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Photo Caption: James F. Weart came
to Cherokee in 1887. He founded the James F.
Weart Company on West Main Street, a lumber and grain company. At the
age of 89, he still went to his business each day. He was a charter
member of the Cherokee Rotary and was a Mason. He was known for a dry
sense of humor. This photo was probably taken in May of 1959. (Source:
Cherokee County Historical Society scrapbook) James
F. Weart is president of the Weart Lysaght Company, prominent lumbermen
of Cherokee. He was born in Hopewell, New Jersey, and there acquired
his education. In the spring of 1888 he left the east and went to St.
Paul, Minnesota, dividing his time between that city and Duluth until
July, 1889. He then came to Cherokee, where he secured a position in
connection with the lumberyard of which he is now one of the owners.
Gradually he worked his way upward until he was made manager. He became
one of the partners in the business and has since been joined by W. H.
Lysaght and W. I. Weart. On the reorganization of the business under
the present style of the Weart-Lysaght Company, James F. Weart became
the president with Mr. Lysaght as vice president and W. I. Weart as
secretary. In addition to his other interests James F. Weart is
president of the Home Mutual Hail Association. He takes an active
interest in all affairs pertaining to the public welfare and
improvement and his cooperation can ever be counted upon to further any
movement for the general good. He is prominent in Masonic circles and
for two years was eminent commander of the commandery. He also holds
membership with the Modern Woodmen and with the Ancient Order of United
Workmen and he is a member of the building committee of the
Presbyterian church. The name of Weart today figures prominently in
commercial and financial circles in Cherokee county and has ever been a
synonym for enterprise, integrity and fair dealing.
Source: History of
Cherokee County, IA, Vol. II,
by Thomas McCulla; 1914 |