Mr. & Mrs. John Julius |
Julius Couple Observes 50th |
and Mrs. John Julius were guest of honor at an open house Jan. 26 in
commemoration of their Golden Wedding anniversary, held at the parlors
of Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
two guests were registered in the golden anniversary book, a gift of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ballantyne of Guthrie Center. The parlors were
attractive with flowers and plants presented to the couple by friends
and relatives. Mrs. Julius was wearing a corsage of yellow roses and
Mr. Julius, a yellow carnation boutonniere, both gifts from their
family, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Danielson, Mrs. Edna White, Mr. and Mrs. Loy
Julius, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Julius and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eng.
golden floral centerpiece arranged by Mrs. Clarence Eng was on the
serving table from which ice cream squares, small cakes, topped with a
golden "50", golden punch and other refreshments were served. "John and
Mabel - 1914 - 1964" were imprinted in gold on the napkins.
were greeted as they arrived by Mr. and Mrs. Dale Julius. Mrs. B. Eng
was at the guest book and Mrs. White, at the gift table.
Granddaughters Mary Danielson and Jean White poured punch and coffee.
Mrs. Danielson and Mrs. Darrell White were waitresses. Ushers were the
couple's grandson, Morrie Danielson, Jim Danielson and Bob Danielson.
in the kitchen as hostesses were Mrs. Gilbert Nielson, Mrs. Ben Adams,
Mrs. John Kelley, Mrs. Laurence Lee, Mrs. Maurice Spence and Mrs. Ray
Elder Ben Adams recalled events of the wedding and offered congratulations and good wishes to the honored guests from the group.
couple were the recipients of numerous cards, gifts and telegrams from
their son, Maj. Loy L. Julius and family of USAF Academy, Colorado,
also from their nieces and nephews, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ballantyne, Mr.
and Mrs. Bud Witcombe, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Balantyne and Al Ballantyne,
all of California. A telephone message was received from a
nephew, Forest Julius and wife of Osage, Neb.
(Source: Former Cherokee County Historical Society scrapbook. Clipping hand dated 2-5-64) |