Welcome to Butler County
My name is Karen De Groote and I'm the County Coordinator for the Butler County project. Feel free to contact me with questions you might have concerning the website.
If you have access to genealogical data or historical information of genealogical interest about the county, towns, churches, schools or other data you would like to contribute to the database please send an email to
Karen De Groote
Butler County was formed on January
15, 1851 from open land. It was named after Kentucky native William
Orlando Butler, a general and hero of the Mexican-American War, who ran
as Vice President of the United States in 1848. Until 1854, the county
was governed by other counties. Only at this time did it have enough
inhabitants to establish its own local government. The first court
proceedings were conducted in a small log cabin of a settler. In 1858,
the first courthouse was completed in Clarksville. After it was sold
shortly thereafter to the local school district, it was used as a
schoolhouse from 1863 until 1903.
Clarksville was the first
county seat, from 1854 to 1860, after which Butler Center became the
seat. Because locals became disenchanted with Butler Center (partially
because of its inaccessibility during the winter), Allison was made the
county seat on January 10, 1881.
When the tracks of the
Dubuque and Dakota Railroad were laid through Allison, the seat was
moved there on January 10, 1881. Allison was named after the Dubuque
native Republican politician, lawyer and senator William B. Allison.
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Please use the search engines on the boards below
as this search no
longer includes the Boards KDMar2021
IAGenWeb Message Boards for Butler Co.
Here are the places to find and post questions and
information about specific ancestors.
While you are out and about this summer, consider visiting some Butler
County cemeteries and snapping photos of headstones. Our Gravestone Photo
Project needs submissions from you!

Butler's Neighbors
Page Last Updated:
20 Oct 2024