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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Belle Plaine Independent; Nov. 28 1883
Nov. 22, 1883
near Marengo

Married - At the home of the bride near Marengo, Iowa county, Nov. 22d, 1883, at 8 o'clock p.m., Charles Tage to Miss Annie S. May, Rev. E. F. Mell of this city, officiating. Charles Tage is one of Benton counties model young men, noted for his industry, honesty, morality and christian fidelity. Miss May is a member of a most excellent family, and possess the characteristics of true womanhood. She has for some years devoted her time and energies as a schoolteacher, and has been very successful in her vocation. A large number of friends of both bride and groom were present at the wedding and the many valuable gifts presented by them attested their high esteem for the worthy couple. The groom is the owner and possessor of a beautiful farm about 3 miles north of this city, upon which he has recently built a good substantial house and barn, for the future home of himself and his estimable bride. All who knew them have learned to love them, and now join in the chorus of congratulations, wishing them a long, happy and prosperous journey through life.

{Submitter comment: Not related
Note: groom's last name should be Tatge}

Submitted on 09-May-2020 by
John Shuck,

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