USGenWeb Cherokee County, Iowa

Cherokee County Schools

Cleghorn High School Class Reunion

Class of 1930 - Sixty Year Class Reunion - 1990

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Cleghorn Class of 1930
The 1930 class of Cleghorn High School held its 60th reunion at Danny's recently. Pictured in the back row are Alvin Ducommun, James S. Wilcox and Milo Birch. In the front row are Elsie Lange, Opal Skoggs, Marjorie Brenneman and Edith Olson. (Source: Former Cherokee County Historical Society Scrapbook.  Article hand dated 7-12-90)
Class of 1939 - Fifty First Year Class Reunion - 1990

Cleghorn Class of 1939
51st Class Reunion

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Nine members of the Cleghorn High School class of 1939 held a reunion at Danny's Steakhouse in Cherokee. After dinner and reminiscing, they joined the class of 1940 for special cakes, coffee and visiting.  Those present were, back from left to right: Jesse McIntosh, Clifford Miller, Melvin Nelson, LaVonne Wailin Rae, Lawrence Goodrich, Eleanor Weser Lundell; front: June McIntosh Finnerty, Evangeline Dobson Sins, Virginia Robinson. Five members were absent and two are deceased. (Source: Former Cherokee County Historical Society Scrapbook.  Article hand dated 8-21-90)
Class of 1940 - Fifty Year Class Reunion - 1990

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The Cleghorn High School class of 1940 held a 50 year reunion at Danny's Steakhouse in Cherokee recently.  Those attending were: back row (l - r) LaVerne Shafer, Helyn Thomson, Gilmore, Duane Springer, Enola Ducommun Stieneke, Clyde Simons, Craig Pierce. Front row (l - r) Bernice Goodrich McIntosh, Betty Smith Wyckoff, Jessie Robinson Nelson and Jean McKinney Greef. Five class members are deceased and two were absent. Source: Cherokee Daily Times 23 Aug 1990

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