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Blairstown Press; October 20, 1939
October 16, 1939
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Nuptial Vows By Blairstown Couple.

Lydia Moore, Edward Rabe Are Wed At Cedar Rapids.

Miss Lydia M. Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oren Moore, and Edward F. Rabe, youngest son of Chas. Rabe, both of Blairstown, were quietly married Monday at the Christian parsonage in Cedar Rapids. The Rev. J. E. Linkletter read the single ring service in the presence of the bride's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Ledger of Keystone.

For her wedding the bride wore a gown of blue chiffon with velvet accessories in navy.

Both the bride and bridegroom were born and raised in the Blairstown vicinity and attended the local school. Mr. Rabe is employed on the Northwestern railway and the couple expect to make their home with the bridegroom's father in Blairstown. A large group of friends extend congratulations and best wishes.

{Submitter comment: She is daughter of Orin or Orren Moore and Grace Haines.}
Submitted on Jul 6, 2006 by
John Shuck,

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