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Van Horne Record; Jan. 26, 1917
Jan. 21, 1926

Eldorado Young People Married Last Sunday.

John Paulsen and Clara Warner United for Life Last Sunday at Newhall Church.

Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock John Paulsen and Clara Warner were united in the bonds of holy matrimony by Rev, P. H. Dornsteff at the German Lutheran church in Newhall. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warner, residing east of Van Horne and the groom is a son of Mrs. Henry Paulsen of Newhall.

The bride wore a gown of lace over white satin messaline and wore the usual bridal veil. She carried a large bouquet of lilies-of-the-valley and bride’s roses. The attendants were Alta Paulsen and John Warner, Jr.

After the ceremony a reception was tendered to about 260 guests at the home of the bride’s parents. The color scheme of the decorations was red and white and the same colors were prominent at the midnight dinner which was served by twelve of the bride’s girl friends.

The young couple will go to housekeeping on the Paulsen farm north of Newhall immediately. Both parties are well known and highly respected in this community where they have spent all of their lives. Their friends and acquaintances join in congratulating them and wishing them long years of marital happiness.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 16-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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