It is at once a matter of interest and pride to the people of Atlantic and vicinity to know that, in addition to the many things for which this city is noted, she can boast of a modiste who not only designs and makes ladies' gowns which are the envy of all who see them, but who enjoys the distinction of being one of but two ladies in the United States who have a reputation the country over and whose creations are shipped to all corners of the nation.
Mrs. Walter Roberts, whose establishment on Poplar street is the mecca for ladies who are particular about their gowns' designing, has made the creation of attractive wear for ladies her life work. Even as the poet is born and not made, so the successful modiste must possess the natural artistic sense and instinct |

to mould the creation to suit the wearer, and not all the experience in the world can give this to one not possessing it. Mrs. Roberts' designs are sought after wherever they are known. She has a large and lucrative business and gives employment to many young women.
The name Roberts on a gown stands for quality and stamps the wearer as one of discriminating taste and judgment.
There is no more attractive thing than a handsomely made gown and the creator of it is entitled to be rated as an artist. Mrs. Roberts is contributing every day not only to the prosperity of the city but to the artistic part of it, by the creations of her skill and her designer's art. |