Buena Vista County, IA
USGenWeb Project

Extracted from:  Wegerslev, C. H. and Thomas Walpole. 
 Past and Present of Buena Vista County, Iowa
Chicago:  S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1909, p. 545-46.

Transcribed by Paul Nagy

Biography of  John H. Bartels

John H. Bartels, a successful agriculturist of Coon township, where he owns and operates a well improved farm of one hundred and sixty acres, was born in Germany, February 26, 1852, his parents being Henry and Maggie (Clipp) Bartels, also natives of the fatherland, where they spent their entire lives.  Henry Bartels was a shepherd by occupation.  His children were as follows:  August, who makes his home in Germany; four who died in infancy; and John H., of this review.


The last named attended the schools of his native land until fourteen years of age and subsequently secured employment as a farm hand.  The many favorable reports which he heard concerning the broader opportunities and advantages of the new world resulted in his emigration to the United States when a young man of twenty-one years.  Locating in Illinois, he there worked as a farm hand for six years, on the expiration of which period, having carefully saved his earnings, he was enabled to purchase his present place of one hundred and sixty acres in Buena Vista county, Iowa.  As the years have gone by he has brought his fields under a high state of cultivation through progressive and modern methods of farming and has long been numbered among the substantial and enterprising citizens of the community.


Mr. Bartels was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Strauss, whose birth occurred in Germany on the 2d of December, 1866, her parents being now deceased.  Unto our subject and his wife have been born the following children:  Ernest, whose natal day was January 28, 1891; Alma; Edward; and Ella.


In his political views Mr. Bartels is a democrat and has served as school director for many years, the cause of education ever finding in him a stalwart champion.  His religious belief is indicated by his membership in the Lutheran church, in the work of which he is actively and helpfully interested.  He has never had occasion to regret his determination to establish his home in the new world, for here he has found the opportunities he sought and in their utilization has gained that measure of success which must always crown persistent and well directed effort.  Having resided in Buena Vista county for almost three decades, he is widely and favorably known here and has ever displayed those sterling traits of character which in every land and time awaken admiration and regard.

Page Last Updated 01/13/2019 06:08:34