The go ahead citizens of Farmersburg township are organizing a Society for the purpose of encouraging foreign emigration to Clayton County. We have room yet for millions!

Our boys who have worked the soil, have gone to war and others are needed to take their places. The present war in Germany will drive thousands of the sturdy Teutons to America. Let them come! Clayton Co. will welcome them.

Mr. J.E. Corlett of Farmersburg, informs us that the citizens of that township are taking right hold of this matter and many offer to contribute large sums to pay travel expenses of emigrants. They want men to work on their farms and girls to do the house work. Let the Society be organized in accordance.

~Clayton County Journal, Garnavillo, Thursday, March 3, 1864


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Clayton county

Sharyl Ferrall, volunteer coordinator
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* Some of the census files are NOT searched with this search engine. Please check the census index.
* Be creative when entering a surname and don't rely entirely on the search engine. Many of the records on this website should be browsed
* Enter names between "quotes" and try both "John Doe" and "Doe John". The search engine looks for exactly what you put in the box (minus the quotation marks) so you'll need to try different combinations & spellings to find all the records for your ancestor. Many men used their initials ie: "J.D. Doe"; women were often identified without a first name ie: "Mrs. John Doe", and abbreviations or nicknames are common ie: "Jno Doe" or "Minnie Doe". Be creative!!

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Biographies - 1882

Biographies - 1894

Biographies - 1916

"Oldest Residents" - serial bios - 1930/1931

"Our Friends on the Acres" - serial bios - 1939/1940

"Who's Who" biographies - 1940

Resident of the Month - serial bios - 1970's

Biographies - misc. - A-J * K-Z

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    Cemetery Index

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    Index #2 - Miscellaneous items - lots of interesting stuff!

    Submit any type of 'single record' document (don't forget to cite your source)

  • History of the county - Additionally, there is lots of historical information on pages thoughout the website

    History of Clayton Co. Iowa, 1882 - several of the chapters in this book have been transcribed (on-going project)

    History of the Communia Colony - by Mrs. Frank Liers, 1930

    County & Courthouse history

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Clayton county, Iowa Neighbors
(these links open in new windows)

Clayton County, yellow in the above map, is situated in the northeastern part of the State of Iowa.
The eastern boundry is the Mississippi River and Grant co., Wisconsin on the opposite shore of the river.
The western boundry is shared with Fayette co., Iowa
The northern boundry is shared with Allamakee co., Iowa
The southern boundry is shared by Dubuque co., Iowa and Delaware co., Iowa

Visit the neighboring counties .... our ancestors worshiped, visited and conducted business around the area. Related families often lived across county lines. Don't assume your ancestor never left home!

Iowa map (off-site)
Iowa communities (off-site)

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This page was last updated on February 26, 2025

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