Buena Vista County, IA |
Paul Winther1Paul Winther, residing on section 23, Newell township, is the owner of a farm of three hundred acres and is an extensive breeder of stock, making a specialty of raising polled Angus cattle. Denmark claims him among her native sons, but no resident of Buena Vista county is more loyal to the interests of America and her institutions than Paul Winther. He was born in Voxlev Sogn, May 4, 1842, his parents being Christian Kjarsgaard and Maria (Winther) Kjarsgaard, both of whom were natives of Denmark. The father was a farmer in Denmark and there spent his entire life. The paternal grandfather was named Peterson and died in Denmark when well advanced in years. He devoted his life to farming and gardening. The maternal grandfather was Ole Winther, who also followed farming in Denmark throughout his entire life. The death of Christian Kjarsgaard occurred in December, 1870, when he was seventy-five years of age and his wife passed away about eight years later when seventy-six years of age. He served his country as a soldier in the regular army for seven years. Both parents of our subject were Lutherans in religious faith. The father was twice married and by his first wife had two children: Catharine, who is now the wife of Bek Toft; and Metta, who is deceased. Paul Winther was one of a family of four sons and one daughter: Ole, who is living in Denmark; Peter, also of the same country; Nels, whose home is in Newell township; Paul, of this review; and Kirstina, the wife of Christ Jensen, of Denmark. No event of special importance occurred to vary the routine of farm life for Paul Winther in the days of his boyhood and youth. He acquired his education in the schools of his native country, and through the summer months worked in the fields, remaining at home until he reached man's estate. A comparative review of the business situation and opportunities of the new world and of the old led him to the belief that he might have better advantages in America and accordingly in 1871 he sailed for the United States and came to Iowa, purchased one hundred and ten acres of land in Newell township, Buena Vista county. As the years passed by he has prospered and has extended the boundaries of his farm until he now owns three hundred and thirty acres of finely improved land. He has been extensively engaged in breeding and raising polled Angus cattle and is considered an authority on fine stock. He has produced some of the best cattle raised in the county and in his farm work he is also meeting with success, his richly tilled fields annually bringing forth golden harvests. He bought land for thirty dollars per acre, which is today one hundred dollars per acre, owing to the care, labor and improvements he has placed upon it. On the 22nd of April, 1871, Mr. Winther was married to Miss Mary Staun, a daughter of Nels and Julia (Nelson) Staun. Her birth occurred in Denmark, September 12, 1844, and her parents were also natives of that country. Her father died when about fifty-three years of age, while the mother survived him until 1890 and passed away when eighty years of age. They were the parents of eight children: Metta, deceased wife of Martin Hansen; Sena, the wife of Andrew Dalsgaard, of Denmark; Peter Christian; Paul; James; Carrie, the wife of Peter Kjarsgaard; Mary, the wife of Paul Winther; and Annie, the wife of Nels Knutsen. All are yet living in Denmark, with the exception of Mrs. Winther. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Winther have been born the following named: Christ, who died in infancy; Charles, who died at the age of twelve years: Julia, deceased; Julia, the second of the same name, who became the wife of L. N. Peterson, of Newell township, and has five children: Esther, Marion, Bernice, Martin, and Ruth; Martin, who died at the age of fourteen years; Mary, the wife of Christ Lobner, by whom she has one child, Francis; Nellie, who married Peter Hemmingsen, a resident of Newell, and has three children, Elmer, Leon and Naomi; Frank, deceased; Frank, the second of the name; Charlotte, at home; Elvira, who died at the age of 10 years; and Delsina, also yet under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Winther are members of the Baptist church; and are earnest consistent Christian people. He votes with the republican party and is interested in community affairs, giving stalwart support to many measures for the general good. He has served as school director and is now filling the position of school treasurer. Aside from his farming interests he is the president of the Newell Creamery Company. He is today numbered among the prominent agriculturalists of Newell township and is an influential citizen, for all who know him esteem him for his integrity of character and recognize his genuine worth. He has the best interest of the community at heart and withholds his cooperation from no movement which he believes will prove of public good. His worth is widely acknowledged and his prosperity is well merited as it has come as the logical sequence of a life of industry and will directed thrift. 1Wegerslev, C. H. and Thomas Walpole. Past and Present of Buena Vista County, Iowa. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1909, p. 598-601. |