USGenWeb Cherokee County, Iowa

Cherokee County Schools

Aurelia Graduating Classes

1918 - 1919
Shown above are 1918 & 1919 graduating classes of Aurelia High School.  School was located where city park is now.
 Left to right, front row: Dewey Deyloff, Harold Nelson, Howard Nelson, Helmer Carlburg, Orphius Johnson, George Nelson, Clayton Holderness; second row: Carrie McClain (deceased), Leota Waddell, Del Witt, Ruby Robinson, Edith Peterson, Frieda Jacobson, Margaret Howell, Clara Stutz, Lola Leonard, Third row: Mary Dick (deceased), Hazel Lamb, Mamie Miller, Delia Poulson, Helen Nelson, Martha Glawe & Euguena Dyslin. Class of 1918 plans 50 year reunion May 24.
 (Source: Former Cherokee County Historical Society scrapbook. Article hand dated 5-6-68)

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