USGenWeb Cherokee County, Iowa

Cherokee County Churches

Cherokee Churches in 1872
While Cherokee has been making progress in every other department, her clergymen have not been unmindful of the spiritual welfare of the people.

The first church organized was the Baptist Church, on April 2d, 1870.  The pastor of this church is the Rev. A. W. Hilton, with J. E. Sanders, clerk. The church has a membership of 204, and maintains a Sunday School, which is well attended and possesses a library of 205 volumes.  This body is making an effort to build a house of worship this fall, they propose making their building 28x42 and 16 feet high, at a cost of probably $2,000. Their site is on Willow Street. 

On June 5, 1870, a Presbyterian Church was organized by the Rev. A. M. Darley, who is still the pastor, James Robertson, clerk.  The membership of this church is 21, and maintains a Union Sunday School with the M. E. Church. It is not certain that a church will be built this fall, though some movement has been made in that direction. 

The organization of the Congregational Church took place June 12th, 1870. Pastor, Rev. W. F. Rose, clerk, R. L. Cleaves. It has a membership of 23, and sustains a Sunday School.  This organization is now building a place of worship 32x50; and 18 feet high, at a cost of about $2,500.  The Church is to be ready for service by the new year.

M. E. Church
The first class of the M. E. Church, was formed February 1st, 1871. The present minister is the Rev. James Williams, with the Rev. J. C. Kelso as a helper in the Circuit. This church has now a membership of 94, and with the Presbyterians maintains a Sunday School of 50 scholars and 8 teachers. It was the first religious body to build a place of worship. The house is 24x49 and 14 feet high.  Its cost, $1,362, which is entirely liquidated. 

The Catholic Church has a membership of 40 in the county, with numerous adherents. The pastor of this church is the Rev. B. C. Lenehan, of Sioux City, who officiates about once a month here.  This body intends building at an early day.  There is already $300 subscribed towards that object.  The proposed church is to be 18x30 and 14 feet high.

Source:  A Business History of Cherokee, IA 1872 published by Cherokee County Historical Society to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the county. Original information was published in The Cherokee Times, dated 25 Oct 1872.

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