This is a small beginning,
but with your help it will grow. Please consider
any information you have about Butler County marriages: licenses, copies of
marriage certificates, copies of newspaper articles announcing marriages or
reporting on parties. Even if you only have the name of one groom and one bride
and the date and place they were married, that would be very much appreciated.
From family records (Submitted by Jo Gruenwald)
Simeon R. Canon and Mary DeMoss 14 September 1848, Fulton,
Mary DeMoss Canon and Seth Strong 23 January 1856, Butler County, Iowa
From The Iowa Recorder, November 4, 1936
(Submitted by Jo Gruenwald)
Karl F. Hass and Miss L. L. Weedman, September 4, 1936, at
Cherokee, Iowa. (Note: this was also part of a larger article describing a
business venture in addition to the marriage.)
From The Waterloo Daily Courier, March 25,
1945 (Submitted by Jo Gruenwald)
Marshall Dallas Harlan married Miss Irene Wiegmann of Bristow
while in port at Bremerton, Wash., July 30, 1943.
(Note: this is part of a much longer article that describes his war service,
etc., which is why the date of the article is nearly two years after the
From The Iowa Recorder, June 27, 1917
(Submitted by Jo Gruenwald)
Orville Harlan and Anna Sears married on Thursday evening,
June 21, 1917 at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Gough.
From The Iowa Recorder,
4 February 1902
Licenses to wed:
August Deehe to Christine Burch
Mart Frost to Katie Kohlhass
Claud V. Bell to Vera Lloyd
Delos J. Walsh to Jennie

In the marriage licenses
issued this week from Allison will be noted that of Miss Vera Lloyd to Claude
V. Bell. The bride is the daughter of Arthur Lloyd, at one time a barber at

On Friday evening at seven o'clock
occurred the marriage of Miss Grace Etter to Mr. Chas. Aurand, at the pleasant
country home of the group's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Aurand, who reside just
west of town. Len Lucas performed the ceremony that forever united this couple
in the holy bonds of wedded life. Only the immediate relatives were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Aurand will reside this winter with the bride's father, Mr. Frank
Etter. We join the many friends in extending to this couple the best wishes
for a pros- [story ends]
From The
Iowa Recorder, 11 February 1902
Licenses to wed:
George Poisal to
Myrtle Wamsley
Fritz H. Nordman to Frieda Gorbes
Lubbo Kannagasser to Metje Riecken
Chas M. Aurand to Grace P. Etter
Chas Fitzpatrick to Nellie M. Card
Henry H. Ubben to Gertie Brinkman
Josiah Conn to Susan D. Williamson

On Wednesday, Feb.
5th, at St. Mary's church, occurred the marriage of Mr. Mathew Frost to Miss
Kate Kohlhass, Miss Mary Frost, a sister of the groom, acting as bridesmaid,
and Mr. Henry W. Kohlhass, a brother of the bride, as groomsman.
The bride was handsomely attired
in a tan dress with white silk trimming. The groom wore the conventional black.
Immediately after the ceremony
a few of the relatives repaired to the bride's home, where a bountiful wedding
dinner was served.
The groom is a young man who stands
in high esteem by all who know him, and is well worthy the prize he has won.
The bride is well known in this vicinity as a lady of high esteem.
They will commence housekeeping
on the old Frost home place near Pleasant Grove.

Miss Myrtle Wamsley and Mr. Geo.
Poisal were married Tuesday evening, Feb. 4th, at the M. E. Parsonage by Rev.
F. T. Heatly. We extend our congratulations.
From The Iowa Recorder,
7 January 1903
Marriage licenses issued at the
county courthouse in Allison:
John Rewerts to Fritz
J. H. Busching to Rosa W. Becker
Jos. C. Baumgartner to Hilka Freese
Benj. H. Shepard to Anna K. Parsons
Wallace Jones to Mabel Critzmann
John H. Ball of Clarksville to Addie Disher, Minneapolis
W. J. Gilbert to Jennie Barber of Aplington

The wedding of W.
J. Gilbert to Miss Jennie Barber occurred at Aplington on New Year's Day.
We extend congratulations.

Monday evening at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Becker, occurred the
marriage of their daughter Rosa, to John Henry Busching, Rev. Schaffnit, Waverly
officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Busching departed the same evening for Barney, N.
D., where the groom has prepared a home for his bride. We extend our congratulations.
From The
Iowa Recorder, 14 January 1903
Marriage license was
issued to John Rieverts age 28, of Madison township, and Jabena Ruiter age
23, of Pittsford township.

DUMONT Miss Cora Martin
of this place and Mr. Henry Malhum of Estherville will be united in marriage
tomorrow, (Thursday) noon at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Frank Watson
south of town. Miss Martin is a sister of Chas. and W. W. Martin of this place
and is a young lady of many qualities. Rev. W. C. Keeler will perform the
ceremony. We extend congratulations.
From The Iowa Recorder,
28 January 1903
ALLISON Marcus Jensen and Miss
Caroline Jensen were married last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Rev.
V. B. Hill. The groom is a farmer living on the Iowa Central Stock Farm and
the bride is a young lady who recently came from Denmark.
From The Iowa Recorder,
5 Jan 1910
On last Wednesday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Metcalf living six miles east of Greene occurred the
marriage of their daughter Miss Florence, to Mr. Fred Butzlaff, only immediate
relatives and a few friends being present. The ceremony was performed by rev.
Puckett of the M. E. church of Greene.
The bride's gown was of white silk
and she carried a bouquet of white roses.
After the ceremony a bounteous
wedding supper was served. There were many fine wedding presents received.
Mr. and Mrs. Butzlaff will commence
housekeeping at once on the Dutzlaff farm where they will be at home to their
many friends. The Recorder joins in extending hearty congratulations.

Married at the Presbyterian parsonage
in Mason City, on December 21, 1909 Mr. Haskell A. Thompson, a musician in
the 10th U.S. Infantry, stationed at Indianapolis, Ind., and Miss Verne Mettler
of Greene.
Mr. Thompson is a son of Mrs. J.
E. Bickley who resides west of town and to all appearances is a young man
of good qualities. The bride is a popular rural teacher and has always resided
in Greene and near here. She will make a model home for him who has chosen
her for a life companion. They will make their home in Des Moines, after March
1st -- [Reprinted from the Clarksville Star]

Ralph Weiland, 32 to Grace Menken,
Leon F. Hefner, 26 to Bernice L. Conerly, 20
W. A. Walters, 26 to Anneta L. Bruns, 20