C. A. Meredith was born on a farm near Corydon, Ia., December 10, 1863. A few years thereafter his parents removed to Corydon where they continued to reside for about six years, when they again sought farm life and for many years thereafter resided on a farm a short distance east of Corydon.
He received his education in the county schools first, and later in the high school of Allerton, Iowa, and still later attended Fr. Edward Collegiate Institute at Ft. Edward, N. Y., from which institution he was graduated in June, 1885. In the Fall of 1885 he entered the Law Department of the State University of Iowa, from which he was graduated in the class of '87. Thereafter he located in Atlantic for the practice of his chosen profession, and in March, 1892, formed a co-partnership with the late L. L. DeLano under the firm name of DeLano & Meredith. He was married in 1889 to Miss Anna King of Corydon. In 1893 he was elected city attorney of Atlantic and in 1895 was re-elected to that office. He was elected county attorney in 1896 and re-elected in 1898. His co-partnership relation with Mr. DeLano continued until the decease of the latter in November, 1905. At a special election held December 19, 1905, he was elected Representative to fill out the unexpired term caused by the death of Mr. DeLano, and served during the 31st General Assembly. He was re-elected in 1906 and again in 1908. Mr. Meredith is a member of the M. W. A. and is a Republican in politics.
