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Daily Times; June 27, 1935
June 25, 1935
Holy Trinity Catholic church, Walford, Iowa

Walford Girl is June Bride; Wed at Catholic Church


Special to Daily Times

WALFORD. - Miss Lillian D. Emanuel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Emanuel living southeast of Walford, and Lunier W. Skvor of Cedar Rapids were married here Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. in the Holy Trinity Catholic church by the Rev. Father Olander of Cedar Rapids, who read the double ring ceremony.

Attending the bride were Miss Adelaide Emanuel and Elsie Hasley, her sister and cousin respectively. Richard Louver and Leonard Kelly attended the bridegroom. Little Lois Emanuel dressed in white carried the rings in a calla lily. The bridal gown was white satin with train and tulle veil. She carried an arm bouquet of calla lilies. The maid of honor wore blue silk crepe and the bridesmaid was gowned in pink silk crepe. Each carried pink roses and blue delphiniums. The Rev. Father Singular and Anna Mae Sindelar sang during the ceremony.

Several hundred guests were entertained at the wedding dance in the evening which was held at the Paramount pavilion at Swisher. Mr. and Mrs. Skvor will make their home in Cedar Rapids. The bridegroom is employed there in a grocery.

Submitted on 04-May-2020 by
Dwayne Thoman,

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