Has made for himself an enviable reputation at the bar of Cass county and is one of the influential and representative men whose personality is effective in any enterprise to which he devotes his talents.
His practice is both large and lucrative and he is socially an agreeable host and popular in both public and private life.
He is a contributor to anything pertaining to the material and moral advancement of Atlantic, having seen it grow to become the best town of five thousand in the state.
In the various relations of life he bears himself in a manly, upright and courteous manner creditable to himself and beneficial as an example to the community.
Mr. Swan has been entrusted with some of the most difficult and perplexing law cases in the state, and, in the vast majority of these, has been successful for his clients. Where knowledge of the law and force of character are required Mr. Swan's services are in demand.
In 1874 he was married to Miss Elva A. Hawkes, and they have four children, O. T., the elder, is attached to the United States Forest service, assisted by several assistants, having charge of the product department of seven states.
The younger Harry B., is a student attending the Iowa State University at Iowa City, in the freshman class.
Mr. Swan has been located in Atlantic since 1884 and his success has been such that he is well contented with his business, himself and the public.
