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Hans Fredrick Ferbitz (1843-1910)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 2/23/2025 at 22:52:34

From Jewell Record February 17, 1910 (page 1)

Hans Fredrick Ferbitz was born Feb. 22, 1843, in Germany, and died Feb. 9, 1910, at the age of nearly sixty seven years. As an infant he was baptized in the Lutheran church, and at the age of about fifteen years he gave personal responses to his baptismal covenant in confirmation. Throughout his lifetime he lived a life of loyalty and truth to his faith and at the end was satisfied to go, dying confessing Christ crucified as his hope of eternal life. Mr. Ferbitz lived a good and useful life and exemplified in his daily life the religion in which he trusted. He was a noble citizen, a loving husband and father, and, inclusive of all, he was that which is the crowning masterpiece of the Creator, a good man.

At the age of 24 he entered the German army in which he served two years. On March 15th, 1870, he was married to Miss Christine Sorenson, and a week later sailed with his bride to America. On the 19th of April they arrived in Des Moines where they resided for 19 years. In 1888 they moved to the farm northwest of Jewell and ten years later moved to Jewell where they have since resided. Mr. Ferbitz has always been a loyal and active member of his church and for years has been its treasurer. Since coming to Jewell he served two terms as a member of the town council, and has always been in the front ranks of those who have been interested in making for the progress and the betterment of his town.

Because of a growing illness he was taken to Mercy hospital in Des Moines for treatment, and there, surrounded by the members of his family, death came to him, peacefully and as becomes a Christian man. He is survived by his wife and five children, one child having died in infancy. The children are M. H., of Spokane, Frank, of Des Moines, Mrs. Gilbert Knudson and Mrs. John Larson of Jewell, and Mrs. B. F. Knudson of Spokane. He is also survived by three sisters, one residing in Denmark, Mrs. P. A. Johnson of Des Moines, and Mrs. Huffsmith of Colorado.


Hamilton Obituaries maintained by Lynn McCleary.
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