Smyrna News Articles

Excerpts of Smyrna news
Osceola Sentinel

January 10, 1895

Mrs. Daniel Lamm, while out milking New Year's Eve, received a severe kick from a cow, breaking her leg. She is in bad condition, but our hopes are that she will recover... Nettie Vice visited friends in Derby, last week... H. B. Matthews of Garden Grove, was in this vicinity one day last week, buying horses... John Wolverton is talking of occupying his new house in LeRoy, soon.


November 14, 1895

We had a good shower of rain last night...The apple butter factory is booming. Mr. Baily stirs off from twenty-seven to thirty gallons per day. It is made of pure sweet cider and apples and is very nice and delicious. He has quite a lot on hands now ready for sale. Give him a call and patronize your home industry...The box supper at Laschance was quite a success taking in something over $16.00. We understand proceeds go to the church...Jim Ratliff and Daniel Lamm have traded farms and exchanged horses Monday...Mrs. Drake, the United Brethren preacher's wife preached here Sunday. She is an able speaker.


January 7, 1904

Rev. Howard Brown is holding a series of meetings at the Friends church...Mr. and Mrs. Grant Binford are quite well pleased with their New Year's gift, a fine baby boy...Mr. and Mrs. Virge Wallace spent Christmas at Maryville, Mo. with the latter's mother...Will Erb and his sister, Mrs. Nellie Vice, spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Erb...Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boor gave a social Friday night for Chas. Boor. He is going to West Virginia in the near future...Henry Austin had the misfortune to get his leg broken between the knee and ankle...Russell Campbell returned to his home in Maryville, Mo. Sunday after a visit with relatives and friends...Miss Amy Adams, of near Osceola is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Boor...George Westfall and son, Hugh, of Toledo, are visiting relatives and friends near this place.


March 17, 1904

School election passed off quietly. Al Wallace was elected for one year to fill vacancy and Harry Boor for the third year...Fred Johnson's baby has been quite sick but is better now...J. O. Staley has gone to Nebraska for his health and to visit his daughter, Mrs. Charles McNiece...John Cannon's children are on the sick list...


May 5, 1904

The play given at the U.B. church by the Woodburn band wasn't very well attended and they came out ten cents behind expenses. ..This community lost several of its old time residents this week. Marion Hanson was first, Elias Ritter, who died very suddenly, came next and Mrs. John Hood who has suffered with tumor for several months past...Mr. and Mrs. Silas Wilson of near Jay spent Sunday with the former's mother at Smyrna...John Hanson and sister, Mrs. Laura Holcomb of South Dakota, were called here by the death of their father, Marion Hanson...Miss Amy Adams is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Boor...Miss Minnie Wallace has been quite sick with measles and lung fever but is much better.


June 9, 1904

The teacher's meeting was well attended and enjoyed by all...Will Erb will start for Utah next Monday...Everyone attended the children's exercises at Last Chance Sunday and report the program fine...Mr. Monroe and wife have gone to Des Moines to spend a week...Miss Lenora Collins closed a two months' term of school Friday...The Friends have been holding a two weeks' meeting with Rev. George Horner as evangelist...Rev. Hecathorn was able to fill his appontment at the U.B. church Sunday morning and evening. He has not been able to come for some time on account of ill health.


June 23, 1904

Mrs. Campbell and son, Russel, of Maryville, Mo. arrived Thursday to visit the former's sister, Mrs. Virge Wallace...The ice cream supper at the U.B. church was quite well attended, considering it is such a busy time with the farmers. The music was furnished by the Woodburn band...Children's Day was observed at the Friends' church Sunday morning. An excellent program was given by the little ones...Mrs. John Myers is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. John Wallace, of near Weldon...Mr. Watchbaugh has gone to Illinois on a business trip...Misses Daisy Stanley and Mattie Blair have gone to Oskaloosa to attend summer school...Mr. and Mrs. Riley Adams spent Sunday with Frank Boor and wife.




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