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Vinton; August 24,1918
August 21, 1918
The home of the bride's parents:Mr and Mrs Florence Shomler

SHOMLER-TREGO WEDDING IS HELD Prominent Shellsburg Couple Married at Bride's Home Shellsburg, Aug. 23--Special: The marriage of Mary Oral Shomler and Oscar E. Trego took place Wednesday at high noon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Florence Shomler. Rev. Charles Hawn of the Methodist church officiated and used the impressive ring ceremony in the presence of forty guests, most of whom were relatives.

The house decorations were yellow and white. Golden glow and golden rod were entwined with smilax and formed an arch in the bay window of the living room where the ceremony was performed. The wedding march was played by Miss Marie Stookey.

The bride's gown was white crepe with pearl trimmings, she wore a large tulle veil and carried a huge shower bouquet of brides roses, with white satin streamers.

Following congratulations, the entire party went to the home of Rev. and Mrs. Hawn, where a three course wedding dinner was served under the supervision of Mrs. Hawn and Mrs. Oscar Bergen.

The bridal party was seated at a large round table in the dining room, shades were drawn to exclude daylight and fancy electric lights formed a part of the decorative scheme. Those who assisted in serving were Isadore Bender, Violet Richert, Zola McVey, Vera Johnson, Marie Stookey, Ethel Dickinson and Esther Bergen.

When the wedding cake was cut Miss Violet Richert received the piece containing the ring.

The bride was born and reared in Shellsburg and is a talented young lady, being a gifted musician and was an earnest worker in the Methodist church. For the past five years she has been assistant cashier at the People's Savings bank. She is worthy matron of the Eastern Star and holds an office in the White Shrine of Jerusalem at Cedar Rapids.

The groom is a son of George Trego and has been engaged in blacksmithing. He is a young man of exemplary habits and is serving his second term as a city councilman.

A host of friends extend sincere congratulations and regret that these young people are to leave our midst.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Trego will be at home after October 1 at Kellerton, Ia.,where they will reside on the Florence Shomler farm.
Submitted on Aug 13, 2005 by
Julie Farland,

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