Dr. Thomas B. Morris is a native of Clarke county, Iowa, and received his college education at Simpson College, from which he graduated with honors, receiving the degree Ph. B.in medicine; he is a graduate of Rush Medical College, of Chicago, which is recognized as one of the greatest medical schools in America and numbers among its faculty, men of world wide reputation. In religion he is a Methodist and in politics he is a republican. He is a member of the Atlantic Commercial Club and a profound believer in a great future for Atlantic. Dr. Morris has practiced his profession in Atlantic since 1901 and has a beautiful modern home at 511 Oak street. In a fraternal way he is a Mason, holding the highest office in the gift of the local lodge, that of Worshipful Master, of Pymosa Lodge No. 271. The Masons have also conferred upon him the honor of the office of Trustee of the Masonic Association.

The doctor has always been active and persistent in his endeavors for the advancement of his profession in the community and in keeping abreast with the latest discoveries in the science of medicine. He is an active member in the county, state and National Medical societies and one of the founders of the Atlantic Hospital, having been one of the Trustees and the Secretary of that institution since its organization. He is a member of the Board of United States Pension Examiners and local examiner for a large number of leading left insurance companies. Dr. Morris has always had a preference for surgery and his thorough special training therein, coupled with his wide experience and natural ability in this branch of medicine have caused him to rank very high in this line of the profession. It is his intention, in the near future to take further specialized training in this line under the best instructors and in so far as his large general practice will permit, to specialize in surgery.