Junior Class
Top Row (left to right) - Cuba Deppe, Edna Keith, Douglas Woodruff, Mathilda Meents, Percy Smith, Paul Foote, Ray Witthauer, Ralph Gaffin, Guy Roberts.
Second Row - Caroline Foell, Cecil Waldron, Dorothy Skewis, Dorothy Smith, Mildred Howe, Leola Shinabarger, Dorothy O'Donoghue, Edna Burke, Jay Wellmerling, Melvin Stringer.
Third Row - Tillie Wilson, Cecelia Howe, Rosa Hadenfeldt, Dorothy Gaffin, Mary Thomas, Opal Hoffman, Zoe Kinne, Grace LaRue, Gail Karslake, Lester Schuldt.
Bottom Row - Kenneth Bennett, Hilda Doolittle, Esther Berkler, Dorothy McArthur, Elsie Battern, M iss Sifford (Patroness), Pearl Swanson, Nellie Hussey, David Hughes, Dwight Espe.

Sophomore Class
Top Row (left to right) - Florence Cole, Frances Smoot, Ross Parish, Minnie Geisinger, Wilbur Williamson, Ruby Goldsmith, Carl Johnson, Mavis Lindlief, Miles Meighen.
Second Row - Arthur Redenbaugh, Stanton Faville, Ebba Lindahl, Elizabeth Ensign, Curtiss Smith, Avis Frantz, Hallie Higgins, Frieda Olson, John Haughey, Hazel Roby.
Bottom Row - Rollin Wagner, Steven Condon, Pearl Redenbaugh, Athlene Clemons, Donald O'Donoghue, Miss Franke (Patroness), Blanche Wirt, Ruth Aitkinr, Ardeth Shaull, Casper Ackerman.

Freshmen Class
Top Row (left to right) - Glen Daniels, Lurene Wagner, Mabel Bullard, Mary Barr, Jacob Neubauer, John Cannon, Kendric Bell, Edgar Breecher, Martha Smoot, Hazel Edwards, Leslie Redenbaugh, Frank Stedwell.
Second Row - Thelma Park, Carl Hadenfeldt, Ralph Robinson, Irwin Barr, Ethel Coulson, Lucile Johnson, Dorothy Hix, Greta Gilliland, Vera Fearis, Marion Thompson, Charlotte Geisinger, Evron Karges, Hubert Bean.
Third Row - Kenneth Thompson, Luverne Nelson, Myrthle Redenbaugh, Opal Samsen, Marion Faville, Edna Petty, Gladys Bethards, Charles Hull, Anna Holmgren, Nellie Robinson, Margaret Skewis, Muriel Wheeler, Fern Spragg, Bessie Leckington.
Bottom Row - Lloyd Kaufman, Ralph Soeth, Ralph Carlson, Ralph Stedwell, Fern Shannon, Greta Wasser, Miss Luhman (Patroness), Lois Fiseus, Malcom Bennett, Herbert Bowers, Fayette Smith, Earl Hussey.