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Belle Plaine Independent; Nov. 28 1883
Nov. 26, 1883
Belle Plaine

Married - At the residence of the brides parents in this city, last Monday evening at 7 o'clock, p.m., Andrew J. Ruhl and Miss Nora P. Roberts, Rev. E. F. Mell, pastor of the evangelical church, officiating. The groom has for many years been engaged in the mining business in Lemhi county, Idaho, returning home to this city during the winter season. His mining operations have been very successful. The bride, Miss Nora P. Roberts, was born in this city, and is among the fairest of her sex. Many friends of the bride and groom witnessed the ceremony, ratifying their assent to the happy occasion by many valuable gifts. Having known and been intimately acquainted with the groom for about eighteen years, we hereby attest his sterling worth and true manhood, and having known and lived neighbor to the bride during most of her life, we extend to them our congratulations and best wishes through the journey of life.

{Submitter comment: Not related}

Submitted on 09-May-2020 by
John Shuck,

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