Vinton Semi-Weekly Eagle; Dec. 19, 1884
Dec. 17, 1884
Cedar Rapids
A Double Wedding occurred at Cedar Rapids, on Wednesday evening last which will interest a number of Eagle readers. The contracting parties were W. H. Harcourt, of Kingsley, Iowa, and Miss Helen R. Traer, and G. H. Penfield, of Chicago, and Miss Carrie L. Traer. The names of the brides will be recognized as those of the daughters of Mr. J. W. Traer, long a prominent resident of Vinton. W. M. Loree and wife, J. C. Traer and daughters and Miss Blanche Hewes were down from Vinton, to attend the wedding, which is reported to have been a brilliant affair.
Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette; Dec. 17, 1884
Dec. 17, 1884
Cedar Rapids
A Society Event
Double Wedding This Evening at the Residence of Hon. J. W. Traer
A noted social event is to occur this evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Traer, Second avenue, it being no less than a double wedding, the contracting parties to the happy affair being Mr. Geo. H. Penfield, of Chicago, and Carrie Louise Traer, and Walter Harcourt Vernon, of Kingsley, Iowa, and Helen R. Traer. The ceremony which will unite these prominent young people is to occur this evening, Rev. Samuel Ringgold, pastor of the Episcopal church, officiating. Mr. Penfield is well known to Cedar Rapids people, having been employed by the Cedar Rapids Insurance company here several years ago. Latterly he has been engaged as a hat and cap salesman for a Chicago firm, his sterling business qualifications insuring him the fine position which he holds and an extensive circle of warm friends as well. Mr. Vernon is of the firm of Oldsfield & Vernon, bankers, of Kingsley, Plymouth county, this state, and though a comparative stranger among Cedar Rapids people, his occasional visits among us have made him esteemed by all who have had the pleasure of meeting him.
The wedding will be as informal as possible, the family having desired that no great publicity be given the vent. Among the out-of-town friends who are present to witness the ceremony are Glen W. Traer, La Crosse, Wis.; Mr. an d Mrs. W. H. Devors, of Port Byron, Ill,; and Mr. and Mrs. Elisha P. Reynolds, of Rock Island; Miss Tacy Hansen of Chicago, and others.
{Submitter comment: not related
Note that the groom's surname is incorrect in the first article.}
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