of that State, who took an active part in the side of
America and all the great struggles of the great
revolution, and this amiable, accomplished and
talented woman has been his adviser, his comforter
and his helper in all his trials and hardships for
more than a third of a century. Two sons and two
daughters, now grown up to age and maturity, have
been born to them, and these children they have
raised and educated in all the accomplishments that
the country and money could afford.
In 1858 he was elected District Judge of the Tenth
Judicial District of Iowa, and reelected again in
1862, and during these eight years he presided over
the courts of the district with credit and honor; and
it was here that he gained that wide reputation
through the State which he still retains, a being a
profound jurist, an able lawyer and a finished
In 1870 he was appointed by the Governor of Iowa,
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State, and
in this position he served but a short time, when he
retired from law and politics, to turn his attention
to the building of railroads; but while on the
supreme bench his written opinions and judicial
decisions were models of learning, brevity and
Soon after leaving the Supreme Bench he conceived and
originated a planned for the construction of a
railroad from Dubuque, along the west bank of the
Mississippi River to St. Paul, with the main branch
up and along the Valley of the Turkey, via a Mankato,
to the Northern Pacific Railroad; upon announcing his
scheme to the public, it was looked upon as visionary
and impossible, but he threw the full force of his
determined will and character into the scheme, and in
a short time he had the satisfaction of being the
first man to break ground on the enterprise which
afterwards became the Chicago, Dubuque &
Minnesota Railroad, and it is to his energy, will and
perseverance that Northern Iowa and Minnesota are
indebted for that magnificent line of road that
follows the Father of Waters from Clinton to St.
To avoid heavy grades, as well as to shorten the
route from Chicago and Dubuque to the great
Northwest, his plan was to follow the Valley of the
Turkey as a through and mainline, but in this he was
overruled, and Dubuque lost heavy by the change, and
the road still climbs the heavy grades, and pursues
the longest and most unprofitable routes to the same
He stayed by this enterprise until he saw it
completed under his own eyes to Guttenberg, when he
left it, and organized the "Iowa Eastern"
Narrow Gauge Company, whose purpose was to build a
road from McGregor, in a south westerly direction,
through Iowa's coal-fields to the Missouri.
His energy and perseverance soon raised the desired
funds, and he again broke ground upon the new
enterprise, and rapidly pushed it forward from Beulah
for a distance of 16 miles, when all of a sudden a
financial panic fell upon the country, his backers
failed, and he was left to struggle as he could with
a large floating debt hanging over his enterprise,
and its creditors pursuing him at every turn. He had
sold his beautiful farm in Garnavillo, and had
invested the proceeds in a large tract of land in
Grand Meadow Township, and this he had soon brought
to a high state of cultivation, and adorned and
embellished it in a magnificent manner, and this fine
home and farm he put in jeopardy to save his fair
name and fame as a man of honor and integrity, and
tell at last he found himself upon the very verge of
ruin and poverty.
He was the author, the originator and the president
of the enterprise, and when the crash came with all
its trouble of facts, its creditors met him without
compassion at every turn, and demanded their full
share from the ruins of a blasted enterprise; and to
add to his crushed and tender feelings, many of his
former friends deserted him, and left him to struggle
alone under a pressure that was enough to break and
shatter the strongest mind ever possessed by a human
being. In all these struggles he never lost sight of
his honor and integrity, and he made every effort,
offered every assurance within his power and command,
to appease and stay in the demands, but all to no
purpose; suit after suit was brought, judgments were
multiplied, executions were issued, and his own
private property seized to satisfy the demands
against the company.
There was a time during this terrible pressure upon
him when a few of his old friends might have come to
support, and by even their countenance an assurance,
and without the aid of money, could a given such
confidence to his enterprise, as would have pushed it
along on its route, every mile of which would have
restored confidence, allayed the demands of
creditors, paid them in the end, and completed the
enterprise; but these were not forthcoming, and with
all this load upon his shoulders, he kept his 16
miles of road in good condition, and through storm
and sunshine his trains made their regular trips
along the route with their freight and passengers
until the present season when he sold the road with
all its franchises and encumbrances to the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company, and
retired once more to his farm.
In conjunction with his brother he began the
construction of another road from Lancaster
Wisconsin, running in the north easterly direction up
and along the valley of the Kickapoo, and after
completing a portion of the road, he sold out his
interest, and from the sales of both roads he has
probably saved his large and extensive farm, which
still leaves him a competence, and a peaceful retreat
in his declining years.
When the Missouri Compromise was repealed, and the
South had threatened to plant her slave colonies on
free soil, he was among the very first man of America
to protest against the encroachment, and among the
first to call together a body of men for the purpose
of forming an organization against the demands of the
slaveholders power, and from that day to the present
he has stood by that organization.
As a profound lawyer, and able an upright judge, as a
finished scholar and a public man, his name and his
public works will ever be connected with the history
of the state and his county and a high and in an
honorable manner; and as he has still many years of
usefulness before him, we will leave him in the hands
of those whom he has served so long and well, to do
him more ample justice in the future.
S. T. Woodward
is a native of Vermont, born in Grand Isle County,
January 23, 1828. His father, James Woodward, was a
native of Londonderry, New Hampshire, and was a
Scotch Irish descent, while his mother, Hannah (Town)
Woodward, was a native of Vermont. The subject of
this sketch passed his early life on a farm,
obtaining his education in the common public school,
with a few months attendance at select school when
seventeen years of age. In 1848, in company with his
parents, he came West and located in Farmersburg
Township in this county. Previous to coming to Iowa
he taught school for a short time in New York, where
the family had emigrated from Vermont, and the first
winter of his arrival here, that of 1848-9, he taught
a select school at Garnavillo. The spring and summer
of 1849 he spent on his father's farm, and in the
fall of that year went to New York City, where he
remained a few months, returning to Iowa in the
spring of 1850. In 1854 he made a trip to Clinton
County, New York, where he was united in marriage
with Esther A. Smith, an estimable lady of that
county, who has been truly a helpmeet to him in the
many years they have since traveled life's journey
together. They have two children living - Charles H.,
who was born August 18, 1855, an attorney admitted to
the bar in 1877, now residing in Knoxville, Iowa, in
charge of his father's coal interests at that place;
Frances Emma, born June 18, 1868, residing with her
parents. On their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Woodward
located in National, where they resided until 1858,
when he received the appointment of Deputy Clerk of
the District Court, and they removed to Guttenberg,
then the county seat of Clayton County. He served as
Deputy Clerk two years, and while attending to the
duties of the office, as opportunity afforded, he
read law, and was admitted to the bar March, 1860,
and at once commenced the practice of his chosen
profession. On the removal of the county seat to
Elkader, in 1860, he moved to that place, where he
has since continued to reside, engaged in the
practice of his profession. Mr. Woodward has ever
been an active man, his professional business for
many years being very remunerative. In every manner
of public interest he has been especially engaged,
and in the building of the Chicago Dubuque &
Minnesota railroad he devoted some two or three years
of his life, using his influence to have the road
located by way of Elkader. He was the Director of the
road for two years. In the organization of the First
National Bank at Elkader he was the prime mover, and
was one of the board of directors several years. In
1881 he purchased a coal mine within the city limits
of Knoxville, Iowa, which is proving very
remunerative, and where he spends a portion of his
time. A portrait of Mr. Woodward appears in this

Portrait of S.T. Woodward, page 571