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October 31, 1913
Luzerne, Iowa


Mr. And Mrs. William Rosburg celebrated their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Friday October 31. All their ten children and many grandchildren present.

The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. William Rosburg was duly celebrated at their pleasant home in Luzerne, Friday, October 31, the same being their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

All the children; as well as all the son-in-laws and daughter-in-laws, and 19 grandchildren, except four were present at the celebration of the golden wedding of the aged couple. The children are as follows: Chas. Rosburg, farmer, Eldora, Ia.; Martha Peterman, wife of H. C. Peterman, farmer, Luzerne, Ia.; Rosa Van Deusen, wife of Chas. Van Deusen, Pres. and Mgr. Farmers' Co-op Co., Van Horne, Ia.; Amelia Westinghouse, wife of Spencer Westinghouse, Engineer, C. & N.W. Ry., Belle Plaine, Ia.; W. F. Rosburg, farmer, Ward, S. D.; Mary A. Studt, wife of Martin Studt, cashier of Luzerne Savings Bank, Luzerne, Ia.; Ella Studt, wife of George Studt, farmer, Luzerne, Ia.; Amanda Kouba, wife of Wm. Kouba, Merchant and Postmaster, Luzerne, Ia.; Laura Kouba, wife of Emil Kouba, Merchant, Luzerne, Ia.; Miss Esther Rosburg, Teacher, Luzerne School, at home.

About three o'clock in the afternoon, Rev. G. Schroeder of the Lutheran Church in Luzerne, addressed the couple with a short talk very appropriate for the occasion. Mr. Rosburg has been a member of the Congregation in Luzerne for about 45 years.

Mr. Rosburg is a veteran of the civil war, having been a member of Co. B. 13th Iowa Infantry, in the army.

The house was decorated in yellow colors and white bells and streamers. A huge wedding cake graced the dining table showing the years, Oct 31, 1863 and 1913. Flower decorations were yellow chrysanthemums.

The children presented their father with a gold-headed cane and their mother with a gold ring and a set of gilt-edged Haviland china dishes, the formal presentation being made by the oldest son and oldest daughter.

A family dinner was served at 12 o'clock noon, the parents and their ten children, eight daughters and two sons, being seated at one table, which was quite impressive.

The guests besides the children and grand-children, were L. P. Nieland, brother of Mrs. Rosburg, his wife and children, Mrs. Matilda Stuckenbruck, sister of Mrs. Rosburg from Sioux Center, Ia., and Mr. and Mrs. August [H.] Grimm, from Humbolt County, Ia.

Mr. and Mrs. William Rosburg were married fifty years Oct. 31, 1913. About forty-five years of this time they lived in Luzerne, Iowa. Mr. Rosburg is 77 years old, he was born in Holstein, Germany, and came to this country when about 19 years of age. Mrs. Rosburg is 66 years old and was born in Mecklenburg, Germany, as the oldest daughter of Henry Nieland, who came to this country with his family when Mrs. Rosburg was about 7 years old.

They were married in Clayton Co., Iowa, and removed to Benton County, Iowa, living in Blairstown a short time, then north of Luzerne and in the fall of 1868 to this town where Mr. Rosburg worked at his trade, that of wagon maker, until the spring of 1900.

{Submitter comment: Mrs. Rosburg's birth name was Mary Nieland.}
Submitted on Jan 13, 2006 by
Arlene Schultz Shogren,

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