Dr. Pollock was born in Ohio, October 2nd, 1878. He began his education at Monmouth College, Monmouth, Ill., and was graduated in 1903 from the Keokuk Medical College of Physicians and Surgeons. After two years of hospital work he located in the vicinity of Galesburg where he enjoyed an extensive practice for several years. He then put aside his practice and went to New York City where he entered the Postgraduate Medical School and Hospital, also Belle View Hospital, and took a specialists course in surgery and medicine there, becoming thoroughly acquainted with the latest scientific methods known to the profession. After completing this course he again returned to Galesburg, Ill., where he was associated for a time with Dr. J. F. Percy, the leading surgeon of that city assisting him with his professional work. From Galesburg he came to Des Moines, where he located and was engaged in active practice until he came to Atlantic.

Dr. Pollock came to Atlantic some months ago and associated with Dr. F. W. Porterfield in the practice of medicine and surgery. When Dr. Porterfield went to Waterloo, Dr. Pollock succeeded him in the practice and he has been proving that the many complimentary things said of him by those with whom he labored before coming here were all deserved. He is a thorough student of anything pertaining to his profession ande has kept step with the many important advances made in recent years.
Dr. Pollock has identified himself with the business interests of Atlantic and is a member of the Atlantic Commercial Club. He is a progressive in his citizenship as well as in his profession and is a welcome addition to Atlantic's hustlers.