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Crum – Parry Marriage 1919


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 1/22/2025 at 11:59:36

Source: Cresco Plain Dealer Aug. 8, 1919, P4 C1

A pretty double wedding took place last Wednesday, July 30th, at the home of the brides’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Parry, Bristol Grove, Minn., when the Rev. David Edwards of Lime Springs, united in marriage Miss Katherine J. Parry and Mr. Lloyd Vern Crum, also Miss Martha R. Parry and Mr. Hugh M. Jones. Miss Phebe Parry played the Wedding March. Ernest and Myron Jones were the ring bearers. The interesting ceremony took place in the presence of the immediate relatives. A wedding dinner was served and a very pleasant time was spent. The same day both parties left on a visit to Minneapolis and some of the eastern cities. Both couples are well known in the community and are very popular among a wide circle of friends.
Miss Katherine J. Parry is a graduate of Lime Springs High School after which she attended Upper Iowa University at Fayette and finally gained the degree of M. A. at Wisconsin University, Madison. She was the Principal of Lime Springs high School.
Mr. Crum is a graduate of Cedar Falls College and a B. A. of the same college. Last year he was the Supt. Of the Lime Springs High school. Miss Martha R. Parry graduated at Lyle, Minn., after which she attended Normal school at Mankato, Minn. She was a successful teacher for a number of years at Heron Lake, Minn., Mr. Hugh M. Jones is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones, Bangor, Canada. He was for six months in service taking the aviation branch at Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis. At the present time is employed by the C. M. & St P. Ry. Co.
Both couples have the best wishes of their large circle of friends. May their married lives be long and happy in every respect.


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