This article from The Osceola Sentinel , April 11, 1919, was reprinted in the June 1998 issue of Clarke County Roots and Branches which is published quarterly by .the Clarke County Genealogical Society.


Shiloh Veterans

Clarke-Lucas Association Shiloh Veterans hold

Big Meeting Here Last Wednesday.

The meeting of the Shiloh Survivors association which was held here Wednesday was a complete success from every standpoint. The weather was ideal, the attendance large and the "boys" spent a most pleasant day. The following official report of the meeting is furnished by the secretary, Capt. Hamilton:

A large crowd of soldiers with flag and drum corps met the Lucas county boys at the depot when No. 3 pulled in and escorted them to the Harper block, where the headquarters were established.

After cigars and greetings, a business meeting was held and J.H. Andrews of Chariton chosen president for the ensuing year and Wilberforce Coles secretary.

At noon the visitors were escorted to the Arlington where a special dinner was served to them, quite different from the one they did or didn't get 48 years before.

At 1:30 they met in front of the headquarters and marched to the Christian church, which was decorated with patriotic colors, and there the meeting was called to order by W.W. Williams, president.

Following is the list of Shiloh veterans present:

The following visiting veterans were also present:

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Last revised August 29, 2010