It were impossible for the writer of this sketch to say anything about the subject of it which the older residents of this county are not already acquainted with. They know the innate honesty and cleanliness of the man. They know that he would not do an unkind or ungenerous act for all the fabled gold of Midas. They know that no man of higher ideals or nobler impulses lives than he. They know that for years he has had his place in the ranks of the republican party, contributing of his influence and his votes to the success of the party, and asking nothing except that it be victorious. They know that he has earned over and over again the place he now asks at the hands of the voters of this county.

In the beginning of this campaign the News-Telegraph asked that there be no candidate against Mr. Hobart and gave its reasons for so doing. It is especially glad to be able to say that he is to have no opposition for the nomination he asks. He will be nominated and elected and he will bring to the discharge of the duties of the record's office an efficiency and integrity that will compel the admiration of all who support him.
From: Industrial Edition, published by Atlantic News Telegraph, Atlantic, Iowa, 1913, pg.41. Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, March, 2018.
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