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Blairstown Press; April 30, 1920
April 27, 1920
Van Horne

Young People Are Married

Mary Nolan Becomes Bride of John Schulte at Watkins, Tuesday Morning

The following clipping from the Van Horne Record will be of interest to many of the readers of the Press:

On Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock occurred the marriage of Mary Nolan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nolan, to John Schulte, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schulte, of Watkins. They were married at the Immacu1ate Conception church at Van Horne by Rev. John Hogan. The double ring ceremony was used.

The bridemaid was Maud Duncalf a cousin of the bride. And the best man was Mat Schulte, of Norway, a cousin of the groom.

The wedding march was played by Margaret Maher.

The bride wore beaded Georgette over white satin and wore a wreath and veil and carried a shower bouquet of white carnations. The bridesmaid wore a pink crepe de chine trimmed with Gorgette and wore a wreath of smilax and carried a bouquet of pink carnations.

The groom was clad in blue serge, as was also the best man.

After the ceremony a wedding dinner and supper was served to the nearest relatives. In the evening a wedding dance was given at Newhall, which was attended by about a hundred friends and relatives.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nolan, residing north of town and is known and liked by every one. She has spent her entire life in this community and was educated in the local schools.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schulte residing north of Watkins. Altho not very well known in this community he has made many friends here by his pleasing personality. The happy couple will be at home in a short time on a farm north of Watkins.

The many friends of this estimable young couple wish them the best of married happiness.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 14-Feb-2025 by
John Shuck,

Return to Wedding / Anniversary Index

January 13, 1963
St. Michael's Catholic Church, Norway, IA, and the Royale Ballroom, Fairfax, IA

(Picture with following comments: 50 YEARS AGO - This is how Mr. and Mrs. John Schulte dressed for their wedding 50 years ago. The couple celebrated their golden anniversary on Sunday, Jan. 13. Left to right are: John Schulte, Adam Schulte, best man, Mrs. Anna Frese Becker, maid of honor, and Mrs. John Schulte).


Mr. and Mrs. John C. Schulte, Norway, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, Jan. 13.

After the Thanksgiving mass offered for the honored coupl by Rev. Joseph Krocheski at St. Michael's Catholic church, they renewed their marriage vows. Their attendants present were: Adam C. Schulte, brother of Mr. Schulte, and Mrs. Adam C. Schulte, pro-tem for Mrs. Anna Becker. Mrs. Schulte work a blue two-piece dress and her attendant wore a black two-piece dress. They both wore orchid corsages. Bernard and Herbert Schulte ushered. The altars were decorated with gold and white mums and poinsettias.

All the children of the honored couple and their families including 48 grandchildren and one great-grandchild were present for the family dinner served at the Royale ballroom, Fairfax.

Those present for the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. John C. Schulte, Mr. and Mrs. Adam C. Schulte, Rev. Joseph Krocheski, Bernard, Sylvia, Florine, Dale, Myrl, Alvin and Orlan Schulte, Evard, Marcella, Lynn, Mary, Priscilla, Billy, Dora Lee, Jay and Nine Montague, all of Norway; Sister Mary Lumena OSF and Sister Mary Felice, OSF, Bancroft; Orville, Lorene, Marlene, Carolyn, Joyce, Anita, Barbara, Mary and Laurie Blankman, Watkins; Dorothy Blankman Zaugg and Steven, Columbus, Ohio; Alfred, Margaret, Russell, Ruth Ann, Fay and Joleen Hansen, Amana; Herbert, Violet, Yvonne, Cheryl, David, Herbert and John Schulte, Glenn, Dorothy, Marsha, Gary, Sandra, Sharon, Terry and Wanda Schulte, Ray, Barbara, John, Ray, Jr., Debbie, Connie Sue and Mark, all of Norway; Leonard, Marjorie, Karen, Linda, Darrell, Julie and Donnie Jansa, Cedar Rapids; Regis, Barbara, Tommy, Jimmy and Pam Arp, Fairfax; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vogel, Keota; and Ron Swansen, Galt.

Approximately 400 relatives and friends attended the open house in the afternoon. Guests attended from Columbus, Ohio, Omaha, Nebr., Bancroft, Algona, Galta, Ames, Keota, Iowa City, New Vienna, Cedar Rapids, Atkins, Williamsburg, Newhall, Watkins, Fairfax, Richland, Ely, Amana, Homestead, Marengo, Walford, Keystone, Belle Plaine, Van Horne, Vinton, Blairstown and Norway.

Mrs. Orville Blankman had charge of the guest book; Mrs. Alfred Hansen baked and cut the anniversary cake; Mrs. Evard Montague and Mrs. Leonard Jansa poured; and Mrs. Regis Arp served.

The older grandchildren had charge of the gift table and other grandchildren helped served. Glenn and Ray Schulte, Orville Blankman and Regis Arp also served refreshments.

During the open house Fay Hansen, granddaughter, wore her grandmother's wedding dress with a long veil and high laced shoes.

{Submitter comment: Actual wedding date was January 15, 1913, which is not mentioned anywhere in this article.}
Submitted on Jan 17, 2004 by
Nancy Montague,

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