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Belle Plaine Independent; Nov. 7, 1883
Oct. 31, 1883

Blairstown News

Married - At the residence of the bride's parents, at 8 o'clock, Wednesday evening, Oct. 31st, George F. Tangeman, and Miss Carrie Barney, the Rev. W. R. Adams officiating. The presents were both beautiful and valuable. This excellent young couple have grown up in our midst, and are each highly esteemed by all. George is an energetic, thorough business young man, while the bride is esteemed by all for her sterling worth - a young lady whom to know is to admire. May their wedded life be one perpetual sunshine, is the wish of their many warm friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tangeman will accept thanks for a supply of very nice wedding cake.

{Submitter comment: Not related}

Submitted on 09-May-2020 by
John Shuck,

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